changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
child 5 42814f902fe6
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/searchfw/plugins/filesplugin/src/filessearcher.cpp	Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Plugin for file names search 
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <utf.h>
+#include <barsc.h>
+#include <avkon.rsg>
+#include <StringLoader.h>
+#include <searchtextsearcher.h>
+#include <searchdocumentid.h>
+#include <searchlightresult.h>
+#include <searchresult.h>
+#include <searchcommon.h>
+#include <filessearchresource.rsg>
+#include <searchpluginobserver.h>
+#include "filessearcher.h"
+#include "filessearchplugindefines.h"
+_LIT ( KSkipPrivate, "private" );
+_LIT ( KSkipSys, "sys" );
+_LIT ( KSkipRta, "Z:\\rta" );
+_LIT ( KSkipSystem, "System" );
+_LIT ( KSkipTef, "tef_centralrepository" );
+_LIT ( KSkipSysTest, "Z:\\test" ); 
+_LIT ( KSkipSmokeTest, "Z:\\smoketest" ); 
+_LIT ( KSkipResource, "resource" );  
+_LIT ( KSkipResourceDir, "Z:\\resource_files_dir" );
+_LIT ( KSkipNokia, "Z:\\Nokia" );
+_LIT ( KSkipCNokia, "C:\\Nokia" );
+_LIT ( KSkipCDrive, "C:\\" );
+_LIT ( KSkipCDriveTFW, "C:\\TestFramework" );
+_LIT ( KSkipCDrivePredic, "C:\\Predic" );
+_LIT ( KSkipCDriveLogs, "C:\\logs" );
+const TInt constant_MB = 1024*1024;
+const TInt constant_KB = 1024;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::NewL() 
+// 1st phase constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CFilesSearcher* CFilesSearcher::NewL( const RArray<TUid>& aContentIdArray, 
+                                      const CSearchCondition& aCondition, 
+                                      const TUid& aPluginId,
+                                      MSearchPluginObserver& aObserver )
+	{
+	CFilesSearcher* self = new ( ELeave ) CFilesSearcher( aPluginId );
+	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+	self->ConstructL( aContentIdArray, aCondition,aObserver );
+	CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+	return self;
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::~CFilesSearcher() 
+// Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	{
+	if ( iTextSearcher ) 
+		{
+		delete iTextSearcher;
+		iTextSearcher = NULL;
+		}	
+	if ( iSizeKB )
+		{
+		delete iSizeKB;
+		iSizeKB = NULL;
+		}
+	if ( iSizeB )
+		{
+		delete iSizeB;
+		iSizeB = NULL;
+		}
+	if ( iSizeMB )
+		{
+		delete iSizeMB;
+		iSizeMB = NULL;
+		}
+	if(0 < 	iHeavyResultsArray.Count())
+	{
+	iHeavyResultsArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+	}
+	if( 0 < iCompleteFilePathArray.Count() )
+	iCompleteFilePathArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Gets the complete file path of the item in the iCompleteFilePathArray
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC* CFilesSearcher::GetFilePathArrayIndexValue(TInt aIndex)
+    return  iCompleteFilePathArray[aIndex] ;  	
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::Destroy() 
+// should be called before deleting this object
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFilesSearcher::Destroy() 
+	{
+	if ( IsActive() ) 
+		{
+		CActive::Cancel();
+		}
+	else
+	    {
+	    CleanUp();	
+	    }	
+	iFs.Close();
+	delete this;
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::SearchL
+// Starts the search
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFilesSearcher::SearchL()
+    {
+    if(0 < 	iHeavyResultsArray.Count())
+	{
+	iHeavyResultsArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+	//iLightResultsArray.Reset();
+	}
+		if( 0 < iCompleteFilePathArray.Count() )
+	iCompleteFilePathArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+	/*else
+	{
+	iLightResultsArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+	}*/
+	iHeavyResultsAsked = EFalse;
+	iFolder = HBufC::NewL(KMaxFileName);
+    iFileName = HBufC::NewL(KMaxFileName);
+    //iResults.ResetAndDestroy(); ???
+	TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
+    User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
+	SetActive();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::IsSearching() 
+// Returns TRUE  if search is in progress
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CFilesSearcher::IsSearching() 
+	{
+	return IsActive();
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::CancelSearch() 
+// Cancels the search
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFilesSearcher::CancelSearch() 
+	{
+	CActive::Cancel();
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::GetResultsL
+// Gets the results 
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFilesSearcher::GetResultsL( 
+	const RPointerArray<CSearchDocumentId>& aDocumentIdArray )
+    {
+	   TInt myArrayIndex;
+	   TInt err;
+    RPointerArray<CSearchResult> searchResultArray; 
+    for(TInt i = 0 ; i < aDocumentIdArray.Count() ; i++ )
+        {
+        TInt myArrayIndex = aDocumentIdArray[i]->DocumentId();
+	       if  (( aDocumentIdArray[i]->PluginId() == iPluginId ) &&
+	           (KSearchCClassFilenamesUid.iUid == aDocumentIdArray[i]->RepositoryId()) )
+	           {
+	            if(myArrayIndex < iHeavyResultsArray.Count())
+	                {
+	                CSearchResult* tempHeavy = iHeavyResultsArray[myArrayIndex];
+	                if(  (&tempHeavy->Title()) && (&tempHeavy->Snippet()))  
+	                    {
+	                     searchResultArray.Append( iHeavyResultsArray[myArrayIndex]);
+	                     continue;	
+	                     }
+	                HBufC* path16 = iCompleteFilePathArray[myArrayIndex];
+	                TChar backSlash( '\\' );
+		   		//From the path extract the filename
+			    	TInt pos1 = path16->LocateReverse( backSlash );
+				    TInt len1 = path16->Length();
+				    TInt diff = len1 - pos1 - 1; //bypass the backSlash
+			    	TPtrC ptr( path16->Right( diff ) );
+				    HBufC* hDoc = ptr.AllocL(); 
+				    tempHeavy->SetTitleL( *hDoc );
+	                TPtr docIdPtr = path16->Des();
+	                TEntry entry; 
+				    iFs.Entry( docIdPtr, entry );
+				    TBuf<20> len;
+			    	//If size is more than 1k size should be represented in KBs.
+				    if ( 0 == entry.iSize / constant_MB ) 
+					    {
+					    if ( entry.iSize / constant_KB ) 
+				    	    {
+						    StringLoader::Format( len, *iSizeKB, -1,  
+						    	entry.iSize / constant_KB  );
+				    	    }
+					    else 
+				    	    {
+						    StringLoader::Format( len, *iSizeB, -1,  
+						    	entry.iSize );
+				    	    }
+					    }
+				    else 
+					    {
+					    StringLoader::Format( len, *iSizeMB, -1,  
+						    	entry.iSize / constant_MB );
+					    }
+				   TBuf8<20>	len8;
+				   CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( len8,
+												len );
+				   tempHeavy->SetSnippetL( len8 );
+				   delete hDoc;
+				   hDoc= NULL;
+			       searchResultArray.Append( tempHeavy );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        iObserver->ResultsRetrieveCompleteL( searchResultArray );
+	    searchResultArray.Reset();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::CancelResultsRetrieve() 
+// Cancels the result retrieval
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFilesSearcher::CancelResultsRetrieve() 
+	{
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::GetSearchProgressL
+// Returns the search progress
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFilesSearcher::GetSearchProgressL( TUid& /*aContentClassId*/, TInt& /*aCurrentDocument*/, TInt& /*aTotalDocuments*/ )
+    {
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::HitL() 
+// Called when a result is found matching the search criteria
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFilesSearcher::HitL( TInt /*aResult*/ ) 
+    {
+	CSearchLightResult* searchResult = NULL;
+	CSearchDocumentId* searchDocId = NULL;
+	//File path is used as the DocumentId to uniquely identify
+	//a file 
+	TBuf8<KBufferLength> tempDes; 
+	searchDocId = CSearchDocumentId::NewL( iTotalHits,iPluginId );
+	searchDocId->SetRepositoryIdL( KSearchCClassFilenamesUid.iUid );
+	CleanupStack::PushL( searchDocId );
+	HBufC* path = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName ) ;
+	path->Des().Append( *iFolder );
+	path->Des().Append( *iFileName );
+	iCompleteFilePathArray.AppendL(path);
+    //CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( refBuf, *path );
+	searchResult = CSearchLightResult::NewL( searchDocId );
+	searchResult->SetServiceId( KNullUid );	
+	//Set the content class Id as KSearchCClassFilenamesUid
+	searchResult->SetContentClassId( KSearchCClassFilenamesUid );
+	//If file is found from memory card
+	_LIT( KMemCard, "E:" );
+	TInt found = path->Find( KMemCard );
+	if ( !found )
+	    {
+		//Set subcontentId as KSearchCSubContentMMCUid
+		searchResult->SetSubContentId( KSearchCSubContentMMCUid.iUid );
+	    }	
+	CSearchResult* searchHeavyResult = CSearchResult::NewL( searchResult);
+	searchHeavyResult->SetSnippetL(KNullDesC8);
+	searchHeavyResult->SetTitleL(KNullDesC);
+	iHeavyResultsArray.Append( searchHeavyResult );
+	//iLightResultsArray.AppendL( searchResult );
+	CleanupStack::Pop( path );
+	CleanupStack::Pop( searchDocId );
+	iTotalHits++;
+//	delete docIdAsString;
+	//docIdAsString = NULL;
+	//Notify the observer about the found result
+	iObserver->ResultFoundL( searchResult, iTotalHits, iCurrentItemCount );
+    }
+HBufC8* CFilesSearcher::LaunchInfoL( const CSearchDocumentId& aDocumentID )
+    {
+    if((aDocumentID.PluginId() == iPluginId) &&
+       (aDocumentID.RepositoryId() == KSearchCClassFilenamesUid.iUid))
+        {
+        TInt myArrayIndex =aDocumentID.DocumentId() ;
+	    TBuf8<KBufferLength> tempDes; 
+	    HBufC8* launchData = HBufC8::NewL( KBufferLength ) ;
+        CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( tempDes,*iCompleteFilePathArray[myArrayIndex] );
+        launchData->Des().Append(tempDes);
+	    return launchData;
+        }
+    return NULL;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::CFilesSearcher() 
+// Constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CFilesSearcher::CFilesSearcher( const TUid& aPluginId ) :
+	CActive( CActive::EPriorityStandard ), iPluginId( aPluginId )
+	,iCurrentDriveIndex( 0 ),iHeavyResultsAsked(EFalse)
+	{
+	CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::ConstructL() 
+// 2nd phase constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFilesSearcher::ConstructL( const RArray<TUid>& /*aContentIdArray*/, 
+		                         const CSearchCondition& aCondition,
+		                         MSearchPluginObserver& aObserver ) 
+	{
+	iObserver  = &aObserver;
+	//SetPriority( EPriorityStandard );
+	//Create a text searcher
+	if(iFs.Connect() != KErrNone)
+	{
+	   return;
+	}   
+	iTextSearcher = CSearchTextSearcher::NewL( *this );
+	iTextSearcher->SetParametersL( aCondition );
+	iTotalHits = 0;
+	//Read the process drive letter
+	TPtrC driveLetter = TParsePtrC( RProcess().FileName() ).Drive();
+	TBuf<KMaxFileName> resourceFileName;
+	RResourceFile resourceFile;
+	//Read the path of the resource file
+	resourceFileName.Copy( driveLetter );
+	resourceFileName.Append( KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR );
+	_LIT( KResFilename, "avkon.rsc" );
+    resourceFileName.Append( KResFilename );
+    //Open the resource file
+    BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( iFs, resourceFileName );
+    resourceFile.OpenL( iFs, resourceFileName );
+  	resourceFile.ConfirmSignatureL(0);
+	//Read "KB" localized string
+	HBufC8* sizeKB = resourceFile.AllocReadLC( R_QTN_SIZE_KB );
+	const TPtrC16 ptrReadBuffer( ( TText16* ) sizeKB->Ptr(),
+								( sizeKB->Length()+1 )>>1 );
+	TBufC8<KBufferLength> tempString;
+//	TPtr8 tempPtr8( tempString.Des() );
+//	CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( tempPtr8,
+//												ptrReadBuffer );
+	iSizeKB = ptrReadBuffer.AllocL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sizeKB );
+//	tempPtr8.FillZ();
+	//Read "B" localized string
+	HBufC8* sizeB = resourceFile.AllocReadLC( R_QTN_SIZE_B );
+	const TPtrC16 ptrReadBufferB( ( TText16* ) sizeB->Ptr(),
+								( sizeB->Length()+1 )>>1 );
+//	CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( tempPtr8,
+//												ptrReadBufferB );
+	iSizeB = ptrReadBufferB.AllocL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sizeB );
+//	tempPtr8.FillZ();
+	//Read "MB" localized string
+	HBufC8* sizeMB = resourceFile.AllocReadLC( R_QTN_SIZE_MB );
+	const TPtrC16 ptrReadBufferMB( ( TText16* ) sizeMB->Ptr(),
+								( sizeMB->Length()+1 )>>1 );
+//	CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( tempPtr8,
+//												ptrReadBufferMB );
+	iSizeMB = ptrReadBufferMB.AllocL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sizeMB );
+	iFs.DriveList( iDriveList );
+	resourceFile.Close();
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::ReportFinishedL
+// Called when search is finished
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFilesSearcher::ReportFinishedL()
+    {
+	iObserver->SearchCompletedL( KErrNone, iCurrentItemCount );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::CleanUp() 
+// Cleanup the resources held
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFilesSearcher::CleanUp() 
+	{	
+	if ( iFiles )
+		{
+		delete iFiles;
+		iFiles = NULL;
+		}
+	if ( iFolder ) 
+		{
+		delete iFolder;
+		iFolder = NULL;
+		}
+	if ( iFileName ) 
+		{
+		delete iFileName;
+		iFileName = NULL;
+		}
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::IsSystemPath() 
+// If path is system dir/file returns TRUE
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------	
+TBool CFilesSearcher::IsSystemPath( TDesC& aPath )
+    {
+		return ! (
+		KErrNotFound == aPath.Find( KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR ) &&
+		KErrNotFound == aPath.Find( KSkipPrivate ) && 
+		KErrNotFound == aPath.Find( KSkipSys ) && 
+		KErrNotFound == aPath.Find( KSkipRta ) &&
+		KErrNotFound == aPath.Find( KSkipSystem ) &&
+		KErrNotFound == aPath.Find( KSkipSysTest ) && 
+		KErrNotFound == aPath.Find( KSkipTef ) &&
+		KErrNotFound == aPath.Find( KSkipSmokeTest ) && 
+		KErrNotFound == aPath.Find( KSkipResource ) && 
+		KErrNotFound == aPath.Find( KSkipResourceDir ) &&
+		KErrNotFound == aPath.Find( KSkipNokia ) && 
+		KErrNotFound == aPath.Find( KSkipCDriveTFW ) &&
+		KErrNotFound == aPath.Find( KSkipCDrivePredic ) &&
+		KErrNotFound == aPath.Find( KSkipCNokia ) &&
+		KErrNotFound == aPath.Find( KSkipCDriveLogs )  ); 
+    }	
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::GetFileNameArrayL
+// Searches through all files in a given folder and it's subfolders recursively.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFilesSearcher::GetFileNameArrayL( 
+    const TDesC& aFolder ) 
+	{	
+    if ( iFolder ) 
+        {
+	    delete iFolder;
+    	iFolder = NULL;
+        }
+    iFolder = HBufC::NewL( KMaxFileName );
+	iFolder->Des().Append( aFolder );
+	iCurrentItemCount++;
+	if ( BaflUtils::PathExists( iFs, aFolder ) )
+		{		
+		if ( iFiles )
+			{
+			delete iFiles;
+			iFiles = NULL;
+			}
+		CDir* folders = NULL;
+		User::LeaveIfError( iFs.GetDir( aFolder, KEntryAttNormal, 
+			ESortByName, iFiles, folders ) );
+		CleanupStack::PushL( folders );
+		//Go through all the files in this folder
+		for ( TInt i=0; i < iFiles->Count(); i++ )
+			{						
+			iFileName->Des().Zero();
+			iFileName->Des().Append( iFiles->operator[](i).iName );
+			iTextSearcher->Cleanup();
+			TBool fileInCDrive = EFalse;
+			TBool isFolder = EFalse;
+			BaflUtils::IsFolder( iFs, *iFileName, isFolder );
+			if ( 0 == iFileName->Find( KSkipCDrive ) && !isFolder ) 
+				{
+				fileInCDrive = ETrue;
+				}
+			if ( !fileInCDrive ) 
+				{
+				iTextSearcher->SearchL( *iFileName ); 
+				}
+    		}    			
+		TInt folderCount = folders->Count();
+		//Recursively search in the sub-folders 
+		for ( TInt j=0; j < folderCount ; j++ )
+			{
+		    iFileName->Des().Zero();
+			iFileName->Des().Append(folders->operator[](j).iName);
+	    	/* //Since its a folder dont search for it..
+		    	iTextSearcher->Cleanup();
+    	    	iTextSearcher->SearchL( *iFileName );
+	    	*/
+			HBufC* tempBuf = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
+			TPtr fileName( tempBuf->Des() );
+			fileName.Copy( aFolder );
+			fileName.Append( folders->operator[](j).iName );
+			_LIT ( KBackSlash, "\\" ); 
+			fileName.Append( KBackSlash );
+			/* Do not search system folders under any circumstances. */
+			if ( !IsSystemPath( fileName ) )
+			    {			        
+			    GetFileNameArrayL( fileName );
+			    }
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempBuf );
+			}
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( folders );
+		}
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFileSearcher::DoActualSearchL()
+// Does the search for the file.  Called from RunL.  In one RunL call
+// a limited number of file names are searched.
+// Return:  ETrue: if more note items need to be searched. 
+//         EFalse: otherwise.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CFilesSearcher::DoActualSearchL()
+	{
+    // Get list of all files to be searched
+    // Search is divided for better responsiveness
+    while( ETrue ) 
+	    {	
+    	TChar driveLetter1 = iDriveList[iCurrentDriveIndex];
+    	//If the Drive is present 
+    	if ( iDriveList[iCurrentDriveIndex] ) 
+    	    {
+    		//Check for the BAD DRIVE
+    		if ( iCurrentDriveIndex < KMaxDrives ) 
+    		    {
+    			//Get the drive name
+    			TDriveUnit xyz( iCurrentDriveIndex );
+    			TDriveName let = xyz.Name();
+				//Path variable    			    			
+    			HBufC* pathList = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
+        		pathList->Des().Append( let );
+        		_LIT ( KBackSlash, "\\" ); 
+        		pathList->Des().Append( KBackSlash );	
+        		//Search recursively all the folders and 
+        		//subfolders in the drive
+		        GetFileNameArrayL( *pathList );
+        		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pathList);	
+        		iCurrentDriveIndex++;
+        		if ( KMaxDrives <= iCurrentDriveIndex ) 
+	 		   	    {
+	   				return EFalse; //If have searched all the drives
+	    		    }
+        		return ETrue;
+    		    }
+    	    }
+    	else 
+    	    {
+    		iCurrentDriveIndex++;
+	    	if ( KMaxDrives <= iCurrentDriveIndex ) 
+	    	    {
+	    		return EFalse; //If have searched all the drives
+	    	    }	
+    	    }
+	    }
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::DoCancel() 
+// Called by ECOM framework
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFilesSearcher::DoCancel() 
+	{
+    CleanUp();
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::RunL
+// Called by ECOM framework
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFilesSearcher::RunL() 
+    {
+    TBool continueSearch = EFalse;
+    TRAPD( err, continueSearch = DoActualSearchL() );
+    if ( err != KErrNone ) 
+    	{
+    	iObserver->SearchCompletedL( err, iCurrentItemCount );
+    	}
+    else 
+   		{
+   	 	if ( continueSearch )
+    		{
+        	TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
+        	User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
+			SetActive();
+    		}
+		else 
+	    	{
+			ReportFinishedL();
+    		}
+    	}
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFilesSearcher::RunError
+// Called by ECOM framework
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CFilesSearcher::RunError() 
+    {
+	return KErrNone;
+    }