* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CalenAgendaViewWidget class definition.
// System includes
#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QPointer>
#include <hbwidget.h>
// User includes
// Forward declarations
class QStandardItemModel;
class QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent; // TODO: Remove this after gestures are supported
class HbAbstractViewItem;
class HbGroupBox;
class HbListView;
class QPluginLoader;
class HbLabel;
class HbAction;
class HbDateTimePicker;
class XQSettingsManager;
class MCalenServices;
class CalenAgendaView;
class AgendaEntry;
class CalenDocLoader;
class CalenEventListViewItem;
class NotesEditor;
* @class CalenAgendaViewWidget
* @brief The content widget for the agenda view.
* It is responsible for showing all the events &/ to-do's
* (if any) for a particular day selected by the user
class CalenAgendaViewWidget : public HbWidget
* @brief Constructor
* @param services The reference to the MCalenServices object
* @param docLoader The document loader object
IMPORT_C CalenAgendaViewWidget(MCalenServices &services,
CalenDocLoader *docLoader);
* @brief Default C++ destructor
IMPORT_C ~CalenAgendaViewWidget();
* @brief Initializes the widget to show all the events/to-do's
* for the selected day
* @param view Pointer to the view to which this is the content
void setupWidget(CalenAgendaView *view);
* @brief Prepares the widget to be shown.
* Initializes the widget with the day's events and other details
void showWidget();
* @brief Called from the view whenever the orientation of the
* device changes
void orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation);
* @brief Callback function to handle system locale change
void handleLocaleChange();
* @brief clears the list model from the view
void clearListModel();
* @brief Opens the editor to create a new entry
void createNewEvent();
* @brief check if property has to set
bool hasAllDayIcon();
* @brief check if all day icon is present
void checkEntryIcons();
* @brief return true if all day icon is present
bool isAllDayIcon();
* @brief Sets the context based on the item selected by the user
* @param entry The entry using which the context is deduced
void setContextFromHighlight(AgendaEntry entry);
* @brief Initializes the child widgets of this widget
void initChildWidgets();
* @brief Populates the list with the events for the current day.
* Does nothing if the day has no events. To be called whenever
* the view has to be refreshed
void populateListWidget();
* @brief Gets the instance list for day
void getInstanceList();
* @brief Sets the heading text to show the date for which this
* widget is being shown
void setHeadingText();
* @brief Creates and adds an item to the list at position index
* @param index The position in the list when the item is added
* @param entry The entry whose details must be shown in the item
void createListItem(int index, AgendaEntry entry);
* @brief Creates and add a list item for the event
* @param index The position in the list when the item is added
* @param entry The entry whose details must be shown in the item
void addTimedEventToList(int index, AgendaEntry entry);
* @brief Creates and add a list item for the event which is non timed
* @param index The position in the list when the item is added
* @param entry The entry whose details must be shown in the item
void addNonTimedEventToList(int index, AgendaEntry entry);
* @brief Sets strecthing to list items showing non-timed events
void handleListItemStretching(Qt::Orientation orientation);
* @brief Returns the index in the list to which scrolling must
* happen. For ex: After creating a new event, the list must scroll
* to the newly created event
int getIndexToScrollTo();
* @brief To Show and hide regional plugin label depends upon settings
void showHideRegionalInformation();
private slots:
* @brief Opens the entry at position index in the list for
* editing in the editor. Does nothing if the index is invalid
void editEntry();
* @brief Opens the entry at position index in the list for
* viewing in the viewer. Does nothing if the index is invalid
void viewEntry();
* @brief Deletes the entry at position index in the list.
* Does nothing if the list is empty
void deleteEntry();
* @brief Marks a to-do as done
void markAsDone();
* @brief Handles long press on a particular item. Presents a
* context menu with various operations that the user can
* perform
* @param ite, The index item which is being long pressed
* @param coords The (x, y) co-ordinates where the long tap has
* occured
void itemLongPressed(HbAbstractViewItem *item, const QPointF &coords);
* @brief Handles user selection on a particular item of a
* particular event in the list. Default action is to view it
* @param index Index of the item which was selected
void itemActivated(const QModelIndex &index);
* @brief Called whenever a editing a to-do is completed
* @param status Inidcates if the editing was successful or not
void noteEditingCompleted(bool status);
* @brief Callback function for navigating to today's agenda
* This option must be available only if the view is showing
* events for some day other than the current day
void goToToday();
* @brief This slot connected to aboutToClose()signal of contextmenu
* To reset the flag of mLongTapEventFlag
void contextMenuClosed();
* @brief Called when contextMenu item is triggered
void contextManuTriggered(HbAction *action);
* @var mDate
* @brief Stores the date for which this widget is being shown
QDateTime mDate;
* @var mInstanceArray
* @brief Holds the list of instances for the day
QList<AgendaEntry> mInstanceArray;
* @var mHeadingLabel
* @brief The heading widget which shows the date
HbGroupBox *mHeadingLabel;
* @var mEventsList
* @brief The list view which shows the list of events
HbListView *mEventsList;
* @var mServices
* @brief The reference to the MCalenServices object
MCalenServices &mServices;
* @var mView
* @brief The pointer to the view
CalenAgendaView *mView;
* @var mDocLoader
* @brief The pointer to the document loader which has
* loaded this widget
CalenDocLoader *mDocLoader;
* @var mListViewPrototype
* @brief Acts as the item prototype for list view.
* Allows providing own layout for list items
CalenEventListViewItem *mListViewPrototype;
* @var mEmptyListLabel
* @brief The pointer to the empty view label
HbLabel *mEmptyListLabel;
* @var mListModel
* @brief The event list model
QStandardItemModel *mListModel;
* @var mSelectedIndex
* @brief Stores the index of the item being acted upon
* Since there is no focus, it becomes necessary to store the
* index of the item on which user is performing some action
int mSelectedIndex;
* @var NotesEditorPluginLoader
* @brief Pointer to the notes editor plugin loader
QPointer<QPluginLoader> mNotesEditorPluginLoader;
* @var mDatePicker
* @brief The date picker component
HbDateTimePicker *mDatePicker;
* @var mRegionalPluginLayout
* @brief Regional Plugin layout pointer
QGraphicsLinearLayout* mRegionalPluginLayout;
* @var mRegionalInfoGroupBox
* @brief Regional Plugin Info groupbox
HbGroupBox *mRegionalInfoGroupBox;
* @var mSettingsManager
* @brief Setting Manager pointer
XQSettingsManager *mSettingsManager;
* @var mLongTapeventFlag
* @brief Set flag true if contextmenu is opened
bool mLongTapEventFlag;
* @var mNotesPluginLoaded
* @brief Holds notes editor plugin load info.
bool mNotesPluginLoaded;
int mIndex;
bool mIconCheck;
bool mNextEntry;
bool mLeftAllDayIcon;
// End of file --Don't remove this.