author Maximilian Odendahl <>
Fri, 26 Feb 2010 17:47:09 +0000
changeset 6 5a04f2ceabfe
parent 0 f979ecb2b13e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Merge in fix for Bug 1908

* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  

#include "aicalendarplugin2eventitem.h"
#include "aicalendarplugin2eventstrings.h"
#include "aicalendarplugin2constants.hrh"
#include "aicalendarplugin2constantdata.h"
#include "aicalendarplugin2contentmodel.h"
#include <calinstance.h>
#include <Calendar.rsg> // for R_CALEN_QTN_CALE_NO_SUBJECT
#include <StringLoader.h> // for loading R_CALEN_QTN_CALE_NO_SUBJECT

CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem* CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::NewL(
                             const CCalInstance& aCalInstance,
                             CAICalendarPlugin2ConstantData& aConstantData )
    CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem* self = new( ELeave )CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem;
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    self->ConstructL( aCalInstance, aConstantData );
    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    return self;


void CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::ConstructL(
                             const CCalInstance& aCalInstance,
                             CAICalendarPlugin2ConstantData& aConstantData )
    iHandleTomorrowItems = ( aConstantData.iDaysToHandleAsNotToday == KAIRangeTomorrowOnly );
    iNotTodayDayRange = aConstantData.iDaysToHandleAsNotToday;

    // This needs to be first as data from this is used on the other 2 extractors
    ExtractEventIdentifiersL( aCalInstance );

    TTime today;
    const TTime start( aCalInstance.StartTimeL().TimeLocalL() );
    const TDateTime x = today.DateTime();
    const TDateTime y = start.DateTime();

    iEventStrings =
            CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings::NewL( aCalInstance,
                                                  *this );
    iOpenInViewer = aConstantData.iOpenInViewer;
    iOpenFirstValid = aConstantData.iOpenFirstValid;
    iChecksum = CreateChecksumFromString( SecondLineText() );
    iChecksum += CreateChecksumFromString( FirstLineText() );
    iUnnamed = StringLoader::LoadL( R_CALEN_QTN_CALE_NO_SUBJECT );

    delete iUnnamed;
    delete iStartTimeSubject;
    delete iEventStrings;
    delete iUid;

void CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::ExtractEventIdentifiersL( const CCalInstance& aCalInstance )
    iType = ExtractTypeL( aCalInstance );
    iStatus =  aCalInstance.Entry().StatusL();
    iIconId = IconIdToEvent( iType, iStatus );
    iLocalUid = aCalInstance.Entry().LocalUidL();
    iTime = aCalInstance.Time().TimeLocalL();
    iEndTime = aCalInstance.EndTimeL().TimeLocalL();
    iLastModifiedTime = aCalInstance.Entry().LastModifiedDateL().TimeUtcL();
    delete iUid;
    iUid = NULL;
    iUid = aCalInstance.Entry().UidL().AllocL();
    // Multiple-day Todo requires date
    TTime today;
    if ( iType == EPluginItemToDo )
    	iIsToday = OnSameDay( today, iEndTime );
    	iIsTomorrow = OnNextDay( today, iEndTime );

    	if( OnDayRange( today, iEndTime, iNotTodayDayRange ) )
    	    iIsNotTodayEvent = ETrue;

    	if( iEndTime > today )
    	    iIsFutureEvent = ETrue;
    if( !iIsToday )
        // Event is not today, and future event. Date needed. Otherwise not.
        iDateNeeded = ETrue;
        if( iType != EPluginItemDayNote &&
            iType != EPluginItemAnniv &&
            iType != EPluginItemToDo )
            iTimeNeeded = ETrue;
    if( iType != EPluginItemDayNote &&
        iType != EPluginItemAnniv &&
        iType != EPluginItemToDo &&
        iIsToday )
        iTimeNeeded = ETrue;
TAICal2PluginItemType CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::ExtractTypeL(
                                const CCalInstance& aCalInstance )
    TTime today;
    const TTime start( aCalInstance.StartTimeL().TimeLocalL() );
    iIsToday = OnSameDay( today, start );
    iIsTomorrow = OnNextDay( today, start );

    if( OnDayRange( today, start, iNotTodayDayRange ) )
        iIsNotTodayEvent = ETrue;

    if( start > today )
        iIsFutureEvent = ETrue;

    switch( aCalInstance.Entry().EntryTypeL() )
        case CCalEntry::EAppt:
            UI Spec this priorization is based on:

            1. Display events which begin within two (2) hours.

            2. Display events which have begun at the maximum 30 minutes ago.
            If each ongoing event doesn’t fit to plug-in then events which starting
            time is closer current time are displayed.

            3. Display upcoming events (starting time >= current time) which are left.

            4. Display ongoing events (ending time > current time) which are left.
            If each ongoing event doesn’t fit to plug-in then events which starting
            time is closer current time are displayed. This includes long meetings that
            have lasted for day(s).

            5. Past events (ending time < current time) are not displayed in the Organizer
            plug-in. This is a precaution bacause future engine releases dont
            contain expired events.
            const TTimeIntervalMinutes oneMinute( 1 );
            const TTimeIntervalMinutes thirtyOneMinutes( 31 );
            const TTimeIntervalHours twoHours( 2 );
            const TTime end( aCalInstance.EndTimeL().TimeLocalL() );

            const TBool upcomingEvent2hrs = ( start > today ) &&
                                            ( start <= ( today + twoHours ) ); // 1.

            const TBool ongoingEvent = ( ( start >= ( today - thirtyOneMinutes ) ) &&
                                       ( start <= today ) &&
                                       ( ( end +  oneMinute ) >= today ) ); // 2.

            const TBool upcomingEvent = ( start > today + twoHours ); // 3.

            // This handles properly also the "long meeting" case, where
            // the meeting has begun yesterday or before that.
            const TBool olderOngoingEvent = ( ( start < ( today - thirtyOneMinutes ) ) &&
                                            ( ( end + oneMinute ) >= today ) ); // 4.

            const TBool expiredEvent = ( end + oneMinute ) < today; // 5.

            if( expiredEvent )
                return EPluginItemExpired;
            else if( upcomingEvent2hrs )
                return EPluginItemMeeting;
            else if( ongoingEvent )
                return EPluginItemOnGoingEvent;
            else if( upcomingEvent )
                if( !iIsToday )
                    // Handle the "not today meeting" case
                    return EPluginItemMeeting;
                return EPluginItemUpcomingMeeting;
            else if( olderOngoingEvent )
                return EPluginItemOlderOnGoingEvent;
                return EPluginItemMeeting;

        case CCalEntry::EEvent:
            return EPluginItemDayNote;

        case CCalEntry::EAnniv:
            return EPluginItemAnniv;

        case CCalEntry::ETodo:
            return EPluginItemToDo;

            return EPluginItemNoEvents;

TBool CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::OnSameDay( const TTime& aX, const TTime& aY )
    const TDateTime x = aX.DateTime();
    const TDateTime y = aY.DateTime();

    return ( x.Year() == y.Year() )
        && ( x.Month() == y.Month() )
        && ( x.Day() == y.Day() );

TBool CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::OnNextDay( const TTime& aToday, const TTime& aEventTime )
    TTime todayPlusOne( aToday );
    todayPlusOne += TTimeIntervalDays( 1 );

    const TDateTime x = todayPlusOne.DateTime();
    const TDateTime y = aEventTime.DateTime();

    return ( x.Year() == y.Year() )
        && ( x.Month() == y.Month() )
        && ( x.Day() == y.Day() );

TBool CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::OnDayRange( const TTime& aToday,
                                               const TTime& aEventTime,
                                               TInt aRange )
    TTime todayPlusRange( aToday );
    todayPlusRange += TTimeIntervalDays( aRange + 1 );
    const TDateTime x( todayPlusRange.DateTime().Year(),
                       todayPlusRange.DateTime().Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    todayPlusRange = x;
    return ( aEventTime < todayPlusRange );
const TTime CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::Time() const
    return iTime;

const TTime CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::LastModifiedTime() const
    return iLastModifiedTime;

TInt CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::IconIdToEvent(
                                TAICal2PluginItemType aType,
                                CCalEntry::TStatus aStatus )
    switch( aType )
        case EPluginItemMeeting: // fall through
        case EPluginItemUpcomingMeeting:
        case EPluginItemOnGoingEvent:
        case EPluginItemOlderOnGoingEvent:
            switch( aStatus )
                case CCalEntry::ETentative:
                    return EAICalendarPlugin2IconMeetingTentative;
                case CCalEntry::EConfirmed:
                    return EAICalendarPlugin2IconMeetingAccepted;
                case CCalEntry::ECancelled:
                    // Should not happen!
                    return KErrNotFound;
                    // fall through
            return EAICalendarPlugin2IconAppt;

        case EPluginItemDayNote:
            return EAICalendarPlugin2IconMemo;

        case EPluginItemAnniv:
            return EAICalendarPlugin2IconAnniv;
        case EPluginItemToDo:
            return EAICalendarPlugin2IconTodo;
    return KErrNotFound;

TAiCalendarFocusData CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::FocusData()
    TAiCalendarFocusData focusData;
    focusData.iLocalUid = iLocalUid;
    focusData.iEntryTime = iTime;
    switch( iType )
        case EPluginItemMeeting: // fall through
        case EPluginItemUpcomingMeeting:
        case EPluginItemOnGoingEvent:
        case EPluginItemOlderOnGoingEvent:
        case EPluginItemDayNote:
        case EPluginItemAnniv:
        case EPluginItemToDo:
            if( iOpenFirstValid )
                focusData.iType = EAI2CalOpenOnEventDay;
                focusData.iType = EAI2CalOpenEvent;
            focusData.iType = EAI2CalOpenToday;
    focusData.iOpenInViewer = iOpenInViewer;
    return focusData;

const TDesC& CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::FirstLineText()
    return iEventStrings->CombinedTimeString();

const TDesC& CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::SecondLineText()
    return iEventStrings->CombinedSubjectLocationString();

const TDesC& CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::StartTimeText()
    return iEventStrings->StartTimeString();

const TDesC& CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::EndTimeText()
    return iEventStrings->EndTimeString();

const TDesC& CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::SubjectText()
    return iEventStrings->SubjectString();

const TDesC& CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::SubjectTimeString( TBool aAddTime )
    delete iStartTimeSubject;
    iStartTimeSubject = NULL;
    TInt length = 0;
    if ( aAddTime )
        // +1 for the space
        length += StartTimeText().Length() + 1;

    if( SubjectText() == iUnnamed->Des() &&
             LocationText().Length() > 0 )
        length += ( LocationText().Length() );
    else if( SubjectText().Length() > 0 )
        length += ( SubjectText().Length() );

    iStartTimeSubject = HBufC::New( length );
    _LIT( KOrgTimeSubjectSeparator, " ");
    if ( iStartTimeSubject )
        TPtr tempPtr = iStartTimeSubject->Des();
        if ( aAddTime )
            tempPtr.Append( StartTimeText() );
            tempPtr.Append( KOrgTimeSubjectSeparator );            
        if( SubjectText() == iUnnamed->Des() &&
            LocationText().Length() > 0 )
            tempPtr.Append( LocationText() );
        else if( SubjectText().Length() > 0 )
            tempPtr.Append( SubjectText() );
        return *iStartTimeSubject;
    return KNullDesC;

const TDesC& CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::LocationText()
    return iEventStrings->LocationString();

TAICal2PluginItemType CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::Type() const
    return iType;

TInt CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::IconId()
    return iIconId;

TBool CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::IsToday()
    return iIsToday;

TBool CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::IsNotTodayEvent()
    return iIsNotTodayEvent;

TBool CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::IsTomorrow()
    return iIsTomorrow;

TBool CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::IsEndTimeToday()
    TTime today;
    return OnSameDay( today, iEndTime );

TBool CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::IsFutureEvent()
    return iIsFutureEvent;

TBool CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::DateNeeded()
    return iDateNeeded;

TBool CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::TimeNeeded()
    return iTimeNeeded;
TInt CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::CreateChecksumFromString( const TDesC& aString )
    TInt checksum = 0;
    for ( TInt i = 0; i < aString.Length(); i++ )
        checksum += aString[i] * ( i + 1);
    return checksum * iType;       