* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include "aicalendarplugin2eventstrings.h"
#include "aicalendarplugin2eventitem.h"
#include "aicalendarplugin2constants.hrh"
#include "aicalendarplugin2eventitem.h"
#include "calendar.hrh" // for ECalendMax###
#include <Calendar.rsg> // for R_CALEN_QTN_CALE_NO_SUBJECT
#include <StringLoader.h> // for loading R_CALEN_QTN_CALE_NO_SUBJECT
#include <calinstance.h>
#include <AknBidiTextUtils.h>
#include <AknUtils.h>
// Local function
const TDesC& ReturnProperReference( const HBufC* aBuffer )
if( aBuffer )
return *aBuffer;
return KNullDesC;
// Class methods
CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings* CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings::NewL(
const CCalInstance& aInstance,
const TDesC& aTimeFormat,
const TDesC& aDateFormat,
TBool aAppendEndTimeToOngoingEvents,
TBool aUseAlternate,
CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem& aOwner )
CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings* self = new( ELeave )CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings(
aOwner );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aInstance, aTimeFormat, aDateFormat );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
TBool aAppendEndTimeToOngoingEvents,
TBool aUseAlternate,
CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem& aOwner )
: iAppendEndTimeToOngoingEvents( aAppendEndTimeToOngoingEvents ),
iUseAlternatePublish( aUseAlternate ),
iOwner( aOwner )
delete iLocation;
delete iSubject;
delete iSubjectLocationConstruct;
delete iTimeConstruct;
delete iStartTime;
delete iEndTime;
delete iEndDate;
delete iDate;
void CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings::ConstructL(
const CCalInstance& aCalInstance,
const TDesC& aTimeFormat,
const TDesC& aDateFormat )
ExtractDatesL( aCalInstance,
aDateFormat );
// First reserve base lenght for space characted and extra control
// characters.
iBaseLength = KAICal2LenSpaceChar + KAknBidiExtraSpacePerLine;
if( iDate )
// Add to baselenght the date if needed.
iBaseLength += iDate->Length();
ExtractTimeL( aCalInstance,
aTimeFormat );
ExtractSubjectAndLocationL( aCalInstance );
if( iUseAlternatePublish )
void CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings::ExtractDatesL(
const CCalInstance& aCalInstance,
const TDesC& aFormat)
if( iOwner.DateNeeded() ||
( ( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemOlderOnGoingEvent ||
iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemOnGoingEvent ||
iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemMeeting ||
iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemUpcomingMeeting ) &&
!iOwner.IsEndTimeToday() ) )
TTime start = aCalInstance.StartTimeL().TimeLocalL();
const TTime end = aCalInstance.EndTimeL().TimeLocalL();
if( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemToDo )
start = end;
iDate = HBufC::NewL( KAICal2SizeDateShort );
TPtr bufPtr = iDate->Des();
start.FormatL( bufPtr, aFormat );
iEndDate = HBufC::NewL( KAICal2SizeDateShort );
TPtr bufPtr2 = iEndDate->Des();
end.FormatL( bufPtr2, aFormat );
void CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings::ExtractTimeL( const CCalInstance& aCalInstance,
const TDesC& aFormat )
TTime adjustedStartTime( aCalInstance.StartTimeL().TimeLocalL() );
const TTime unadjustedStartTime( aCalInstance.StartTimeL().TimeLocalL() );
TTime end( aCalInstance.EndTimeL().TimeLocalL() );
TTime today;
if( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemToDo )
adjustedStartTime = end;
// Locale instance for digit type check
TLocale locale;
TDigitType digitType = locale.DigitType();
// Constants
//_LIT(KPDF, "\x202C"); // Pop directional formatting
//_LIT(KRLM, "\x200F"); // R to L marker
//_LIT(KRLE, "\x202B"); // R to L embedding
//_LIT(KLRM, "\x200E"); // L to R marker
//_LIT(KLRE, "\x202A"); // L to R embedding
// skip for "not today" items...
if( ! ( !CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::OnSameDay( today, adjustedStartTime ) &&
adjustedStartTime > today ) )
// handle events starting/ending on a different day
if( !CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::OnSameDay( adjustedStartTime, today) &&
adjustedStartTime < today ) // starts before
TDateTime todayStart;
todayStart = today.DateTime();
todayStart.SetHour( ECalenMinHour );
todayStart.SetMinute( ECalenMinMinute );
todayStart.SetSecond( ECalenMinSecond );
todayStart.SetMicroSecond( 0 );
adjustedStartTime = todayStart; // start today at 00:00
iTimeConstruct = HBufC::NewL( KAICal2SizeTimeFormatUsual + iBaseLength );
iStartTime = HBufC::NewL( KAICal2SizeTimeFormatUsual + iBaseLength );
iEndTime = HBufC::NewL( KAICal2SizeTimeFormatUsual + iBaseLength );
TPtr constructTimePtr = iTimeConstruct->Des();
TPtr startTimePtr = iStartTime->Des();
TPtr endTimePtr = iEndTime->Des();
// If Arabic digits. Start RLO and RLE
if (AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored())
// Now do the following:
// if date+time needed:
// time construct has "date time - time"
// start time has "date starttime"
// end time has "date endtime"
// if only date needed:
// time construct has "date"
// start time has "date"
// end time has "date"
// if only time needed:
// time construct has "time - time"
// start time has "starttime"
// end time has "endtime"
if( iOwner.DateNeeded() && iDate && iEndDate )
constructTimePtr.Append( iDate->Des() );
startTimePtr.Append( iDate->Des() );
endTimePtr.Append( iEndDate->Des() );
TBuf<KAICal2SizeTimeFormatUsual> timeBuf;
if( iOwner.TimeNeeded() )
// No start time for event that started before today
if( CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::OnSameDay( unadjustedStartTime, today) ||
( unadjustedStartTime > today ) )
unadjustedStartTime.FormatL( timeBuf, aFormat ); // start time
if( iOwner.DateNeeded() && iDate && iEndDate && timeBuf.Length() > 0 )
// start date appeded, append space
constructTimePtr.Append( KAICal2SpaceChar );
startTimePtr.Append( KAICal2SpaceChar );
if (AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored())
constructTimePtr.Append( timeBuf );
startTimePtr.Append( timeBuf );
end.FormatL( timeBuf, aFormat ); // end time
if( ( unadjustedStartTime != end ) )
constructTimePtr.Append( KAICal2HyphenChar ); // -
// Start new RLE
if( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
TBool endDateAppended = EFalse;
if( ( ( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemOlderOnGoingEvent ||
iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemOnGoingEvent ||
( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemMeeting && iOwner.IsToday() ) ||
iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemUpcomingMeeting ) &&
!iOwner.IsEndTimeToday() )/* && !iOwner.DateNeeded()*/ && iEndDate )
endDateAppended = ETrue;
constructTimePtr.Append( iEndDate->Des() ); // add end date
if( !iOwner.DateNeeded() )
endTimePtr.Append( iEndDate->Des() );
TBool appendEndTime = EFalse;
// The following code may be abit confusing. But so is the spec about this matter.
if( iAppendEndTimeToOngoingEvents )
if( !iOwner.IsFutureEvent() )
if( ( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemOlderOnGoingEvent && iOwner.IsEndTimeToday() ) ||
( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemOnGoingEvent && iOwner.IsEndTimeToday() ) )
appendEndTime = ETrue;
if( iOwner.IsEndTimeToday() )
if( !iOwner.IsFutureEvent() || iOwner.IsToday() )
appendEndTime = ETrue;
if( ( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemMeeting ||
iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemUpcomingMeeting ) && iOwner.IsEndTimeToday() )
appendEndTime = ETrue;
if( unadjustedStartTime == end )
appendEndTime = EFalse;
if( appendEndTime )
if( endDateAppended )
// Append space char
constructTimePtr.Append( KAICal2SpaceChar );
constructTimePtr.Append( timeBuf ); // add end time
endTimePtr.Append( timeBuf );
// End of LR or RL embeddings
if( iOwner.DateNeeded() || iOwner.TimeNeeded() )
AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( constructTimePtr );
AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( startTimePtr );
AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( endTimePtr );
void CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings::ExtractSubjectAndLocationL(
const CCalInstance& aCalInstance )
iSubject = ExtractSubjectL( aCalInstance );
iLocation = ExtractLocationL( aCalInstance );
TInt bufLength = iSubject->Length();
if( User::Language() == ELangArabic )
bufLength += KAICal2ArabicSummaryLocationSeparator().Length();
bufLength += KAICal2WesternSummaryLocationSeparator().Length();
bufLength += iLocation->Length() + ( KAICal2MaxItemSize * KAknBidiExtraSpacePerLine );
if( !iOwner.IsToday() &&
( ( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemToDo ) ||
( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemDayNote ) ||
( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemAnniv ) ) )
// Add extra space for not today nontimed events
bufLength += CombinedTimeString().Length() + KAICal2LenSpaceChar;
else if( ( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemMeeting ||
iOwner.Type() >= EPluginItemUpcomingMeeting ) &&
!iUseAlternatePublish )
// Multiline cale
bufLength += CombinedTimeString().Length() + KAICal2LenSpaceChar;
iSubjectLocationConstruct = HBufC::NewL( bufLength );
TPtr textStrPtr = iSubjectLocationConstruct->Des();
if( !iOwner.IsToday() &&
( ( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemToDo ) ||
( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemDayNote ) ||
( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemAnniv ) ) )
textStrPtr.Append( CombinedTimeString() );
textStrPtr.Append( KAICal2SpaceChar );
delete iTimeConstruct;
iTimeConstruct = NULL;
else if( ( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemMeeting ||
iOwner.Type() >= EPluginItemUpcomingMeeting ) &&
!iUseAlternatePublish )
// Multiline cale
textStrPtr.Append( CombinedTimeString() );
textStrPtr.Append( KAICal2SpaceChar );
textStrPtr.Append( iSubject->Des() );
if( iSubject->Length() && iLocation->Length() )
// If both subject/summary and location exist, add a separator between them
if( User::Language() == ELangArabic )
textStrPtr.Append( KAICal2ArabicSummaryLocationSeparator );
textStrPtr.Append( KAICal2WesternSummaryLocationSeparator );
// After the subject (and separator) append the location
textStrPtr.Append( iLocation->Des() );
HBufC* CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings::ExtractSubjectL( const CCalInstance& aCalInstance )
const CCalEntry& entry = aCalInstance.Entry();
HBufC* subject = NULL;
if( entry.SummaryL().Length() != 0 )
subject = entry.SummaryL().AllocL();
subject = StringLoader::LoadL( R_CALEN_QTN_CALE_NO_SUBJECT );
TPtr buf = subject->Des();
AknTextUtils::ReplaceCharacters( buf, KAICal2ReplaceWhitespaceChars, TChar(' ') );
// remove all leading and trailing spaces
return subject;
HBufC* CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings::ExtractLocationL( const CCalInstance& aCalInstance )
const CCalEntry& entry = aCalInstance.Entry();
HBufC* location = entry.LocationL().AllocL();
TPtr buf = location->Des();
AknTextUtils::ReplaceCharacters( buf, KAICal2ReplaceWhitespaceChars, TChar(' ') );
// remove all leading and trailing spaces
return location;
void CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings::MakeAlternateStringsL()
// Rearrange strings
if( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemUpcomingMeeting ||
iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemOnGoingEvent ||
( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemMeeting &&
iOwner.IsToday() ) )
if( iLocation->Length() ) // location defined
// Multiline cale
HBufC* newS = HBufC::NewL( iTimeConstruct->Length() + iSubjectLocationConstruct->Length() + KAICal2SpaceChar().Length() );
newS->Des().Append( *iTimeConstruct );
newS->Des().Append( KAICal2SpaceChar );
newS->Des().Append( *iSubjectLocationConstruct );
delete iSubjectLocationConstruct;
iSubjectLocationConstruct = newS;
else // location NOT defined
// Append subject to time construct
iTimeConstruct = iTimeConstruct->ReAllocL(
iTimeConstruct->Length() +
KAICal2SpaceChar().Length() +
iSubject->Length() );
iTimeConstruct->Des().Append( KAICal2SpaceChar );
iTimeConstruct->Des().Append( *iSubject );
// Clean S&L construct
delete iSubjectLocationConstruct;
iSubjectLocationConstruct = NULL;
else if( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemOlderOnGoingEvent ||
( iOwner.Type() == EPluginItemMeeting &&
!iOwner.IsToday() ) )
// Append S&L to time construct
iTimeConstruct = iTimeConstruct->ReAllocL(
iTimeConstruct->Length() +
KAICal2SpaceChar().Length() +
iSubjectLocationConstruct->Length() );
iTimeConstruct->Des().Append( KAICal2SpaceChar );
iTimeConstruct->Des().Append( *iSubjectLocationConstruct );
// Clean S&L construct
delete iSubjectLocationConstruct;
iSubjectLocationConstruct = NULL;
const TDesC& CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings::CombinedTimeString()
return ReturnProperReference( iTimeConstruct );
const TDesC& CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings::StartTimeString()
return ReturnProperReference( iStartTime );
const TDesC& CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings::EndTimeString()
return ReturnProperReference( iEndTime );
const TDesC& CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings::CombinedSubjectLocationString()
return ReturnProperReference( iSubjectLocationConstruct );
const TDesC& CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings::SubjectString()
return ReturnProperReference( iSubject );
const TDesC& CAiCalendarPlugin2EventStrings::LocationString()
return ReturnProperReference( iLocation );