changeset 24 41a7f70b3818
equal deleted inserted replaced
23:40a3f856b14d 24:41a7f70b3818
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3  * All rights reserved.
     4  * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5  * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7  * at the URL "".
     8  *
     9  * Initial Contributors:
    10  * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11  *
    12  * Contributors:
    13  *
    14  * Description:
    15  *
    16  */
    18 #include <fbs.h>
    19 #include "infowidgetsathandler_p.h"
    20 #include "infowidgetsathandler.h"
    21 #include "infowidgetlogging.h"
    23 /*!
    24   \class InfoWidgetSatHandlerPrivate
    25   \brief Private implementation of InfoWidgetSatHandler  
    26 */
    28 /*!
    29    Constructor. 
    30  */
    31 InfoWidgetSatHandlerPrivate::InfoWidgetSatHandlerPrivate(
    32         InfoWidgetSatHandler *satHandler, RSatService& satService)
    33     : CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard), 
    34       m_satHandler(satHandler),
    35       m_satService(satService)
    36 {
    37     DPRINT;
    38     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    39 }
    41 /*!
    42    Desctuctor.            
    43 */
    44 InfoWidgetSatHandlerPrivate::~InfoWidgetSatHandlerPrivate()
    45 {
    46     DPRINT;
    47     Cancel();
    48 }
    50 /*!
    51    Connect RSatSession and open RSatService. 
    52  */
    53 bool InfoWidgetSatHandlerPrivate::connect()
    54 {
    55     TInt err( KErrNone );
    56     bool connected(false); 
    58     TRAP(err, m_satSession.ConnectL());
    59     if (KErrNone != err) {
    60         DCRITICAL << ": Exception occured while connecting SatSession:" << err;
    61     }
    62     else{
    63         TRAP(err, m_satService.OpenL(m_satSession));
    64         if (KErrNone != err) {
    65             DCRITICAL << ": Exception occured while opening SatService:" << err;
    66             m_satSession.Close(); 
    67         } else {
    68             connected = true; 
    69         }
    70     }
    72     return connected;
    73 }
    75 /*! 
    76    Gets initial content if any and starts 
    77    listening for changes.     
    78  */
    79 void InfoWidgetSatHandlerPrivate::startObserving()
    80 {
    81     // Not observing yet but
    82     getIdleModeData();
    83     // in case there were content, there is need to send response to SAT
    84     if (!m_idleTxt.isEmpty()) {
    85         m_satHandler->handleIdleModeTxtMessage(m_idleResult);
    86     }
    87     // Start observing for changes
    88     activate();
    89 }
    91 /*!
    92    Disconnect session(s) and reset idle text data.    
    93  */
    94 void InfoWidgetSatHandlerPrivate::disconnect()
    95 {
    96     DPRINT;
    97     m_idleTxt.clear();
    98     Cancel();
    99     m_satService.NotifySetupIdleModeTextChangeCancel(); 
   100     m_satService.Close();
   101     m_satSession.Close();
   102 }
   104 /*!
   105    Get idle mode text.   
   106  */
   107 void InfoWidgetSatHandlerPrivate::getIdleModeData()
   108 {
   109     DPRINT << ": IN"; 
   110     HBufC* string(NULL);
   111     TUint8 recordId(NULL);
   112     RSatService::TSatIconQualifier iconQualifier( 
   113         RSatService::ESatIconNoIcon );
   115     // Get setup idle mode text, icon qualifier and record id.
   116     TInt result(KErrNotFound);
   117     TRAP(result, m_satService.GetSetupIdleModeTextL(
   118             string, iconQualifier, recordId)); 
   120     if (0 != result) {
   121         DWARNING << ": Exception occured while GetSetupIdleModeTextL :" << result;
   122         m_idleResult = RSatService::ESATIdleMeUnableToProcessCmd;
   123     } else{
   124         if (RSatService::ESatIconSelfExplanatory != iconQualifier) { 
   125             m_idleTxt = QString((QChar*)string->Des().Ptr(), string->Length());
   126         }else {
   127             m_idleTxt.clear();
   128         }
   129         //Determine result
   130         if(RSatService::ESatIconNoIcon != iconQualifier
   131                 && !m_idleTxt.isEmpty()){
   132             // Icon requested but we don't have icon support
   133             m_idleResult = RSatService::ESATIdleSuccessRequestedIconNotDisplayed;
   134         }else if(RSatService::ESatIconNoIcon == iconQualifier
   135                 && !m_idleTxt.isEmpty()){
   136             m_idleResult = RSatService::ESATIdleSuccess;
   137         }else{ 
   138             // Got empty string, could be permanent problem as well?
   139             m_idleResult = RSatService::ESATIdleMeUnableToProcessCmd;
   140         }
   141     }
   142     delete string;
   144     // Text (m_idleTxt) is empty in case of selfexplanatory icon
   145     m_satHandler->setSatDisplayText(m_idleTxt); 
   146     DPRINT << ": OUT"; 
   147 }
   149 /*!
   150    InfoWidgetSatHandlerPrivate::RunL   
   151  */
   152 void InfoWidgetSatHandlerPrivate::RunL()
   153 { 
   154     DPRINT;
   155     if (KErrNone == iStatus.Int()) {   
   156         getIdleModeData();
   157         m_satHandler->handleIdleModeTxtMessage(m_idleResult);
   158     } else {
   159         m_satHandler->handleSatError(1, iStatus.Int());
   160     }
   162     if (!IsActive()) {
   163         activate();
   164     }       
   165 }
   167 /*!
   168    Cancel SetupIdleModeTextChange notify.     
   169  */
   170 void InfoWidgetSatHandlerPrivate::DoCancel()
   171 {
   172     DPRINT;
   173     m_satService.NotifySetupIdleModeTextChangeCancel(); 
   174 }
   176 /*!
   177    Start listening SetupIdleModeTextChange notify.    
   178  */
   179 void InfoWidgetSatHandlerPrivate::activate()
   180 {
   181     DPRINT;
   182     Cancel();   
   183     TInt error = m_satService.NotifySetupIdleModeTextChange(iStatus);
   185     if (KErrNone == error) {
   186         SetActive();
   187         }
   188 }
   190 // End of File. 