changeset 25 5266b1f337bd
parent 0 5f000ab63145
equal deleted inserted replaced
24:41a7f70b3818 25:5266b1f337bd
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Resource Manager
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include    "BMResourceManager.h"
    21 #include    "BMBubbleManager.h"
    22 #include    "BMUtils.h"
    23 #include    "BMPanic.h"
    24 #include    "BMBubbleImage.h"
    25 #include    <eikimage.h>            //CEikImage
    26 #include    <eiklabel.h>            //CEikLabel
    27 #include    <AknsUtils.h>
    29 // CONSTANTS
    30 const TInt KBubbleMaxEikImages = 17;
    31 const TInt KBubbleMaxEikLabels = 6;
    33 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS * ======================================
    35 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    36 // might leave.
    37 //
    38 CBubbleResourceManager::CBubbleResourceManager( CBubbleManager& aParentWindow )
    39 : iParentWindow( aParentWindow )
    40     {
    41     }
    43 // Symbian OS default constructor can leave.
    44 void CBubbleResourceManager::ConstructL()
    45     {
    46     // Set max values to each resource
    47     iMaxAmounts.Append( KBubbleMaxEikImages );
    48     iMaxAmounts.Append( KBubbleMaxEikLabels );
    50     const TInt kDifferentResources = iMaxAmounts.Count();
    52     // Zero all availabilities
    53     for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < kDifferentResources ; i++ )
    54         {
    55         iAvailabilities.Append( 0 );
    56         }
    59     // Create main array
    60     iResources = new( ELeave ) 
    61                     CArrayPtrFlat<CSingleResource>( kDifferentResources );
    62     iResources->SetReserveL( kDifferentResources );
    64     // Create arrays inside the main array and add them to the main array
    65     TInt resource = 0;
    66     for ( resource = 0 ; resource < kDifferentResources ; resource++ )
    67         {
    68         CSingleResource* single = new( ELeave ) 
    69                                     CSingleResource( iMaxAmounts[resource] );
    70         CleanupStack::PushL( single );
    71         single->SetReserveL( iMaxAmounts[resource] );
    72         iResources->AppendL( single );
    73         CleanupStack::Pop(); // single
    74         }
    76     //Create components to individual arrays:
    77     for ( resource = 0 ; resource < kDifferentResources ; resource++ )
    78         {
    79         TInt maxCellAmount = iMaxAmounts[resource];
    80         CSingleResource* single = iResources->At( resource );
    81         switch( resource )
    82             {
    83             case EBMEikImage:
    84                 {
    85                 for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < maxCellAmount ; i++ )
    86                     {
    87                     CBubbleImage* newImage = new( ELeave ) CBubbleImage;
    88                     CleanupStack::PushL( newImage );
    89                     newImage->SetContainerWindowL( iParentWindow );
    90                     newImage->SetParent( &iParentWindow );
    91                     newImage->SetPictureOwnedExternally( ETrue );
    92                     newImage->SetPicture( NULL );
    93                     newImage->MakeVisible( EFalse );
    94                     single->AppendL( newImage );
    95                     CleanupStack::Pop(); //newImage
    96                     }
    97                 break;
    98                 }
    99             case EBMEikLabel:
   100                 {
   101                 for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < maxCellAmount ; i++ )
   102                     {
   103                     CEikLabel* newText = new( ELeave ) CEikLabel;
   104                     CleanupStack::PushL( newText );
   105                     newText->SetContainerWindowL( iParentWindow );
   106                     newText->SetParent( &iParentWindow );
   107                     newText->SetBufferReserveLengthL( KBubbleLabelMaxLength );
   108                     newText->SetTextL( KNullDesC );
   109                     single->AppendL( newText );
   110                     CleanupStack::Pop(); //newText
   111                     }
   112                 break;
   113                 }
   114             default:
   115                 Panic( EBMPanicUnhandledSwitchCase );
   116             }
   117         }
   118     }
   120 // Two-phased constructor.
   121 CBubbleResourceManager* CBubbleResourceManager::NewL( 
   122     CBubbleManager& aParentWindow )
   123     {
   124     CBubbleResourceManager* self = 
   125                         new (ELeave) CBubbleResourceManager( aParentWindow );
   127     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   128     self->ConstructL();
   129     CleanupStack::Pop();
   131     return self;
   132     }
   135 // Destructor
   136 CBubbleResourceManager::~CBubbleResourceManager()
   137     {
   138     if ( iResources )
   139         {
   140         // Destroy the inner arrays
   141         for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < iResources->Count() ; i++ )
   142             {
   143             if ( iResources->At( i ) )
   144                 {
   145                 iResources->At( i )->ResetAndDestroy();
   146                 }
   147             }
   148         iResources->ResetAndDestroy();
   149         delete iResources;
   150         }
   152     iAvailabilities.Close();
   153     iMaxAmounts.Close();
   154     }
   158 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   159 // CBubbleResourceManager::ActivateL
   160 // Activates all the controls.
   161 // 
   162 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   163 //
   164 void CBubbleResourceManager::ActivateL()
   165     {
   166     TInt resourcesTotal = iResources->Count();
   167     for ( TInt oneResource = 0 ; oneResource < resourcesTotal ; oneResource++ )
   168         {
   169         CSingleResource* singleResource = iResources->At( oneResource );
   170         TInt elementsTotal = singleResource->Count();
   171         for ( TInt element = 0 ; element < elementsTotal ; element++)
   172             {
   173             singleResource->At( element )->ActivateL();
   174             }
   175         }
   176     }
   178 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   179 // CBubbleResourceManager::ReserveEikLabel
   180 // Gets free label and returns pointer to it.
   181 // 
   182 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   183 //
   184 CEikLabel* CBubbleResourceManager::ReserveEikLabel()
   185     {
   186     CEikLabel* label = NULL;
   187     ReserveResource( (CCoeControl*&)label , EBMEikLabel );
   188     return label;
   189     }
   191 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   192 // CBubbleResourceManager::ReleaseEikLabel
   193 // Zeros the label and releases it.
   194 // 
   195 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   196 //
   197 void CBubbleResourceManager::ReleaseEikLabel( CEikLabel*& aLabel )
   198     {
   199     if ( aLabel )
   200         {
   201         BubbleUtils::AddTextToEikLabel( aLabel , KNullDesC );
   202         }
   203     ReleaseResource( (CCoeControl*&)aLabel , EBMEikLabel );
   204     }
   206 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   207 // CBubbleResourceManager::ReserveEikImage
   208 // Gets new image object and sets it visible.
   209 // 
   210 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   211 //
   212 CEikImage* CBubbleResourceManager::ReserveEikImage( 
   213     TBool aIsBackgroundImage )
   214     {
   215     CBubbleImage* image = NULL;
   216     ReserveResource( ( CCoeControl*& )image , EBMEikImage );
   217     if ( image )
   218         {
   219         if( aIsBackgroundImage )
   220             {
   221             image->SetAsBackgroundImage( ETrue );
   222             }
   223         image->MakeVisible( ETrue );
   224         }
   225     return image;
   226     }
   228 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   229 // CBubbleResourceManager::ReleaseEikImage
   230 // NULLs the bitmaps, makes invisible and releases the image.
   231 // 
   232 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   233 //
   234 void CBubbleResourceManager::ReleaseEikImage( CEikImage*& aImage )
   235     {
   236     if ( aImage )
   237         {
   238         aImage->SetPicture( NULL , NULL );
   239         aImage->SetPictureOwnedExternally( ETrue );
   240         aImage->MakeVisible( EFalse );
   241         static_cast<CBubbleImage*>( aImage )->SetAsBackgroundImage( EFalse );
   242         }
   243     ReleaseResource( (CCoeControl*&)aImage , EBMEikImage );
   244     }
   247 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   248 // CBubbleResourceManager::ReserveResource
   249 // Reserves some CCoeControl. Uses the second parameter for indexing
   250 // the main arrays.
   251 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   252 //
   253 void CBubbleResourceManager::ReserveResource( CCoeControl*& aResource , 
   254                                               TBubbleResource aType )
   255     {
   256     TUint amount = iResources->At( aType )->Count();
   257     // 1 mean is reserved and 0 free slot
   258     TUint& available = iAvailabilities[aType]; 
   259     TUint bit = 1; // start from first bit
   260     for ( TUint slot = 0 ; slot < amount ; slot++ )
   261         {
   262         // if flag is one the seat is taken...
   263         if ( available&bit )
   264             {
   265             bit = bit<<1; //move to next bit of for next round
   266             continue;
   267             }
   269         // so we found a free slot
   270         aResource = iResources->At( aType )->At( slot );
   271         if ( aResource != NULL )
   272             {
   273             available |= bit; // set the corrensponding bit 
   274                               // for reserved indicator
   275             }
   276         break;
   277         }
   278     __ASSERT_DEBUG( aResource != NULL , Panic( EBMPanicImages ) );
   279     }
   281 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   282 // CBubbleResourceManager::ReleaseResource
   283 // Releases CCoeControl object.
   284 // 
   285 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   286 //
   287 void CBubbleResourceManager::ReleaseResource( CCoeControl*& aResource , 
   288                                               TBubbleResource aType )
   289     {
   290     if ( aResource == NULL )
   291         {
   292         return;
   293         }
   295     CSingleResource* single = iResources->At( aType );
   296     TUint amount = single->Count();
   297     TUint& available = iAvailabilities[aType]; // 1 mean is reserved 
   298                                                // and 0 free slot
   299     TUint bit = 1; // start from first bit
   300     for ( TUint slot = 0 ; slot < amount ; slot++ )
   301         {
   302         if ( single->At( slot ) == aResource )
   303             {
   304             __ASSERT_DEBUG( available&bit , Panic( EBMPanicImages ) );
   305             available &= ~bit; // zero the corrensponding bit 
   306                                // for freed indicator
   307             aResource = NULL;
   308             break;
   309             }
   310         bit = bit<<1; //move to next bit of for next round
   311         }
   312     __ASSERT_DEBUG( aResource == NULL , Panic( EBMPanicImages ) );
   313     }
   315 //  End of File