changeset 25 5266b1f337bd
equal deleted inserted replaced
24:41a7f70b3818 25:5266b1f337bd
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Declares navi pane control for application.
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include    <gsmuset.h>                 // CCnvCharacterSetConverter
    21 #include    <aknenv.h>                  // CAknEnv
    22 #include    <aknnavide.h>               // CAknNavigationDecorator
    23 #include    <aknEditStateIndicator.h>
    24 #include    <AknIndicatorContainer.h>
    25 #include    <aknnavilabel.h>
    26 #include    "UssdComms.h" 
    27 #include    "UssdAppUi.h"
    28 #include    "UssdNaviPane.h"
    29 #include    "UssdLogger.h"
    31 #include <AknUtils.h>
    32 // CONSTANTS
    34 // Unicode char codes for GSM 03.38 7 bit ext table characters 
    35 static const TUint KUssdEdEuroSymbol = 0x20ac;
    36 static const TUint KUssdEdLeftSquareBracket = 0x5b;
    37 static const TUint KUssdEdReverseSolidus = 0x5c;
    38 static const TUint KUssdEdRightSquareBracket = 0x5d;
    39 static const TUint KUssdEdCircumflexAccent = 0x5e;
    40 static const TUint KUssdEdLeftCurlyBracket = 0x7b;
    41 static const TUint KUssdEdVerticalLine = 0x7c;
    42 static const TUint KUssdEdRightCurlyBracket = 0x7d;
    43 static const TUint KUssdEdTilde = 0x7e;
    44 static const TUint KUssdDownwardsArrowLeft = 0x21B2;
    45 static const TUint KUssdDownwardsArrowRight = 0x21B3;
    46 static const TUint KUssdCharDwithLine = 0xD0;
    47 static const TUint KUssdCharBigRhoo = 0xDE; 
    48 static const TUint KUssdCharSmallDelta = 0xF0;
    49 static const TUint KUssdCharSmallFii = 0xFE;
    50 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    52 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 // CUssdNaviPane::CUssdNaviPane
    54 // C++ constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    55 // might leave.
    56 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    57 //
    58 CUssdNaviPane::CUssdNaviPane( CUssdAppUi& aAppUi ): iAppUi( aAppUi )
    59     {
    60     }
    62 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    63 // CUssdNaviPane::NewL
    64 //
    65 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    66 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    67 //
    68 CUssdNaviPane* CUssdNaviPane::NewL( CUssdAppUi& aAppUi )
    69     {
    70     CUssdNaviPane* self = new ( ELeave ) CUssdNaviPane( aAppUi );
    71     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    72     self->ConstructL();
    73     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    74     return self;
    75     }
    77 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78 // CUssdNaviPane::ConstructL
    79 //
    80 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    81 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    82 //
    83 void CUssdNaviPane::ConstructL()
    84     {
    85     _LOGSTRING( "CUssdNaviPane::ConstructL =>" )
    87     CreateExtraNaviLabelL();
    89     User::LeaveIfError( iPeninputServer.Connect() );
    90     iCharacterSetConverter = CCnvCharacterSetConverter::NewL();
    92     iCharacterSetConverter->PrepareToConvertToOrFromL(
    93         KCharacterSetIdentifierSms7Bit,
    94         iCoeEnv->FsSession() );
    96     iCharacterSetConverter->SetDowngradeForExoticLineTerminatingCharacters(
    97         CCnvCharacterSetConverter::EDowngradeExoticLineTerminatingCharactersToJustLineFeed );
    98     _LOGSTRING( "CUssdNaviPane::ConstructL <=" )
    99     }
   101 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   102 // CUssdNaviPane::~CUssdNaviPane
   103 // 
   104 // Destructor
   105 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   106 //
   107 CUssdNaviPane::~CUssdNaviPane()
   108     {
   109     _LOGSTRING( "CUssdNaviPane::~CUssdNaviPane =>" )
   110     iPeninputServer.Close();
   112     if ( iNaviPane && iNaviDecorator )
   113         {
   114         iNaviPane->Pop( iNaviDecorator );
   115         delete iNaviDecorator;
   116         iNaviDecorator = NULL;
   117         iNaviPane = NULL;
   118         }
   120     delete iCharacterSetConverter;
   121     iCharacterSetConverter = NULL;
   123     iNaviLabel = NULL;
   124     _LOGSTRING( "CUssdNaviPane::~CUssdNaviPane <=" )
   125     }
   127 // ----------------------------------------------------
   128 // CUssdNaviPane::CreateExtraNaviLabelL
   129 // Creates an extra navi label.
   130 // (other items were commented in a header).
   131 // ----------------------------------------------------
   132 //
   133 void CUssdNaviPane::CreateExtraNaviLabelL()
   134     {
   136     CEikStatusPane* sp = iAppUi.StatusPane();
   137     iNaviPane = static_cast<CAknNavigationControlContainer*>( 
   138         sp->ControlL( TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidNavi ) ) );     
   140     iNaviDecorator = iNaviPane->CreateNavigationLabelL( 
   141         KNullDesC );
   142     iNaviLabel = static_cast<CAknNaviLabel*>( 
   143         iNaviDecorator->DecoratedControl() );
   144     iNaviPane->PushL( *iNaviDecorator ) ;
   146     }
   148 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   149 // CUssdNaviPane::UpdateMsgLengthL
   150 // Update the message length information to navipane
   151 // (other items were commented in a header).
   152 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   153 //
   154 TInt CUssdNaviPane::UpdateMsgLengthL( const TDesC& aInputString, 
   155                                              CCoeControl* aControl )
   156     {
   157     _LOGSTRING2( "CUssdNaviPane::UpdateMsgLengthL =>, aInputString=%S",
   158     &aInputString )
   159     TInt maxLen(0);
   160     const TInt txtLen = aInputString.Length();
   162     HBufC* digitBuffer = HBufC::NewLC( EAknMaxIntegerDigits ); 
   163     TPtr bufPtr( digitBuffer->Des() );
   165     if ( NeedsToBeSentAsUnicodeL( aInputString ) )
   166         {
   167         bufPtr.AppendNum( KUssdEditorMaxLenght/2 - txtLen );
   168         maxLen=KUssdEditorMaxLenght/2;
   169         }
   170     else
   171         {
   172         TInt extendedCount = CountExtendedTableChars( aInputString );
   173         TInt totalLen = KUssdEditorMaxLenght - ( txtLen + extendedCount );
   174         if ( totalLen < 0 ) // last was alphabet extended when one left
   175             {
   176             GenerateBackSpaceKeyL( aControl );
   177             extendedCount--;
   178             totalLen = totalLen+2;
   179             }
   180         bufPtr.AppendNum( totalLen );
   181         maxLen=KUssdEditorMaxLenght-extendedCount;
   182         }
   184    AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( bufPtr );
   186     // Giving msg length string to indicator container
   187     MAknEditingStateIndicator* stateIndicator = 
   188         iAvkonEnv->EditingStateIndicator();
   189     if ( stateIndicator )
   190         {
   191         CAknIndicatorContainer* iIndicatorContainerSMS = 
   192             stateIndicator->IndicatorContainer();
   193         if ( iIndicatorContainerSMS )
   194             {
   195             iIndicatorContainerSMS->SetIndicatorState( 
   196                 TUid::Uid( EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorMessageLength ), 
   197                 EAknIndicatorStateOn );
   198             iIndicatorContainerSMS->SetIndicatorValueL(
   199                 TUid::Uid( EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorMessageLength ), 
   200                 *digitBuffer );
   201             }
   202         }
   204     iNaviLabel->SetTextL( *digitBuffer );
   205     _LOGSTRING(
   206     "CUssdNaviPane::UpdateMsgLengthL iPeninputServer.UpdateAppInfo" )
   207     iPeninputServer.UpdateAppInfo( *digitBuffer, EAppIndicatorMsg );
   208     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( digitBuffer );
   209     _LOGSTRING2( "CUssdNaviPane::UpdateMsgLengthL <=, maxLen=%d",
   210     maxLen )
   212     return maxLen;
   213     }
   216 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   217 // CUssdNaviPane::NeedsToBeSentAsUnicodeL
   218 // Checks if there are any unicode characters in the message
   219 // (other items were commented in a header).
   220 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   221 //
   222 TBool CUssdNaviPane::NeedsToBeSentAsUnicodeL( const TDesC& aInputString ) const
   223     {
   224     _LOGSTRING2(
   225     "CUssdNaviPane::NeedsToBeSentAsUnicodeL =>, aInputString=%S",
   226     &aInputString )
   228     TBool needsToBeSentAsUnicode = EFalse;
   230     for ( TPtrC remainderOfInputString( aInputString ); 
   231           remainderOfInputString.Length()>0 ; )
   232         {
   233         TBuf8<KUssdEditorMaxLenght> notUsedForeignParam;
   234         TInt numberOfUnconvertibleCharacters = 0;
   235         const TInt returnValue = 
   236             iCharacterSetConverter->ConvertFromUnicode( 
   237                 notUsedForeignParam,
   238                 remainderOfInputString, 
   239                 numberOfUnconvertibleCharacters );
   240         if ( ( returnValue < 0 ) || 
   241              ( numberOfUnconvertibleCharacters > 0 )) 
   242             // if there was an error in trying to do the conversion, or if 
   243             // there was an unconvertible character (e.g. a Chinese character)
   244             {
   245             TUint uChar;
   246             for ( TInt i = 0;i < remainderOfInputString.Length();i++ )
   247                 {
   248                 uChar = TUint( remainderOfInputString[ i ] );
   249                 if ( uChar ==  KUssdDownwardsArrowLeft || 
   250                      uChar == KUssdDownwardsArrowRight ||
   251                      uChar == KUssdCharDwithLine ||
   252                      uChar == KUssdCharBigRhoo ||
   253                      uChar == KUssdCharSmallDelta ||
   254                      uChar == KUssdCharSmallFii )
   255                     {
   256                     numberOfUnconvertibleCharacters--;
   257                     }  
   258                 }
   260             if ( returnValue < 0 || numberOfUnconvertibleCharacters > 0  ) 
   261                 {
   262                 // if there was an error in trying to do the conversion, or if there was an
   263                 // unconvertible character (e.g. a Chinese character)
   264                 needsToBeSentAsUnicode = ETrue;
   265                 break;
   266                 }      
   267             }
   269         remainderOfInputString.Set( 
   270             remainderOfInputString.Right( returnValue ) );
   271         }
   272     _LOGSTRING2(
   273     "CUssdNaviPane::NeedsToBeSentAsUnicodeL <=, needsToBeSentAsUnicode=%d",
   274     needsToBeSentAsUnicode )
   275     return needsToBeSentAsUnicode;
   276     }
   278 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   279 // CUssdNaviPane::CountExtendedTableChars
   280 // Counts if there are 7bit extended table characters in message
   281 // (other items were commented in a header).
   282 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   283 //
   284 TInt CUssdNaviPane::CountExtendedTableChars( const TDesC& aInputString ) const
   285     {
   286     const TInt total = aInputString.Length();
   287     TInt extChars = 0;
   289     TUint uChar;
   290     for ( TInt i=0; i < total; i++ )
   291         {
   292         uChar = TUint(aInputString[i]);
   293         if (( uChar == KUssdEdLeftSquareBracket) || 
   294             ( uChar == KUssdEdReverseSolidus ) || 
   295             ( uChar == KUssdEdRightSquareBracket ) || 
   296             ( uChar == KUssdEdCircumflexAccent ) || 
   297             ( uChar == KUssdEdLeftCurlyBracket ) || 
   298             ( uChar == KUssdEdVerticalLine ) || 
   299             ( uChar == KUssdEdRightCurlyBracket ) || 
   300             ( uChar == KUssdEdTilde ) || 
   301             ( uChar == KUssdEdEuroSymbol )) 
   302             {
   303             extChars = extChars + 1;
   304             }
   305         }
   306     return extChars;
   307     }
   309 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   310 // CUssdNaviPane::GenerateBackSpaceKeyL
   311 // Generates a backspace key press event.
   312 // (other items were commented in a header).
   313 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   314 //
   315 void CUssdNaviPane::GenerateBackSpaceKeyL( CCoeControl* aControl )
   316     {
   317     TKeyEvent keyEvent;
   318     keyEvent.iCode = EKeyBackspace;
   319     keyEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyBackspace;
   320     keyEvent.iRepeats = 1;
   321     keyEvent.iModifiers = 0;
   322     TEventCode type = EEventKey;
   324     if ( aControl )
   325         {
   326         aControl->OfferKeyEventL( keyEvent, type );
   327         }
   328     }
   330 // End of File