changeset 25 5266b1f337bd
equal deleted inserted replaced
24:41a7f70b3818 25:5266b1f337bd
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Shows number keypad and generates keypress event when 
    15 *                 buttons are pressed.
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include <e32event.h>
    22 #include <gulicon.h>
    23 #include <eikapp.h>
    24 #include <aknbutton.h>
    25 #include <AknControl.h>
    26 #include <AknsUtils.h>
    27 #include <AknsSkinInstance.h>
    28 #include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
    29 #include <AknsConstants.h>
    30 #include <AknLayout2Def.h>
    31 #include <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h>
    32 #include <layoutmetadata.cdl.h>
    33 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh> // for KDC_APP_RESOURCE_DIR
    34 #include <touchfeedback.h>
    35 #include <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h>
    36 #include <AknsFrameBackgroundControlContext.h>
    38 #include "cdialerkeypadcontainer.h"
    39 #include "dialercommon.h"
    40 #include "dialertrace.h"
    42 #include "cdialerkeypadbutton.h"
    44 // Number of buttons in this container
    45 const TInt KNumberOfButtons = 12; 
    47 struct TDialerButton
    48     {
    49     TMifDialer iBitmap;
    50     TMifDialer iBitmapMask;
    51     TInt iScanCode;
    52     TInt iKeyCode;
    53     };  
    55 const TDialerButton KKeyPadButtons[ KNumberOfButtons ] =
    57     {
    58         { EMbmDialerQgn_indi_dialer_voicemail,
    59           EMbmDialerQgn_indi_dialer_voicemail_mask, 
    60           '1',
    61           '1'
    62         },
    63         { KDialerNoIcon, KDialerNoIcon, 
    64           '2', '2' },
    65         { KDialerNoIcon, KDialerNoIcon,  
    66           '3', '3' },
    67         { KDialerNoIcon, KDialerNoIcon,  
    68           '4', '4' },
    69         { KDialerNoIcon, KDialerNoIcon,  
    70           '5', '5' },
    71         { KDialerNoIcon, KDialerNoIcon,  
    72           '6', '6' },
    73         { KDialerNoIcon, KDialerNoIcon, 
    74           '7', '7' },
    75         { KDialerNoIcon, KDialerNoIcon,  
    76           '8', '8' },
    77         { KDialerNoIcon, KDialerNoIcon,  
    78           '9', '9' },
    79         { KDialerNoIcon, KDialerNoIcon,  
    80           EStdKeyNkpAsterisk, '*'  },
    81         { EMbmDialerQgn_indi_dialer_internet, 
    82           EMbmDialerQgn_indi_dialer_internet_mask,  
    83           '0', '0' },
    84         { KDialerNoIcon, KDialerNoIcon,      
    85           EStdKeyHash, '#' }
    86     };
    90 // ========================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS ================================
    92 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    93 // Symbian OS two phased constructor
    94 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 //
    96 CDialerKeyPadContainer* CDialerKeyPadContainer::NewL( 
    97     const CCoeControl& aContainer,
    98     TDialerOperationMode aOperatingMode
    99      )
   100     {
   101     CDialerKeyPadContainer* self = 
   102         new( ELeave )CDialerKeyPadContainer ( aContainer, aOperatingMode );
   103     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   104     self->ConstructL();
   105     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   106     return self;
   107     }
   110 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   111 // Symbian OS two phased constructor
   112 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   113 //
   114 void CDialerKeyPadContainer::ConstructL()
   115     {    
   116     DIALER_PRINT("KeyPadContainer::ConstructL<");
   117     BaseConstructL();
   118     iKeyLabelManager = CDialerKeyPadLabelManager::NewL( *iCoeEnv, *this );
   119     CreateButtonsL();
   120     iCoeEnv->AddForegroundObserverL( *this );
   121     DIALER_PRINT("KeyPadContainer::ConstructL>");
   122     }
   124 // Constructor
   125 CDialerKeyPadContainer::CDialerKeyPadContainer( 
   126     const CCoeControl& aContainer, 
   127     TDialerOperationMode aOperatingMode )
   128     : CDialerContainerBase ( 
   129         const_cast<CCoeControl&>(aContainer) ),
   130       iOperatingMode( aOperatingMode )
   131     {
   132     }
   134 // Destructor
   135 CDialerKeyPadContainer::~CDialerKeyPadContainer()
   136     {
   137     iButtons.ResetAndDestroy();
   138     iCoeEnv->RemoveForegroundObserver( *this );
   139     delete iKeyLabelManager;
   140     }
   142 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   143 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::CountComponentControls
   144 //
   145 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   146 //
   147 TInt CDialerKeyPadContainer::CountComponentControls() const
   148     {
   149     return KNumberOfButtons;
   150     }
   152 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   153 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::ComponentControl
   154 //
   155 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   156 //
   157 CCoeControl* CDialerKeyPadContainer::ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const
   158     {
   159     __ASSERT_DEBUG( aIndex < KNumberOfButtons, 
   160     _L("CDialerKeyPadContainer::ComponentControl, index out of range."));
   162     return iButtons[aIndex];
   163     }
   165 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   166 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::HandlePointerEventL
   167 //
   168 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   169 //  
   170 void CDialerKeyPadContainer::HandlePointerEventL(
   171     const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
   172     {
   173     DIALER_PRINT("KeyPadContainer::HandlePointerEventL<");    
   175     CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent );    
   177     if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down ) 
   178         {
   179         iPointerEvent = aPointerEvent; 
   180         iKeyUpSimulatedDueToDragging = EFalse;
   181         }
   182     DIALER_PRINT("KeyPadContainer::HandlePointerEventL>");     
   183     }
   185 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   186 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::SetVariety
   187 //
   188 // Set variety according to current state.
   189 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   190 //
   191 void CDialerKeyPadContainer::SetVariety()
   192     {
   193     if ( Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() )
   194         {
   195         iVariety = EVideoVarietyLandscape;
   196         }
   197     else
   198         {
   199         iVariety = EVideoVarietyPortrait;
   200         }
   201     }
   203 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   204 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::SetLayout
   205 //
   206 // Set layout for video dtmf or phone dialer 
   207 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   208 //
   209 void CDialerKeyPadContainer::SetLayout()
   210     {
   211     if ( iOperatingMode == EModeDialer ||
   212          iOperatingMode == EModeEasyDialing )
   213         {
   214         // Same renewed layout is used regardless of the status
   215         // of Easy Dialing
   216         SetEasyDialingLayout();
   217         }
   218     else
   219         {
   220         SetVideoLayout();
   221         }
   222     }
   224 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::SetPhoneLayout
   226 //
   227 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   228 //
   229 void CDialerKeyPadContainer::SetPhoneLayout()
   230     {
   231     // Set Number entry layout.
   232     /*
   234     // LAF Table : grid_dialer2_keypad_pane
   235     inline TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_dialer2_keypad_pane_ParamLimits()
   236     inline TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_dialer2_keypad_pane()
   238     // LAF Table : cell_dialer2_keypad_pane
   239     inline TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_button_pane_pane_cp04_ParamLimits()
   240     inline TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_pane_cp04()
   241     inline TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_dialer2_keypad_pane_g1_ParamLimits()
   242     */
   244     TRect parentRect( Rect() );
   246     // Layout buttons
   247     TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits limits = 
   248         AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cell_dialer2_keypad_pane_ParamLimits( iVariety );
   250     TInt i = 0;
   251     for ( TInt row = limits.FirstRow(); row <= limits.LastRow(); row++ )
   252         {
   253         for ( TInt col = limits.FirstColumn(); 
   254               col <= limits.LastColumn(); col++ )
   255             {
   256             iButtons[i]->SetVariety( iVariety );
   257             iButtons[i]->SetOperationMode( iOperatingMode );
   259             AknLayoutUtils::LayoutControl( iButtons[i], parentRect, TAknWindowComponentLayout::Compose( 
   260                     AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cell_dialer2_keypad_pane( iVariety, col, row ), 
   261                     AknLayoutScalable_Apps::bg_button_pane_pane_cp04( iVariety ) ) );
   262             i++;
   263             }
   264         }
   265     }
   267 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   268 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::SetEasyDialingLayout
   269 //
   270 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   271 //
   272 void CDialerKeyPadContainer::SetEasyDialingLayout()
   273     {
   274     TRect parentRect( Rect() );
   276     // Layout buttons
   277     TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits limits = 
   278         AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cell_dialer2_keypad_pane_ParamLimits( iVariety );
   280     // Rectangle of the first button
   281     TAknLayoutRect buttonLayoutRect;
   282     buttonLayoutRect.LayoutRect( parentRect, 
   283             AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cell_dia3_key_num_pane( iVariety ) );
   284     TRect firstButtonRect = buttonLayoutRect.Rect();
   285     // Move the first button rect to top-left-corner of the keypad area, 
   286     // the default place is wrong in mirrored layout.
   287     firstButtonRect.SetRect( parentRect.iTl, firstButtonRect.Size() );
   289     TInt colCount = limits.LastColumn() - limits.FirstColumn() + 1;
   291     for ( TInt row = limits.FirstRow() ; row <= limits.LastRow() ; row++ )
   292         {
   293         for ( TInt col = limits.FirstColumn() ; col <= limits.LastColumn() ; col++ )
   294             {
   295             // Calculate corresponding index in iButtons array
   296             TInt idx = col + row * colCount;
   298             // Set mode and variety so that correct button internal layout will be used.
   299             // Always use ED mode, so that text labels are visible even when ED is off.
   300             iButtons[idx]->SetVariety( iVariety );
   301             iButtons[idx]->SetOperationMode( EModeEasyDialing );
   303             // Layout button
   304             TRect buttonRect = firstButtonRect;
   305             buttonRect.Move( col * buttonRect.Width(), row * buttonRect.Height() );
   306             buttonRect.Shrink( 1, 1 ); // to create small gap between buttons
   307             iButtons[idx]->SetRect( buttonRect );
   308             }
   309         }
   311     }
   313 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   314 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::SetVideoLayout
   315 //
   316 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   317 //
   318 void CDialerKeyPadContainer::SetVideoLayout()
   319     {
   320     TRect parentRect( Rect() );
   322     TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits limits = 
   323         AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cell_video_dialer_keypad_pane_ParamLimits( iVariety ) ;
   325     TInt i = 0;
   326     for ( TInt row = limits.FirstRow(); row <= limits.LastRow(); row++ )
   327         {
   328         for ( TInt col = limits.FirstColumn(); 
   329               col <= limits.LastColumn(); 
   330               col++ )
   331             {
   332             iButtons[i]->SetVariety( iVariety );
   333             iButtons[i]->SetOperationMode( iOperatingMode );
   335             // Layout button
   336             AknLayoutUtils::LayoutControl(
   337                 iButtons[i], parentRect, 
   338                 TAknWindowComponentLayout::Compose( 
   339                     AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cell_video_dialer_keypad_pane( 
   340                         iVariety, col, row ),             
   341                     AknLayoutScalable_Apps::bg_button_pane_cp08( iVariety ) ) );
   342             i++;
   343             }
   344         }
   345     }
   347 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   348 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::CreateButtonsL
   349 //
   350 // Create buttons for this container.
   351 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   352 //
   353 void CDialerKeyPadContainer::CreateButtonsL()
   354     {
   355     DIALER_PRINT("KeyPadContainer::CreateButtonsL<");
   357     TInt flags ( KAknButtonReportOnKeyDown  |
   358                  KAknButtonRequestExitOnButtonUpEvent );
   360     for ( TInt i = 0; i < KNumberOfButtons; i++ )
   361         {
   362         const TPtrC numLabel = iKeyLabelManager->ButtonNumLabel( i );
   364         const TPtrC alphaLabel = iKeyLabelManager->ButtonFirstAlphaLabel( i );
   366         const TPtrC secondAlphaLabel = iKeyLabelManager->ButtonSecondAlphaLabel( i );
   368         CDialerKeyPadButton* button = CDialerKeyPadButton::NewLC( 
   369             numLabel,
   370             alphaLabel,
   371             secondAlphaLabel,
   372             KKeyPadButtons[i].iScanCode,
   373             KKeyPadButtons[i].iKeyCode,
   374             KKeyPadButtons[i].iBitmap,
   375             KKeyPadButtons[i].iBitmapMask,
   376             flags );
   377         iButtons.AppendL( button );
   378         CleanupStack::Pop( button );
   380         button->SetMopParent( this );
   381         button->SetParent( this );
   382         button->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
   383         button->SetObserver( this );
   384         button->ActivateL();
   385         }     
   386     DIALER_PRINT("KeyPadContainer::CreateButtonsL>");
   387     }
   389 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   390 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::HandleControlEventL
   391 //
   392 // Handles an event from an observed button item.
   393 // Finds the pressed button and generates key press event, which
   394 // is handled by parent control.
   395 //
   396 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   397 //
   398 void CDialerKeyPadContainer::HandleControlEventL( CCoeControl* aControl,
   399                                                 TCoeEvent aEventType )
   400     {
   401     DIALER_PRINTF("KeyPadContainer::HandleControlEventL.EventType=",
   402                  (TInt)aEventType);
   404     if ( aEventType == EEventStateChanged || 
   405          aEventType == EEventRequestCancel ||
   406          aEventType == EEventRequestExit ||
   407          aEventType == CDialerKeyPadButton::EEventDraggingOutsideButton )
   409         {
   410         // Find tapped control 
   412         CDialerKeyPadButton* tappedButton = NULL;
   413         for ( TInt i=0; i < iButtons.Count(); i++ )
   414             {
   415             if ( iButtons[i] == aControl )
   416                 {
   417                 tappedButton = iButtons[i];
   418                 break;
   419                 }    
   420             }
   422         if ( !tappedButton )
   423             {
   424             __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, DialerPanic( EDialerPanicEventFromUnknownControl ) );
   425             return;
   426             }
   428         // Send key event to phone.
   429         TKeyEvent keyEvent;
   430         keyEvent.iCode = 0; // iCode should be 0 for all but EEventKey type of events
   431         keyEvent.iScanCode = tappedButton->ScanCode();
   432         keyEvent.iModifiers = ( EModifierNumLock | EModifierKeypad ); // Mark that this event is dialer simulated
   433         keyEvent.iRepeats = 0;
   435         switch ( aEventType )
   436             {
   437             case EEventRequestExit:
   438             case EEventRequestCancel:
   439                 {
   440                 DIALER_PRINT("HandleControlEventL.EEventRequestExit");
   441                 iButtonPressedDown = EFalse;
   442                 if ( !iKeyUpSimulatedDueToDragging )
   443                     {
   444                     ControlEnv()->SimulateKeyEventL( keyEvent, EEventKeyUp );
   445                     }
   446                 iKeyUpSimulatedDueToDragging = EFalse;
   447                 }
   448                 break;
   450             case EEventStateChanged:
   451                 {    
   452                 DIALER_PRINT("HandleControlEventL.EEventStateChanged");
   453                 iButtonPressedDown = ETrue;
   454                 iParentControl.PrepareForFocusGainL();
   456                 ControlEnv()->SimulateKeyEventL( keyEvent, EEventKeyDown );
   458                 if ( iButtonPressedDown )
   459                     {
   460                     // Send event key if key havent be lifted up already
   461                     keyEvent.iCode = tappedButton->KeyCode();
   462                     ControlEnv()->SimulateKeyEventL( keyEvent, EEventKey );
   463                     }
   464                 }
   465                 break;
   467             case CDialerKeyPadButton::EEventDraggingOutsideButton:
   468                 {
   469                 DIALER_PRINT("HandleControlEventL.EEventDraggingOutsideButton");
   470                 // User hasn't released touch yet but in order to cancel
   471                 // long press action handled and initiated by parent control, 
   472                 // we must send key up event now.
   473                 if ( !iKeyUpSimulatedDueToDragging )
   474                     {
   475                     ControlEnv()->SimulateKeyEventL( keyEvent, EEventKeyUp );
   476                     iKeyUpSimulatedDueToDragging = ETrue;
   477                     }
   478                 }
   479                 break;
   481             default:
   482             break;
   483             }
   484         }
   485     DIALER_PRINT("KeyPadContainer::HandleControlEventL>");
   486     }
   488 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   489 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::HandleResourceChange
   490 //
   491 // Forwards skin change event to buttons
   492 //
   493 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   494 //
   495 void CDialerKeyPadContainer::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
   496     {
   497     if ( aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange )
   498         {    
   499         for ( TInt i=0; i < iButtons.Count(); i++ )
   500             {
   501             iButtons[i]->HandleResourceChange( aType );
   502             }
   503         }
   504     }
   506 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   507 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::MakeVisible
   508 //
   509 // Called when dialer control becomes visible or invisible
   510 //
   511 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   512 //
   513 void CDialerKeyPadContainer::MakeVisible( TBool aVisible )
   514     {
   515     // This is needed when dialer control disappeares during keypress. 
   516     // Last pressed pointer event must be forwarted to framework 
   517     // as pointer up event. Thus button is set to unpressed state etc. 
   518     // This code calls HandlePointerEventL of the parent class instead of this.
   519     // If we call this classes HandlePointerEventL, this classes 
   520     // grab status is not cleared, and later coming EButton1Up events may end
   521     // up erroneously to this class, although intended elsewhere.
   522     // 
   523     if ( !aVisible && iButtonPressedDown && Parent() )
   524         {    
   525         iPointerEvent.iType = TPointerEvent::EButton1Up;
   526         TRAP_IGNORE( Parent()->HandlePointerEventL( iPointerEvent ) );
   527         }    
   528     CCoeControl::MakeVisible( aVisible );        
   529     }
   531 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   532 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::SetOperationMode
   533 //
   534 // Set new operation mode for the keypad
   535 //
   536 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   537 //
   538 void CDialerKeyPadContainer::SetOperationMode( TDialerOperationMode aOperatingMode )
   539     {
   540     iOperatingMode = aOperatingMode;
   541     }
   543 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   544 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::HandleGainingForeground
   545 //
   546 //
   547 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   548 //
   549 void CDialerKeyPadContainer::HandleGainingForeground()
   550     {
   552     }
   554 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   555 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::HandleLosingForeground
   556 //
   557 //
   558 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   559 //
   560 void CDialerKeyPadContainer::HandleLosingForeground()
   561     {
   562     // This is needed when dialer control disappeares during keypress. 
   563     // Last pressed pointer event must be forwarted to framework 
   564     // as pointer up event. Thus button is set to unpressed state etc. 
   565     // This code calls HandlePointerEventL of the parent class instead of this.
   566     // If we call this classes HandlePointerEventL, this classes 
   567     // grab status is not cleared, and later coming EButton1Up events may end
   568     // up erroneously to this class, although intended elsewhere.
   569     // 
   570     if ( iButtonPressedDown && Parent() )
   571         {    
   572         iPointerEvent.iType = TPointerEvent::EButton1Up;
   573         TRAP_IGNORE( Parent()->HandlePointerEventL( iPointerEvent ) );
   574         }    
   575     }
   577 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   578 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::KeyLabelsChanged
   579 //
   580 // Reset button labels and update the layout
   581 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   582 //
   583 void CDialerKeyPadContainer::KeyLabelsChanged()
   584     {
   585     for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < iButtons.Count() ; i++ )
   586         {
   587         const TPtrC numLabel = iKeyLabelManager->ButtonNumLabel( i );
   588         const TPtrC alphaLabel = iKeyLabelManager->ButtonFirstAlphaLabel( i );
   589         const TPtrC secondAlphaLabel = iKeyLabelManager->ButtonSecondAlphaLabel( i );
   591         iButtons[i]->SetNumLabel( numLabel );
   592         iButtons[i]->SetPrimaryAlphaLabel( alphaLabel );
   593         iButtons[i]->SetSecondaryAlphaLabel( secondAlphaLabel );
   595         // reset layout
   596         iButtons[i]->SetSize( iButtons[i]->Size() );
   597         }
   598     DrawDeferred();
   599     }
   601 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   602 // CDialerKeyPadContainer::EnableTactileFeedback
   603 //
   604 //
   605 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   606 //
   607 void CDialerKeyPadContainer::EnableTactileFeedback( const TBool aEnable )
   608     {
   609     for ( TInt i=0; i < iButtons.Count(); i++ )
   610         {
   611         iButtons[i]->EnableAudioFeedback( aEnable );
   612         }
   614     }
   615 // End of File