changeset 25 5266b1f337bd
equal deleted inserted replaced
24:41a7f70b3818 25:5266b1f337bd
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  CDialerToolbarContainer replaces the standard S60 toolbar
    15 *               in the Dialer layout in the Easy dialing mode. It's 
    16 *               responsible of the toolbar layout and logic, but not of the 
    17 *               contents which are provided by an instance of 
    18 *               MPhoneDialerController.
    19 *
    20 */
    22 #include <aknbutton.h>
    23 #include <aknappui.h>
    24 #include <AknsUtils.h>
    25 #include <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h>
    26 #include <layoutmetadata.cdl.h>
    27 #include <phoneui.rsg>
    28 #include <phoneappcommands.hrh>
    29 #include <StringLoader.h>
    30 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
    32 #include "dialercommon.h"
    33 #include "cdialertoolbarcontainer.h"
    36 // CONSTANTS
    37 const TInt KDialerToolbarButtonKeyRepeatDelay = 300;
    38 const TInt KDialerToolbarKeyRepeatInterval = 75;
    44 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    45 // NewL
    46 //
    47 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    48 //
    49 CDialerToolbarContainer* CDialerToolbarContainer::NewL( CCoeControl& aParent,
    50         MPhoneDialerController* aContentProvider )
    51     {
    52     CDialerToolbarContainer* self = 
    53             new (ELeave) CDialerToolbarContainer( aParent, aContentProvider );
    54     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    55     self->ConstructL();
    56     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    57     return self;
    58     }
    60 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 // CDialerToolbarContainer
    62 //
    63 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64 //
    65 CDialerToolbarContainer::CDialerToolbarContainer( CCoeControl& aParent,
    66         MPhoneDialerController* aContentProvider ) : 
    67     CDialerContainerBase( aParent ), 
    68     iContentProvider( aContentProvider )
    69     {
    70     }
    72 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 // ~CDialerToolbarContainer
    74 //
    75 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 //
    77 CDialerToolbarContainer::~CDialerToolbarContainer()
    78     {
    79     iCoeEnv->RemoveForegroundObserver( *this );
    80     DeleteButtons();
    81     }
    83 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 // ConstructL
    85 //
    86 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 //
    88 void CDialerToolbarContainer::ConstructL()
    89     {
    90     BaseConstructL();
    92     CreateButtonsL();
    94     iCoeEnv->AddForegroundObserverL( *this );
    95     }
    97 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98 // SetContentProviderL
    99 //
   100 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   101 //
   102 void CDialerToolbarContainer::SetContentProviderL( MPhoneDialerController* aProvider )
   103     {
   104     if ( iContentProvider != aProvider )
   105         {
   106         iContentProvider = aProvider;
   108         // Recreate buttons to reset available button states
   109         DeleteButtons();
   110         CreateButtonsL();
   111         }
   112     }
   114 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   115 // UpdateButtonStates
   116 //
   117 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   118 //
   119 void CDialerToolbarContainer::UpdateButtonStates()
   120     {
   121     // safety check
   122     if ( iButtons.Count() < MPhoneDialerController::ENumberOfButtons ||
   123          !iContentProvider )
   124         {
   125         return;
   126         }
   128     for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < MPhoneDialerController::ENumberOfButtons ; ++i )
   129         {
   130         MPhoneDialerController::TButtonIndex idx =
   131             static_cast< MPhoneDialerController::TButtonIndex >( i );
   132         TInt state = iContentProvider->ButtonState( idx );
   133         TBool dimmed = iContentProvider->ButtonDimmed( idx );
   134         if ( state >= 0 )
   135             {
   136             iButtons[i]->SetCurrentState( state, EFalse );
   137             }
   138         iButtons[i]->SetDimmed( dimmed );
   139         }
   140     }
   142 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   143 // SetVariety
   144 //
   145 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   146 //
   147 void CDialerToolbarContainer::SetVariety()
   148     {
   149     iVariety = ( Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() ?
   150         EDialerVarietyLandscape : EDialerVarietyPortrait );
   151     }
   153 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   154 // SetLayout
   155 //
   156 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   157 //
   158 void CDialerToolbarContainer::SetLayout()
   159     {
   160     if ( iButtons.Count() < MPhoneDialerController::ENumberOfButtons )
   161         {
   162         return;
   163         }
   165     // Position for the first button
   166     TPoint buttonPos = Rect().iTl;
   168     if ( iVariety == EDialerVarietyPortrait )
   169         {
   170         // In portrait, buttons are laid out from top to bottom
   171         for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < iButtons.Count() ; ++i )
   172             {
   173             buttonPos = LayoutButton( i, buttonPos );
   174             }
   175         }
   176     else
   177         {
   178         // In landscape, buttons are laid out from right to left.
   179         // This is achieved by looping button array backwards and laying
   180         // those out from left to right.
   181         for ( TInt i = iButtons.Count()-1 ; i >= 0  ; --i )
   182             {
   183             buttonPos = LayoutButton( i, buttonPos );
   184             }
   185         }
   186     }
   188 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   189 // CountComponentControls
   190 //
   191 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   192 //
   193 TInt CDialerToolbarContainer::CountComponentControls() const
   194     {
   195     return iButtons.Count();
   196     }
   198 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   199 // ComponentControl
   200 //
   201 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   202 //
   203 CCoeControl* CDialerToolbarContainer::ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const
   204     {
   205     CCoeControl* control = NULL;
   206     if ( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < iButtons.Count() )
   207         {
   208         control = iButtons[ aIndex ];
   209         }
   210     return control;
   211     }
   213 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   214 // HandleControlEventL
   215 //
   216 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   217 //
   218 void CDialerToolbarContainer::HandleControlEventL( CCoeControl* aControl, TCoeEvent aEventType )
   219     {
   220     if ( aEventType == MCoeControlObserver::EEventStateChanged )
   221         {
   222         // Give dialer a chance to update editor state before handling the button press.
   223         // Used to reconfigure editor after user has closed virtual keyboard.
   224         iParentControl.PrepareForFocusGainL();
   226         // Handle button press. 
   228         // Multistate buttons change state automatically when pressed. 
   229         // Revert this change as we do not want to use states
   230         // for "toggle button" type of functionality but to give one button
   231         // different functions depending on the situation.
   232         // Must initiate button redraw so that the state change done here 
   233         // is drawn too; the automatically changed state is drawn within 
   234         // AknButton just before EEventStateChanged is reported 
   235         // (in emulator button icon flashing can be seen).
   236         UpdateButtonStates();
   237         aControl->DrawNow();
   239         // Handle the command attached to the button
   240         CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( aControl );
   241         TInt commandId = ButtonCommand( *button );
   243         if ( commandId == EPhoneDialerCmdClear )
   244             {
   245             SimulateBackspace();
   246             }
   247         else
   248             {
   249             // Forward pressed toolbar button to the framework 
   250             // so that we can handle it in active state
   251             CAknAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CAknAppUi*>( iCoeEnv->AppUi() );
   252             appUi->ProcessCommandL( commandId );  
   253             }
   254         }
   255     }
   257 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   258 // HandlePointerEventL
   259 //
   260 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   261 //
   262 void CDialerToolbarContainer::HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
   263     {
   264     iLatestPointerEvent = aPointerEvent;
   265     CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent );
   266     }
   268 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   269 // HandleGainingForeground
   270 //
   271 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   272 //
   273 void CDialerToolbarContainer::HandleGainingForeground()
   274     {
   275     // no implementation needed
   276     }
   278 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   279 // HandleLosingForeground
   280 //
   281 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   282 //
   283 void CDialerToolbarContainer::HandleLosingForeground()
   284     {
   285     // This is needed when dialer control disappeares during keypress. 
   286     // Last pressed pointer event must be forwarted to framework 
   287     // as pointer up event. Thus button is set to unpressed state etc.
   288     // This code calls HandlePointerEventL of the parent class instead of this.
   289     // If we call this classes HandlePointerEventL, this classes 
   290     // grab status is not cleared, and later coming EButton1Up events may end
   291     // up erroneously to this class, although intended elsewhere.
   292     // 
   293     if ( iLatestPointerEvent.iType != TPointerEvent::EButton1Up && Parent() )
   294         {    
   295         iLatestPointerEvent.iType = TPointerEvent::EButton1Up;
   296         TRAP_IGNORE( Parent()->HandlePointerEventL( iLatestPointerEvent ) );
   297         }    
   298     }
   300 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   301 // CreateButtonsL
   302 //
   303 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   304 //
   305 void CDialerToolbarContainer::CreateButtonsL()
   306     {
   307     // Create the avkon button objects
   308     for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < MPhoneDialerController::ENumberOfButtons ; ++i )
   309         {
   310         CAknButton* button = CAknButton::NewLC();
   311         button->SetContainerWindowL( *this ); // this sets also parent and mopParent
   312         button->SetObserver( this );
   313         button->SetIconScaleMode( EAspectRatioPreserved );
   314         AknsUtils::RegisterControlPosition( button );
   315         button->ActivateL();
   316         iButtons.AppendL( button );
   317         CleanupStack::Pop( button );
   318         iButtonCommands.AppendL( RArray<TInt>() );
   319         }
   321     // Backspace button has auto-repeat feature
   322     iButtons[MPhoneDialerController::EClearButton]->SetButtonFlags( KAknButtonKeyRepeat );
   323     iButtons[MPhoneDialerController::EClearButton]->SetKeyRepeatInterval( 
   324         KDialerToolbarButtonKeyRepeatDelay, KDialerToolbarKeyRepeatInterval );
   326     // Call button doesn't use default button background but a green one 
   327     // (same as used by in-call view for answer button)
   328     iButtons[MPhoneDialerController::ECallButton]->SetFrameAndCenterIds( 
   329             KAknsIIDQsnFrButtonNormalAnswer, KAknsIIDQsnFrButtonNormalAnswerCenter,
   330             KAknsIIDQsnFrButtonPressedAnswer, KAknsIIDQsnFrButtonPressedAnswerCenter, 
   331             KAknsIIDQsnFrButtonInactiveAnswer, KAknsIIDQsnFrButtonInactiveAnswerCenter, 
   332             KAknsIIDQsnFrButtonPressedAnswer, KAknsIIDQsnFrButtonPressedAnswerCenter, 
   333             KAknsIIDQsnFrButtonInactiveAnswer, KAknsIIDQsnFrButtonInactiveAnswerCenter
   334             );
   336     // Add button states
   337     if ( iContentProvider )
   338         {
   339         for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < MPhoneDialerController::ENumberOfButtons ; ++i )
   340             {
   341             MPhoneDialerController::TButtonIndex btnIdx =
   342                 static_cast< MPhoneDialerController::TButtonIndex >( i );
   343             RPointerArray< MPhoneDialerController::CButtonData > states;
   344             CleanupClosePushL( states );
   345             iContentProvider->GetButtonData( btnIdx, states );
   346             for ( TInt j = 0 ; j < states.Count() ; ++j )
   347                 {
   348                 TRAP_IGNORE( AddButtonStateL( i, *states[j] ) );
   349                 delete states[j];
   350                 states[j] = NULL;
   351                 }
   352             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &states );
   353             }
   354         }
   355     }
   357 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   358 // DeleteButtons
   359 // Reset internal arrays holding the button data
   360 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   361 //
   362 void CDialerToolbarContainer::DeleteButtons()
   363     {
   364     for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < iButtons.Count() ; ++i )
   365         {
   366         AknsUtils::DeregisterControlPosition( iButtons[i] );
   367         }
   368     iButtons.ResetAndDestroy();
   370     for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < iButtonCommands.Count() ; ++i )
   371         {
   372         iButtonCommands[i].Reset();
   373         }
   374     iButtonCommands.Reset();
   375     }
   377 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   378 // AddButtonStateL
   379 //
   380 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   381 //
   382 void CDialerToolbarContainer::AddButtonStateL( TInt aButtonIndex, 
   383         MPhoneDialerController::CButtonData& aButtonData )
   384     {
   385     iButtons[ aButtonIndex ]->AddStateL(
   386             aButtonData.iIcon,      //CGulIcon* aIcon, 
   387             NULL,                   //CGulIcon* aDimmedIcon, 
   388             NULL,                   //CGulIcon* aPressedIcon,
   389             NULL,                   //CGulIcon* aHoverIcon,
   390             KNullDesC,              //const TDesC& aText, 
   391             *aButtonData.iTooltip,  //const TDesC& aHelpText, 
   392             0 );                    //const TInt aStateFlags
   393     aButtonData.iIcon = NULL; // ownership transferred
   394     iButtonCommands[ aButtonIndex ].AppendL( aButtonData.iCommandId );
   395     }
   397 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   398 // ButtonCommand
   399 //
   400 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   401 //
   402 TInt CDialerToolbarContainer::ButtonCommand( const CAknButton& aButton ) const
   403     {
   404     TInt commandId = KErrNotFound;
   406     // Find out index of the button in iButtons array
   407     TInt btnIndex = iButtons.Find( &aButton );
   408     __ASSERT_DEBUG( btnIndex >= 0, DialerPanic( EDialerPanicToolbarButtonNotFound ) );
   410     // Find the corresponding command from command array
   411     TInt btnStateIdx = aButton.StateIndex();
   412     if ( btnIndex < iButtonCommands.Count() &&
   413          btnStateIdx < iButtonCommands[btnIndex].Count() )
   414         {
   415         commandId = iButtonCommands[btnIndex][btnStateIdx];
   416         }
   418     __ASSERT_DEBUG( commandId != KErrNotFound, DialerPanic( EDialerPanicToolbarButtonNotFound ) );
   419     return commandId;
   420     }
   422 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   423 // LayoutButton
   424 // Set layout for one button.
   425 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   426 //
   427 TPoint CDialerToolbarContainer::LayoutButton( TInt aButtonIdx, TPoint aPos )
   428     {
   429     TRect parentRect = Rect();
   431     TAknWindowComponentLayout buttonLayout = 
   432         ( aButtonIdx == MPhoneDialerController::ECallButton ? 
   433           AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cell_dia3_key1_fun_pane( iVariety ) :
   434           AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cell_dia3_key0_fun_pane( iVariety ) );
   436     TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
   437     layoutRect.LayoutRect( parentRect, buttonLayout );
   438     TRect outerRect = layoutRect.Rect();
   439     outerRect.SetRect( aPos, outerRect.Size() );
   441     TRect innerRect = outerRect;
   442     innerRect.Shrink( 1, 1 );
   443     iButtons[ aButtonIdx ]->SetRect( innerRect );
   444     AknsUtils::RegisterControlPosition( iButtons[ aButtonIdx ] );
   446     // Calculate position for the next button
   447     TPoint nextPos = aPos;
   448     if ( iVariety == EDialerVarietyPortrait )
   449         {
   450         nextPos.iY += outerRect.Height();
   451         }
   452     else
   453         {
   454         nextPos.iX += outerRect.Width();
   455         }
   457     return nextPos;
   458     }
   460 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   461 // SimulateBackspace
   462 // Simulate backspace press including key down event, key event, and key up 
   463 // event
   464 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   465 //
   466 void CDialerToolbarContainer::SimulateBackspace()
   467     {
   468     TKeyEvent keyEvent;
   469     keyEvent.iModifiers = 0;
   470     keyEvent.iRepeats = 0;
   471     keyEvent.iCode = 0; // key code is always 0 for key up and down events
   472     keyEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyBackspace;
   474     TRAP_IGNORE( iCoeEnv->SimulateKeyEventL( keyEvent, EEventKeyDown ) );
   476     keyEvent.iCode = EKeyBackspace;
   477     TRAP_IGNORE( iCoeEnv->SimulateKeyEventL( keyEvent, EEventKey ) );
   479     keyEvent.iCode = 0;
   480     TRAP_IGNORE( iCoeEnv->SimulateKeyEventL( keyEvent, EEventKeyUp ) );
   481     }
   483 // end of file