changeset 0 5f000ab63145
child 5 2a26698d78ba
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5f000ab63145
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *     PhoneUIUtils module project specification file.
    16 *
    17 */
    20 #include <platform_paths.hrh>
    22 // Capability assignment.
    23 CAPABILITY CAP_APPLICATION MultiMediaDD PowerMgmt NetworkControl DRM DiskAdmin
    25 // Assign Vendor ID.
    28 TARGET          phoneuiutils.dll
    29 TARGETTYPE      dll
    30 UID             0x1000008d 0x101F4D0F
    32 SOURCEPATH      ../src
    34 SOURCE          cphonecallthememonitor.cpp
    35 SOURCE          cphonecenrepeventhandler.cpp
    36 SOURCE          cphonecenrepproxy.cpp
    37 SOURCE          cphoneclearblacklist.cpp
    38 SOURCE          cphonekeys.cpp
    39 SOURCE          cphonelangsettingmonitor.cpp
    40 SOURCE          cphonelibrarycontainer.cpp
    41 SOURCE          cphoneLogger.cpp
    42 SOURCE          cphonemainresourceresolver.cpp
    43 SOURCE          cphonemainerrormessageshandler.cpp
    44 SOURCE          cphonepublishsubscriberao.cpp
    45 SOURCE          cphonepubsubproxy.cpp
    46 SOURCE          cphoneqwertyhandler.cpp
    47 SOURCE          cphoneqwertymodemonitor.cpp
    48 SOURCE          cphonerecoverysystem.cpp
    49 SOURCE          cphoneresourceresolverbase.cpp
    50 SOURCE          cphonetimer.cpp
    51 SOURCE          ctelerecoverysystem.cpp
    52 SOURCE          ctelewaitingidle.cpp
    53 SOURCE          phoneloggerviewcommands.cpp
    54 SOURCE          phonestatestrings.cpp
    55 SOURCE          phonestatestringsgsm.cpp
    56 SOURCE          cphonestorage.cpp
    57 SOURCE          rphoneanimclearblacklist.cpp
    58 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamappinfo.cpp
    59 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamaudiooutput.cpp
    60 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamaudioavailability.cpp
    61 SOURCE          tphonecmdparambitmap.cpp
    62 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamboolean.cpp
    63 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamcallheaderdata.cpp
    64 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamcallstatedata.cpp
    65 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamdynmenu.cpp
    66 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamemergencycallheaderdata.cpp
    67 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamglobalnote.cpp
    68 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamincallindicatordata.cpp
    69 SOURCE          tphonecmdparaminteger.cpp
    70 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamkeycapture.cpp
    71 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamkeyevent.cpp
    72 SOURCE          tphonecmdparammessageeditor.cpp
    73 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamnote.cpp
    74 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamprogressnote.cpp
    75 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamquery.cpp
    76 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamreconnectquery.cpp
    77 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamringtone.cpp
    78 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamsfidata.cpp
    79 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamsingleitemfetch.cpp
    80 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamspeeddial.cpp
    81 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamstring.cpp
    82 SOURCE          tphonecommandparam.cpp
    83 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamtranseffect.cpp
    84 SOURCE          tcbacommandmapping.cpp
    85 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamcustomdialer.cpp
    86 SOURCE          tphonecmdparamnumberentryobserver.cpp
    87 SOURCE          tphonecmdparampointer.cpp
    88 SOURCE          tphonetouchbuttonconfig.cpp
    90 USERINCLUDE     ../../phoneuiutils/inc
    91 USERINCLUDE     ../../phoneui/srcdata
    93 APP_LAYER_SYSTEMINCLUDE         // Application layer domain APIs
    94 SYSTEMINCLUDE   ../../../inc    // Telephony internal headers
    96 LIBRARY         euser.lib
    97 LIBRARY         cone.lib
    98 LIBRARY         bafl.lib
    99 LIBRARY         flogger.lib
   100 LIBRARY         featmgr.lib         // FeatureManager
   101 LIBRARY         cenrepnotifhandler.lib
   102 LIBRARY         centralrepository.lib
   103 LIBRARY         ptiengine.lib
   104 LIBRARY	        avkon.lib
   105 LIBRARY         ws32.lib
   106 LIBRARY         cauiengine.lib
   107 #ifndef __WINS__
   108 LIBRARY         efsrv.lib
   109 #endif
   110 LIBRARY         charconv.lib