changeset 0 5f000ab63145
child 24 41a7f70b3818
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5f000ab63145
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Central Repository proxy.
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include    <e32std.h>
    21 #include    <e32def.h>
    22 #include    <e32base.h>
    23 #include    <telinternalcrkeys.h>
    24 #include    <pslninternalcrkeys.h>
    25 #include    <LogsDomainCRKeys.h>
    26 #include    <accessoriescrkeys.h>
    27 #include    <settingsinternalcrkeys.h>
    28 #include    <UiklafInternalCRKeys.h>
    29 #include    <ProfileEngineDomainCRKeys.h>
    30 #include    <DRMHelperServerInternalCRKeys.h>
    31 #include    <AknFepInternalCRKeys.h>
    32 #include    <AvkonInternalCRKeys.h>
    33 #include    <btengdomaincrkeys.h> 
    34 #include    <utf.h>
    36 #include    "phoneui.pan"
    37 #include    "cphonecenrepproxy.h"
    38 #include    "mphonecenrepobserver.h"
    39 #include    "cphonecenrepeventhandler.h"
    40 #include    "phoneconstants.h"
    41 #include    "phonelogger.h"
    42 #include    "telprivatecrkeys.h"
    43 #include    "tphonecmdparamappinfo.h"
    45 //CONSTANTS
    46 const TInt KMaxParamLength = 1024;
    48 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    50 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    51 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::Instance
    52 // Initializes the singleton object
    53 // (other items were commented in a header).
    54 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    55 //
    56 EXPORT_C CPhoneCenRepProxy* CPhoneCenRepProxy::Instance()
    57     {
    58     CPhoneCenRepProxy* instance = static_cast<CPhoneCenRepProxy*> 
    59         ( CCoeEnv::Static ( KUidCenRepProxySingleton ) );
    61     if( !instance )
    62         {
    63         TRAPD( err, instance = CPhoneCenRepProxy::NewL() );
    64         if ( err )
    65             {
    66             Panic( EPhoneUtilsCouldNotCreateSingleton );    
    67             }
    68         }
    69     return instance;
    70     }
    72 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    73 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::CancelAllNotifies
    74 // Cancel the notification if the singleton still exists.
    75 // (other items were commented in a header).
    76 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    77 //
    78 EXPORT_C void CPhoneCenRepProxy::CancelAllNotifies( 
    79     MPhoneCenRepObserver* aObserver )
    80     {
    81     CPhoneCenRepProxy* instance = static_cast<CPhoneCenRepProxy*> 
    82         ( CCoeEnv::Static( KUidCenRepProxySingleton ) );
    84     // Ignore the call since the singleton has already been destroyed and the
    85     // notifications removed
    86     if( instance != NULL )
    87         {
    88         instance->CancelAllObserverNotifies( aObserver );
    89         }
    90     }
    92 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    93 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::NewL
    94 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    95 //
    96 CPhoneCenRepProxy* CPhoneCenRepProxy::NewL()
    97     {
    98     CPhoneCenRepProxy* self = 
    99         new (ELeave) CPhoneCenRepProxy();
   101     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   102     self->ConstructL();
   103     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   105     return self;
   106     }
   108 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   109 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::~CPhoneCenRepProxy
   110 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   111 //
   112 EXPORT_C CPhoneCenRepProxy::~CPhoneCenRepProxy()
   113     {
   114     // The Cancel should be always called before destroy the object
   115     CancelAllNotifies();
   117     delete iCenRepAccessoryEventHandler;
   118     delete iCenRepNetworkEventHandler;
   119     delete iCenRepThemesEventHandler;
   120     delete iCenRepLanguageEventHandler;
   121     delete iCenRepQwertyEventHandler;
   122     delete iCenRepKDRMHelperEventHandler;
   123     delete iObserverArray;
   124     }
   126 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   127 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::CPhoneCenRepProxy
   128 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   129 //
   130 CPhoneCenRepProxy::CPhoneCenRepProxy() :
   131     CCoeStatic( KUidCenRepProxySingleton, EThread )
   132     {
   133     }
   135 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   136 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::ConstructL
   137 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   138 //
   139 void CPhoneCenRepProxy::ConstructL()
   140     {
   141     iObserverArray = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TCenRepObserverTag>( 
   142         KPhoneCenRepObserversGranularity );
   144     iTelephonyVariantReadOnlyValues = KPhoneVariantReadOnlyDefaultValue;
   145     iPhoneUIVariantReadOnlyValues = KPhoneVariantReadOnlyDefaultValue;
   147     User::LeaveIfError( GetTelephonyVariantData() );
   148     User::LeaveIfError( GetPhoneUIVariantData() );
   150     iCenRepAccessoryEventHandler = CPhoneCenRepEventHandler::NewL( 
   151         KCRUidAccessorySettings );
   152     iCenRepNetworkEventHandler = CPhoneCenRepEventHandler::NewL( 
   153         KCRUidNetworkSettings );
   154     iCenRepThemesEventHandler = CPhoneCenRepEventHandler::NewL( 
   155         KCRUidThemes );
   156     iCenRepLanguageEventHandler = CPhoneCenRepEventHandler::NewL( 
   157         KCRUidAknFep );
   158     iCenRepQwertyEventHandler = CPhoneCenRepEventHandler::NewL( 
   159         KCRUidAvkon );
   160     iCenRepKDRMHelperEventHandler = CPhoneCenRepEventHandler::NewL( 
   161         KCRUidDRMHelperServer );
   162     }
   164 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   165 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::HandleNotifyL
   166 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   167 //
   168 void CPhoneCenRepProxy::HandleNotify( 
   169     const TUid& aUid, 
   170     const TUint aId )
   171     {
   172     TInt index = FindByUidId( aUid, aId, 0 );
   173     while ( index != KErrNotFound )
   174         {
   175         __ASSERT_DEBUG( index < iObserverArray->Count(), 
   176             Panic( EPhoneUtilsIndexOutOfBounds ) );
   177         const TCenRepObserverTag& observerTag = iObserverArray->At( index );
   178         TRAP_IGNORE( observerTag.iObserver->HandleCenRepChangeL( aUid, aId ) );
   179         index = FindByUidId( aUid, aId, index+1 );
   180         }
   181     }
   183 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   184 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::SetInt
   185 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   186 //
   187 EXPORT_C TInt CPhoneCenRepProxy::SetInt( 
   188     const TUid& aUid, 
   189     const TUint aId,
   190     const TInt aValue )
   191     {
   192     CRepository* repository = NULL;
   193     TRAPD( err, repository = CRepository::NewL( aUid ) );
   194     if ( err == KErrNone )
   195         {
   196         err = repository->Set( aId, aValue );
   197         }
   198     delete repository;
   200     if ( err != KErrNone )
   201         {
   202         __PHONELOG1( 
   203             EBasic, 
   204             EPhonePhoneapp, 
   205             "CPhoneCenRepProxy::SetInt() error: %d", 
   206             err );
   207         __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( EPhoneUtilsInvariant ) );
   208         }
   210     return err;
   211     }
   213 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   214 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::SetString
   215 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   216 //
   217 EXPORT_C TInt CPhoneCenRepProxy::SetString( 
   218     const TUid& aUid, 
   219     const TUint aId,
   220     const TDesC& aValue )
   221     {
   222     CRepository* repository = NULL;
   223     TRAPD( err, repository = CRepository::NewL( aUid ) );
   224     if ( err == KErrNone )
   225         {
   226         err = repository->Set( aId, aValue );
   227         }
   228     delete repository;
   230     if ( err != KErrNone )
   231         {
   232         __PHONELOG1( 
   233             EBasic, 
   234             EPhonePhoneapp, 
   235             "CPhoneCenRepProxy::SetString() error: %d", 
   236             err );
   237         __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( EPhoneUtilsInvariant ) );
   238         }
   240     return err;
   241     }
   243 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   244 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::SetReal
   245 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   246 //
   247 EXPORT_C TInt CPhoneCenRepProxy::SetReal( 
   248     const TUid& aUid, 
   249     const TUint aId,
   250     const TReal aValue )
   251     {
   252     CRepository* repository = NULL;
   253     TRAPD( err, repository = CRepository::NewL( aUid ) );
   254     if ( err == KErrNone )
   255         {
   256         err = repository->Set( aId, aValue );
   257         }
   258     delete repository;
   260     if ( err != KErrNone )
   261         {
   262         __PHONELOG1( 
   263             EBasic, 
   264             EPhonePhoneapp, 
   265             "CPhoneCenRepProxy::SetReal() error: %d", 
   266             err );
   267         __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( EPhoneUtilsInvariant ) );
   268         }
   270     return err;
   271     }
   273 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   274 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::GetInt
   275 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   276 //
   277 EXPORT_C TInt CPhoneCenRepProxy::GetInt( 
   278     const TUid& aUid, 
   279     const TUint aId,
   280     TInt& aValue ) const
   281     {
   282     CRepository* repository = NULL;
   283     TRAPD( err, repository = CRepository::NewL( aUid ) );
   284     if ( err == KErrNone )
   285         {
   286         err = repository->Get( aId, aValue );
   287         delete repository;
   288         }
   290     if ( err != KErrNone)
   291         {
   292         __PHONELOG1( 
   293             EBasic, 
   294             EPhonePhoneapp, 
   295             "CPhoneCenRepProxy::GetInt() error: %d", 
   296             err );
   297         __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( EPhoneUtilsInvariant ) );
   298         }
   300     return err;
   301     }
   303 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   304 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::GetString
   305 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   306 //
   307 EXPORT_C TInt CPhoneCenRepProxy::GetString( 
   308     const TUid& aUid, 
   309     const TUint aId,
   310     TDes& aValue ) const
   311     {
   312     CRepository* repository = NULL;
   313     TRAPD( err, repository = CRepository::NewL( aUid ) );
   314     if ( err == KErrNone )
   315         {
   316         err = repository->Get( aId, aValue );
   317         delete repository;
   318         }
   320     if ( err != KErrNone)
   321         {
   322         __PHONELOG1( 
   323             EBasic, 
   324             EPhonePhoneapp, 
   325             "CPhoneCenRepProxy::GetString() error: %d", 
   326             err );
   327         __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( EPhoneUtilsInvariant ) );
   328         }
   330     return err;
   331     }
   333 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   334 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::GetReal
   335 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   336 //
   337 EXPORT_C TInt CPhoneCenRepProxy::GetReal( 
   338     const TUid& aUid, 
   339     const TUint aId,
   340     TReal& aValue ) const
   341     {
   342     CRepository* repository = NULL;
   343     TRAPD( err, repository = CRepository::NewL( aUid ) );
   344     if ( err == KErrNone )
   345         {
   346         err = repository->Get( aId, aValue );
   347         delete repository;
   348         }
   350     if ( err != KErrNone)
   351         {
   352         __PHONELOG1( 
   353             EBasic, 
   354             EPhonePhoneapp, 
   355             "CPhoneCenRepProxy::GetReal() error: %d", 
   356             err );
   357         __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( EPhoneUtilsInvariant ) );
   358         }
   360     return err;
   361     }
   363 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   364 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::NotifyChangeL
   365 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   366 //
   367 EXPORT_C void CPhoneCenRepProxy::NotifyChangeL( 
   368     const TUid& aUid, 
   369     const TUint aId, 
   370     MPhoneCenRepObserver* aObserver )
   371     {
   372     // Make sure this request hasn't been request by this observer yet
   373     if ( FindByUidIdObserver( aUid, aId, aObserver ) == KErrNotFound )
   374         {
   375         TCenRepObserverTag tag;
   376         tag.iUid = aUid;
   377         tag.iId = aId;
   378         tag.iObserver = aObserver;
   380         iObserverArray->AppendL( tag );
   381         }
   382     }
   384 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   385 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::CancelNotify
   386 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   387 //
   388 EXPORT_C void CPhoneCenRepProxy::CancelNotify( 
   389     MPhoneCenRepObserver* aObserver, 
   390     const TUint aId )
   391     {
   392     TInt index = FindByObserverId( aObserver, aId );
   393     // This class may be destroyded by CCoeEnv::DestroyEnvironmentStatic() 
   394     // before CancelNotifys are called.
   395     if( index == KErrNotFound )
   396         {
   397         return;            
   398         }
   400     __ASSERT_DEBUG( index < iObserverArray->Count(),
   401         Panic( EPhoneUtilsIndexOutOfBounds ) );
   403     TCenRepObserverTag observerTag = iObserverArray->At( index );
   404     iObserverArray->Delete( index );
   405     }
   407 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   408 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::CancelAllObserverNotifies
   409 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   410 //
   411 void CPhoneCenRepProxy::CancelAllObserverNotifies( 
   412     MPhoneCenRepObserver* aObserver )
   413     {
   414     const TInt count = iObserverArray->Count();
   415     for ( TInt i = count-1; i >=0; i-- )
   416         {
   417         const TCenRepObserverTag& observerTag = iObserverArray->At( i );
   418         if ( observerTag.iObserver == aObserver )
   419             {
   420             iObserverArray->Delete( i );
   421             }
   422         }
   423     }
   425 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   426 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::CancelAllNotifies
   427 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   428 //
   429 void CPhoneCenRepProxy::CancelAllNotifies()
   430     {
   431     const TInt count = iObserverArray->Count();
   432     for ( TInt i = count-1; i >=0; i-- )
   433         {
   434         const TCenRepObserverTag& observerTag = iObserverArray->At( i );
   435         iObserverArray->Delete( i );
   436         }
   437     }
   439 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   440 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::FindByUidId
   441 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   442 //
   443 TInt CPhoneCenRepProxy::FindByUidId( 
   444     const TUid& aUid,
   445     const TUint aId, 
   446     TInt aFromIndex )
   447     {
   448     const TInt count = iObserverArray->Count();
   449     TInt result = KErrNotFound;
   450     for ( TInt i = aFromIndex; i < count; i++ )
   451         {
   452         const TCenRepObserverTag& observerTag = iObserverArray->At( i );
   453         if ( observerTag.iUid == aUid  && observerTag.iId == aId ) 
   454             {
   455             result = i;
   456             break;
   457             }
   458         }
   459     return result;
   460     }
   462 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   463 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::FindByObserverId
   464 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   465 //
   466 TInt CPhoneCenRepProxy::FindByObserverId( 
   467     const MPhoneCenRepObserver* aObserver,
   468     const TUint aId )
   469     {
   470     const TInt count = iObserverArray->Count();
   471     TInt result = KErrNotFound;
   472     for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   473         {
   474         const TCenRepObserverTag& observerTag = iObserverArray->At( i );
   475         if ( observerTag.iObserver == aObserver && observerTag.iId == aId ) 
   476             {
   477             result = i;
   478             break;
   479             }
   480         }
   481     return result;
   482     }
   484 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   485 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::FindByUidIdObserver
   486 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   487 //
   488 TInt CPhoneCenRepProxy::FindByUidIdObserver( 
   489     const TUid& aUid, 
   490     const TUint aId, 
   491     MPhoneCenRepObserver* aObserver )
   492     {
   493     TInt pos = FindByUidId( aUid, aId, 0 );
   494     TInt result = KErrNotFound;
   495     while ( pos != KErrNotFound )
   496         {
   497         __ASSERT_DEBUG( pos < iObserverArray->Count(), 
   498             Panic( EPhoneUtilsIndexOutOfBounds ) );
   499         const TCenRepObserverTag& observerTag = iObserverArray->At( pos );
   500         if ( observerTag.iObserver == aObserver )
   501             {
   502             result = pos;
   503             break;
   504             }
   506         pos++;
   507         pos = FindByUidId( aUid, aId, pos );
   508         }
   510     return result;
   511     }   
   513 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   514 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::IsTelephonyFeatureSupported
   515 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   516 //
   517 EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneCenRepProxy::IsTelephonyFeatureSupported( 
   518     const TInt aFeatureId )
   519     {
   520     return ( aFeatureId & iTelephonyVariantReadOnlyValues );
   521     }
   523 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   524 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::GetTelephonyVariantData
   525 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   526 //
   527 TInt CPhoneCenRepProxy::GetTelephonyVariantData()
   528     {
   529     TInt err = KErrNone;
   531     // Variation data should be unchangable during run-time, 
   532     // therefore, if once succesfully read, later reads are
   533     // not allowed.
   534     if( iTelephonyVariantReadOnlyValues == KPhoneVariantReadOnlyDefaultValue )
   535         {
   536         err = GetInt( 
   537             KCRUidTelVariation, 
   538             KTelVariationFlags, 
   539             iTelephonyVariantReadOnlyValues );
   540         }
   542     return err;
   543     }
   545 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   546 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::IsPhoneUIFeatureSupported
   547 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   548 //
   549 EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneCenRepProxy::IsPhoneUIFeatureSupported( 
   550     const TInt aFeatureId )
   551     {
   552     return ( aFeatureId & iPhoneUIVariantReadOnlyValues );
   553     }
   555 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   556 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::GetPhoneUIVariantData
   557 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   558 //
   559 TInt CPhoneCenRepProxy::GetPhoneUIVariantData()
   560     {
   561     TInt err = KErrNone;
   562 /*
   563     // Variation data should be unchangable during run-time, 
   564     // therefore, if once succesfully read, later reads are
   565     // not allowed.
   566     if ( iPhoneUIVariantReadOnlyValues == KPhoneVariantReadOnlyDefaultValue )
   567         {
   568         err = GetInt( 
   569             KCRUidPhoneAppS60Variation, 
   570             KPhoneAppS60VariationFlags, 
   571             iPhoneAppS60VariantReadOnlyValues );
   572         }
   573 */
   574     return err;
   575     }
   577 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   578 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::Find
   579 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   580 //
   581 EXPORT_C TInt CPhoneCenRepProxy::Find(
   582     const TUid& aUid,
   583     const TUint32 aPartial, 
   584     const TUint32 aMask,
   585     RArray<TUint32>& aValues ) const
   586     {
   587     CRepository* repository = NULL;
   588     TRAPD( err, repository = CRepository::NewL( aUid ) );
   589     if ( err == KErrNone )
   590         {
   591         TRAP( err, repository->FindL( aPartial, aMask, aValues ) );
   592         delete repository;
   593         }
   595     if ( err != KErrNone)
   596         {
   597         __PHONELOG1( 
   598             EBasic, 
   599             EPhonePhoneapp, 
   600             "CPhoneCenRepProxy::GetInt() error: %d", 
   601             err );
   602         __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( EPhoneUtilsInvariant ) );
   603         }
   605     return err;
   606     }
   608 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   609 // CPhoneCenRepProxy::FetchValuesFromCenRepL
   610 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   611 //
   612 EXPORT_C void CPhoneCenRepProxy::FetchValuesFromCenRepL( 
   613                                                 TPhoneCmdParamAppInfo& aAppInfo,
   614                                                 TKeyCode aCode, 
   615                                                 HBufC8* aAppParam,
   616                                                 TBool& aValuesFetched )
   617     {
   618     const TUint32     KPartialKey = 0xFF0000;
   619     const TUint32   KLaunchGroupIdMask = 0x00FF00;
   620     const TUint32   KLaunchPlaceIdMask = 0x0000FF;
   621     const TUint32     KIdmask = 0xFF0000;
   623     const TUint32   KLaunchGroupIdShift = 8;
   624     const TInt      KUidId = 2;
   625     const TInt      KParamId = 3;
   627     RArray<TUint32> foundKeys;
   628     CleanupClosePushL( foundKeys );    
   630     CRepository* repository = NULL;
   631     repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidTelPrivateVariation );
   633     TInt err( KErrNone );
   635     if ( repository )
   636         {
   637         CleanupStack::PushL( repository );
   638         err = repository->FindL( KPartialKey, KIdmask, foundKeys );
   639         }
   641     if ( KErrNone != err )
   642         {
   643         __PHONELOG1( 
   644             EBasic, 
   645             EPhonePhoneapp, 
   646             "CPhoneCenRepProxy::FetchValuesFromCenRepL() error: %d", 
   647             err );
   648         User::Leave( err );
   649         }        
   651     TInt uid(0);
   652     TInt code(0);
   653     HBufC* param = HBufC::NewL( KMaxParamLength );
   654     TPtr paramPtr = param->Des();
   655     CleanupStack::PushL( param );
   657     for ( TInt i = 0; i < foundKeys.Count(); i++ )
   658         {
   659         User::LeaveIfError( repository->Get(
   660                 foundKeys[i], code ) );       
   662         //peekIndex is used to check if foundKeys-array has a next 
   663         //element. For this reason (i+1) is used.
   664         TInt peekIndex(i+1);
   665         TInt peekGroupId(0);
   666         TInt launchGroupID 
   667             = ( foundKeys[i] & KLaunchGroupIdMask ) >> KLaunchGroupIdShift;        
   669         if( peekIndex < foundKeys.Count() && code == aCode )
   670             {
   671             peekGroupId =
   672             ( foundKeys[peekIndex] & KLaunchGroupIdMask ) 
   673                     >> KLaunchGroupIdShift;
   675             // Check that group Id is the same as for the key fetched earlier
   676             // (KKeyId) and the key id for this key is (KUidId).
   677             if( launchGroupID == peekGroupId &&
   678                 KUidId == ( foundKeys[peekIndex] & KLaunchPlaceIdMask ) )  
   679                 {
   680                 User::LeaveIfError( repository->Get(
   681                         foundKeys[++i], uid ) );
   682                 }
   684             peekIndex = i+1; // peekIndex update. The actual value is dependant on
   685                               // whether variable i was incremented or not in previous if.
   687             if( peekIndex < foundKeys.Count() )
   688                 {
   689                 peekGroupId = 
   690                        ( foundKeys[peekIndex] & KLaunchGroupIdMask ) 
   691                                >> KLaunchGroupIdShift;
   692                 // Check that group Id is still the same as for the keys fetched 
   693                 // earlier (KKeyId and KUidId)
   694                 // and the key id for this key is (KParamId).
   695                 if( launchGroupID == peekGroupId &&
   696                         KParamId == ( foundKeys[peekIndex] & KLaunchPlaceIdMask ) )
   697                     {                
   698                     User::LeaveIfError( repository->Get( 
   699                             foundKeys[++i], paramPtr ) );
   700                     break;
   701                     }
   702                 }
   703             }
   704         else
   705             {
   706             i++; // skip uid index (wrong code)
   707             i++; // skip parameter index (wrong code)
   708             }
   709         }
   711     if ( uid != 0 )
   712         {
   713         aAppInfo.SetAppUid( TUid::Uid( uid ) );
   714         // TDesc16 to TDesc8 conversion. Central repository supports only
   715         // 16 bit buffers, setParam function in TPhoneCmdParamAppInfo wants
   716         // 8 bit.
   717         TPtr8 eightBitParamPtr = aAppParam->Des();
   718         CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( eightBitParamPtr, 
   719                 paramPtr );         
   721         aAppInfo.SetParam( eightBitParamPtr );
   722         aValuesFetched = ETrue;
   723         }
   725     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( param ); 
   726     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
   727     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &foundKeys );
   728     }
   730 //  End of File