changeset 0 5f000ab63145
child 3 8871b09be73b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5f000ab63145
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  This file contains the implementation of CPELogHandling class 
    15 *                member functions.
    16 *
    17 */
    21 //  INCLUDE FILES
    22 #include <spsettings.h>
    23 #include <spproperty.h>
    24 #include <telloggingextension.h>
    25 #include <ecom.h> 
    26 #include "cpeloghandling.h"
    27 #include "cpelogevent.h"
    28 #include "cpeloghandlingcommand.h"
    29 #include "cpelogexternaldata.h"
    30 #include <talogger.h>
    31 #include <logcli.h>
    32 #include <pepanic.pan>
    33 #include <mpephonemodelinternal.h>
    34 #include <mpedatastore.h>
    35 #include "cpeloginfo.h"
    36 #include "cpelogextensionwrapper.h"
    39 // None
    42 /// None
    44 // CONSTANTS
    45 // None
    47 // MACROS
    48 // None
    51 // None
    54 // None
    57 // None
    59 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    60 // CPELogHandling::NewL
    61 // Two-phased constructor.
    62 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    63 //
    64 MPELogHandling* CPELogHandling::NewL
    65         ( 
    66         MPEPhoneModelInternal& aModel,        // Owner of the object
    67         RFs& aFsSession                       // Handle to a file server session
    68         )  
    69     {
    70     TEFLOGSTRING(KTAOBJECT, "LOG CPELogHandling::NewL start.");
    71     CPELogHandling* self = 
    72         new ( ELeave ) CPELogHandling( aModel, aFsSession );
    73     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    74     self->ConstructL();
    75     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    76     TEFLOGSTRING(KTAOBJECT, "LOG CPELogHandling::NewL complete.");
    77     return self;
    78     }
    80 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    81 // CPELogHandling::~CPELogHandling
    82 // Destructor.
    83 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 //
    85 /*****************************************************
    86 *    Series 60 Customer / LOGENG
    87 *    Series 60  LOGENG API
    88 *****************************************************/
    89 EXPORT_C CPELogHandling::~CPELogHandling()
    90     {
    91     TEFLOGSTRING( KTAOBJECT, "LOG CPELogHandling::~CPELogHandling" );
    93     delete iLogExternalData;
    95     iFreeLogEventArray.ResetAndDestroy();
    96     iActiveLogEventArray.ResetAndDestroy();
    97     // All created CPELogEvent objects must be either in Free or Active array
    98     // That is, it would be error to destroy objects in queued array.
    99     iQueuedLogEventArray.Reset();
   100     iActiveCallIds.Close();
   102     delete iLogHandlingCommand;
   103     delete iLogClient;
   104     iPlugins.ResetAndDestroy();
   105     REComSession::FinalClose();
   106     }
   108 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   109 // CPELogHandling::CPELogHandling
   110 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
   111 // might leave.
   112 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   113 //
   114 CPELogHandling::CPELogHandling
   115         ( 
   116         MPEPhoneModelInternal& aModel,
   117         RFs& aFsSession        
   118         ) : iModel( aModel ),
   119             iDataStore( *( aModel.DataStore( ) ) ),
   120             iFsSession( aFsSession ),
   121             iLogEventUnderProcessing( NULL )
   122     {
   123     TEFLOGSTRING( KTAOBJECT, "LOG CPELogHandling::CPELogHandling" );
   124     }
   126 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   127 // CPELogHandling::ConstructL
   128 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
   129 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 //
   131 /*****************************************************
   132 *    Series 60 Customer / LOGENG
   133 *    Series 60  LOGENG API
   134 *****************************************************/
   135 void CPELogHandling::ConstructL()
   136     {
   137     TEFLOGSTRING( KTAOBJECT, "LOG CPELogHandling::ConstructL" );
   138     // Create new instace of the Log Client
   139     iLogClient = CLogClient::NewL( iFsSession ); 
   141     // Enumeration for incoming call, get from database 
   142     User::LeaveIfError( iLogClient->GetString( iLogStringIn, R_LOG_DIR_IN ) ); 
   143     // Enumeration for outgoing call, get from database 
   144     User::LeaveIfError( iLogClient->GetString( iLogStringOut, R_LOG_DIR_OUT ) );   
   145     // Enumeration for missed call, get from database
   146     User::LeaveIfError( iLogClient->GetString( iLogStringMissed, R_LOG_DIR_MISSED ) );   
   147     // Enumeration for delivery call, get from database  
   148     User::LeaveIfError( iLogClient->GetString( iLogStringDelivery, R_LOG_DEL_NONE ) ); 
   149     // Enumeration for incoming auxiliary line, get from database 
   150     User::LeaveIfError( iLogClient->GetString( iLogStringInAlt, R_LOG_DIR_IN_ALT ) );   
   151     // Enumeration for outgoing auxiliary line, get from database  
   152     User::LeaveIfError( iLogClient->GetString( iLogStringOutAlt, R_LOG_DIR_OUT_ALT ) );
   153     // Enumeration for unknown name, get from database  
   154     User::LeaveIfError( iLogClient->GetString( iLogStringUnknown, R_LOG_REMOTE_UNKNOWN ) );
   156     iLogHandlingCommand = new (ELeave) CPELogHandlingCommand( *this, *iLogClient );
   158     // Reserve some log events here. We delete these log event objects only on the destructor.
   159     for( TInt entryIndex = 0; entryIndex < KPEMaximumNumberOfLogEvents; entryIndex++ )
   160         {
   161         CPELogEvent* logEvent = CPELogEvent::NewL( *this, *iLogHandlingCommand );
   162         CleanupStack::PushL( logEvent );
   163         iFreeLogEventArray.AppendL( logEvent );
   164         CleanupStack::Pop( logEvent );
   165         }
   166     // Compress free log event array as it would never contain more objects than create here
   167     iFreeLogEventArray.Compress( );
   169     iLogExternalData = CPELogExternalData::NewL( *this );
   170     }
   172 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   173 // CPELogHandling::SaveCallEntry
   174 // Creates log info and initiates saving call log info by calling SaveCallInfoL.
   175 // Do log handling cleanup in case of a leave.
   176 // (other items were commented in a header).
   177 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 //
   179 EXPORT_C TInt CPELogHandling::SaveCallEntry
   180         ( 
   181         const TInt aCallId
   182         )
   183     {
   184     TInt errorCode( KErrArgument );
   185     if ( CallIdCheck::IsVoice( aCallId ) || 
   186          CallIdCheck::IsVideo( aCallId )
   187        ) 
   188         {
   189 		CPELogInfo* logInfo( NULL );
   190         TRAP( errorCode, logInfo = CPELogInfo::NewL(); );
   192         if ( logInfo )
   193             {
   194             // continue gathering log data
   196 		    // set phonenumber and/or voip address
   197 			SetRemoteContact( aCallId, *logInfo );
   198             logInfo->SetEventData( aCallId, iDataStore ); 
   199             TRAP_IGNORE( 
   200                 // Contact link can be big, not critical for basic functionality.
   201                 if ( &iDataStore.ContactId( aCallId ) )
   202                     {
   203                     // Pack and add link
   204                     HBufC8* buf( iDataStore.ContactId( aCallId ).PackLC() );
   205                     TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "Contact id packed" );
   206                     logInfo->SetContactLink( buf ); 
   207                     CleanupStack::Pop( buf );
   208                     }
   209                 // default logging strategy is used if error happens while using extension
   210                 UpdateLogInfoWithExtensionDataL( aCallId, *logInfo ) );
   212             TRAP( errorCode, SaveCallInfoL( *logInfo ) );
   213             delete logInfo;
   214             }
   216         if( errorCode != KErrNone )
   217             {
   218             DoCleanup();
   219             }
   220         }
   221     return errorCode;
   222     }
   224 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 // CPELogHandling::SendMessage
   226 // Method reroutes messages from other modules to the CPEPho-object
   227 // Note that it does not use base class SendMessage.
   228 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   229 //
   230 void CPELogHandling::SendMessage
   231         ( 
   232         const MEngineMonitor::TPEMessagesFromPhoneEngine aMessage, // The message id number of the message.
   233         TInt aErrorCode
   234         )
   235     {
   236     if ( aMessage == MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageLogEventSaved )
   237         {
   238         TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "LOG CPELogHandling::SendMessage(), Log event saved" );                        
   240         if (aErrorCode == KErrNone )
   241             {
   242             // flag event entry as added; next event is to be just entry update.
   243             iLogEventUnderProcessing->SetAdded( );
   244             }
   246         if ( iLogEventUnderProcessing->IsCompleted( ) )
   247             {
   248             TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "LOG CPELogHandling::SendMessage(), Log entry completed" );                       
   250             DeleteArrayEntry( iLogEventUnderProcessing );
   251             }
   253         // Indicate that no processing of log event is in progress
   254         iLogEventUnderProcessing = NULL;            
   256         if ( iQueuedLogEventArray.Count( ) > 0 )
   257             {
   258             TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "LOG CPELogHandling::SendMessage(), Executing queued request" );
   260             CPELogEvent* logEvent = iQueuedLogEventArray[0];
   261             iQueuedLogEventArray.Remove( 0 );
   262             iLogEventUnderProcessing = logEvent;
   263             TRAPD( error, logEvent->SaveL( ) );
   264             if ( error != KErrNone )
   265                 {
   266                 DoCleanup();
   267                 }
   268             }
   269         }
   270     else
   271         {
   272         TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "LOG CPELogHandling::SendMessage(), Message %d not supported", aMessage );
   273         }   
   274     }
   276 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   277 // CPELogHandling::LogStringIn
   278 // Get log string.
   279 // (other items were commented in a header).
   280 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   281 //
   282 TLogString& CPELogHandling::LogStringIn
   283         (
   284         // None
   285         )
   286     {
   287     return iLogStringIn;
   288     }
   290 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   291 // CPELogHandling::LogStringOut
   292 // Get log string.
   293 // (other items were commented in a header).
   294 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   295 //
   296 TLogString& CPELogHandling::LogStringOut
   297         (
   298         // None
   299         )
   300     {
   301     return iLogStringOut;
   302     }
   304 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   305 // CPELogHandling::LogStringMissed
   306 // Get log string.
   307 // (other items were commented in a header).
   308 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   309 //
   310 TLogString& CPELogHandling::LogStringMissed
   311         (
   312         // None
   313         )
   314     {
   315     return iLogStringMissed;
   316     }
   318 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   319 // CPELogHandling::LogStringIn
   320 // Get log string.
   321 // (other items were commented in a header).
   322 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   323 //
   324 TLogString& CPELogHandling::LogStringDelivery
   325         (
   326         // None
   327         )
   328     {
   329     return iLogStringDelivery;
   330     }        
   332 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   333 // CPELogHandling::LogStringIn
   334 // Get log string.
   335 // (other items were commented in a header).
   336 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   337 //
   338 TLogString& CPELogHandling::LogStringInAlt
   339         (
   340         // None
   341         )
   342     {
   343     return iLogStringInAlt;
   344     }
   346 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   347 // CPELogHandling::LogStringOutAlt
   348 // Get log string.
   349 // (other items were commented in a header).
   350 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   351 //
   352 TLogString& CPELogHandling::LogStringOutAlt
   353         (
   354         // None
   355         )
   356     {
   357     return iLogStringOutAlt;
   358     }
   360 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   361 // CPELogHandling::LogStringUnknown
   362 // Get log string.
   363 // (other items were commented in a header).
   364 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   365 //
   366 TLogString& CPELogHandling::LogStringUnknown
   367         (
   368         // None
   369         )
   370     {
   371     return iLogStringUnknown;
   372     }
   374 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   375 // CPELogHandling::SetRemoteContact
   376 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   377 //
   378 void CPELogHandling::SetRemoteContact( TInt aCallId, CPELogInfo& aLogInfo )
   379     {
   380     aLogInfo.SetVoipAddress( KNullDesC() );
   382     if ( iDataStore.CallDirection( aCallId ) 
   383             == RMobileCall::EMobileOriginated )
   384         {
   385         TEFLOGSTRING2(KTAINT, 
   386             "LOG CPELogHandling::CreateLogInfo, WholeOutgoingPhoneNumber, aCallId: %d"
   387             , aCallId )
   388         aLogInfo.SetPhoneNumber( iDataStore.WholeOutgoingPhoneNumber( aCallId ) );
   389         }
   390     else
   391         {
   392         aLogInfo.SetPhoneNumber( iDataStore.RemotePhoneNumber( aCallId ) );
   393         }
   395     if ( EPECallTypeVoIP == iDataStore.CallType( aCallId ) )
   396         {
   397         // voip address field must be used for voip calls
   398         aLogInfo.SetVoipAddress( aLogInfo.PhoneNumber() );
   399         aLogInfo.SetPhoneNumber( KNullDesC() );
   400         }
   401     }
   404 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   405 // CPELogHandling::SaveCallInfoL
   406 // Update log external data.
   407 // Call SaveEventL if event should be saved to log db.
   408 // (other items were commented in a header).
   409 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   410 //
   411 void CPELogHandling::SaveCallInfoL
   412         ( 
   413         const CPELogInfo& aLogInfo // Call information
   414         )
   415     {
   416     TEFLOGSTRING3( KTAINT, "LOG CPELogHandling::SaveCallInfoL(), [CallID: %d], [CallState: %d]", aLogInfo.CallId(), aLogInfo.CallState() );
   418     if ( EPEStateConnected == aLogInfo.CallState() )
   419         {
   420         // Insert the call ID to the active call array when the call state is connected.
   421         TInt err = iActiveCallIds.InsertInOrder( aLogInfo.CallId() );
   422         if ( err != KErrAlreadyExists )
   423             {
   424             User::LeaveIfError( err );
   425             }
   427         // Only for the first call set the first call start time
   428         if ( iActiveCallIds.Count() == 1 )
   429             {
   430             // For Last active call timer. See end part of UpdateLastCallTimer.
   431             iLogExternalData->SetFirstCallStartTime( aLogInfo.CallStartTime() );
   432             }
   434         // We have already store the start time to log database on dialling/ringing state,
   435         // but this is the real start time of call.
   436         TBuf<KPEESDWFormattedTimeLength> formattedTime;
   437         formattedTime.Zero();
   438         aLogInfo.CallStartTime().FormatL( formattedTime, KPEESDWTimeFormat ); 
   439         TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "LOG CPELogHandling::SaveCallInfoL() Connected state iCallStartTime > formattedTime: %S", &formattedTime );
   440         }
   441     else
   442         {
   443         // logsEntry handling only on Dialling/Ringing and Idle states.
   444         if ( EPEStateIdle == aLogInfo.CallState() )
   445             {          
   446             iLogExternalData->UpdateCallTimers( aLogInfo );
   447             if ( aLogInfo.MissedCall() )  
   448                 {
   449                 iLogExternalData->IncreaseMissedCallValue( aLogInfo.CallId() );
   450                 }
   452             TInt index = iActiveCallIds.FindInOrder( aLogInfo.CallId() );
   453             if ( index >= 0 )
   454                 {
   455                 // When a call is disconnected, its ID is removed from the active call array.
   456                 iActiveCallIds.Remove( index );
   457                 iLogExternalData->UpdateLastCallTimerByLine( aLogInfo );
   458                 if ( iActiveCallIds.Count() == 0 )
   459                     {
   460                     TInt duration = iLogExternalData->UpdateLastCallTimer( aLogInfo );
   461                     iModel.DataStore()->SetCallDuration( duration );
   462                     }
   463                 }
   464             }
   465         if ( aLogInfo.LoggingEnabled() ) 
   466             {
   467             // We log all voice calls and the following data/fax calls to Log database
   468             // MO external Data calls,
   469             // MO external Fax calls,
   470             // MT external Data calls
   471             // MT external Fax calls,
   472             // MT internal Data calls,
   473             // We don't log the following data/fax calls to Log database
   474             // MO internal Data calls
   475             // MO internal Fax calls,
   476             // MT internal Fax calls, 
   477             // these are logged by CSD agent.
   478             // But we have to update timers for these calls.            
   480             SaveEventL( aLogInfo );
   481             }
   482         }
   483     }
   486 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   487 // CPELogHandling::SaveEventL
   488 // Update log database entry for an event. Manages event queueing.
   489 // (other items were commented in a header).
   490 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   491 //
   492 void CPELogHandling::SaveEventL
   493         ( 
   494         const CPELogInfo& aLogInfo  // Log information
   495         ) 
   496     {
   497     TInt index;
   498     CPELogEvent* logEvent;
   501     index = FindEventIndexById( aLogInfo.CallId() ); 
   502     if ( index == KErrNotFound ) 
   503         {
   504         // a log event object can't be reused;  
   505         TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "LOG CPELogHandling::SaveEventL(), [CallID: %d]",aLogInfo.CallId() );
   506         TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "LOG CPELogHandling::SaveEventL(), [CallDirection: %d]", aLogInfo.CallDirection() );
   508         if ( iFreeLogEventArray.Count() > 0 )
   509             {
   510             // reuse an already created object from the array of the freed log event objects
   511             logEvent = iFreeLogEventArray[ 0 ];
   512             iFreeLogEventArray.Remove( 0 );
   513             }
   514         else 
   515             {
   516             // create a new object; none available to be reused
   517             logEvent = CPELogEvent::NewL( *this, *iLogHandlingCommand );
   518             }
   520         CleanupStack::PushL( logEvent );
   521         iActiveLogEventArray.AppendL( logEvent );
   522         CleanupStack::Pop( logEvent );            
   523         }
   524     else
   525         {
   526         // the log event object is already active but not completed. reuse it.
   527         logEvent = iActiveLogEventArray[ index ];
   528         }
   530     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( logEvent, Panic(EPEPanicNullPointer) );
   533     // Save logInfo for possible queueing.
   534     logEvent->UpdateLogInfoL( aLogInfo );
   536     if ( iLogEventUnderProcessing )
   537         {
   538         // queueing can not be done per event because log client
   539         // would fail if new request is sent before the previous one
   540         // has been processed even if they are for two different events.
   541         // See Symbian doc for more details.
   542         if ( iQueuedLogEventArray.Find( logEvent ) == KErrNotFound )  
   543             {
   544             TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "LOG CPELogHandling::SaveEventL(), AO busy, request queued" );                
   545             // queue the updated event only if event is not already queued
   546             TInt error = iQueuedLogEventArray.Append( logEvent );
   547             if ( error != KErrNone )
   548                 {
   549                 TEFLOGSTRING( KTAERROR, "LOG CPELogHandling::SaveEventL(), Append to QueuedArray failed!" );
   550                 TEFLOGSTRING( KTAERROR, "LOG CPELogHandling::SaveEventL(), WARNING: Array Entry will be deleted to prevent memory leak." );
   552                 DeleteArrayEntry( logEvent );
   554                 User::LeaveIfError( error );
   555                 }
   556             }
   557         else // the existing queued request will be executed with updated info
   558             {
   559             TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "LOG CPELogHandling::SaveEvent(), AO busy, queued request already exists" );
   560             }
   561         }   
   562     else
   563         {
   564         iLogEventUnderProcessing = logEvent;
   565         logEvent->SaveL( );            
   566         }
   567     }
   569 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   570 // CPELogsHandling::FindEventIndexById
   571 // Find index number from array with given callid.
   572 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   573 //
   574 TInt CPELogHandling::FindEventIndexById
   575         ( 
   576         const TInt aCallId // Call identification number
   577         )
   578     {
   580         "Log Handling: CPELogHandling::FindEventIndexById() - 1" );
   581     for( TInt index = 0; index < iActiveLogEventArray.Count(); index++ )
   582         { 
   583         TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, 
   584             "Log Handling: CPELogHandling::FindEventIndexById() - 2" );        
   585         if( (iActiveLogEventArray[ index ]->CallId() == aCallId) &&
   586             !(iActiveLogEventArray[ index ]->IsCompleted()) )
   587             {
   588             TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, 
   589                 "LOG CPELogHandling::FindEventIndexById() - 3" );
   590             return index;
   591             }
   592         }
   594         "LOG CPELogHandling::FindEventIndexById() - 4" );
   595     return KErrNotFound;
   596     }
   598 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   599 // CPELogsHandling::DeleteArrayEntry
   600 // Delete array's enty by given callid.
   601 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   602 //
   603 void CPELogHandling::DeleteArrayEntry
   604         ( 
   605         CPELogEvent* aLogEvent
   606         )
   607     {
   608     TInt index = iActiveLogEventArray.Find( aLogEvent );
   609     TInt queuedIndex = iQueuedLogEventArray.Find( aLogEvent );
   610     TInt freeIndex = iFreeLogEventArray.Find( aLogEvent );
   612     // Reset event before deletion
   613     aLogEvent->ResetEvent( );
   614     aLogEvent->ResetLogInfo();
   616     // Remove event from queued array as it is there by error and should not be processed after deletion
   617     if ( queuedIndex != KErrNotFound )
   618         {
   619         TEFLOGSTRING( KTAERROR, "LOG CPELogHandling::DeleteArrayEntry: WARNING Log event removed from queued event array. This should not happen." )
   620         iQueuedLogEventArray.Remove( queuedIndex );
   621         }
   623     if ( index != KErrNotFound )
   624         {
   625         iActiveLogEventArray.Remove( index );
   626         }
   627     else
   628         {
   629         TEFLOGSTRING( KTAERROR, "LOG CPELogHandling::DeleteArrayEntry: WARNING Log event NOT in active event array. This should not happen." )
   630         }
   632     if ( freeIndex == KErrNotFound )
   633         {   
   634         if ( iFreeLogEventArray.Count( ) < KPEMaximumNumberOfLogEvents )
   635             {
   636             if (iFreeLogEventArray.Append( aLogEvent ) != KErrNone)
   637                 {
   638                 // prevent memory leak
   639                 delete aLogEvent;
   640                 }
   641             }
   642         else
   643             {
   644             // prevent memory leak
   645             delete aLogEvent;
   646             }
   647         }
   648     }
   650 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   651 // CPELogsHandling::DoCleanup
   652 // Do log handling cleanup in case of leave during handling of a log event.
   653 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   654 //
   655 void CPELogHandling::DoCleanup()
   656     {
   657     if ( iLogEventUnderProcessing ) 
   658         {
   659         // delete log event entry only if save leaves and event is completed
   660         // otherwise we expect more log events for the same entry that is no need to delete
   661         if ( iLogEventUnderProcessing->SaveLeave( ) && 
   662              iLogEventUnderProcessing->IsCompleted( ) )
   663             {
   664             TEFLOGSTRING( KTAERROR, 
   665                 "LOG CPELogHandling::DoCleanup(), WARNING: Array Entry will be deleted to prevent memory leak." );
   667             DeleteArrayEntry( iLogEventUnderProcessing );
   668             }
   669         }
   670     }
   673 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   674 // CPELogsHandling::ResetMissedCalls()
   675 // Reset missed call.
   676 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   677 //
   678 void CPELogHandling::ResetMissedCalls( TInt aCallId )
   679     {
   681         "LOG CPELogsHandling::ResetMissedCalls > SetMissedCall" );
   684             "LOG CPELogHandling::ResetMissedCalls, aCallId: %d"
   685             , iDataStore.CallId() );
   686     iDataStore.SetMissedCall( EFalse, aCallId );
   687     }
   690 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   691 // CPELogHandling::UpdateLogInfoWithExtensionDataL
   692 // Log information is not changed if some error happens with extension usage. 
   693 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   694 //
   695 void CPELogHandling::UpdateLogInfoWithExtensionDataL( TInt aCallId, 
   696         CPELogInfo& aLogInfo )
   697     {
   698     TUint serviceId( iDataStore.ServiceId( aCallId ) );
   699     CTelLoggingExtension& extension = LoggingExtensionL( serviceId );
   701     // initialize extension with original remote contact number/address
   702     const TPEPhoneNumber* origRemoteContact = NULL;
   703     RMobileCall::EMobileOriginated == iDataStore.CallDirection( aCallId )
   704         ? origRemoteContact = &iDataStore.WholeOutgoingPhoneNumber( aCallId )
   705         : origRemoteContact = &iDataStore.RemotePhoneNumber( aCallId );
   706     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( NULL != origRemoteContact, User::Leave( KErrNotFound ) );
   707     extension.InitializeL( serviceId, *origRemoteContact );
   709     RBuf phoneNumber;
   710     CleanupClosePushL( phoneNumber );
   711     User::LeaveIfError( extension.GetPhoneNumber( phoneNumber ) );
   713     RBuf voipAddress;
   714     CleanupClosePushL( voipAddress );
   715     User::LeaveIfError( extension.GetVoipAddress( voipAddress ) );
   717     RBuf myAddress;
   718     CleanupClosePushL( myAddress );
   719     User::LeaveIfError( extension.GetMyAddress( myAddress ) );
   721     RBuf remotePartyName;
   722     CleanupClosePushL( remotePartyName );
   723     User::LeaveIfError( extension.GetRemotePartyName( remotePartyName ) );
   725     // update log info with successfully queried extension data
   726     SetExtensionData( aLogInfo, phoneNumber, voipAddress, 
   727         myAddress, remotePartyName );
   729     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4, &phoneNumber );
   730     }
   733 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   734 // CPELogHandling::LoggingExtensionL
   735 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   736 //
   737 CTelLoggingExtension& CPELogHandling::LoggingExtensionL( TUint aServiceId )
   738     {
   739     TUid pluginUid = LoggingPluginIdentifierL( aServiceId );
   741     CPELogExtensionWrapper* wrapper = NULL;
   742     TInt pluginInd = 
   743         iPlugins.Find( pluginUid, CPELogExtensionWrapper::MatchByUid );
   744     if ( KErrNotFound == pluginInd )
   745         {
   746         wrapper = CreateExtensionWrapperLC( pluginUid );
   747         iPlugins.AppendL( wrapper );
   748         CleanupStack::Pop( wrapper );
   749         }
   750     else
   751         {
   752         wrapper = iPlugins[pluginInd];
   753         }
   755     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( NULL != wrapper, User::Leave( KErrNotFound ) );
   756     return *wrapper;
   757     }
   760 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   761 // CPELogHandling::LoggingPluginIdentifierL
   762 // Resolves plugin identifier for the given service.
   763 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   764 //
   765 TUid CPELogHandling::LoggingPluginIdentifierL( TUint aServiceId ) const
   766     {
   767     TInt pluginUid( 0 );
   768     CSPSettings* settings = CSPSettings::NewLC();
   769     CSPProperty* property = CSPProperty::NewLC();
   771     TInt result = settings->FindPropertyL( aServiceId, 
   772         EPropertyCallLoggingPluginId, *property );
   773     User::LeaveIfError( result );
   774     User::LeaveIfError( property->GetValue( pluginUid ) );
   775     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( property );
   776     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( settings );
   778     return TUid::Uid( pluginUid );
   779     }
   782 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   783 // CPELogHandling::SetExtensionData
   784 // Lengths of the descriptors gotten from plugin must be checked, because
   785 // extension API does not set limits for data length. In case that phone number
   786 // is available, voip address is not saved to logs. That enables user to select
   787 // call type s/he wants when calling from logs.
   788 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   789 //
   790 void CPELogHandling::SetExtensionData( CPELogInfo& aLogInfo, 
   791         const TDesC& aPhoneNumber, const TDesC& aVoipAddress, 
   792         const TDesC& aMyAddress, const TDesC& aRemotePartyName )
   793     {
   794     if ( aPhoneNumber.Length() <= aLogInfo.PhoneNumber().MaxLength() )
   795         {
   796         aLogInfo.SetPhoneNumber( aPhoneNumber );
   797         aLogInfo.SetVoipAddress( KNullDesC() );
   798         }
   800     if ( aVoipAddress.Length() <= aLogInfo.VoipAddress().MaxLength() )
   801         {
   802         if ( KNullDesC() == aLogInfo.PhoneNumber() )
   803             {
   804             aLogInfo.SetVoipAddress( aVoipAddress );
   805             }
   806         }
   808     if ( aMyAddress.Length() <= aLogInfo.MyAddress().MaxLength() )
   809         {
   810         aLogInfo.SetMyAddress( aMyAddress );
   811         }
   813     // Try to use user defined contact name from contacts, remote party name
   814     // from extension or voip address from extension as a contact name to be
   815     // saved in logs, in that order.
   816     TBool noContactMatch = ( KNullDesC() == aLogInfo.Name() ); 
   817     if ( noContactMatch )
   818         {
   819         if ( aRemotePartyName.Length() != 0 )
   820             {
   821             aLogInfo.SetName( aRemotePartyName.Left( aLogInfo.Name().MaxSize() ) );
   822             }
   823         else if ( KNullDesC() != aLogInfo.VoipAddress() )
   824             {
   825             aLogInfo.SetName( aLogInfo.VoipAddress() );
   826             }
   827         else
   828             {
   829             aLogInfo.SetName( aLogInfo.PhoneNumber() );
   830             }
   831         }
   832     }
   834 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   835 // CPELogHandling::CreateExtensionWrapperLC
   836 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   837 //
   838 CPELogExtensionWrapper* CPELogHandling::CreateExtensionWrapperLC( 
   839         const TUid& aPluginUid ) const
   840     {
   841     return CPELogExtensionWrapper::NewLC( aPluginUid );
   842     }
   844 // End of File