--- a/phoneuis/BubbleManager/bmcustomization/src/telbubblecallimage.cpp Wed Jun 09 09:41:11 2010 +0300
+++ b/phoneuis/BubbleManager/bmcustomization/src/telbubblecallimage.cpp Mon Jun 21 15:39:45 2010 +0300
@@ -21,6 +21,24 @@
// ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
+ * Draws rounded rect. Used for drawing frame to caller image bitmap.
+ */
+void DrawRoundRect(CWindowGc& aGC, TPoint aTopLeft, TSize aSize )
+ {
+ const TRgb white( 255, 255, 255);
+ aGC.SetPenColor( white );
+ aGC.SetPenSize( TSize( 5, 5 ) );
+ TPoint bottomRight = aTopLeft + aSize;
+ TRect decoratorRect( aTopLeft, bottomRight );
+ // Make rect litle larger so that it will be outside of the caller image,
+ // so that bitmap's corners are hidden.
+ decoratorRect.Grow( 2, 2 );
+ const TSize ellipsesSize( 10, 10 );
+ aGC.DrawRoundRect( decoratorRect, ellipsesSize );
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -219,24 +237,27 @@
EXPORT_C void CTelBubbleCallImage::Draw( const TRect& /*aRect*/ ) const
- CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
- TPoint topLeft = IsFullScreenImage() ? Rect().iTl : iImagePlacingArea.iTl;
- if ( iImage && iMask )
+ if ( iImage )
- gc.BitBltMasked( topLeft + iOffset,
- iImage,
- iSourceRect,
- iMask,
- EFalse );
- }
- else if ( iImage )
- {
- gc.BitBlt( topLeft + iOffset,
- iImage,
- iSourceRect );
+ CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
+ const TPoint topLeft = IsFullScreenImage() ? Rect().iTl : iImagePlacingArea.iTl;
+ const TPoint bitmapTopLeft = topLeft + iOffset;
+ if( iMask )
+ {
+ gc.BitBltMasked( bitmapTopLeft,
+ iImage,
+ iSourceRect,
+ iMask,
+ EFalse );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gc.BitBlt( bitmapTopLeft,
+ iImage,
+ iSourceRect );
+ }
+ DrawRoundRect( gc, bitmapTopLeft, iSourceRect.Size() );