--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phoneapp/phoneuiview2/tsrc/ut_phoneuiqtview/unit_tests.cpp Tue Aug 31 15:14:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Unit tests for PhoneUIQtView.
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include <QtGui>
+#include <QVariant>
+#include <QKeyEvent>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QShortcutEvent>
+#include <QSignalSpy>
+#include <hbapplication.h>
+#include <hbmainwindow.h>
+#include <hbinstance.h>
+#include <hbmainwindow.h>
+#include <bubblemanagerif.h>
+#define protected public
+#define private public
+#include "phoneuiqtview.h"
+#undef public
+#include "phoneaction.h"
+#include <hbtoolbar.h>
+#include <hbvolumesliderpopup.h>
+#include <hbaction.h>
+#include <dialpad.h>
+#include <hblineedit.h>
+#include "xqserviceutil.h"
+#include "phoneaction.h"
+static const int KMAXVOLUME = 10;
+static const int KMINVOLUME = 0;
+static const int KVOLUMECOMMAND = 5;
+bool m_qtimer_stop_called;
+QString m_networkName;
+#define PHONE_QT_VIEW_TEST_MAIN(TestObject) \
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) \
+{ \
+ HbApplication app(argc, argv); \
+ TestObject tc; \
+ QResource::registerResource("../hbcore.rcc"); \
+ int ret = QTest::qExec(&tc, argc, argv); \
+ /* Core dump if HbIconLoader instance is not destroyed before the application instance. */ \
+ /* HbIconLoader uses QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit() signal to destroy itself. */ \
+ /* app.exec() where the signal is normally emitted is not called here. */ \
+ /* So, invoking the signal explicitly. */ \
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&app, "aboutToQuit", Qt::DirectConnection); \
+ return ret; \
+class TestPhoneUIQtView : public QObject
+ TestPhoneUIQtView ();
+ ~TestPhoneUIQtView ();
+public slots:
+ void initTestCase ();
+ void cleanupTestCase ();
+ void init ();
+ void cleanup ();
+private slots:
+ void testAddBubbleCommand ();
+ void testHideToolbar ();
+ void testShowToolbar ();
+ void testAddToolbarActions ();
+ void testSetVolumeSliderValue ();
+ void testRemoveVolumeSlider ();
+ void testVolumeSliderValue ();
+ void testVolumeSliderChanged ();
+ void testParticipantListAction ();
+ void testSetExpandAction ();
+ void testPhoneAction ();
+ void testSetOrientation ();
+ void testBackButtonClicked();
+ void testShowDialpad();
+ void testDialpadText();
+ void testSetMenuActions();
+ void testLongEndKeyPressEventOutsideTelephony();
+ void testNetworkNameChanged();
+ void testCaptureKey();
+ void testRestrictedMode();
+ int createCallHeader();
+ PhoneUIQtView *m_view; // class under test
+ HbMainWindow *m_main_window;
+void QTimer::stop()
+ m_qtimer_stop_called = true;
+TestPhoneUIQtView::TestPhoneUIQtView ()
+TestPhoneUIQtView::~TestPhoneUIQtView ()
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::initTestCase ()
+ m_main_window = new HbMainWindow();
+ m_view = new PhoneUIQtView(*m_main_window);
+ QCOMPARE(m_networkName, QString("Unit test network"));
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::cleanupTestCase ()
+ delete m_view;
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::init ()
+ m_qtimer_stop_called = false;
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::cleanup ()
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testAddBubbleCommand ()
+ m_view->bubbleManager ().startChanges ();
+ int bubbleId = createCallHeader();
+ int bubbleId2 = createCallHeader();
+ PhoneAction action1;
+ action1.setText("Command 1");
+ action1.setCommand(1);
+ action1.setActionRole(PhoneAction::None);
+ PhoneAction action2;
+ action2.setText("Command 2");
+ action2.setCommand(2);
+ action2.setActionRole(PhoneAction::Accept);
+ PhoneAction action3;
+ action3.setText("Command 3");
+ action3.setCommand(3);
+ action3.setActionRole(PhoneAction::Decline);
+ m_view->addBubbleCommand (bubbleId, action1);
+ m_view->addBubbleCommand (bubbleId, action2);
+ m_view->addBubbleCommand (bubbleId2, action3);
+ m_view->bubbleManager ().endChanges ();
+ m_view->bubbleManager ().startChanges ();
+ m_view->clearBubbleCommands (bubbleId);
+ m_view->clearBubbleCommands (bubbleId2);
+ m_view->clearBubbleCommands (bubbleId2);
+ m_view->bubbleManager ().endChanges ();
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testHideToolbar ()
+ m_view->hideToolbar ();
+ QCOMPARE (m_hideCalled, true);
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testShowToolbar ()
+ m_view->showToolbar ();
+ QCOMPARE (m_showCalled, true);
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testAddToolbarActions ()
+ m_actions.clear();
+ HbIcon icon ("foo.jpg");
+ PhoneAction *testAction = new PhoneAction ();
+ testAction->setIcon(icon);
+ testAction->setText("foo");
+ testAction->setCommand(20);
+ QList<PhoneAction*> actions;
+ actions.append(testAction);
+ m_view->setToolbarActions(actions);
+ QCOMPARE (m_action->icon(), icon);
+ QCOMPARE(true, m_toolBarUpdateCalled);
+ m_view->setToolbarActions(actions);
+ m_toolBarUpdateCalled = false;
+ PhoneAction *testAction2 = new PhoneAction ();
+ testAction2->setIcon(icon);
+ testAction2->setText("foo2");
+ testAction2->setCommand(21);
+ actions.append(testAction2);
+ m_view->setToolbarActions(actions);
+ QCOMPARE(true, m_toolBarUpdateCalled);
+ actions.removeOne(testAction2);
+ m_toolBarUpdateCalled = false;
+ m_view->setToolbarActions(actions);
+ QCOMPARE(true, m_toolBarUpdateCalled);
+ actions.clear();
+ delete testAction;
+ delete testAction2;
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testSetVolumeSliderValue ()
+ m_view->setVolumeSliderValue (1, KVOLUMECOMMAND, KMAXVOLUME, KMINVOLUME);
+ QCOMPARE (m_volumeSliderContructorCalled, true);
+ QCOMPARE (m_sliderRangeMin, KMINVOLUME);
+ QCOMPARE (m_sliderRangeMax, KMAXVOLUME);
+ QCOMPARE (m_volumeSliderSetTimeoutCalled, true);
+ QCOMPARE (m_sliderTimeout, 10000);
+ QCOMPARE (m_volumeSliderSetValueCalled, true);
+ QCOMPARE (m_sliderValue, 1);
+ QCOMPARE (m_volumeSliderShowCalled, true);
+ // reset values
+ m_volumeSliderContructorCalled = false;
+ m_volumeSliderSetValueCalled = false;
+ m_sliderRangeMin = -1;
+ m_sliderRangeMax = -1;
+ m_volumeSliderSetTimeoutCalled = false;
+ m_sliderTimeout = -1;
+ m_volumeSliderSetValueCalled = false;
+ m_sliderValue = -1;
+ m_volumeSliderShowCalled = false;
+ // The second call shouldn't create a new instance
+ m_view->setVolumeSliderValue (2, KVOLUMECOMMAND, KMAXVOLUME, KMINVOLUME);
+ QCOMPARE (m_volumeSliderContructorCalled, false);
+ QCOMPARE (m_sliderRangeMin, KMINVOLUME);
+ QCOMPARE (m_sliderRangeMax, KMAXVOLUME);
+ QCOMPARE (m_volumeSliderSetTimeoutCalled, false);
+ QCOMPARE (m_sliderTimeout, -1);
+ QCOMPARE (m_volumeSliderSetValueCalled, true);
+ QCOMPARE (m_sliderValue, 2);
+ QCOMPARE (m_volumeSliderShowCalled, false);
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testRemoveVolumeSlider ()
+ m_view->setVolumeSliderValue (1, KVOLUMECOMMAND, KMAXVOLUME, KMINVOLUME);
+ m_view->removeVolumeSlider ();
+ QCOMPARE (m_volumeSliderHideCalled, true);
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testVolumeSliderValue ()
+ m_sliderValue = -1;
+ int value = m_view->volumeSliderValue ();
+ QCOMPARE (m_sliderValue, -1);
+ m_view->setVolumeSliderValue (3, KVOLUMECOMMAND, KMAXVOLUME, KMINVOLUME);
+ value = m_view->volumeSliderValue ();
+ QCOMPARE (m_volumeSliderValueCalled, true);
+ QCOMPARE (value, 3);
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testVolumeSliderChanged ()
+ m_view->setVolumeSliderValue (3, KVOLUMECOMMAND, KMAXVOLUME, KMINVOLUME);
+ QSignalSpy spy (m_view, SIGNAL(command(int)));
+ m_view->volumeSliderChanged (1);
+ QCOMPARE (spy.count(), 1);
+ int command = qvariant_cast<int>(spy.at (0).at (0));
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testParticipantListAction ()
+ m_view->bubbleManager ().startChanges ();
+ m_view->addParticipantListAction (1,"Command 1", HbIcon ());
+ m_view->addParticipantListAction (2,"Command 2", HbIcon ());
+ m_view->bubbleManager ().endChanges ();
+ m_view->bubbleManager ().startChanges ();
+ m_view->clearParticipantListActions ();
+ m_view->clearParticipantListActions ();
+ m_view->bubbleManager ().endChanges ();
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testSetExpandAction ()
+ m_view->bubbleManager ().startChanges ();
+ int bubbleId = createCallHeader();
+ int bubbleId2 = createCallHeader();
+ m_view->setExpandAction(bubbleId, 1);
+ m_view->setExpandAction(bubbleId2, 2);
+ m_view->bubbleManager ().endChanges ();
+ m_view->bubbleManager ().startChanges ();
+ m_view->removeExpandAction(bubbleId);
+ m_view->removeExpandAction(bubbleId2);
+ m_view->bubbleManager().removeCallHeader(bubbleId);
+ m_view->bubbleManager().removeCallHeader(bubbleId2);
+ m_view->bubbleManager ().endChanges ();
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testPhoneAction ()
+ PhoneAction *action = new PhoneAction ();
+ QString string("Action");
+ action->setText(string);
+ HbIcon icon;
+ action->setIcon(icon);
+ int commandId(1);
+ action->setCommand(commandId);
+ action->setDisabled(true);
+ QCOMPARE( string, action->text() );
+ QCOMPARE( icon, action->icon() );
+ QCOMPARE( commandId, action->command() );
+ QCOMPARE( true, action->isDisabled() );
+ delete action;
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testSetOrientation ()
+ m_setOrientationCalled = false;
+ m_view->handleOrientationChange(Qt::Vertical);
+ QVERIFY( false == m_setOrientationCalled );
+ m_view->handleOrientationChange(Qt::Horizontal);
+ QVERIFY( true == m_setOrientationCalled );
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testBackButtonClicked()
+ // not possible to mock xqservice because it is in \epoc32\include
+ // calling backButtonClicked would send this test background.
+ // m_view->backButtonClicked();
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testShowDialpad()
+ m_view->hideDialpad();
+ m_view->showDialpad();
+ m_view->showDialpad();
+ QVERIFY(true == m_view->isDialpadVisible());
+ m_view->hideDialpad();
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testDialpadText()
+ m_view->showDialpad();
+ m_view->clearDialpad();
+ QVERIFY(QString("") == m_view->dialpadText());
+ m_view->clearAndHideDialpad();
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testSetMenuActions()
+ QList<PhoneAction*> actions;
+ m_view->setMenuActions(actions);
+ PhoneAction* phoneAction = new PhoneAction;
+ phoneAction->setText(QString("test"));
+ phoneAction->setCommand(1);
+ actions.append(phoneAction);
+ m_view->setMenuActions(actions);
+ qDeleteAll(actions);
+ actions.clear();
+ m_view->setMenuActions(actions);
+//Private methods
+int TestPhoneUIQtView::createCallHeader ()
+ int bubble = m_view->bubbleManager().createCallHeader ();
+ return bubble;
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testLongEndKeyPressEventOutsideTelephony()
+ /*QSignalSpy spy(m_view, SIGNAL(endKeyLongPress()));
+ QKeyEvent* event = new QKeyEvent(QEvent::ShortcutOverride, Qt::Key_No, Qt::NoModifier);
+ bool returnValue = m_view->eventFilter(new QObject(), event);
+ QVERIFY(returnValue == true);
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);*/
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testNetworkNameChanged()
+ // Title is changed for GmsMode
+ m_view->networkNameChanged(QSystemNetworkInfo::GsmMode, QString("test"));
+ QCOMPARE(m_networkName, QString("test"));
+ // Title is changed for WcdmaMode
+ m_view->networkNameChanged(QSystemNetworkInfo::WcdmaMode, QString("test2"));
+ QCOMPARE(m_networkName, QString("test2"));
+ // Other modes shouldn't affect the title
+ m_view->networkNameChanged(QSystemNetworkInfo::CdmaMode, QString("another operator"));
+ QCOMPARE(m_networkName, QString("test2"));
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testCaptureKey()
+ m_view->captureKey( Qt::Key_No, true );
+ m_view->captureKey( Qt::Key_No, true );
+ m_view->captureKey( Qt::Key_Yes, false );
+ m_view->captureKey( Qt::Key_No, false );
+ m_view->captureKey( Qt::Key_No, false );
+void TestPhoneUIQtView::testRestrictedMode()
+ qRegisterMetaType<QKeyEvent*>("QKeyEvent*");
+ QKeyEvent yesDown(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Yes, Qt::NoModifier);
+ QKeyEvent yesUp(QEvent::KeyRelease, Qt::Key_Yes, Qt::NoModifier);
+ QKeyEvent oneDown(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_1, Qt::NoModifier);
+ QKeyEvent oneUp(QEvent::KeyRelease, Qt::Key_1, Qt::NoModifier);
+ QSignalSpy downSpy(m_view, SIGNAL(keyPressed(QKeyEvent*)));
+ QSignalSpy upSpy(m_view, SIGNAL(keyReleased(QKeyEvent*)));
+ m_view->setRestrictedMode(true);
+ m_view->m_dialpad->editor().setText("1"); // emits signal
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->m_dialpad->isCallButtonEnabled(), false);
+ m_view->eventFilter(0, &oneDown);
+ m_view->eventFilter(0, &oneUp);
+ m_view->eventFilter(0, &yesDown);
+ m_view->eventFilter(0, &yesUp);
+ QCOMPARE(downSpy.count(), 1); // Only Key_1 is passed
+ QCOMPARE(upSpy.count(), 1); // Only Key_1 is passed
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->m_dialpad->isCallButtonEnabled(), false);
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->m_backAction->isEnabled(), false);
+ // Test backbutton
+ m_view->setBackButtonVisible(true);
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->m_backAction->isEnabled(), false);
+ // Test return to normal mode
+ downSpy.clear();
+ upSpy.clear();
+ m_view->setRestrictedMode(false);
+ m_view->m_dialpad->editor().setText("1"); // emits signal
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->m_dialpad->isCallButtonEnabled(), true);
+ m_view->eventFilter(0, &oneDown);
+ m_view->eventFilter(0, &oneUp);
+ m_view->eventFilter(0, &yesDown);
+ m_view->eventFilter(0, &yesUp);
+ QCOMPARE(downSpy.count(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(upSpy.count(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->m_dialpad->isCallButtonEnabled(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->m_backAction->isEnabled(), true);
+void HbView::setTitle (const QString &title)
+ m_networkName = title;
+#include "unit_tests.moc"