changeset 25 5266b1f337bd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phoneapp/phoneuiview/inc/cphoneringingtoneplayerao.h	Wed Sep 01 12:30:10 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Active object which implements ringing tone functionality
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <Profile.hrh>
+#include "mphonevideoplayerobserver.h"
+#include "mphonecenrepobserver.h"
+#include "mphonetimer.h"
+#include "mphonevideoplayer.h"
+#include "phoneringingtoneclient.h"
+//class MPhoneRingingToneObserver;
+class CPhoneAudioPlayer;
+class CPhoneTimer;
+class CMdaServer;
+class MPhoneDisplayProvider;
+class CPhoneRingingTone;
+class TPhoneCommandParam;
+* It implements ringing tone functionality. 
+* Note that when issuing Play-command to audio side, ALWAYS set the tone type
+* before the Play() is called. This is to ensure that correct tone is tried to
+* be played. 
+* @since 1.0
+class CPhoneRingingTonePlayerAO :
+    public CActive,
+    public MPhoneCenRepObserver,
+    private MPhoneTimer,
+    private MPhoneVideoPlayerObserver
+    {
+    public:
+        // States for this active object
+        enum TState
+            {
+            EIdleState,  
+            EDeletingVideoPlayer,
+            EPlayingDefaultVideo
+            };
+    public:
+        /**
+        * Two-phased constructor.
+        * @return new instance.
+        */
+        static CPhoneRingingTonePlayerAO* NewL();
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        ~CPhoneRingingTonePlayerAO();
+        /**
+        * Play ring tone
+        * @param aCommandParam a command param
+        */
+        void PlayRingToneL( TPhoneCommandParam *aCommandParam );
+        /**
+        * Play audio ring tone 
+        * @param aVolume Volume used to play the ringing tone.
+        * @param aRingingType Ringing type.
+        */
+        void PlayAudioRingTone( 
+            TInt aVolume, 
+            TProfileRingingType aRingingType );
+        /**
+        * Playing the Beep once.
+        * @param aVolume volume used to play the ringing tone.
+        */
+        void BeepOnce( TInt aVolume );
+        /**
+        * Play silent tone. No_sound.wav will be played. If vibration alert
+        * is ON, it will vibrate.
+        */
+        void PlaySilentTone();
+        /**
+        * Play unsecure VoIP tone.
+        * Play tone if secure call fails and call is changed to unsecure call
+        * @since    S60 5.0
+        */
+        void PlayUnsecureVoIPTone();
+        /**
+        * Stops playing the ringing tone.
+        * Method does not do anything if ringing tone is not playing.
+        */
+        void StopPlaying();
+        /**
+        * Continues video playback ( and ringing tone ) with volume 0
+        * Stream not closed ( If music player was ongoing ) 
+        */
+        void MuteRingingToneOnAnswer();
+        /**
+        * Continues video playback with muted audio.
+        * Ringing tone is stopped.
+        */
+        void MuteRingingTone();
+        /**
+        * Sets video player.
+        * @since Series 60 v3.2
+        * @param aVideoPlayer Video player reference.
+        */
+        void SetVideoPlayer( MPhoneVideoPlayer* aVideoPlayer );
+        /**
+        * Play TTS tone simultaneously with Personal or Default tones.
+        * This method does not command phone to play TTS immediately. Instead 
+        * it registers a request to play TTS, when Personal or default tones 
+        * are played.
+        *
+        * @since Series 60 3.0
+        * @param aTextToSay Text, that should be pronounced by the 
+        * Text-To-Speech engine. This is normal descriptor, no UTF-8 
+        * and no "(tts)" prefix
+        * @param aVolume Volume for the TTS-tone, Does not effect the volume 
+        * of the normal tone, that will be played simulteneously with the TTS
+        * @param aRingingType ringing type.
+        */
+        void PlayTtsTone(
+            const TDesC& aTextToSay,
+            TInt aVolume,
+            TProfileRingingType aRingingType );
+        /**
+        * Play video ring tone.
+        * @since Series 60 3.1
+        * @param aRingingTone Ringing tone to be played.
+        * @param aVolume Volume used to play the ringing tone.
+        * @param aRingingType Ringing type.
+        */
+        void PlayVideoRingingTone( 
+            const CPhoneRingingTone& aRingingTone, 
+            TInt aVolume, 
+            TProfileRingingType aRingingType,
+            TBool aPersonalTone = EFalse );
+        /**
+        * Checks if extended security required.
+        * @since Series 60 3.1
+        * @return ETrue if extended security is required.
+        */
+        TBool ExtendedSecurity() const;
+    public: // From MPhoneCenRepObserver
+        /**
+        * Handle the change of the setting from Central Repository
+        * @param aUid identifing the central repository UID.
+        * @param aId central repository ID.
+        */
+        virtual void HandleCenRepChangeL( 
+            const TUid& aUid,
+            const TUint aId );
+    private:
+        /**
+        * @see MPhoneTimer
+        */
+        virtual void HandleTimeOutL();
+        /**
+        * This function is called for video player errors.
+        * @param aEvent The error event happend in initializing or playing.
+        * @param aError The error code return by MMF video player. 
+        */
+        virtual void HandleVideoPlayerError( 
+            TPhoneVideoPlayerErrorEvent aEvent,
+            TInt aError );
+        /**
+        * This function is called when video player initialization complete
+        */
+        virtual void HandleVideoPlayerInitComplete();
+        /**
+        * This function is called after the playing completes successfully
+        */
+        virtual void HandleVideoPlayerPlayingComplete();
+        /**
+        * C++ default constructor.
+        */
+        CPhoneRingingTonePlayerAO();
+        /**
+        * Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
+        */
+        void ConstructL();
+        /**
+        * Play default tone.
+        * @param aVolume volume used for the playing.
+        * @param aRingingType ringing type.
+        */
+        void PlayDefaultTone( 
+            TInt aVolume, 
+            TProfileRingingType aRingingType );
+        /**
+        * Play backup tone.
+        * @param aVolume volume used for the playing.
+        * @param aRingingType ringing type.
+        */
+        void PlayBackupTone( 
+            TInt aVolume, 
+            TProfileRingingType aRingingType );
+        /**
+        * Convert ringing type from PhoneAppEnging to the ringing type in 
+        * MPhoneVideoPlayer.
+        * @since Series 60 3.1
+        * @param aRingingType the ringing type form PhoneAppEngine.
+        * @return ringing type of MPhoneVideoPlayer.
+        */
+        MPhoneVideoPlayer::TPlayMode ConvertVideoRingingType(
+            TProfileRingingType aRingingType );
+       /**
+        * Plays default L1 or L2 video ring tone asynchronously.
+        * @since Series 60 3.1
+        */
+        void PlayDefaultVideoAsync();
+        /**
+        * Deletes video player and plays default L1 or L2
+        * tone asynchronously.
+        * @since Series 60 3.1
+        */
+        void DeleteVideoPlayerAndPlayDefaultAsync();
+        /**
+        * @see CActive::RunL.
+        */
+        void RunL();
+        /**
+        * @see CActive::DoCancel.
+        */
+        void DoCancel();
+         /**
+         * Checks if ringing tone file's size is larger than the size limit.
+         * If size limit is exceeded, default tone is played instead.
+         * @since 3.1
+         * @param aRingingTone  Tone to check.
+         * @return EFalse if the limit was exceeded and thus default tone played.
+         *         ETrue  if tone file's size was valid and the checked tone 
+         *                can be played.
+         */
+        TBool CheckAndHandleToneSizeLimit( CPhoneRingingTone* aRingingTone );
+         /**
+         * Checks if ringing tone file's size is larger than the size limit.
+         * @since 3.1
+         * @param aFile   File to check.
+         * @param aSizeLimitKB  the size limit in kB is set to this variable.
+         * @return KErrNone        if the file can be used as a ringing tone.
+         *         KErrTooBig        if the file size limit is exceeded.
+         *         Other error value if error happened during size checking.
+         */
+        TInt CheckToneFileSize( const TDesC& aFile, TInt aSizeLimitKB );
+         /**
+         * Reads from central repository the file size limit of following tones:
+         * -contact's personal ringing tone
+         * -voice call line1
+         * -voice call line2
+         * Value 0 means all sizes are allowed.
+         * @since 3.1
+         * @param aSizeLimitKB  the size limit in kB is read to this variable.
+         * @return leaves on error.
+         */
+        void GetMaxToneFileSizeL( TInt& aSizeLimitKB ) const;
+    private:    // Data
+        // Indicate which tone is playing or need to be played:
+        // EIdle - idle,
+        // EVideoTonePlaying - playing video ringing tone
+        // ESilentVideoTonePlaying  - silent playing video ringing tone
+        // EPersonalVideoTonePlaying - personal playing video ringing tone
+        enum TTonePlayingStatus
+            {
+            EIdle,
+            EVideoTonePlaying,
+            ESilentVideoTonePlaying,
+            EPersonalVideoTonePlaying
+            };
+        // Current playing status.
+        TTonePlayingStatus iTonePlayingStatus;
+        // Audio/Video tone, not owned
+        CPhoneRingingTone* iAudioVideoRingingTone;
+        // Volume for backup tone playing.
+        TInt iVolume;
+        // Ringing type for backup tone playing.
+        TProfileRingingType iRingingType;
+        // Timer.
+        CPhoneTimer* iTimer;
+        // DRM extend security
+        TBool iExtSecNeeded;
+        // Video ringing tone player
+        MPhoneVideoPlayer* iVideoPlayer;
+        // State of this active object
+        TState iState;
+        // Voice call ringing tone file size max value.
+        TInt iToneFileSizeLimitKB;
+        // Flag. Indicates video scaling capability of the device.
+        TBool iArbitraryVideoScaling;
+        // Ringing tone server.
+        RPhoneRingingTonePlayer iToneServer;
+    };
+// End of File