--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phoneuis/BubbleManager/Src/BMBubbleOutlookMiddleCnap.cpp Wed Sep 01 12:30:10 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Implementation of CBubbleOutMiddleCnap class.
+#include "BMBubbleManager.h" //for enumerations
+#include "BMBubbleOutlookMiddleCnap.h"
+#include "BMBubbleImageManager.h"
+#include "BMResourceManager.h"
+#include "BMBubbleHeader.h"
+#include "BMLayout.h"
+#include "BMUtils.h"
+#include "BMLayout2.h"
+#include "telbubblecustomelement.h"
+#include <eiklabel.h>
+#include <eikimage.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <AknsUtils.h>
+#include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+ ( CBubbleManager& aBubbleManager )
+ : CBubbleOutlookThreeLined( aBubbleManager )
+ {
+ }
+// Symbian OS default constructor can leave.
+void CBubbleOutlookMiddleCnap::ConstructL()
+ {
+ CBubbleOutlookThreeLined::ConstructL();
+ }
+// Destructor
+ {
+ Reset();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBubbleOutlookMiddleCnap::ReadBubbleHeader
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBubbleOutlookMiddleCnap::ReadBubbleHeader( CBubbleHeader& aHeader )
+ {
+ iHeader = &aHeader;
+ iBubble = iBubbleManager.ResourceManager().ReserveEikImage( ETrue );
+ if ( !iCallObjectDisplay )
+ {
+ GetCall1BubbleBitmaps();
+ }
+ CBubbleOutlookThreeLined::ReadBubbleHeader( aHeader );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBubbleOutlookMiddleCnap::SizeChanged
+// called by framwork when the view size is changed
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBubbleOutlookMiddleCnap::SizeChanged()
+ {
+ if( !iHeader )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ AknsUtils::RegisterControlPosition( this );
+ if ( !iCallObjectDisplay )
+ {
+ DoCall1Layout();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRAPD( err, DoCall2LayoutL() );
+ if ( err )
+ {
+ iBubble->SetPicture( NULL, NULL );
+ MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
+ AknsDrawUtils::PrepareFrame( skin,
+ iOuterRect,
+ iInnerRect,
+ iFrameId,
+ KAknsIIDDefault );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBubbleOutlookMiddleCnap::DoCall1Layout
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBubbleOutlookMiddleCnap::DoCall1Layout()
+ {
+ // Deprecated
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBubbleOutlookMiddleCnap::DoCall2Layout
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBubbleOutlookMiddleCnap::DoCall2LayoutL()
+ {
+ iBubble->SetPictureOwnedExternally( EFalse );
+ iBubble->SetPicture( NULL, NULL );
+ const TRect rect = Rect();
+ CBubbleManager::TPhoneCallState callState = iHeader->CallState();
+ switch ( callState )
+ {
+ case CBubbleManager::EIncoming:
+ case CBubbleManager::EOutgoing:
+ case CBubbleManager::EAlerting:
+ case CBubbleManager::EWaiting:
+ case CBubbleManager::EAlertToDisconnected:
+ {
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Incoming call layout. Three lines of text. Number entry open.
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Layout create bubble image
+ TAknLayoutRect bubbleRect;
+ bubbleRect.LayoutRect(
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_in_background(6) );
+ TRect frameRect( TPoint(0,0), bubbleRect.Rect().Size() );
+ TRect outerRect;
+ TRect innerRect;
+ BubbleLayout2::RectFrameInnerOuterRects( frameRect,
+ outerRect,
+ innerRect);
+ iFrameId = ( callState == CBubbleManager::EAlertToDisconnected ) ?
+ KAknsIIDQsnFrCall2RectDisconn :
+ KAknsIIDQsnFrCall2Rect;
+ iOuterRect = outerRect;
+ iOuterRect.Move( Rect().iTl );
+ iInnerRect = innerRect;
+ iInnerRect.Move( Rect().iTl );
+ // Call indicator
+ BubbleUtils::LayoutCustomElement(
+ iBigCallIndicator,
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_out_call_waiting_icon(1) );
+ // Ciphering off
+ BubbleUtils::LayoutControl(
+ iCyphOffImage,
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_in_ciphering_icon(6) );
+ // Number type icon
+ BubbleUtils::LayoutCustomElement(
+ iNumberType,
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_in_call_number_type_icon(6) );
+ // Text line 1
+ BubbleUtils::LayoutLabel(
+ iTextLine1,
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_in_call_text_1(6) );
+ // Text line 2
+ BubbleUtils::LayoutLabel(
+ iTextLine2,
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_in_call_text_2(6) );
+ // Smaller rect for text if brand image exists
+ if ( iBrandImage )
+ {
+ // Text line 3
+ BubbleUtils::LayoutLabel(
+ iTextLine3,
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_in_call_text_3(4) );
+ //Brand image
+ BubbleUtils::LayoutCustomElement(
+ iBrandImage,
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_in_brand_image(2) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Text line 3
+ BubbleUtils::LayoutLabel(
+ iTextLine3,
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_in_call_text_3(2) );
+ }
+ // Create call object bitmaps
+ iBubble->SetRect( bubbleRect.Rect() );
+ BubbleUtils::PrepareBubbleImageL(
+ iFrameId,
+ outerRect,
+ innerRect,
+ iBubble );
+ break;
+ }
+ case CBubbleManager::EActive:
+ case CBubbleManager::EOnHold:
+ case CBubbleManager::EDisconnected:
+ {
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // First call layout. Three lines of text. Two calls.
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ TAknLayoutRect bubbleRect;
+ bubbleRect.LayoutRect(
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_first_call_background(21) );
+ TRect frameRect( TPoint(0,0), bubbleRect.Rect().Size() );
+ TRect outerRect;
+ TRect innerRect;
+ BubbleLayout2::BubbleFrameInnerOuterRects( frameRect,
+ outerRect,
+ innerRect);
+ TAknsItemID coMaskFrameId;
+ if ( callState == CBubbleManager::EOnHold )
+ {
+ iFrameId = KAknsIIDQsnFrCall2Bubble;
+ coMaskFrameId = KAknsIIDQsnFrCall2BubbleCoMask;
+ }
+ else if ( callState == CBubbleManager::EDisconnected )
+ {
+ iFrameId = KAknsIIDQsnFrCall2BubbleFirstDisconn;
+ coMaskFrameId = KAknsIIDQsnFrCall2BubbleFirstCoMask;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iFrameId = KAknsIIDQsnFrCall2BubbleFirst;
+ coMaskFrameId = KAknsIIDQsnFrCall2BubbleFirstCoMask;
+ }
+ // for possible frame draw
+ iOuterRect = outerRect;
+ iOuterRect.Move( Rect().iTl );
+ iInnerRect = innerRect;
+ iInnerRect.Move( Rect().iTl );
+ // Call icon
+ BubbleUtils::LayoutCustomElement(
+ iSmallCallIndication,
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_first_call_status_icon(20) );
+ // Ciphering off
+ BubbleUtils::LayoutControl(
+ iCyphOffImage,
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_first_call_window_ciphering_icon(17) );
+ // Call type pane
+ BubbleUtils::LayoutCallTypeIndicators(
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_first_call_type_icon(17),
+ iTypeIndication1, // Data/Fax
+ iTypeIndication2 ); // ALS line 2
+ // Text line 1
+ BubbleUtils::LayoutLabel(
+ iTextLine1,
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_first_call_cli_text(23) );
+ // Text line 2 - phone number
+ BubbleUtils::LayoutLabel(
+ iTextLine2,
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_first_call_number_text(19) );
+ // Text line 2 - call state
+ BubbleUtils::LayoutLabel(
+ iTextLine3,
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_first_call_state_text(19) );
+ // Text line 2 - call timer
+ BubbleUtils::LayoutLabel(
+ iTimerCost,
+ rect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_audio_first_call_state_text(21) );
+ // Build call object bubble
+ iBubble->SetRect( bubbleRect.Rect() );
+ BubbleUtils::PrepareBubbleImageL(
+ iFrameId,
+ outerRect,
+ innerRect,
+ iBubble );
+ if ( iHeader->CallObjectImage() )
+ {
+ BubbleUtils::PrepareCallObjectImageL(
+ *iHeader,
+ iBubbleManager.CallObjectImageIncallSize() );
+ TAknLayoutRect cliRect;
+ cliRect.LayoutRect(
+ frameRect,
+ BubbleLayout2::popup_call2_bubble_pane_graphics_cli() );
+ // Combine image to bubble image
+ BubbleUtils::PrepareCallObjectToBubbleImageL(
+ iHeader->CallObjectImage(),
+ iHeader->CallObjectImageMask(),
+ cliRect.Rect(),
+ coMaskFrameId, // gradient image mask
+ outerRect,
+ innerRect,
+ iBubble );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBubbleOutlookMiddleCnap::GetCall1BubbleBitmaps
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBubbleOutlookMiddleCnap::GetCall1BubbleBitmaps()
+ {
+ CBubbleManager::TPhoneCallState callState = iHeader->CallState();
+ TInt bubblePicture = KErrNotFound;
+ TInt bubblePictureMask = KErrNotFound;
+ switch ( callState )
+ {
+ case CBubbleManager::EWaiting:
+ case CBubbleManager::EIncoming:
+ bubblePicture = EQgn_graf_call_rec_big_left;
+ bubblePictureMask = EQgn_graf_call_rec_big_left_mask;
+ break;
+ case CBubbleManager::EActive:
+ bubblePicture = EQgn_graf_call_two_active_emergency;
+ bubblePictureMask = EQgn_graf_call_two_active_emergency_mask;
+ break;
+ case CBubbleManager::EAlertToDisconnected:
+ case CBubbleManager::EOnHold:
+ case CBubbleManager::EDisconnected:
+ case CBubbleManager::ENone:
+ default:
+ bubblePicture = KErrNotFound;
+ bubblePictureMask = KErrNotFound;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( bubblePicture != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ if ( bubblePictureMask == KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ iBubbleManager.ImageManager().SetBitmapToImage(
+ iBubble, (TBMIcons) bubblePicture );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iBubbleManager.ImageManager().SetBitmapToImage(
+ iBubble,
+ (TBMIcons) bubblePicture ,
+ (TBMIcons) bubblePictureMask);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// End of File