changeset 0 5f000ab63145
child 24 41a7f70b3818
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phoneengine/phonemodel/src/cpeparsersshandler.cpp	Mon Jan 18 20:18:27 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1107 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  This module contains the implementation of 
+*                CPEParserSSHandler class
+#include "cpemessagehandler.h"
+#include "cpeparsersshandler.h"
+#include "mpephonemodelinternal.h"
+#include "pepanic.pan"
+#include <bldvariant.hrh>
+#include <etelmm.h>
+#include <featmgr.h>
+#include <mpedatastore.h>
+#include <nwdefs.h>
+#include <PsetCallBarring.h>
+#include <PsetCallDiverting.h>
+#include <PsetCallWaiting.h>
+#include <PsetCli.h>
+#include <PsetContainer.h>
+#include <PsetContainer.h>
+#include <PsuiBarringObs.h>
+#include <PsuiBarringObs.h>
+#include <PsuiCliObserver.h>
+#include <PsuiContainer.h>
+#include <PsuiDivertObs.h>
+#include <PsuiWaitingObs.h>
+#include <PsuiWaitingObs.h>
+#include <talogger.h>
+const TInt KPEDefinedBasicServiceGroup = 99;
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::CPEParserSSHandler
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        CPEMessageHandler& aOwner,       // The owner of this object.  
+        MPEPhoneModelInternal& aModel       // The reference parameter of the 
+        ) : iOwner( aOwner ),               // phone model object which is used
+            iModel( aModel )                // to send message to the phone app.
+    {
+    iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSActionUnspecified;
+    iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPESSTypeUnspecified;
+ = RMobilePhone::EServiceUnspecified;
+    TEFLOGSTRING( KTAOBJECT, "CPEParserSSHandler::CPEParserSSHandler" );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPEParserSSHandler* CPEParserSSHandler::NewL(
+        CPEMessageHandler& aOwner,   // The owner of this object.  
+        MPEPhoneModelInternal& aModel ) // The reference parameter of the phone 
+                                        // model object which is used to send
+                                        // message to the phone application
+    {
+    CPEParserSSHandler* self = new ( ELeave ) CPEParserSSHandler( aOwner, aModel );
+    return self;
+    } //NewL
+// Destructor
+    {    
+    delete iCli;
+    delete iCliObserver;
+    delete iBarring;
+    delete iCbObserver;
+    delete iDivert;
+    delete iCfObserver;
+    delete iWaiting;
+    delete iCwObserver;
+    delete iSettings;
+    delete iObsContainer;
+    TEFLOGSTRING( KTAOBJECT, "CPEParserSSHandler::~CPEParserSSHandler" );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::GetBasicService.
+// Returns RMobilePhone::TMobileService type of basic service value.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RMobilePhone::TMobileService CPEParserSSHandler::BasicService( 
+        const TDesC& aBasicCode ) // It is basic service code.
+    {
+    RMobilePhone::TMobileService serviceGroup( RMobilePhone::EServiceUnspecified );
+    if ( aBasicCode ==  KPENoServiceCode )
+        {
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EAllServices;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEAllTeleservices )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EAllTele;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPETelephony )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::ETelephony;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEAllDataServices )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EAllDataTele;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEFacsimileServices )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EFaxService;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEShortMessageServices )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EShortMessageService;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEVoiceGroupCallService )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EVoiceGroupCall;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEVoiceBroadcastService )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EVoiceBroadcast;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEAllTeleservicesExceptSMS )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EAllTeleExcSms;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEAllBearerServices )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EAllBearer;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEAllAsyncServices )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EAllAsync;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEAllSyncServices )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EAllSync;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEAllDataCircuitSync )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::ESyncData;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEAllDataCircuitAsync )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EAsyncData;
+        }
+    // Not supported in MM ETel API, CR maded to Symbian.
+    /*  
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEAllDedicatedPacketAccess )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = EPE???;
+        }
+    */
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEAllDedicatedPadAccess )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPadAccess;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEAllGprsBearerServices )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EAllGprsBearer;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEAllPlmnSpecificTeleservices )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EAllPlmnTele;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificTeleservice1 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnTele1;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificTeleservice2 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnTele2;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificTeleservice3 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnTele3;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificTeleservice4 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnTele4;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificTeleservice5 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnTele5;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificTeleservice6 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnTele6;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificTeleservice7 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnTele7;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificTeleservice8 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnTele8;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificTeleservice9 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnTele9;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificTeleservice10 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnTeleA;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificTeleservice11 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnTeleB;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificTeleservice12 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnTeleC;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificTeleservice13 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnTeleD;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificTeleservice14 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnTeleE;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificTeleservice15 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnTeleF;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEAllPlmnSpecificBearerServices )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EAllPlmnBearer;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificBearerService1 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnBearerServ1;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificBearerService2 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnBearerServ2;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificBearerService3 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnBearerServ3;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificBearerService4 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnBearerServ4;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificBearerService5 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnBearerServ5;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificBearerService6 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnBearerServ6;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificBearerService7 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnBearerServ7;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificBearerService8 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnBearerServ8;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificBearerService9 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnBearerServ9;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificBearerService10 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnBearerServA;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificBearerService11 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnBearerServB;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificBearerService12 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnBearerServC;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificBearerService13 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnBearerServD;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificBearerService14 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnBearerServE;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEPlmnSpecificBearerService15 )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EPlmnBearerServF;
+        }
+    else if ( aBasicCode == KPEAuxVoiceService )
+        {                    
+        serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EAuxVoiceService;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::BasicService: Unspecified Service code ");
+        }
+    iOwner.SetBasicServiceGroup( serviceGroup );
+    return serviceGroup;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::Cancel
+// Method cancel command from Settings utility subsystem or security module.
+// Security module don't have return value from cancel command.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CPEParserSSHandler::Cancel()
+    { 
+    // request cancellation is taken care of mainly in
+    // the actual ss-objects. They are also able to handle
+    // situation, where there is no ongoing request.
+    TInt returnValue( ECCPErrorNone );
+    if ( iWaiting )
+        {
+        TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::Cancel() > iWaiting->CancelProcess()" );
+        iWaiting->CancelProcess();
+        }
+    else if ( iBarring )
+        {
+        TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::Cancel() > iBarring->CancelCurrentRequest()" );
+        iBarring->CancelCurrentRequest();
+        }
+    else if ( iDivert )
+        {
+        TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::Cancel() > iDivert->CancelCurrentRequest()" );
+        iDivert->CancelCurrentRequest();
+        }
+    else if ( iCli )
+        {
+        TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::Cancel() > iCli->CancelAll()" );
+        iCli->CancelAll();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        TEFLOGSTRING( KTAERROR, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::Cancel() ! Not Found" );
+        returnValue = ECCPErrorNotFound;
+        }
+    return returnValue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessBarringL
+// Process barring procedures
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessBarringL( 
+        TAction aAction,                // It is action
+        TBarringProcedure aBarring,     // It contains barring procedure.
+        const TDesC& aPassword,         // It should be barring password, if required.
+        const TDesC& aBasicCode )       // It is basic service code.
+    {
+        "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessBarringL: Start" );
+    // Notify Phone Application that an SS string was identified
+    // and is about to be processed. This procedure is needed to quarantee
+    // that an incoming call will not be blocked by the confirmation dialog
+    iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuingSSRequest );
+    // convert into bsc
+    TBasicServiceGroups bsc = ChangeToBsc( aBasicCode );
+    // Basic service group for S90 UI...
+    RMobilePhone::TMobileService serviceGroup = BasicService( aBasicCode );
+ = serviceGroup;
+    // connect to ss engine
+    CreateCBObsL();
+    TCallBarringSetting setBarring;
+    // set basic service group to be used in line init.
+    setBarring.iServiceGroup = EServiceGroupVoice;
+    // copy the password
+    setBarring.iPassword = aPassword;
+    // chooses the right barring program
+    switch( aBarring )
+        {
+        case EBarringAllOutgoingCalls:
+            setBarring.iType = EBarringTypeAllOutgoing;
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECallBarringAllOutgoing;
+            break;
+        case EBarringAllOutgoingInternationalCalls:
+            setBarring.iType = EBarringTypeOutgoingInternational;
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECallBarringAllOutgoingInternational;
+            break;
+        case EBarringAllOutgoingInternationalCallsExceptHome:
+            setBarring.iType = 
+                EBarringTypeOutgoingInternationalExceptToHomeCountry;
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECallBarringAllOutgoingInternationalExcHome;
+            break;
+        case EBarringAllIncomingCalls:
+            setBarring.iType = EBarringTypeAllIncoming;
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECallBarringAllIncoming;
+            break;
+        case EBarringAllIncomingCallsWhenRoaming:
+            setBarring.iType = EBarringTypeIncomingWhenRoaming;
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECallBarringAllIncomingWhenRoaming;
+            break;
+        case EBarringAllServices:
+            setBarring.iType = EBarringTypeAllServices;
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECallBarringAllServices;
+            break;
+        case EBarringAllOutgoingServices:
+            setBarring.iType = EBarringTypeAllOutgoingServices;
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECallBarringAllOutgoingServices;
+            break;
+        case EBarringAllIncomingServices:
+            setBarring.iType = EBarringTypeAllIncomingServices;
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECallBarringAllIncomingServices;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    // right function of the iBarring is called according to aAction
+    switch( aAction )
+        {
+        case EActivate:
+            setBarring.iSetting = EActivateBarring;
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSActivation;
+            iBarring->SetBarringL( setBarring, bsc );
+            iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+            iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+            break;
+        case EDeactivate: 
+            setBarring.iSetting = ECancelBarring;
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSDeactivation;
+            iBarring->SetBarringL( setBarring, bsc );
+            iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+            iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+            break;
+        case EInterrogate:
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSInterrogation;
+            iBarring->GetBarringStatusL( EServiceGroupVoice, setBarring.iType );
+            iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+            iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+            break;
+        case ERegister:
+        case EErase:
+        default:
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSActionUnspecified;
+            iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageSSRequestFailed );
+            break;
+        }
+        "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessBarringL: End" );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessClipStatusL.
+// Process calling line identification presentation status.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessClipStatusL()
+    {
+        "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessBarringL: Start" );
+    // Notify Phone Application that an SS string was identified
+    // and is about to be processed. This procedure is needed to quarantee
+    // that an incoming call will not be blocked by the confirmation dialog
+    iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuingSSRequest );
+    CreateCliObsL();
+    iCli->GetClipModeL();
+    iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPEClip;
+    iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSInterrogation;
+ = RMobilePhone::EServiceUnspecified;
+    iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+    iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+        "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessBarringL: End" );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessClirStatusL
+// Process connected line presentation status.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessClirStatusL()
+    {
+        "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessClirStatusL: Start" );
+    // Notify Phone Application that an SS string was identified
+    // and is about to be processed. This procedure is needed to quarantee
+    // that an incoming call will not be blocked by the confirmation dialog
+    iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuingSSRequest );
+    CreateCliObsL();
+    iCli->GetClirModeL();
+    iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPEClir;
+    iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSInterrogation;
+ = RMobilePhone::EServiceUnspecified;
+    iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+    iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+        "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessClirStatusL: End" );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessCnapStatusL
+// Process Calling Name Presentation (CNAP) status check.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessCnapStatusL()
+    {
+        "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessCnapStatusL: Start" );
+    if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdPhoneCnap ) )
+        {
+        // Notify Phone Application that an SS string was identified
+        // and is about to be processed. This procedure is needed to quarantee
+        // that an incoming call will not be blocked by the confirmation dialog
+        iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuingSSRequest );
+        CreateCliObsL();
+        iCli->GetCnapL(); 
+        iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECnap;
+        iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSInterrogation;
+ = RMobilePhone::EServiceUnspecified;
+        iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+        iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iOwner.SetGsmParserErrorCode( ECCPErrorNotSupported );
+        }
+        "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessCnapStatusL: End" );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessColpStatusL
+// Process connected line presentation status.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessColpStatusL()
+    {
+        "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessColpStatusL: Start" );
+    // Notify Phone Application that an SS string was identified
+    // and is about to be processed. This procedure is needed to quarantee
+    // that an incoming call will not be blocked by the confirmation dialog
+    iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuingSSRequest );
+    CreateCliObsL();
+    iCli->GetColpModeL();
+    iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPEColp;
+    iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSInterrogation;
+ = RMobilePhone::EServiceUnspecified;
+    iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+    iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+        "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessColpStatusL: End" );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessColrStatusL
+// Process connected line restriction status.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessColrStatusL()
+    {
+        "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessColrStatusL: Start" );
+    // Notify Phone Application that an SS string was identified
+    // and is about to be processed. This procedure is needed to quarantee
+    // that an incoming call will not be blocked by the confirmation dialog
+    iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuingSSRequest );
+    CreateCliObsL();
+    iCli->GetColrModeL();
+    iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPEColr;
+    iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSInterrogation;
+ = RMobilePhone::EServiceUnspecified;
+    iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+    iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+        "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessColrStatusL: End" );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessEmlppL
+// Process enhanced Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption (eMLPP).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessEmlppL( 
+        TAction /*aAction*/,          // It as action.
+        const TDesC& /*aNumber*/, // It is directory number.
+        const TInt ) /*aServiceCode*/   // It is service code.
+    {
+        "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessEmlppL: " );
+    //This feature is not supported.
+    iOwner.SetGsmParserErrorCode( ECCPErrorNotSupported );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessForwardingL
+// If a parameter is not allowed for a procedure,then it is empty. If a 
+// parameter is not explicitly given, then it is empty. If a parameter is 
+// present, then it can be assumed to contain appropriate values.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessForwardingL( 
+        TAction aAction,                    // It is action
+        TForwardingProcedure aForwarding,   // It contains forwarding procedure.
+        const TDesC& aNumber,               // It is directory number.
+        const TDesC& aBasicCode,            // It is basic service code.
+        const TDesC& aTimer )               // It is timer.
+    {
+    TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessForwardingL: Start" );
+    // Notify Phone Application that an SS string was identified
+    // and is about to be processed. This procedure is needed to quarantee
+    // that an incoming call will not be blocked by the confirmation dialog
+    iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuingSSRequest );
+    // connect to ss engine
+    CreateCFObsL();
+    RMobilePhone::TMobileService serviceGroup = BasicService( aBasicCode );
+ = serviceGroup;
+    TCallDivertSetting setDivert;
+    // forwarded-to number copied
+    if ( aNumber.Length() > KPsetPhoneNumberLength )
+        {   
+        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+        }       
+    setDivert.iNumber.Copy( aNumber );
+    // default basic service group used for line initialization is set
+    setDivert.iServiceGroup = EServiceGroupData;
+    // convert into bsc
+    TBasicServiceGroups bsc = ChangeToBsc( aBasicCode );
+    // to get the divert indicator correctly 
+    // (needed when voice is concerned)
+    if ( bsc == EAllTeleAndBearer ||
+        bsc == EAllTele ||
+        bsc == ETelephony ||
+        bsc == EAllTeleExcSms ||
+        bsc == EAltTele )
+        {
+        setDivert.iServiceGroup = EServiceGroupVoice;
+        }
+    // status initialized
+    setDivert.iStatus = EDivertingStatusUnknown;
+    setDivert.iNoReplyTimer = 0;
+    // chooses the correct forwarding program
+    switch ( aForwarding )
+        {
+        case EForwardingNotReachable:
+            setDivert.iCondition = EDivertConditionNotReachable;
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECallForwardingNotReachable;
+            break;
+        case EForwardingNoReply:
+            {
+            // set the timer in case of timer concerned function call
+            if ( aTimer.Length() != 0 )
+                {
+                TLex input( aTimer );
+                User::LeaveIfError( input.Val( setDivert.iNoReplyTimer ) );
+                }
+            else 
+                {
+                setDivert.iNoReplyTimer = iDivert->GetTimerValueL();
+                }
+            setDivert.iCondition = EDivertConditionNoReply;
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECallForwardingNoReply;
+            break;
+            }
+        case EForwardingBusy:
+            setDivert.iCondition = EDivertConditionBusy;
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECallForwardingBusy;
+            break;
+        case EForwardingUnconditional:
+            setDivert.iCondition = EDivertConditionUnconditional;
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECallForwardingUnconditional;
+            break;
+        case EForwardingAll:
+            setDivert.iCondition = EDivertConditionAllCalls;
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECallForwardingAll;
+            break;
+        case EForwardingAllConditional:
+            setDivert.iCondition = EDivertConditionAllConditionalCases;
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECallForwardingAllConditional;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    // right function chosen from iDivert according to aAction
+    switch( aAction )
+        {
+        case EActivate:
+            TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessForwardingL EActivate" );
+            setDivert.iSetting = EActivateDiverting;
+            iDivert->SetDivertingL( setDivert, bsc );
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSActivation;
+            iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+            iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+            break;
+        case EDeactivate: 
+            TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessForwardingL EDeactivate" );
+            setDivert.iSetting = ECancelDiverting;
+            iDivert->SetDivertingL( setDivert, bsc );
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSDeactivation;
+            iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+            iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+            break;
+        case EInterrogate:
+            TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessForwardingL EInterrogate" );
+            iDivert->GetDivertingStatusL( EServiceGroupVoice, 
+                setDivert.iCondition, bsc );
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSInterrogation;
+            iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+            iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+            break;
+        case ERegister:
+            setDivert.iSetting = ERegisterDiverting;
+            iDivert->SetDivertingL( setDivert, bsc );
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSRegistration;
+            iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+            iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+            break;
+        case EErase:
+            setDivert.iSetting = EEraseDiverting;
+            iDivert->SetDivertingL( setDivert, bsc );
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSErasure;
+            iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+            iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+            break;
+        default:
+            TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessForwardingL default FAIL" );
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSActionUnspecified;
+            iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+            iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageSSRequestFailed );
+            break;
+        }
+    TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessForwardingL: End" ); 
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessMspL
+// Process Multiple Subscriber Profile (MSP).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessMspL( 
+        TAction /*aAction*/,        // It is action.
+        const TDesC& /*aNumber*/,   // It is directory number.
+        const TInt ) /*aServiceCode*/ // It is service code.
+    {
+    TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessMspL" );
+    //This feature is not supported.
+    iOwner.SetGsmParserErrorCode( ECCPErrorNotSupported );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessPasswordChange
+// Process password change.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessPasswordChangeL
+        ( 
+        TPasswordProcedure aPassword,   // It is password procedure.
+        const TDesC& aOldPassword,      // It should be old password.
+        const TDesC& aNewPassword,
+        const TDesC& aVerifyNewPassword )
+    {
+    TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessPasswordChangeL: Start" ); 
+    // Notify Phone Application that an SS string was identified
+    // and is about to be processed. This procedure is needed to quarantee
+    // that an incoming call will not be blocked by the confirmation dialog
+    iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuingSSRequest );
+    CreateCBObsL(); 
+    if ( aPassword == EPasswordBarring )
+        {
+        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhonePasswordChangeV2 password;
+        CopyL( password.iOldPassword, aOldPassword );
+        CopyL( password.iNewPassword, aNewPassword );
+        CopyL( password.iVerifiedPassword, aVerifyNewPassword );
+        iBarring->ChangePasswordL( password, ETrue );
+        iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECallBarringPassword;
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhonePasswordChangeV2 password;
+        CopyL( password.iOldPassword, aOldPassword );
+        CopyL( password.iNewPassword, aNewPassword );
+        CopyL( password.iVerifiedPassword, aVerifyNewPassword );
+        iBarring->ChangePasswordL( password, EFalse );
+        iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPESSTypeUnspecified;
+        }
+    iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPEPasswordOperation;
+ = RMobilePhone::EServiceUnspecified;
+    iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+    iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+    TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessPasswordChangeL: End" ); 
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessSpnpL
+// Process Support for Private Numbering Plan (SPNP).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessSpnpL( 
+        TAction      /*aAction*/,        // It is action.
+        const TInt ) /*aServiceCode*/ // It is service code.
+    {
+    TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessSpnpL" ); 
+    //This feature is not supported.
+    iOwner.SetGsmParserErrorCode( ECCPErrorNotSupported );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessWaitingL
+// Process waiting.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessWaitingL( 
+        TAction aAction,          // It is action.
+        const TDesC& aBasicCode ) // It is basic service code.
+    {
+    TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessWaitingL: Start" );
+    // Notify Phone Application that an SS string was identified
+    // and is about to be processed. This procedure is needed to quarantee
+    // that an incoming call will not be blocked by the confirmation dialog
+    iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuingSSRequest );
+    // changes aBasicCode to basic service group
+    TBasicServiceGroups bsc = ChangeToBsc( aBasicCode );
+    // Basic service group for S90 UI...
+    RMobilePhone::TMobileService serviceGroup = BasicService( aBasicCode );
+ = serviceGroup;
+    iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.type = EPECallWaiting;
+    // connects to ss engine
+    CreateCWObsL();
+    switch( aAction )
+        {
+        case EActivate:
+            TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessWaitingL EActivate" );
+            iWaiting->SetCallWaitingL( 
+                MPsetCallWaiting::EActivateCallWaiting, 
+                bsc );
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSActivation;
+            iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+            iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+            break;
+        case EDeactivate: 
+            TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessWaitingL EDeactivate" );
+            iWaiting->SetCallWaitingL( 
+                MPsetCallWaiting::EDeactivateCallWaiting, 
+                bsc );
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSDeactivation;
+            iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+            iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+            break;
+        case EInterrogate:
+		    TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessWaitingL EInterrogate" );
+            iWaiting->GetCallWaitingStatusL();
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSInterrogation;
+            iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+            iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedSSRequest );
+            break;
+        case ERegister:
+        case EErase:
+        default:
+            TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessWaitingL default" );
+            iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo.action = EPESSActionUnspecified;
+            iModel.DataStore()->SetSSCommandInfo( iSupplementaryServicesCommandInfo );
+            iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageSSRequestFailed );
+            break;
+        } 
+    TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "PE CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessWaitingL: End" );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::ChangeToBsc
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBasicServiceGroups CPEParserSSHandler::ChangeToBsc( 
+    const TDesC& aBasicCode )
+    {
+    //null values must be handled as well, length == 0
+    if ( aBasicCode.Length() == 0 )
+        {
+        return EAllTeleAndBearer;
+        }
+    TInt value( 0 ); 
+    TLex input( aBasicCode );
+    TInt error = input.Val( value );
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( error > -1, 
+        User::Panic( KPEPhoneEnginePanic, EPEPanicStupidUser ) );
+    TBasicServiceGroups returnValue = EAllTeleAndBearer;
+    if ( (EAllTele <= value && value <= EFax) ||
+        (ESms <= value && value <= EAllSync) ||
+        (ESyncData <= value && value <= EPadAccess) ||
+        (EAllPlmnTele <= value && value <= EPlmnTeleF) ||
+        (EAllPlmnBearer <= value && value <= EPlmnBearerServF) ||
+        value == EAltTele ||
+        value == KPEDefinedBasicServiceGroup )
+        {
+        returnValue = ( TBasicServiceGroups ) value;
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        User::Panic( KPEPhoneEnginePanic, EPEPanicStupidUser );
+        }
+    return returnValue;      
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::ConnectToSsEngineL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::ConnectToSsEngineL()
+    {
+    if ( iSettings )
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( DoClean, this ) );
+    //creates the containers
+    iSettings = CPsetContainer::NewL();
+    iObsContainer = CPsuiContainer::NewL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( this );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::CreateCWObsL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::CreateCWObsL()
+    {
+    ConnectToSsEngineL();
+    //call waiting observer and engine
+    if ( !iCwObserver )
+        {
+        iCwObserver = iObsContainer->CreateCWObsL();
+        iWaiting = iSettings->CreateCWObjectL( *iCwObserver );
+        iWaiting->SetRequestObserver( this );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::CreateCBObsL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::CreateCBObsL()
+    {
+    ConnectToSsEngineL();
+    //call barring observer and engine
+    if ( !iCbObserver )
+        {  
+        iCbObserver = iObsContainer->CreateCBObsL();
+        iBarring = iSettings->CreateCBObjectL( *iCbObserver );
+        iBarring->SetRequestObserver( this );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::CreateCFObsL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::CreateCFObsL()
+    {
+    ConnectToSsEngineL();
+    //call divert observer and engine
+    if ( !iCfObserver )
+        {   
+        iCfObserver = iObsContainer->CreateCFObsL();
+        iDivert = iSettings->CreateCFObjectL( *iCfObserver );
+        iDivert->SetRequestObserver( this );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::CreateCliObsL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::CreateCliObsL()
+    {
+    ConnectToSsEngineL();
+    // cli observer and engine 
+    if ( !iCliObserver )
+        {  
+        iCliObserver = iObsContainer->CreateCliObsL();
+        iCli = iSettings->CreateCliObjectL( *iCliObserver );
+        iCli->SetRequestObserver( this );
+        }
+    }   
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::ProcessForwardingL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::RequestComplete()
+    {
+    ResetVariables();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::RequestStatusChanged
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::RequestStatusChanged( 
+    TInt /*aNewStatus*/ )
+    {
+    // Phone app is not interested in Ss state changes.
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::DoClean
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::DoClean( 
+    TAny* aAny )
+    {
+    CPEParserSSHandler* ssHandler = 
+        static_cast< CPEParserSSHandler* >( aAny );
+    ssHandler->ResetVariables();
+    }       
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::ResetVariables
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::ResetVariables()
+    {
+    delete iCfObserver;
+    iCfObserver = NULL;
+    delete iCbObserver;
+    iCbObserver = NULL;
+    delete iCwObserver;
+    iCwObserver = NULL;
+    delete iCliObserver;
+    iCliObserver = NULL;
+    delete iDivert;
+    iDivert = NULL;
+    delete iBarring;
+    iBarring = NULL;
+    delete iWaiting;
+    iWaiting = NULL;
+    delete iCli;
+    iCli = NULL;
+    delete iSettings;
+    iSettings = NULL;
+    delete iObsContainer;
+    iObsContainer = NULL;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEParserSSHandler::CopyL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEParserSSHandler::CopyL( 
+        TDes& aDest, 
+        const TDesC& aSource )
+    {
+    if ( aDest.MaxLength() < aSource.Length() )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrOverflow );
+        }
+    aDest = aSource;
+    }
+//  End of File