changeset 3 8871b09be73b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phoneuis/easydialing/tsrc/edta/src/edta_appview.cpp	Fri Feb 19 22:50:26 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Easy dialing test application.
+#include <coemain.h>
+#include <aknutils.h>
+#include "edta_appview.h"
+#include "edta_debugprint.h"
+#include "edta_dummylistener.h"
+#include <aknnotewrappers.h>        
+// AVKON components
+#include <aknlists.h>
+#include <aknpopup.h>
+// Predictive search header files.
+#include <CPsSettings.h>
+#include <CPsQuery.h>
+#include <CPsQueryItem.h>
+#include <CPsClientData.h>
+#include <CPsPattern.h>
+#include <CPsRequestHandler.h>
+// Virtual phonebook header files.
+#include <VPbkContactStoreUris.h>
+#include <CVPbkContactStoreUriArray.h>
+#include <TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr.h>
+// contains virtual phonebook data fields
+#include <vpbkeng.rsg>
+// Phonebook engine API 
+#include <CPbkContactEngine.h>
+// CCA Launcher header files.
+#include <ccafactory.h>
+#include <mccaparameter.h>
+#include <mccaconnection.h>
+const TInt KEdtaMaximumMatchingCount = 100;
+const TInt KEdtaContactCompanyIndex = 2;
+const TInt KEdtaContactEmailHomeIndex = 3;
+const TInt KEdtaContactEmailWorkIndex = 4;
+const TInt KEdtaContactEmailGenIndex = 5;
+const TInt KEdtaListBoxGranularity = 5;
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// NewL
+// First phase constructor without cleanup stack.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CEdtaAppView* CEdtaAppView::NewL( const TRect& aRect )
+    {
+    CEdtaAppView* self = CEdtaAppView::NewLC( aRect );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// NewLC
+// First phase constructor with cleanup stack.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CEdtaAppView* CEdtaAppView::NewLC( const TRect& aRect )
+    {
+    CEdtaAppView* self = new ( ELeave ) CEdtaAppView;
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL( aRect );
+    return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ConstructL
+// Second phase constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect )
+    {
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ConstructL enter, rect: %d, %d - %d, %d"), aRect.iTl.iX, aRect.iTl.iY, aRect.iBr.iX, aRect.iBr.iY  );
+    // Create a window for this application view
+    CreateWindowL();
+    const TDesC& thname = RThread().Name();
+    iScreenBuffer = CEdtaScreenTextBuffer::NewL( aRect );
+    iScreenBuffer->SetFocus( ETrue );
+    iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(thname);
+    LoadPluginL(); 
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ConstructL: iScreenBuffer: 0x%X, iEasyDialer: 0x%X"), iScreenBuffer, iEasyDialer );
+    if (iEasyDialer) 
+        {
+        DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ConstructL: Easydialer plugin found, adding observer..") );
+        iEasyDialer->AddObserverL( this );
+        iEasyDialer->SetFocus( EFalse );
+        DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ConstructL: Add observer done"));
+        }
+    // Init PCS Server..
+    TRAPD( error, InitPredictiveContactSearchL());
+    if( error )
+        {
+        DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ConstructL: Failed to load predictive search engine: %d"), error );
+        iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(_L("* PCS Server load fail: %d"), error );
+        }
+    // Init Communication Launcher..
+    TRAP( error, iContactLauncher = TCCAFactory::NewConnectionL());
+    if( error )
+        {
+        DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ConstructL: Failed connect communication launcher: %d"), error );
+        iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(_L("* CCA open fail: %d"), error );
+        }
+    iDummyListener = new ( ELeave ) CDummyListener();
+    // Set the windows size
+    SetRect( aRect );
+    ActivateL();
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ConstructL exit"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CEdtaAppView
+// The C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    // No implementation here
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ~CEdtaAppView
+// The destructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::~CEdtaAppView enter, iEasyDialer: 0x%x"), iEasyDialer );
+    delete iDummyListener;
+    if (iEasyDialer)
+        {
+        iEasyDialer->RemoveObserver( this );
+        }
+    if (iPredictiveContactSearchHandler)
+        {
+        iPredictiveContactSearchHandler->RemoveObserver(this);
+        }
+    delete iEasyDialer;
+    iContactNames.ResetAndDestroy();
+    iMatchingContactLinks.ResetAndDestroy();
+    if (iContactLauncher)
+        {
+        iContactLauncher->Close();
+        }
+    delete iPredictiveSearchQuery;
+    delete iContactManager;
+    delete iPredictiveContactSearchHandler;
+    delete iContactStoreUriArray;
+    iContactDataStores.ResetAndDestroy();
+    delete iScreenBuffer;
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::~CEdtaAppView exit"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Draw
+// Draw itself. Clear the canvas.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const
+    {
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::Draw, rect: %d, %d - %d, %d"), aRect.iTl.iX, aRect.iTl.iY, aRect.iBr.iX, aRect.iBr.iY );
+    CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
+    gc.SetClippingRect( aRect );
+    gc.SetBrushColor( KRgbWhite );
+    gc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
+    gc.Clear( aRect );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SizeChanged
+// Called by framework when the view size is changed.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::SizeChanged()
+    {
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::SizeChanged: iScreenBuffer: 0x%X, iEasyDialer: 0x%X"), iScreenBuffer, iEasyDialer );
+    // Controls must set rects, otherwise not drawn
+    // If easy dialer plugin is loaded, the controls are reorganized to screen.
+    if( iEasyDialer )
+        {
+        // Screen buffer occupies upper half of the view.
+        TRect screen_buffer_rect = iAvkonAppUi->ClientRect();
+        screen_buffer_rect.iBr.iY -= (screen_buffer_rect.Height() / 2 );
+        TRect easy_dialer_rect(0, screen_buffer_rect.Height(), screen_buffer_rect.Width(), iAvkonAppUi->ClientRect().Height());
+        iEasyDialer->SetRect( easy_dialer_rect );
+        iScreenBuffer->SetRect(screen_buffer_rect);
+        }
+    else if ( iScreenBuffer )
+        {
+        iScreenBuffer->SetRect(iAvkonAppUi->ClientRect());
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CountComponentControls
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CEdtaAppView::CountComponentControls() const
+    {
+    return iEasyDialer ? 2 : 1;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ComponentControl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCoeControl* CEdtaAppView::ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const
+    {
+    switch (aIndex)
+        {
+        case 0: return iScreenBuffer;
+        case 1: return iEasyDialer; // Can be null
+        default: return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// OfferKeyEventL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TKeyResponse CEdtaAppView::OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
+    {
+    TKeyResponse handled = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+    if ( iEasyDialer )
+        {
+        handled = iEasyDialer->OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent, aType);
+        }
+    if ( handled == EKeyWasNotConsumed )
+        {
+        handled = iScreenBuffer->OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent, aType);
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        handled = EKeyWasConsumed;
+        }
+    return handled;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// GetScreenBuffer
+// Returns the pointer to the screen buffer of the view.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CEdtaScreenTextBuffer* CEdtaAppView::GetScreenBuffer()
+    {
+    return iScreenBuffer;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// GetEasyDialer
+// Returns the pointer to the easy dialer.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CDialingExtensionInterface* CEdtaAppView::GetEasyDialer()
+    {
+    return iEasyDialer;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// InitContactDataStoreUrisL
+// Initialises user contact data store URIs into field iContactDataStores.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::InitContactDataStoreUrisL()
+    {
+    HBufC* default_cdb = VPbkContactStoreUris::DefaultCntDbUri().AllocLC();
+    User::LeaveIfError(iContactDataStores.Append( default_cdb ));
+    CleanupStack::Pop( default_cdb );
+    iContactStoreUriArray = CVPbkContactStoreUriArray::NewL();
+    iContactStoreUriArray->AppendL(TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr( VPbkContactStoreUris::DefaultCntDbUri() ));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// InitPredictiveContactSearchL
+// Initialises predictive contact search.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::InitPredictiveContactSearchL()
+    {
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::InitPredictiveContactSearchL enter"));
+    iPredictiveContactSearchHandler = CPSRequestHandler::NewL();
+    iPredictiveContactSearchHandler->AddObserverL(this);
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::InitPredictiveContactSearchL => CPSRequestHandler::NewL done"));
+    InitContactDataStoreUrisL();
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::InitPredictiveContactSearchL => InitContactDataStoreUrisL done"));
+    iContactManager = CVPbkContactManager::NewL(*iContactStoreUriArray);
+    // Put the searched contact fields into array.
+    RArray<TInt> contact_fields;
+    CleanupClosePushL(contact_fields);
+    // All supported fields are searched. The supported fiels are specified in cenrep private\10202BE9\2000B5C6.
+    contact_fields.Append(R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_FIRSTNAME);
+    contact_fields.Append(R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_LASTNAME);
+    contact_fields.Append(R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_COMPANYNAME);
+    contact_fields.Append(R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_EMAILHOME);
+    contact_fields.Append(R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_EMAILWORK);
+    contact_fields.Append(R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_EMAILGEN);
+    // Create and fill ps settings object.
+    CPsSettings* ps_settings = CPsSettings::NewL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(ps_settings);
+    ps_settings->SetSearchUrisL(iContactDataStores);
+    ps_settings->SetMaxResults(KEdtaMaximumMatchingCount);
+    ps_settings->SetSortType(EAlphabetical);
+    ps_settings->SetDisplayFieldsL(contact_fields);
+    // Set the ps settings.
+    iPredictiveContactSearchHandler->SetSearchSettingsL(*ps_settings);
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::InitPredictiveContactSearchL => CPSRequestHandler::SetSearchSettingsL done"));
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ps_settings);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&contact_fields);
+    iPredictiveSearchQuery = CPsQuery::NewL();
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::InitPredictiveContactSearchL => CPsQuery::NewL done"));
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::InitPredictiveContactSearchL exit"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void ShowMatchingContacts(const TDesC& aSearchString)
+// Starts an asynchronous search for contacts matching to aSearchString.
+// The actual displaying of contact is done in callback HandlePsResultsUpdate
+// - Hardcode to use ITU keyboard parameters
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::ShowMatchingContactsL(const TDesC& aSearchString)
+    {
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ShowMatchingContactsL: enter '%S'"), &aSearchString );
+    iPredictiveSearchQuery->Reset();
+    for(TInt i = 0; i < aSearchString.Length() ;i++)
+        {
+         // Add a query item
+        CPsQueryItem* item = CPsQueryItem::NewL();
+        CleanupStack::PushL(item);
+        item->SetCharacter( aSearchString[i] );
+        item->SetMode( EItut );
+        iPredictiveSearchQuery->AppendL(*item);
+        // Previous CPsQuery::AppendL takes the ownership of item.
+        // Do not delete item.
+        CleanupStack::Pop(item);
+        }
+    // Issue the search. SearchL is asynchronous function => returns immediately.
+    iPredictiveContactSearchHandler->SearchL(*iPredictiveSearchQuery);
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ShowMatchingContactsL: exit"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ShowNameOrderL
+// Check the name ordering from phonebook engine by using phonebook engine API.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::ShowNameOrderL()
+    {
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ShowNameOrderL: enter"));
+    CPbkContactEngine* pbkEngine = CPbkContactEngine::NewL();
+    CPbkContactEngine::TPbkNameOrder nameOrder = pbkEngine->NameDisplayOrderL();
+    iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(_L("Phonebook name order is"));
+    switch ( nameOrder )
+        {
+        case CPbkContactEngine::EPbkNameOrderLastNameFirstName:
+            DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ShowNameOrderL: The name order is: %d == LastName -> FirstName"), nameOrder );
+            iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(_L("* Last name, first name"));
+            break;
+        case CPbkContactEngine::EPbkNameOrderFirstNameLastName:
+            DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ShowNameOrderL: The name order is: %d == FirstName -> LastName"), nameOrder );
+            iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(_L("* First name, last name"));
+            break;
+        case CPbkContactEngine::EPbkNameOrderNotDefined:
+            DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ShowNameOrderL: The name order is: %d == Not defined"), nameOrder );
+            iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(_L("* Not defined"));
+            break;
+        default:
+            DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ShowNameOrderL: The name order is: %d == Unknown"), nameOrder );
+            iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(_L("* Unknown value: %d"), nameOrder );
+        }
+    delete pbkEngine;
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ShowNameOrderL: exit"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// IsPCSServerLoaded
+// Checks if the PCSServer is loaded properly at constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CEdtaAppView::IsPCSServerLoaded()
+    {
+    if( !iPredictiveSearchQuery )
+        {
+        DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::CheckPCSServerL: PCS server not loaded properly!"));
+        TBuf<KEdtaMaxLineWidth> tempStr;
+        tempStr.Copy(_L("PCS server not loaded!"));;
+        TRAP_IGNORE(
+                {
+                CAknErrorNote* myNote = new (ELeave) CAknErrorNote();
+                myNote->SetTimeout( CAknNoteDialog::ELongTimeout );
+                TRAP_IGNORE( myNote->ExecuteLD( tempStr ) );
+                }
+        );
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CheckPCSServerL
+// Checks the configuration of the PCSServer and prints the sortorder of fields.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::CheckPCSServerL()
+    {
+    RArray<TInt> field_order;
+    CleanupClosePushL(field_order);
+    HBufC* default_cdb = VPbkContactStoreUris::DefaultCntDbUri().AllocLC();
+    _LIT(KEdtaField, "*");
+    TBuf<KEdtaMaxLineWidth> line(KEdtaField);
+    iPredictiveContactSearchHandler->GetDataOrderL(*default_cdb, field_order);
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ShowContactFieldOrderL: Number of fields: %d"), field_order.Count() );
+    TInt requiredFieldsCount = 3;
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < field_order.Count(); i++)
+        {
+        line.Append((TChar) ' ');
+        line.AppendNum(field_order[i]);
+        if(( field_order[i] ==  R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_FIRSTNAME) ||
+           ( field_order[i] ==  R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_LASTNAME) ||
+           ( field_order[i] ==  R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_COMPANYNAME ))
+            {
+            requiredFieldsCount--;
+            }
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( default_cdb );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &field_order );
+    iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(_L("PCS server fields:"));
+    iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(line);
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ShowContactFieldOrderL: '%S'"), &line );
+    if( requiredFieldsCount == 0 )
+        {
+        DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ShowContactFieldOrderL: All required fields found from PCSServer, configuration is OK"));
+        iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(_L("* All required fields found"));
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::ShowContactFieldOrderL: Not all required fields found from PCSServer, configuration is wrong"));
+        iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(_L("* PCS server misconfigured!"));
+        iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(_L("* Easydialing may not"));
+        iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(_L("* match your queries!"));
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void LaunchNthContactL(TInt aIx)
+// Launches communication launcher for the first contact in the previous
+// search. If not contacts found or no search yet done, function does nothing.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::LaunchNthContactL(TInt aIx)
+    {
+    if (aIx < 0 || iMatchingContactLinks.Count() <= aIx)
+        {
+        DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::LaunchNthContactL: No contacts retrieved yet") );
+        return;
+        }
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::LaunchNthContactL: enter, index: %d, setting parameters.."), aIx );
+    MCCAParameter* launch_parameters = TCCAFactory::NewParameterL();
+    CleanupClosePushL( *launch_parameters );
+    launch_parameters->SetConnectionFlag(MCCAParameter::ENormal);
+    launch_parameters->SetContactDataFlag(MCCAParameter::EContactLink);
+    // Pack the contact link and expand it to 16-bit descriptor.
+    HBufC8* contact8 = iMatchingContactLinks[aIx]->PackLC();
+    HBufC16* contact16 = HBufC16::NewLC( contact8->Length() );
+    contact16->Des().Copy( contact8->Des() );
+    launch_parameters->SetContactDataL( contact16->Des() );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contact16 );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contact8 );
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::LaunchNthContactL: launching CCA.."));
+    iContactLauncher->LaunchAppL( *launch_parameters, this );
+    // Ownership of parameter transferred to CCA launcher => pop but do not destroy.
+    CleanupStack::Pop(launch_parameters);  // Close parameter
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::LaunchNthContactL: exit"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void DoMiscellaneousTestsL()
+// Does various tests on easy dialing that are difficult to do through normal
+// testing. Mainly for coverage testing purposes.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::DoMiscellaneousTestsL()
+    {
+    // Coverage tests for observer handling.
+    iEasyDialer->AddObserverL( iDummyListener );
+    iEasyDialer->AddObserverL( NULL );
+    iEasyDialer->RemoveObserver( iDummyListener );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void HandlePsResultsUpdate(RPointerArray<CPsClientData>& aResult, RPointerArray<CPsPattern>& aSeqs)
+// Searched matching contacts using PCS and shows them on the screen.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::HandlePsResultsUpdate(RPointerArray<CPsClientData>& aResults, RPointerArray<CPsPattern>& aSeqs)
+    {
+    TRAP_IGNORE( HandlePredictiveSearchResultL(aResults, aSeqs) );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void HandlePsError(TInt aErrorCode)
+// Called when search error happens.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::HandlePsError(TInt aErrorCode)
+    {
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::HandlePsError: %d"), aErrorCode );
+    _LIT(KEdtaCachingError, "*** Caching error %d ***");
+    TRAP_IGNORE( iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(KEdtaCachingError, aErrorCode) );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void CachingStatus(TCachingStatus& aStatus, TInt& aError)
+// Called to update caching status.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::CachingStatus(TCachingStatus& aStatus, TInt& aError )
+    {
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::CachingStatus: %d"), aError);
+    switch (aStatus)
+        {
+        case ECachingNotStarted:
+            {
+            _LIT(KEdtaCachingStatusStarted, "*** Caching started ***");
+            TRAP_IGNORE( iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(KEdtaCachingStatusStarted) );
+            }
+            break;
+        case ECachingInProgress:
+            {
+            _LIT(KEdtaCachingStatusInProgress, "*** Caching in progress ***");
+            TRAP_IGNORE( iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(KEdtaCachingStatusInProgress) );
+            }
+            break;
+        case ECachingComplete:
+            {
+            _LIT(KEdtaCachingStatusComplete, "*** Caching complete ***");
+            TRAP_IGNORE( iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(KEdtaCachingStatusComplete) );
+            }
+            break;
+        case ECachingCompleteWithErrors:
+            {
+            _LIT(KEdtaCachingStatusCompleteWithErrors, "*** Caching complete with error %d ***");
+            TRAP_IGNORE( iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(KEdtaCachingStatusCompleteWithErrors, aError) );
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            {
+            _LIT(KEdtaCachingStatusUnknown, "*** Unknown caching status %d ***");
+            TRAP_IGNORE( iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(KEdtaCachingStatusUnknown, (TInt) aStatus) );
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void HandlePredictiveSearchResultL(RPointerArray<CPsClientData>& aResult, RPointerArray<CPsPattern>& aSeqs)
+// Handles predictive search results. A leaving version to be trapped in HandlePsResultsUpdate.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::HandlePredictiveSearchResultL(RPointerArray<CPsClientData>& aResults, RPointerArray<CPsPattern>& /* aSeqs */)
+    {
+    TInt results = aResults.Count();
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::HandlePredictiveSearchResultL enter, matching contacts found: %d"), results );
+    iContactNames.ResetAndDestroy();
+    iMatchingContactLinks.ResetAndDestroy();
+    // map results to old contact match data
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < aResults.Count(); i ++)
+        {
+        TBuf<KEdtaMaxLineWidth> temp;
+        _LIT(KEdtaContactFormatString, "%S %S");
+        // Store each contact name into iContactNames.
+        temp.Format(KEdtaContactFormatString, aResults[i]->Data(0), aResults[i]->Data(1));
+        DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::HandlePredictiveSearchResultL: Contact #%d: '%S'"), i+1, &temp );
+        HBufC* contact_name = HBufC::NewL(temp.Length());
+        *contact_name = temp;
+        iContactNames.Append( contact_name );
+        // Each contact link stored to iMatchingContactLinks, to be possible used later by
+        // CCA launcher functions.
+        MVPbkContactLink* link = iPredictiveContactSearchHandler->ConvertToVpbkLinkLC(*(aResults[i]), *iContactManager);
+        iMatchingContactLinks.Append( link );
+        CleanupStack::Pop( link );
+        // Write the contact name to screen buffer
+        iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL( *contact_name );
+        TUint8 match_mask = aResults[i]->FieldMatch();
+        // Show other search fields only if search matches them.
+        if (match_mask & (1 << KEdtaContactCompanyIndex))
+            {
+            _LIT(KEdtaContactCompany, "* Company: %S");
+            iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(KEdtaContactCompany, aResults[i]->Data(KEdtaContactCompanyIndex));
+            }
+        if (match_mask & (1 << KEdtaContactEmailHomeIndex))
+            {
+            _LIT(KEdtaContactEmailHome, "* Home e-mail: %S");
+            iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(KEdtaContactEmailHome, aResults[i]->Data(KEdtaContactEmailHomeIndex));
+            }
+        if (match_mask & (1 << KEdtaContactEmailWorkIndex))
+            {
+            _LIT(KEdtaContactEmailWork, "* Work e-mail: %S");
+            iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(KEdtaContactEmailWork, aResults[i]->Data(KEdtaContactEmailWorkIndex));
+            }
+        if (match_mask & (1 << KEdtaContactEmailGenIndex))
+            {
+            _LIT(KEdtaContactEmailGen, "* E-mail: %S");
+            iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(KEdtaContactEmailGen, aResults[i]->Data(KEdtaContactEmailGenIndex));
+            }
+        }
+    _LIT(KEdtaNumberOfMatchingContacts, "*** %d contacts found! ***");
+    iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(KEdtaNumberOfMatchingContacts, aResults.Count());
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::HandlePredictiveSearchResultL exit"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// HandleDialingExtensionEvent
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::HandleDialingExtensionEvent( MDialingExtensionObserver::TEvent aEvent )
+    {
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::HandleDialingExtensionEvent"));
+    if ( aEvent == MDialingExtensionObserver::EFocusChanged )
+        {
+        if ( iEasyDialer->IsFocused() )
+            {
+            iScreenBuffer->SetFocus( EFalse, EDrawNow );
+            }
+        else 
+            {
+            iScreenBuffer->SetFocus( ETrue, EDrawNow );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SelectAndLaunchContactL
+// Shows a list box, the launches CCA launcher for user selected contact.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::SelectAndLaunchContactL()
+    {
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::SelectAndLaunchContactL enter"));
+    // Create list of matched contacts and show them on the screen
+    CAknSingleHeadingPopupMenuStyleListBox* listBox = new(ELeave) CAknSingleHeadingPopupMenuStyleListBox;
+    CleanupStack::PushL( listBox );
+    CAknPopupList* popupList = CAknPopupList::NewL( listBox,
+                                                    R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_SELECT_CANCEL,
+                                                    AknPopupLayouts::EMenuGraphicHeadingWindow );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( popupList );
+    listBox->ConstructL( popupList, EAknListBoxSelectionList );
+    listBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
+    listBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL( CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff,
+                                                        CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );
+    _LIT( KMatchedContacts, "Matched contacts:" );
+    popupList->SetTitleL( KMatchedContacts );
+    // Add items into list
+    CDesCArrayFlat* itemArray = new(ELeave)CDesCArrayFlat(KEdtaListBoxGranularity);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(itemArray);
+    _LIT( KListItemSeparator1, ". \t" );
+    for (TInt listIndex = 0; listIndex < iContactNames.Count(); listIndex++ )
+        {
+        TBuf<KEdtaMaxLineWidth> itemString;
+        itemString.Zero();
+        itemString.AppendNum( listIndex+1 );
+        itemString.Append( KListItemSeparator1 );
+        itemString.Append( *iContactNames[listIndex] );
+        itemArray->AppendL(itemString);
+        }
+    CTextListBoxModel* model = listBox->Model();
+    model->SetItemTextArray( itemArray );
+    model->SetOwnershipType( ELbmOwnsItemArray );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( itemArray );     // Pop itemArray - the listBox model owns this now
+    if( popupList->ExecuteLD() )        // Show the list finally
+        {
+        if( listBox->CurrentItemIndex() >= 0 )
+            {
+            // Launch communication launcher for selected contact
+            LaunchNthContactL( listBox->CurrentItemIndex() );
+            }
+        }
+    CleanupStack::Pop( popupList );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( listBox );
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::SelectAndLaunchContactL exit"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCASimpleNotifyL
+// Implements MCCAObserver notification interface.
+// Nothing better to do but show the parameters.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::CCASimpleNotifyL( TNotifyType aType, TInt aReason )
+    {
+    DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::CCASimpleNotifyL: aType: %d, aReason: %d"), (TInt)aType, aReason );
+    _LIT(KEdtaCCAExitReason, "Launcher exit reason %d, %d");
+    iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(KEdtaCCAExitReason, aType, aReason);
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// LoadPluginL
+// Load the easydialing ECOM plugin
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEdtaAppView::LoadPluginL()
+    {
+    TRAPD( error, 
+        {
+        iEasyDialer = CDialingExtensionInterface::NewL();
+        iEasyDialer->InitializeL( *this );        
+        } );
+    if( error )
+        {
+        DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::LoadPluginL FAIL, error: %d"), error );
+        iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(_L("* EasyDialing Plugin load fail: %d"), error );
+        iEasyDialer = NULL;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iScreenBuffer->WriteLineL(_L("EasyDialing Plugin loaded"));
+        DebugPrintF(_L("CEdtaAppView::LoadPluginL OK" ));
+        }
+    }
+// End of File