--- a/phoneengine/phonemodel/src/cpemessagehandler.cpp Tue May 25 12:41:50 2010 +0300
+++ b/phoneengine/phonemodel/src/cpemessagehandler.cpp Wed Jun 09 09:41:11 2010 +0300
@@ -3009,5 +3009,42 @@
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEMessageHandler::AddSIMRejectedMoCsCallToLog
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CPEMessageHandler::AddSIMRejectedMoCsCallToLog( const TInt aCallId )
+ {
+ TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorGeneral );
+ errorCode = iCallHandling.GetCallInfo( *iCallInfo, aCallId );
+ if ( errorCode == ECCPErrorNone )
+ {
+ TPEState callState;
+ callState = iCallHandling.GetCallState( aCallId );
+ TPECallType callType;
+ callType = iDataStore.CallType( aCallId );
+ errorCode = ECCPErrorNotFound;
+ if ( EPEStateIdle == callState
+ && EPECallTypeCSVoice == callType )
+ {
+ SetPhoneNumberForCallLogging( aCallId );
+ errorCode = UpdateClientInfo( aCallId );
+ // Calls have to log also without a contact (ECCPErrorNotFound).
+ if ( errorCode == ECCPErrorNone || errorCode == ECCPErrorNotFound )
+ {
+ // Save the rest of information to EngineInfo.
+ SetLoggingInfo( aCallId, callState );
+ errorCode = iLogHandling.SaveCallEntry( aCallId );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return errorCode;
+ }
// End of File