* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Active object which implements ringing tone functionality
#include <e32base.h>
#include <Profile.hrh>
#include "MPhoneAudioPlayerObserver.h"
#include "MPhoneTimer.h"
#include "CPhoneAudioPlayer.h"
class RFs;
class CPhoneTimer;
class CMdaServer;
class CPhoneRingingTone;
class CPhoneRingingToneSrvPlayerAO :
public CActive,
private MPhoneAudioPlayerObserver,
private MPhoneTimer
// States for this active object
enum TState
* Two-phased constructor.
* @return new instance.
static CPhoneRingingToneSrvPlayerAO* NewL( RFs &aFs );
* Destructor.
* Play audio ring tone.
* @param aVolume Volume used to play the ringing tone.
* @param aRingingType Ringing type.
* @param aMessage Message from Client.
* @return ETrue if the client message should not be completed.
TBool PlayAudioRingTone(
TInt aVolume,
TProfileRingingType aRingingType,
const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Play default tone.
* @param aVolume volume used for the playing.
* @param aRingingType ringing type.
void PlayDefaultTone(
TInt aVolume,
TProfileRingingType aRingingType );
* Play backup tone.
* @param aVolume volume used for the playing.
* @param aRingingType ringing type.
void PlayBackupTone(
TInt aVolume,
TProfileRingingType aRingingType );
* Playing the Beep once.
* @param aVolume volume used to play the ringing tone.
void BeepOnce( TInt aVolume );
* Play silent tone. No_sound.wav will be played. If vibration alert
* is ON, it will vibrate.
void PlaySilentTone();
* Play unsecure VoIP tone.
* Play tone if secure call fails and call is changed to unsecure call.
void PlayUnsecureVoIPTone();
* Stops playing the ringing tone.
* Method does not do anything if ringing tone is not playing.
void StopPlaying();
* Mutes ringing tone.
void MuteRingingTone();
* Play TTS tone simultaneously with Personal or Default tones.
* This method does not command phone to play TTS immediately. Instead
* it registers a request to play TTS, when Personal or default tones
* are played.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aTextToSay Text, that should be pronounced by the
* Text-To-Speech engine. This is normal descriptor, no UTF-8
* and no "(tts)" prefix
* @param aVolume Volume for the TTS-tone, Does not effect the volume
* of the normal tone, that will be played simulteneously with the TTS
* @param aRingingType ringing type.
void PlayTtsTone(
const TDesC& aTextToSay,
TInt aVolume,
TProfileRingingType aRingingType );
* Checks if extended security required.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @return ETrue if extended security is required.
TBool ExtendedSecurity() const;
* Sets extended security required flag.
* @param aNeeded Extended security required.
void SetExtendedSecurityNeeded( TBool aNeeded );
* Sets extended security required flag.
* @param aLimit Extended security required.
void SetToneFileSizeLimit( TInt aLimit );
* Sets default ringing tone.
* @param aFilename Ringing tone.
void SetDefaultRingingToneL( const TDesC& aFilename );
* Sets ringing tone.
* @param aFilename Ringing tone.
void SetRingingToneL( const TDesC& aFilename );
* Handle the error of audio file player.
* @param aEvent The error event happend in initializing or playing.
* @param aError The error code return by audio server. Observer can
* handle these two error code for recoverable
* and unrecoverable errors.
* @param aId Indicate which audio player is out of working.
virtual void HandleAudioPlayerError(
TPhoneAudioPlayerErrorEvent aEvent,
TInt aError,
TInt aId = KPhoneAudioPlayerNotSpecified );
* Handle audio player initialize complete.
* @param aId Indicate which audio player is out of working.
virtual void HandleAudioPlayerInitComplete(
TInt aId = KPhoneAudioPlayerNotSpecified );
* Handle audio file playing complete successfully.
* @param aId Indicate which audio player is out of working.
virtual void HandlePlayingComplete(
TInt aId = KPhoneAudioPlayerNotSpecified );
* @see MPhoneTimer
virtual void HandleTimeOutL();
* Enumerates identifiers for each player:
* EPlayerAudio - audio
* EPlayerBeepOnce - beep once
* EPlayerSilent - silent
* EPlayerUnsecureVoIP - unsecure VoIP
* EPlayerDefault - default
* EPlayerBackup - backup
* EPlayerFirst and EPlayerLast are alias
* to other identifiers.
* EPlayerFirst - first player
* EPlayerLast - last player
enum TPlayerId
EPlayerAudio = EPlayerFirst,
EPlayerLast = EPlayerTts,
* Enumerates how many times TTs is played
* ESaidOnce -once
* ESaidTwice twice
enum TTtsStatus
* C++ default constructor.
CPhoneRingingToneSrvPlayerAO( RFs& aFs );
* Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
void ConstructL();
* Do construct tone.
* @param aRingingTone Ringing tone.
* @param aId Indicates the audio player.
* @return The instance of the player. NULL is returned if it's failed.
CPhoneAudioPlayer* ConstructTonePlayer(
const CPhoneRingingTone& aRingingTone,
TInt aId );
* Handle audio player error.
* @param aDelete ETrue if deletion of the player allowed,
* EFalse otherwise.
* @param aSync ETrue if synchronous deletion of players is allowed,
* EFalse otherwise.
void DoHandlePlayerError(
TBool aDelete,
TBool aSync );
* Convert ringing type from PhoneAppEnging to the ringing type in
* CPhoneAudioPlayer.
* @param aRingingType the ringing type form PhoneAppEngine.
* @return ringing type of CPhoneAudioPlayer.
CPhoneAudioPlayer::TRingingType ConvertRingingType(
TProfileRingingType aRingingType );
* Construct media server and backup tone player.
TInt ConstructPlayers();
* Construct media server and backup tone player.
void ConstructPlayersL();
* Construct sequence players.
* @param aPlayer player to be constructed.
void ConstructSequencePlayer(
TPlayerId aPlayer );
* Construct sequence players.
* @param aPlayer player to be constructed.
void ConstructSequencePlayerL(
TPlayerId aPlayer );
* Cleanup players.
void CleanupPlayers();
* Deletes player asynchronoysly.
* @param aPlayer player to be deleted.
void DeletePlayerAsync(
TPlayerId aPlayer );
* @see CActive::RunL.
void RunL();
* @see CActive::DoCancel.
void DoCancel();
* Wrapper of DoHandleTtsDelayTimeout, that can be used as TCallback.
* Immediately passes control to DoHandleTtsDelayTimeout method.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aObject Object to call DoHandleTtsDelayTimeout() on,
* instance of CPhoneRingingTonePlayer.
* @return KErrNone.
static TInt HandleTtsDelayTimeout( TAny* aObject );
* It is called after TTS delay elapsed. Starts playing TTS.
void DoHandleTtsDelayTimeout();
* Checks if TTS component should be played for the current ringtone
* playback and initializes the TTS playback. This method is to be
* called from within PlayXXXXTone methods
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aRingingType ringing type
void AddTtsPlaybackIfNeeded( TProfileRingingType aRingingType );
* Returns currently active player which is used wit TTS player.
* @return pointer to CPhoneAudioPlayer.
CPhoneAudioPlayer* GetCurrentlyActiveAudioPlayerWithTTs();
* TTs cases only. Calculates new volume and ramptimes
* for Ascending TTS ringing case and normal TTS ringing case.
* @param aStatus -status of TTs player.
void SolveNewVolumeAndRamptime( TTtsStatus aStatus );
* Retarts currently active ringingtone player.
void ReStartRingingTonePlayer();
* Checks if ringing tone file's size is larger than the size limit.
* If size limit is exceeded, default tone is played instead.
* @since 3.1
* @param aRingingTone Tone to check.
* @return EFalse if the limit was exceeded and thus default tone played.
* ETrue if tone file's size was valid and the checked tone
* can be played.
TBool CheckAndHandleToneSizeLimit( CPhoneRingingTone* aRingingTone );
* Checks if ringing tone file's size is larger than the size limit.
* @since 3.1
* @param aFile File to check.
* aSizeLimitKB the size limit in kB is set to this variable.
* @return KErrNone if the file can be used as a ringing tone.
* KErrTooBig if the file size limit is exceeded.
* Other error value if error happened during size checking.
TInt CheckToneFileSize( const TDesC& aFile, TInt aSizeLimitKB );
* Returns currently active audio player.
* @return Currently active audio player or NULL if none active.
CPhoneAudioPlayer* ActiveAudioPlayer();
private: // Data
// Handle to file server
RFs &iFs;
// Audio ring tone player. Memory allocated during construction.
// After constructed, no leave may be caused during audio playing
CPhoneAudioPlayer* iAudioPlayer;
// Audio player for beep once.
CPhoneAudioPlayer* iBeepOncePlayer;
// Audio player for silent tone.
CPhoneAudioPlayer* iSilentPlayer;
// Audio player for unsecure VoIP tone.
CPhoneAudioPlayer* iUnsecureVoIPTonePlayer;
// Default player.
CPhoneAudioPlayer* iDefaultPlayer;
// Tts player.
CPhoneAudioPlayer* iTtsPlayer;
// Backup ringing tone. Incase all default player failed.
CPhoneAudioPlayer* iBackupPlayer;
// Default ringing tone
CPhoneRingingTone* iDefaultRingingTone;
// Media server.
CMdaServer* iMdaServer;
// Indicate which tone is playing or need to be played:
// EIdle - idle,
// EAudioTonePlaying - audio playing,
// EBeepOnce - beep once playing,
// ESilentTonePlaying - silent tone playing,
// EDefaultTonePlaying - default tone playing,
// EBackupTonePlaying - backup tone playing,
enum TTonePlayingStatus
// Current playing status.
TTonePlayingStatus iTonePlayingStatus;
// True if Tts is currently playing. Is different from
// iTonePlayingStatus, because TTS is played in
// parallel with the other tone types
TBool iTtsTonePlaying;
// Index of the TTS delay that is "executed" currently or is to be
// "executed" after the current playing of the TTS tone. Is zero based
TInt iTtsDelayIndex;
// True if TTS tone should be played when the next playing of the
// default or personal tone is fired.
TBool iTtsToneToBePlayed;
// Normal ringing tone
CPhoneRingingTone* iAudioVideoRingingTone;
// Volume for backup tone playing.
TInt iVolume;
// Volume of the text pronounced by the TTS engine
TInt iTtsVolume;
// Ringing type for backup tone playing.
TProfileRingingType iRingingType;
// Timer.
CPhoneTimer* iTimer;
// Timer, that tracks delays before playing TTS
CPhoneTimer* iTtsDelayTimer;
// Number of times TTS tone should be played for the CURRENT ringtone
// If ringing tone is to be played just once, iTtsDelayCount == 1,
// otherwise iTtsDelayCount == KTtsDelayCount
TInt iTtsDelaysCount;
// Player to be deleted asynchronously.
RPointerArray<CPhoneAudioPlayer> iAsyncDeletePlayers;
// DRM extend security
TBool iExtSecNeeded;
// State of this active object
TState iState;
// RingingType for TtsPlayer only.
TProfileRingingType iTtsRingingType;
// Counter for TTs timeouts
TInt iTTsTimeOutCounter;
// Voice call ringing tone file size max value.
TInt iToneFileSizeLimitKB;
// Client message.
RMessage2 iClientMessage;