author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 21:30:06 +0300
changeset 6 38529f706030
parent 3 8871b09be73b
child 12 b68fcd923911
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201011 Kit: 201013

* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Message handler


#include <pevirtualengine.h>
#include "DosSvrServices.h"
#include <CPhCltCommandHandler.h>
#include <cphcltdialdata.h>

#include "mpecallhandling.h"

const TInt KModeNormal = 0;  // Normal System mode  
const TInt KModeFligth = 1;  // Flight mode 
const TInt KModePDA    = 2;  // PDA mode 

// Valid characters in an dialing string
_LIT( KPEClientValidChars, "+0123456789*#pwPW" );
_LIT( KPEValidDTMFChars, "0123456789*#pwPW" );
_LIT( KPEValidDTMFStringStopChars, "+pPwW" );

// DTMF Speed dial substitution
_LIT( KPEValidSpeedDialChars, "23456789" );
const TInt KPEDtmfSpeedDialSubstitutionsMax = 2; // prevent infinite loop.
const TInt KPESpeedDialIndexMin = 2;
const TInt KPESpeedDialIndexMax = 9;

// DTMF parsing status for Speed dial location
enum TPESpeedDialSubstituionStatus

// Invalid characters in an dialing string, these chars can be removed from dial string
_LIT( KPECharsThatCanBeDelete, "\"/ ().-" );

// None.


// Phone number prefix text, for prefix change
typedef TBuf<10> TPEPrefixText;

// None.

class MPEPhoneModelInternal;
class MPECallHandling;
class MEngineMonitor;
class CPEGsmAudioData;
class CPESimStateMonitor;
class CPEMMParserBase;
class CPETimer;
class MPEAudioData;
class MPELogHandling;
class MPEContactHandling;
class CPEMMHandlerContainer;
class RTASecuritySession;
class CPEClientInformation;
class CPEClientServices;
class CPEClientCallRequestMonitor;
class CPEExternalDataHandler;
class MPEDataStore;
class CPhoneGsmOptionContainerBase;
class CPEParserPhoneNumberHandler;
class CPEParserSSHandler;
class CPhoneGsmParserBase;
class CPhoneGsmHandlerContainer;
class CPhoneGsmParserResult;
class CPEParserEmergencyNumberHandler;
class CPEParserVoipNumberHandler;
class CPEManualCallControlHandler;
class MPEServiceHandling;


*  Handles phone related messages from the MPEPhoneModelInternal object.
*  @lib phoneenginebase.dll
*  @since S60_5.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CPEMessageHandler ) : public CBase
    public:  // Destructor

        * Two-phased constructor.
        static CPEMessageHandler* NewL( 
                MPEPhoneModelInternal& aModel,
                MPECallHandling& aCallHandling,
                MEngineMonitor& aEngineMonitor,
                CPEGsmAudioData& aAudioData,
                MPELogHandling& aLogHandling,
                MPEContactHandling& aContactHandling,
                CPESimStateMonitor& aSimStateMonitor,
                CPEExternalDataHandler& aGsmExternalDataHandler,
                                           MPEServiceHandling& aServiceHandling,
                RFs& aFsSession );
        * Destructor.

    public: // New functions

        * Handles answer call message from the phone application.
        * @param aAutomaticAnswer, ETrue if triggered by automatic answer
        * @return possible error code from the CallHandling subsystem.
        TInt HandleAnswerCall( const TBool aAutomaticAnswer );

        * Handles accessory mode changed message from AudioHandling subsystem.
        * @param aVideoCall, ETrue if call type video call
        * @return possible error code from the AudioHandling subsystem
        TInt HandleAudioRouting( TBool aVideoCall, TInt aCallId );

        * Handles route preference changed message from AudioHandling subsystem.
        * @return possible error code from the AudioHandling subsystem
        TInt HandleRoutePreferenceChanged();
        * Handles continue dtmf sending ('w' character in the dtmf string have defected stop in the dtmf sending)
        * @param aContinue, informs continue or not.
        void HandleContinueDtmfSending( const TBool aContinue );

        * Handles release all message from phone application 
        * @return possible error code from the CallHandling subsystem.
        TInt HandleReleaseAll( );

        * Handles release message from phone application 
        * @param aAutoResumeOption if options for autoresume.
        * @return Return possible error code.
        TInt HandleReleaseCall( TPEHangUpOptions aAutoResumeOption = ETPEHangUpDefault );
        * Handles release message from application 
        * @return Return possible error code.
        TInt HandleReleaseConference();
        * Handles send dtmf message from phone application 
        * @return possible error code from the CallHandling subsystem.
        TInt HandleSendDtmf();

        * Handles audio mute message from the phone application. 
        void HandleSetAudioMute();
        * Handles audio output message from the phone application. 
        * @return possible error code from the AudioHandling subsystem.
        TInt HandleSetAudioOutput();

        * Handles change volume message from the phone application.
        void HandleSetAudioVolume();

        * Starts tone playing. 
        void HandlePlayDTMFL();

        * Stops tone playing. 
        * @return error code.
        TInt HandleEndDTMF();

        * Terminates all connected calls, waiting call, data connections.
        * @return errorCode.
        TInt HandleTerminateAllConnections(); 

        * Sets phone client information
        * @param aCallId, the dentification number of the call.
        * @param aMainPartOfPhoneNumber The phone number, 
        *        where extra chaters "/ ().-" and possible prefix are removed. 
        void SetClientInformation( const TInt aCallId, 
            const TDesC& aMainPartOfPhoneNumber );
        * Sets phone client information
        * @param aClientDialData Client dial data 
        void SetClientData( 
            const CPhCltDialData& aClientDialData ); 
        * Checks if the current char is removable
        * @param TChar, current character from inspected string.
        * @return TBool.
        TBool IsItCharThatCanDelete( const TChar& aChar ) const;

        * Checks if the current char is valid
        * @param TChar, current character from inspected string.
        * @return TBool.
        TBool IsValidChar( const TChar& aChar, const TDesC& aValidChars ) const;

        * Removes invalid char if it is removable
        * @param TDesc, current string from wich we are interested in.
        * @return TBool.
        TBool RemoveInvalidChars( TDes& aString, 
                                           const TDesC& aValidChars, 
                                           const TBool aCheckForDelete ) const;

        * Handles lifetimer data from customa api -> engineinfo.
        * @return TInt possible error code..
        TInt HandleGetLifeTimerData() const;

        * Handles EPEMessageDTMFSent message from call handling subsystem
        * @param ECCPErrorNone or KPEDontSendMessage
        TInt HandleDtmfSent();
        * Stops DTMF sending and resets DTMF processing state
        void StopDtmfSending();
        * Handles reject call message 
        * @return possible error code from the CallHandling subsystem.
        TInt HandleRejectCall();
        * Called asyncronously from callback. Calls HandleSendDtmf()
        * function.
        * @param aAny Pointer to 'this' object.
        * @return error code.
        static TInt CallBackHandleSendDtmf( TAny* aAny );

        * Handles plus (+) sign in a DTMF string.
        * @param aDtmfString Current DTMF string to process.
        void HandlePlusSignInDtmf( const TPEDtmfString& aDtmfString );
        * Called asyncronously from callback.
        * @param aAny Pointer to 'this' object.
        * @return error code.
        static TInt CallbackSendMessageStoppedDTMF( TAny* aAny );
        * Handles build conference message from phone application
        * @return Return possible error code from the CallHandling subsystem.
        TInt HandleBuildConferenceCall();

        * Handles Going private in Conference Call
        * @return possible error code from the CallHandling subsystem.
        TInt HandleGoOneToOne();        

        * Gets basic service group value. 
        * @return basic service group.
        inline RMobilePhone::TMobileService BasicServiceGroup();
        * Handles add conference member message from phone application
        * @return possible error code.
        TInt HandleAddConferenceMember();

        * Handles dropped conference member message
        void HandleDroppedConferenceMember();
        * Handles EPEMessageALSLineChanged message.
        void HandleALSLineChanged();

        * Handles error message from the CallHandling subsystem.
        * @param aCallId is the identification number of the call.
        * @param aBusyCall informs that error cause was busy remote party.
        void HandleCallHandlingError( const TInt aCallId, const TBool aBusyCall );
        * Handles cancel SS string command.
        * @return Possible error code from the Settings utility subsystem.
        *         Security module don't have return value from cancel command.
        TInt HandleCancelSSstringCommand();

        * Handles conference idle state
        * @param aCallId is the identification number of the call.
        * @return Return possible error code.
        TInt HandleConferenceIdleState( const TInt aCallId );

        * Handles connected message from the CallHandling subsystem.
        * @param aCallId, identification number of the call.
        * @return possible error code from the CallHandling subsystem.
        TInt HandleConnectedState( const TInt aCallId );

        * Handles video call logging in Connected state
        * @param aCallId is the identification number of the call.
        * @return Return possible error code.
        TInt HandleVideoCallConnected( const TInt aCallId );

        * Handles video call logging in Idle state
        * @param aCallId is the identification number of the call.
        * @return Return possible error code.
        TInt HandleVideoCallIdle( const TInt aCallId );

        * Handles EPEMessageSetALSLine message.
        void HandleSetALSLineL();

        * Handles dial message from phone application or phone client.
        * @param aClientCall, Informs is the current call client originated or not.
        * @return Return possible error code.
        TInt HandleDialCall( const TBool aClientCall );        

        * Handles dial emergency message from phone application or phone client.
        * Phase one of emergency call initialization
        * @param aClientCall, Informs is the current call client originated or not.
        * @return Return possible error code.
        TInt HandleDialEmergencyCall( const TBool aClientCall );        

        * Handles Sat dial request completed message from the phone application 
        void HandleSatCallRequestCompleted( );

        * Phase two of emergency call initialization
        void ContinueDialEmergency();

        * Handles dialing state transition for voice and video calls
        * @param aCallId is the identification number of the call.
        void HandleDialingStateL( const TInt aCallId );

        * Handles incoming voice and video call
        * @param aCallId is the identification number of the call.
        void HandleIncomingCallL( const TInt aCallId );

        * Handles disconnecting without inband tones.
        * @param aCallId is the identification number of the call.
        * @return possible error code.
        TInt HandleDisconnecting( const TInt aCallId ); 

        * Handles disconnecting with inband tones.
        * @param aCallId is the identification number of the call.
        * @return possible error code.
        TInt HandleDisconnectingWithInband( const TInt aCallId );

        * Handles drop conference member message from phone application
        * @return possible error code from the CallHandling subsystem.
        TInt HandleDropConferenceMember();

        * Handles hold message from the phone application 
        * @return possible error code from the CallHandling subsystem.
        TInt HandleHoldCall( );

        * Handles video call switch to video or voice from phoneui 
        TInt HandleSwitchToVideoOrVoice( const TInt aCallId ); 
        * Continue switch to video call or voice call.
        * Calls dial method to create new video call or voice call 
        * to same phonenumber.
        * @param aCallId is the identification number of the call.
        * @return possible error code from the CallHandling subsystem.
        TInt ContinueSwitchToCall( const TInt aCallId );  

        * Handles idle state message from the CallHandling subsystem.
        * @param aCallId is the identification number of the call.
        * @return Return possible error code from the CallHandling subsystem.
        TInt HandleVoiceCallIdleState( const TInt aCallId );

        * Handles play DMTF message from phone application 
        void ProcessPlayDTMFL( );

        * Handles end DTMF playing message from phone application 
        * @return possible error code from the CallHandling subsystem.
        TInt ProcessEndDTMF( );

        * Handles resume message from phone application 
        * @return possible error code from the CallHandling subsystem.
        TInt HandleResumeCall( );

        * Handles send USSD request from CPEGsmParserMiscHandler
        * @param aString, USSD string to be sent
        * @return Symbian OS error code
        TInt HandleSendUssd( const TDesC& aString );

        * Handles EPEMessageSimStateChanged from Dos Server.
        * @return None.
        void HandleSimStateChanged( );

        * Handles startup message from the phone application.
        * @return None.
        void HandleStartUp();

        * Handles Phone Number Edited message from phone application 
        void HandlePhoneNumberEditedL();

        * Handles service enabled message from service handling subsystem
        * @since Series60_5.0
        * @return possible error code from the ServiceHandling subsystem
        TInt HandleServiceEnabled();
         * Handles remote party information changed   
         * @param aCallId is the identification number of the call.               
         * @since Series60_5.2         
        void HandleRemotePartyInfoChanged( const TInt aCallId );

        * Handles swap message from the phone application 
        * @return possible error code from the CallHandling subsystem.
        inline TInt HandleSwapCalls();

        * Handles transfer message from phone application.
        * @return possible error code from the CallHandling subsystem.
        inline TInt HandleTransferCalls();
        * Sets basic service group for future using,
        * @param aServiceGroup, includes basic service group.
        * @return None.
        inline void SetBasicServiceGroup( const RMobilePhone::TMobileService& aServiceGroup );
        * Sets gsm parser error code for future using.
        * @param aGsmParserErrorCode, includes possible error code from parser process.
        * @return None.
        inline void SetGsmParserErrorCode( TInt aGsmParserErrorCode);

        * Check is given number emergency number
        * @return Epoc errorcodes.
        TInt HandleEmergencyCheck( );

        * Stops playing a inband tone. 
        void HandleStopInbandTonePlay();

        * Handles automatic answer off from customa api -> engineinfo.
        * @return TInt possible error code..
        void HandleAutomaticAnswerOff( ) const;

        * Handles AT dialing started
        * @param aSucceed true if succeeded
        void HandleATDialingStarted( const TBool aSucceed ) const;
        * Replace active call
        * @return Possible error code
        TInt HandleReplaceActive();
         * Handles unattended transfer request response.
         * @param    aAcceptRequest     ETrue to accept, EFalse to reject request.
        TInt HandleUnattendedTransferRequestResponse( TBool aAcceptRequest );

        * Handle unattended transfer
        * @return KErrNone if succesfull
        TInt HandleUnattendedTransfer();

        * Handle call forward
        * @return KErrNone if succesfull
        TInt ForwardCallToAddress();
        * Handle disable service
        void HandleDisableService();
    private: // New functions
        * C++ default constructor.
        CPEMessageHandler( MPEPhoneModelInternal& aModel, 
                           MPECallHandling& aCallHandling, 
                           MEngineMonitor& aEngineMonitor, 
                           CPEGsmAudioData& aAudioData, 
                           MPELogHandling& aLogHandling, 
                           MPEContactHandling& aContactHandling,
                           CPESimStateMonitor& aSimStateMonitor,
                           CPEExternalDataHandler& aExternalDataHandler,
                              MPEServiceHandling& aServiceHandling,
                           RFs& aFsSession );
        void ConstructL();
        * Checks the status of phone number prefix change setting
        * and calls CPEMessageHandler::ChangePrefix for execution
        * If error occurs the phone number is left untouched
        * @param aPhoneNumber, phone number to be checked
        void CheckPrefix();

        * Replaces phone number prefix with the one provided
        * @param aPrefixText, prefix to be used in replacement
        * @return possible Symbian OS error code
        TInt ChangePrefix( const TPEPrefixText& aPrefixText );
        * Remove '+' begin of the string
        void RemovePlusPrefix( TPEPhoneNumber& aPhoneNumber );

        * Checks if automatic answer is on for audio accessory
        * @param TInt aCallId, call identification.
        * @return TBool.
        TBool AutomaticAnswer( const TInt aCallId ) const;

        * Returns a boolean to indicate whether emergency call is allowed or not.  
        * @return Return a True or False. 
        TBool IsEmergencyAllowed() const;

        * Handle Client Call Data.
        * @return Return possible error.
        void HandleClientCallData();

        * HandleEngineInfo. Set information to EngineInfo.
        * @param TInt aCallId, call identification.
        * @return Return possible error.
        TInt HandleEngineInfo( const TInt aCallId ); 
        * Update Client information
        * @param TInt aCallId, call identification.
        TInt UpdateClientInfo( const TInt aCallId );
        * Check is phoneNumber emergency number and 
        * should phonenumber hide for User
        * @param TInt aCallId, call identification.
        void CheckAndHideIdentity( const TInt aCallId );

        * Finds callInfo form TSY.
        * @param TInt aCallId, call identification.
        * @return Return possible error.
        TInt FindCallInfo( const TInt aCallId );

        * Set phonenumber for call logging
        * @param TInt aCallId, call identification.
        * @return None.
        void SetPhoneNumberForCallLogging( const TInt aCallId );

        * Store call information for logging
        * @param TInt aCallId, call identification.
        * @param TPEState aCallState, call's state.
        * @return None.
        void SetLoggingInfo( const TInt aCallId, TPEState aCallState );

        * Set name to the EngineInfo.
        * @param TInt aCallId, call identification
        * @return None.
        void SetName( const TInt aCallId );

        * Set rest of info to the EngineInfo.
        * @param TPEPhoneNumberIdType aPhoneNumberId, phonenumber type
        * @param TInt aCallId, call identification
        * @return None.
        void HideIdentification(
            TPEPhoneNumberIdType aPhoneNumberId,
            const TInt aCallId );

        * Checks is the current call the missed call.
        * @param TInt aCallId, call identification.
        * @param TPEState aCallState, call's state.
        * @return None.
        void IsMissedCall( const TInt aCallId, TPEState aCallState );

        * Notifies DevSound that there is no active call
        * and audio should be routed accordingly.
        void ClearCallAudio();
        * Remove pre and post fix from phone number.
        * @param TDes aString, phonenumber. 
        * @return None
        void RemovePreAndPostFix( TDes& aString );
        * Remove pre fix from phone number.
        * @param TLex aLex, orginal phonenumber.
        * @return None
        void RemovePrefix( TLex& aLex );
        * Handle number part.
        * @param TLex aLex, orginal phonenumber.
        * @param TDes aNumberPart, TDes for edited phone numeber.
        * @return None
        void HandleNumberPart( TLex& aLex, TDes& aNumberPart );
        * EqualsLeft combare if aString contains aPrefix.
        * @param TDesC aString, orginal phonenumber.
        * @param TDes aPrefix, 
        * @return TBool ETrue if match.
        TBool EqualsLeft( const TDesC& aString, const TDesC& aPrefix );

        * Handles dial message from phone application or phone client.
        * @param aClientCall, Informs is the current call client originated or not.
        * @return Return possible error code.
        TInt HandleDialCallL( const TBool aClientCall );      

        * Checks if there are any connected video calls
        * @return   EFalse: no active video call,
        *           ETrue: active video call
        TBool IsActiveVideo();
        * Checks that string contains only valid dtmf characters 
        * @param aString string to be checked
        * @return ETrue if valid dtmf string 
        TBool IsValidDtmfString( TDes& aString );
         * Updates remote party info to Mediator.
        void UpdateRemotePartyInfo();

    private:  // Data
        // MPEPhoneModelInternal owns this object.
        MPEPhoneModelInternal& iModel;
        // It is container for parser options
        CPhoneGsmOptionContainerBase* iOptions;
        // Handles phone number from the parser.
        // Not owned
        CPEParserPhoneNumberHandler* iPhoneNumberHandler;
        // Handles supplementary service requests from the parser.
        CPEParserSSHandler* iSSHandler;
        // MPECallHandling handles call related commands to CallHandling subsystem.
        MPECallHandling& iCallHandling;
        // MEngineMonitor handles interface structures to phone application
        MEngineMonitor& iEngineMonitor;
        // CPEGsmAudioData handles audio commands
        CPEGsmAudioData& iGsmAudioData;
        // CPELogsData object which handles logs related commands
        MPELogHandling& iLogHandling;
        // Handle to contact handling
        MPEContactHandling& iContactHandling;
        // Handle to external data handler
        CPEExternalDataHandler& iExternalDataHandler; 
        // Mobile call info.
        RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV3* iCallInfo;
        // Sim state monitor
        CPESimStateMonitor& iSimStateMonitor;
        // Handle to a file server session
        RFs& iFsSession; 
        // Handles call request from the client/server interface.
        CPEClientServices* iClientServices;
        // Automatic answer timer.
        CPETimer* iAutomaticAnswerTimer;
        // Number parser object
        CPhoneGsmParserBase* iParser;
        // Container for parser handlers.
        CPhoneGsmHandlerContainer* iParserHandlerContainer;
        // Includes identification number of the waiting call.
        TInt iWaitingCallId;
        // Call start time
        TTime iTime;
        //Current emergency call state.
        TBool iEmergencyCallActive;
        TBool iBtaaDisconnected;
        //Client Information, member variable because emergency call from phone client
        //is not allowed to allocate memory. 
        CPEClientInformation* iClientInformation;
		// Dial Data
		CPhCltDialData* iClientDialData;
        // Instances will contain the results of the parsing
        CPhoneGsmParserResult* iResult;
        // Handles emergency number from the parser.
        // Not owned
        CPEParserEmergencyNumberHandler* iEmergencyNumberHandler;
        // Handles voip number from the parser.
        // Not owned
        CPEParserVoipNumberHandler* iVoipNumberHandler;
        // Handles manual call control.
        // Owned
        CPEManualCallControlHandler* iManualCallControlHandler;
        MPEServiceHandling& iServiceHandling;
        // reference to data store
        MPEDataStore& iDataStore;
        // Asyncromous callback
        CAsyncCallBack* iAsyncCallBack;
        // Includes basic service value.
        RMobilePhone::TMobileService iBasicServiceGroup;
        // Includes possible Gsm Parser error code.
        TInt iGsmParserErrorCode;
        // Cheks if audio is registred and system is ready for startup
        TBool iPEReadyForStartUpMessageSent;

#include "cpemessagehandler.inl"

#endif      // CPEMESSAGEHANDLER_H   
// End of File