* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Concrete interface for loading thumbail images.
#include "cphcntthumbnailloader.h"
#include "mphcntthumbnailloader.h"
class MPhoneCntPbkOwner;
class MPhCntThumbnailLoaderObserver;
class CPbkContactItem;
class CPbkThumbnailManager;
class MPbkThumbnailOperation;
class CPhCntContactId;
* It loads thumbail images.
* Note that it is considered that loading of thumbnail images is not critical.
* Thus, if something fails during loading procedure, then we ignore the whole
* thumbnail.
* However, observer will be informed of both success and failure.
* @lib PhoneCntFinder
* @since 1.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CPhCntThumbnailLoaderImpl )
: public CPhCntThumbnailLoader,
private MPhCntLoaderObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CPhCntThumbnailLoaderImpl* NewL(
MPhCntThumbnailLoaderObserver& aObserver,
MPhoneCntPbkOwner& aPbkOwner,
MPhCntThumbnailLoader& aLoader );
* Destructor.
public: // Functions from base classes
* From CPhCntThumbnailLoader
TInt Load( TThumbnailId& aId, const CPhCntContactId& aContactId );
* From CPhCntThumbnailLoader
void Cancel( TThumbnailId aId );
* Indication that loading has been made.
* @since S60 v3.0
* @param Pointer of bitmap loaded, ownership is given to caller.
* May be null if error occured during loading.
* @param aError Error code of loading.
void LoadingCompleted( CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TInt aError );
* It contains necessary information to load a thumbnail.
struct TThumbnailInfo
// It contains index.
TThumbnailId iId;
// Identifies the contact, which thumbnail is going to be loaded.
CPhCntContactId* iContactId;
* It enumerates all states.
enum TState
* C++ constructor.
MPhCntThumbnailLoaderObserver& aObserver,
MPhoneCntPbkOwner& aPbkOwner,
MPhCntThumbnailLoader& aLoader );
* Symbian OS constructor.
void ConstructL( MPhoneCntPbkOwner& aPbkOwner );
* Attempts to start loading of thumbnail.
void AttemptLoadL(
TThumbnailId aId,
const CPhCntContactId& aContactId );
* Starts loading next thumbnail.
void StartLoadL();
* Cancels loading.
void CancelLoad();
* Processes the result.
void ProcessResultL();
* Finds position in array by thumbnail id.
* @param aId id.
* @return position or KErrNotFound if not found.
TInt FindById( TThumbnailId aId );
* Starts loading. If it failed, then simply inform
* observer about failure.
void DoStartLoad();
* Handles start.
void HandleStartL();
* Handles start; calls HandleStartL in trap harnness.
void HandleStart();
* Starts bridge.
void Start( TState aState );
* Idle callback.
static TInt DoStart( TAny* aAny );
* It gives thumbnail to the observer.
* Ownership of the bitmap is transferred to the client.
* @param aResult error code.
* @param aBitmap bitmap or NULL if no bitmap loaded.
void Notify(
TThumbnailId aId,
TInt aResult,
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap );
* Clears all pbk stuff.
void ClearPbk( TBool aMore = ETrue );
* Compares ids of two structure.
* @return ETrue iff aFirst.iId == aSecond.iId.
static TBool CompareIds(
const TThumbnailInfo& aFirst,
const TThumbnailInfo& aSecond );
* It is enumeration of all panic reasons.
enum TPanicReason
* Panics.
* @param aReason reason for panic.
static void Panic( TPanicReason aReason );
void ClearThumbnailArray();
void RemoveThumbnailArrayEntry( TInt aIndex );
private: // Data
* It is type for array of thumbnail info.
typedef RArray< TThumbnailInfo > RThumbnailArray;
// Ref: Observer.
MPhCntThumbnailLoaderObserver& iObserver;
// Owned: array of thumbnails to load.
RThumbnailArray iArray;
// Owned: active bridge
CIdle* iBridge;
// Current state.
TState iState;
// Currently loading. System is loading iff iCurrent != KNullId.
TThumbnailId iCurrent;
// Current bitmap.
CFbsBitmap* iBitmap;
* Thumbnail loader.
* Own.
MPhCntThumbnailLoader* iLoader;
// End of File