* Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* In call state implementation.
#include "cphonestate.h"
class CPhoneDtmfWaitCharTimer;
* In call state
class CPhoneStateInCall : public CPhoneState
* Destructor.
IMPORT_C virtual ~CPhoneStateInCall();
* Creates the InCall state class
* @param aStateMachine: a state machine
* @param aViewCommandHandle: handle to the PhoneUIView
* @return an instance of class CPhoneStateInCall
static CPhoneStateInCall* NewL(
MPhoneStateMachine* aStateMachine,
MPhoneViewCommandHandle* aViewCommandHandle,
MPhoneCustomization* aCustomization );
IMPORT_C virtual void HandleKeyMessageL(
TPhoneKeyEventMessages aMessage,
TKeyCode aCode );
* A message handling function for Phone Engine messages
* @param aMessage Message from Phone Engine
* @param aCallId Call id the message concerns
IMPORT_C virtual void HandlePhoneEngineMessageL(
const TInt aMessage,
TInt aCallId );
IMPORT_C virtual TBool HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
* Handle state-specific behaviour when number entry is cleared
IMPORT_C virtual void HandleNumberEntryClearedL();
* By default EPOC constructor is private.
IMPORT_C CPhoneStateInCall(
MPhoneStateMachine* aStateMachine,
MPhoneViewCommandHandle* aViewCommandHandle,
MPhoneCustomization* aPhoneCustomization );
* ConstructL()
IMPORT_C virtual void ConstructL();
* Open menu bar
IMPORT_C virtual void OpenMenuBarL();
* Launch the New call phone number query
IMPORT_C void LaunchNewCallQueryL();
* Call number fetched from New call dialog
* @param aFetchedNumber number fetched from the diaog
IMPORT_C virtual void CallFetchedNumberL(
const TDesC& aFetchedNumber );
* Handle EPEMessageIdle
IMPORT_C void HandleIdleL( TInt aCallId );
* Method for quering is video call active.
* @return ETrue if active otherwise EFalse
IMPORT_C virtual TBool IsVideoCallActiveL();
* Method for quering is video call ringing.
* @return ETrue if ringing otherwise EFalse
IMPORT_C virtual TBool IsVideoCallRingingL();
* Method for quering ringing call .
* @return call id otherwise KErrNotFound
IMPORT_C virtual TBool GetRingingCallL();
* Search and release outgoingcall
IMPORT_C void DisconnectOutgoingCallL();
* Upadated CBAs Incall case
IMPORT_C virtual void UpdateInCallCbaL();
* Upadated CBAs
IMPORT_C virtual void UpdateCbaL( TInt aResource );
* Close all dtmf dialogs
IMPORT_C void CloseDtmfQueryL();
* Creates number entry.
IMPORT_C void CreateNumberEntryL();
* Concludes does the engine have information of the
* phone number. This information is then send to the view.
* @param aCallId - Call Id.
IMPORT_C void PhoneNumberAvailableInPhoneEngineL( TInt aCallId );
private: // New functions
* Handle EPEMessageAudioMuteChanged
void HandleAudioMuteChangedL();
* Handle EPEMessageAudioOutputChanged
void HandleAudioOutputChangedL();
* Handle EPEMessageAudioVolumeChanged
void HandleAudioVolumeChangedL();
* Handle EPEMessageSendingDTMF
void HandleSendingDTMFL();
* Handle EPEMessageStoppedDTMF
void HandleStoppedDTMFL();
* Handles EPEMessageDTMFSent
* EPEMessageDTMFSendingAborted
void CancelDTMFSendingL();
* Handle EPEMessagePromptSpeedDial
void HandleDTMFPromptSpeedDialL();
* Sends DTMF sequence to Phone Engine
void SendDtmfL();
* Sends DTMF speed dial number sequence to Phone Engine
void SendDtmfSpeedDialNumberL();
* Sends command to view for launching manual DTMF entry
void LaunchDtmfManualQueryL();
* Sends command to view for launching DTMF list query
void LaunchDtmfListQueryL();
* Launch DTMF Single Item fetch dialog
void LaunchDtmfSearchDialogL();
* Launch DTMF Single Item fetch for DTMF List query usage
void LaunchDtmfListViewSearchDialogL();
* Launch New call fetch dialog
void LaunchNewCallSearchDialogL();
* Sends command to view for 'Lock keypad'
void LockKeypadL();
* Handle successful single item fetch.
void HandleSuccessFetchedNumberL();
* Handle failed single item fetch.
void HandleFailedFetchedNumberL();
* Update remote data and label to the call header.
* @param aCallId - Call Id.
* @param aCallHeaderData - Call header parameters where modifications
* are made.
void UpdateRemoteInfoDataAndLabelL(
TInt aCallId,
TPhoneCmdParamCallHeaderData aCallHeaderParam );
* Show dtmf text query
* @param aDialogResourceId dialog's resource id
* @param aDefaultCbaResourceId default CBA's resource id
* @param aContentCbaResourceId content CBA's resource id
* @param aDataText pointer to data text
* @param aSendKeyEnabled send key enabled status for the query
void ShowDtmfTextQueryL(
TInt aDialogResourceId,
TInt aDefaultCbaResourceId,
TInt aContentCbaResourceId,
TDes* aDataText,
TBool aSendKeyEnabled = EFalse );
* Handles End key pressing (long/short).
* @param aMessage - Key event from AVKON
void HandleEndKeyPressL( TPhoneKeyEventMessages aMessage );
* Handles Voice key pressing.
* @param aMessage - Key event from AVKON
void HandleVoiceKeyPressL( TPhoneKeyEventMessages aMessage );
// From CPhoneState
* This function is called when there is property value change.
* @param aCategory Category of the property
* @param aKey Property key that is changed
* @param aValue New property value
IMPORT_C virtual void HandlePropertyChangedL(
const TUid& aCategory,
const TUint aKey,
const TInt aValue );
* Special timer for preventing recursive calls
* which would otherwise occur with multiple
* wait characters in a DTMF string.
CPhoneDtmfWaitCharTimer* iDtmfWaitCharTimer;
// End of File