* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Interface class for MPEEngineInfo of the PhoneEngine
#include <pevirtualengine.h>
// None
class MPEClientInformation;
// None
* Offers engine info interface to phone application
* @lib phoneengine.lib
* @since Series 60 4.0
* Gets active als line of the phone from TPEBasicInfo-structure
* @return active als line of the phone
virtual const CCCECallParameters::TCCELineType& ALSLine() const = 0;
* Gets ALS support of the phone from TPEBasicInfo-structure
* @return ETrue if als is supported.
virtual const TBool& ALSLineSupport() const = 0;
* Gets group ids which are active to play ring tone
* @return contact group id
virtual const TArray< TContactItemId > AlertForGroup() const = 0;
* Gets audio mute value
* @return audio mute value
virtual const TBool& AudioMute() const = 0;
* Gets audio volume value
* @return audio volume value
virtual const TInt& AudioVolume() const = 0;
* Gets current audio output path
* @return audio output path
virtual const TPEAudioOutput& AudioOutput() const = 0;
* Gets phone audio route parameters
* @return phone audio route parameters.
virtual const TPEPhoneAudioRouteParameters& RouteParameters() const = 0;
* Gets audio output path availability
* @return audio output path availability status
virtual TBool AudioOutputAvailable(
const TPEAudioOutput aOutput ) const = 0;
* Gets line information for the specified call
* @param aCallId is the call identification number
* @return line information for the specified call
virtual CCCECallParameters::TCCELineType CallALSLine( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets phone client information of the specified call
* @param aCallId is the call identification number
* @return client information of the specified call
virtual const MPEClientInformation& CallClientInformation( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets call direction of the specified call
* @param aCallId is the call identification number
* @return call direction of the specified call
virtual RMobileCall::TMobileCallDirection CallDirection(
const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets duration of the last call to go idle
* @return call duration of the last active call
virtual const TInt& CallDuration() const = 0;
* Gets call duration of the ongoing or last active call with specified id
* @param aCallId is the call identification number
* @return call duration of the ongoing or last active call
virtual TTimeIntervalSeconds CallDuration( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Get caller image
* @param aCallId is the call identification number.
* @return caller image
virtual const TPtrC CallerImage( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Get caller text
* @param aCallId is the call identification number.
* @return caller text
virtual const TPtrC CallerText( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Get caller thumbnail
* @param aCallId is the call identification number.
* @return pointer to thumbnail data
virtual CFbsBitmap* CallerThumbnail(
const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Get caller thumbnail status
* @return ETrue if has thumbnail, otherwise EFalse.
virtual TBool HasCallerThumbnail( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets identification number of a call
* This value is used for determining the target for a command message
* that requires such information
* @return identification number of a call
virtual const TInt& CallId() const = 0;
* Gets start time of the call
* @param aCallTime is the start time of the call
* @param aCallId is the call identification number
* @return None.
virtual const TTime& CallStartTime( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets call state of a specified call
* @param aCallId is the call identification number
* @return call state of a specified call
virtual TPEState CallState( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets type of the specified call
* @param aCallId is the call identification number.
* @return call type of a specified call
virtual TPECallType CallType( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets last set call type information
* @return call type information
virtual const TPECallType& CallTypeCommand() const = 0;
* Gets secure status from call info
* @return TBool the secure status (on/off)
virtual TBool IsSecureCall( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets call state of a conference call
* @return call state
virtual TPEState ConferenceCallState() const = 0;
* Get user group ids this contact is assigned to
* @param aCallId is the call identification number.
* @return array for group ids
virtual const TArray< TContactItemId > ContactGroups(
const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Get remote contact link packet. See virtual phonebook API.
* @param aCallId is the call identification number.
* @return Virtual phonebook contact link packet.
virtual const TDesC8& ContactLink( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets the name of data port currently on-loan.
* Data port loaning is handled by CSPlugin and happens when a data
* call goes into connected state. The dataport is released when VT components
* indicate it can be released, i.e. video call hangup.
* @return data port name
virtual const TName& DataPortName() const = 0;
* Gets dtmf string
* @return dtmf string
virtual const TPEDtmfString& DtmfString() const = 0;
* Gets error code and cause values for the latest error
* @return error code and cause values for the latest error
virtual const TPEErrorInfo& ErrorInfo() const = 0;
* Gets key code of the last key press
* @return key code of the last key press
virtual const TChar& KeyCode() const = 0;
* Gets keypad volume value
* @return keypad volume value
virtual const TInt& KeypadVolume() const = 0;
* Gets lifetimer data
* @return lifetime data (TDes8&)
virtual const TPELifeTimeData& LifeTimerData() const = 0;
* Gets a logging indicator
* @param aCallId, call identification number
* @return continuous logging indicator
virtual TBool LoggingIndicator( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Get missed call indicator
* @param aCallId, call identification number
* @return missed call indicator
virtual TBool MissedCall( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets network registration status
* @return TNWNetworkRegistrationStatus Network registration status
virtual const TNWNetworkRegistrationStatus& NetworkRegistrationStatus() const = 0;
* Get ringing tone
* Returns a ringing tone defined for one of the user groups
* if personal tone is not found
* @param aCallId, call identification number
* @return ringing tone file path
virtual const TPEContactFileName& PersonalRingingTone(
const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets personal tone status
* @return personal tone status
virtual const TBool& PersonalToneStatus() const = 0;
* Gets phone identity parameters
* @return phone identity parameters.
virtual const TPEPhoneIdentityParameters& PhoneIdentityParameters() const = 0;
* Gets phone number
* @return Reference to TPEPhoneNumber, containing the phone number of the remote party.
virtual const TPEPhoneNumber& PhoneNumber() const = 0;
* Gets phone number parsing result
* @return ETrue if phone number is a service code
virtual const TBool& PhoneNumberIsServiceCode() const = 0;
* Gets profile id
* @return profile id
virtual const TInt& ProfileId() const = 0;
* Gets profile name
* @return profile name.
virtual const TPEProfileName& ProfileName() const = 0;
* Gets contact company name
* @param aCallId, call identification number
* @return company name
virtual const TPEContactCompany& RemoteCompanyName(
const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets remote party identity
* @param aCallId is the Call identification number
* @return remote party identity
virtual RMobileCall::TMobileCallRemoteIdentityStatus RemoteIdentity (
const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets contact name
* Depending on user selected language may be in order:
* first + last name OR last + first name
* @param aCallId, call identification number
* @return contact name
virtual const TPEContactName& RemoteName( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets remote end phone number
* @param aCallId, call identification number
* @return phone number
virtual const TPEPhoneNumber& RemotePhoneNumber(
const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets remote end phone number type
* @param aCallId, call identification number
* @return phone number type
virtual const TPEPhoneNumberIdType& RemotePhoneNumberType(
const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets text to speech text for this contact. Used in
* text to speech ringing tone.
* @param aCallId, call identification number
* @return descriptor, ownership passed.
virtual const TPtrC RemoteTextToSpeechText(
const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets remote predefined dtmf strings
* @param aCallId, call identification number
* @return reference to string array
virtual const CDesCArray& RemotePredefinedDtmfStrings(
const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets ringing type
* @return ringing type
virtual const TProfileRingingType& RingingType() const = 0;
* Gets ringing tone name
* @param aCallId, call identification number
* @return name of the current ringing tone
virtual const TPEContactFileName& RingingTone( const TInt& aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets current ringing volume
* @return the current ringing volume
virtual const TInt& RingingVolume() const = 0;
* Gets text-to-speech preference setting value
* @return text-to-speech status (EFalse/ETrue)
virtual const TBool& TextToSpeech() const = 0;
* Gets VoiceMailBoxNumber for Line 1 information from TPEBasicInfo-structure
* @return line 1 VoiceMailBoxNumber information
virtual const TPEPhoneNumber& VoiceMailBoxNumberLine1() const = 0;
* Gets VoiceMailBoxNumber for Line 2 information from TPEBasicInfo-structure
* @return line 2 VoiceMailBoxNumber information
virtual const TPEPhoneNumber& VoiceMailBoxNumberLine2() const = 0;
* Sets audio mute command to TPEBasicInfo-structure
* @param aAudioMute is audio mute
* @return None.
virtual void SetAudioMuteCommand( const TInt& aAudioMute ) = 0;
* Sets audio output command to TPEBasicInfo-structure
* @param aOutput is audio output path
* @param aShowNote is audio note value
* @return None.
virtual void SetAudioOutputCommand(
const TPEAudioOutput& aOutput,
const TBool aShowNote ) = 0;
* Sets audio volume command to TPEBasicInfo-structure
* @param aAudioVolume is audio volume
* @return None.
virtual void SetAudioVolumeCommand( const TInt& aAudioVolume ) = 0;
* Sets CallId value to TPECallCommandInfo-structure
* @param aCallId is the call id number.
* @return None.
virtual void SetCallId( const TInt& aCallId ) = 0;
* Sets call type information for following command message
* Used for specifying the call type of the next attempted call
* @param aCallType is the call type of the next attempted call
virtual void SetCallTypeCommand( const TPECallType& aCallType ) = 0;
* Sets dtmf string value to TPEBasicInfo-structure
* @param aDtmfString is the dtmf string to be sent.
* @return None.
virtual void SetDtmfStringCommand( const TPEDtmfString& aDtmfString ) = 0;
* Sets key code value to TPEBasicInfo-structure
* @param aKeyCode is the key code value.
* @return None.
virtual void SetKeyCode( const TChar& aKeyCode ) = 0;
* Sets phone number to TPECallCommandInfo-structure
* @param aPhoneNumber is the phone number
* @return None.
virtual void SetPhoneNumber( const TPEPhoneNumber& aPhoneNumber ) = 0;
* Gets two digit support status value
* @return two digit support status (EFalse/ETrue)
virtual const TBool& TwoDigitSupportStatus() const = 0;
* Returns the service-id used for the command.
* @return TUint32 ServiceId
virtual TUint32 ServiceIdCommand() const = 0;
* SetServiceIdCommand
* @return None
virtual void SetServiceIdCommand( TUint32 aServiceId ) = 0;
* Gets ServiceId
* @return ServiceId
virtual TUint32 ServiceId( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets active forwarding information from TPEBasicInfo-structure
* @return deflect information
virtual const TPEActiveForwardInfo& ActiveForwardingInfo() const = 0;
* Gets barring information from TPEBasicInfo-structure
* @return barring information
virtual const TPEBarringInfo& BarringInfo() const = 0;
* Gets conference value from TPECallInfo-structure
* @param aCallId is the call identification number
* @return call conference value
virtual TInt CallConference( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets call control caps from the TPECallInfo-structure
* @param aCallId is the call identification number
* @return call control capabilities
virtual TPECallControlCaps CallControlCaps( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets forwarded value from TPECallInfo-structure
* @param aCallId is the call identification number
* @return is call forwarded or not
virtual TBool CallForwarded( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets Service information from TPECallInfo-structure
* @param aCallId is the call identification number.
* @return mobile call service type
virtual RMobilePhone::TMobileService CallService( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets Conference call capabilities
* @param aCallId is the call identification number
* @return conference call capabilities
virtual TUint32 ConferenceCallCaps( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets Conference call capabilities
* @param aCallId is the call identification number
* @return conference call member name
virtual const TName& ConferenceMemberName( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets Conference call capabilities
* @param aCallId is the call identification number
* @return conference call member id
virtual TInt IsConferenceMemberId( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets emergency number to be checked for validity
* @return emergency number to be checked for validity
virtual const TPEPhoneNumber& EmergencyNumber() const = 0;
* Gets number of the conference members
* @param aCallId is the call identification number
* @return number of conference members
virtual TInt NumberOfConferenceMembers( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Get remote end connected phone number
* @param aCallId, call identification number
* @return phone number
virtual const TPEPhoneNumber& RemoteColpNumber(
const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Gets Sim state
* @return current Sim state
virtual const TPESimState& SimState() const = 0;
* Gets secure specified status
* @return ETrue if secure specified
virtual TBool SecureSpecified( ) const = 0;
* Gets the last suplementary services string command information
* @return Suplementary Services command information.
virtual const TPESSCommandInfo& SSCommandInfo() const = 0;
* Sets emergency numbers of the phone to TPEBasicInfo-structure
* @param aEmergencyNumber for emergency number checking.
* @return None.
virtual void SetEmergencyNumber( const TPEPhoneNumber& aEmergencyNumbers ) = 0;
* Gets remote party name. Contains possible recieved CNAP name or
* received skype identification
* @param aCallId, Call identification number.
* @return Name of the remote party detemined by network.
virtual const TPEContactName& RemotePartyName( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Returns transfer target from the last received unattended transfer
* request or KNullDesC if transfer target is not available.
* @return Transfer target.
virtual const TPEPhoneNumber& UnattendedTransferTarget(
TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Sets transfer target from the last received unattended transfer request.
* @param aTarget Transfer target to set.
* @param aCallId Call identification number.
virtual void SetUnattendedTransferTarget(
const TPEPhoneNumber& aTarget, TInt aCallId ) = 0;
* Returns address choices from received call forward request
* or NULL if addresses are not available.
* @param aCallId Call identification number.
* @return Address array.
virtual const CDesC8Array* ForwardAddressChoices( TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Sets address choices from received call forward request.
* @param aArray Address array.
* @param aCallId Call identification number.
virtual void SetForwardAddressChoices( const CDesC8Array* aArray,
TInt aCallId ) = 0;
* Sets array index for user selected address.
* @param aIndex Array index for selected address.
virtual void SetForwardAddressIndex( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* Returns array index for user selected address.
* Address is used for call forwarding.
* @return Array index for selected address.
virtual TInt ForwardAddressIndex() = 0;
* Sets transfer target address for unattended transfer
* @param aTransferTarget Target address for unattended transfer
virtual void SetTransferTargetCommand( const TPEPhoneNumber& aTransferTarget ) = 0;
* Returns transfer target address
* @return Transfer target address set with SetTransferTargetCommand
virtual const TPEPhoneNumber& TransferTargetCommand() const = 0;
* Returns switch to operation status.
virtual TBool IsSwitchToOperationOngoing() const = 0;
* Checks if given state can be found.
* @param aCallState state to be checked.
virtual TBool CheckIfCallStateExists( const TPEState& aCallState )= 0;
* Returns call origin for the call
* @param aOrigin indicates if the call is phone, client or SAT originated
virtual TPECallOrigin CallOrigin( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
* Sets flag indicating unattended transfer dial
* @param aTransferDial ETrue if voip unattended transfer dial was initiated
virtual void SetIsTransferDial( TBool aTransferDial ) = 0;
* Returns flag indicating unattended transfer dial
virtual TBool IsTransferDial() const = 0;
* Sets unattended transfer call back address
* @param aAddress Unattended transfer call back address
virtual void SetCallBackAddress( const TDesC& aAddress ) = 0;
* Returns unattended transfer call back address
virtual const TDesC& CallBackAddress() const = 0;
* Sets the protocol spesific error code
* @param aError is the error code from Etel.
* @return None.
virtual void SetProtocolError( TInt aError, TInt aCallId ) = 0;
* Gets the protocol spesific error code
* @param aCallId is the call identification number.
* @return TInt.
virtual TInt ProtocolError( const TInt aCallId ) const = 0;
}; // MPEEngineInfo
// End of File