* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Easy dialing listbox data.
#include <aknlists.h>
* Matching highlight separator character is used in listbox model to separate
* matching and non-matching charaters. 0x1F is chosen for this because
* it is a control character "INFORMATION SEPARATOR ONE" of ASCII set.
* User of the listbox must use this character in creating list box item
* strings.
class CEasyDialingListBox;
class CEasyDialingContactDataManager;
* Easy dialing listbox data class.
class CEasyDialingListBoxData : public CFormattedCellListBoxData
class TExtendedColors : public CFormattedCellListBoxData::TColors
/** The matching text colour. */
TRgb iMatchingText;
/** The matching background colour. */
TRgb iMatchingBack;
* Constructor.
* Destructor
* Second phase constructor of the class.
* @return Pointer to the instance.
static CEasyDialingListBoxData* NewL();
* Draws selected item.
void DrawData(
const TListItemProperties& aItemProperties,
CWindowGc& aGc,
const TDesC* aText,
const TRect& aRect,
TBool aHighlight,
const TExtendedColors& aColors ) const;
* Draws selected item highlight.
* @param aGc Graphics context.
* @param aItemRect Item rectangle.
void DrawHighlight( CWindowGc &aGc, const TRect &aItemRect ) const;
* Sets the contact data manager. Must be set before using the listbox.
* @param aContactDataManager Contact data manager.
void SetContactDataManager( CEasyDialingContactDataManager* aContactDataManager );
* Sets a pointer to listbox class. Called from listbox constructor.
* @param aControl Pointer to easy dialing listbox cotrol.
void SetEDLBXControl( CEasyDialingListBox* aControl );
* Handle change in list item size
void HandleItemSizeChange();
void ConstructLD();
* Determines fonts for contact name and company name.
* The font sizes are determined based on list box item height.
* This function must be called once before any drawing routines are
* done.
* @param aItemHeight List box item height
void ObtainFonts( TInt aItemHeight );
* Update the color bitmap used for fallback graphics for the Action Menu arrow according to
* size changes in listbox control.
* @param aSize New size.
void UpdateColorBitmapL( const TSize& aSize );
* Draws the data for one list item.
* @param aProperties List item property structure.
* @param aGc Graphics context.
* @param aText String containing list item data information.
* @param aItemRect Item rectangle.
* @param aHighlight ETrue if the item has highlight, EFalse otherwise.
* @param aColors Structure containing used colors.
void DrawDataFormatted(
TListItemProperties aProperties,
CWindowGc& aGc,
const TDesC* aText,
const TRect& aItemRect,
TBool aHighlight,
const TExtendedColors& aColors ) const;
* Draws the Contact Thumbnail Icon if any else draws the dummy contact thumbnail.
* @param aGc Graphics context.
* @param aBoundingBox Rectangle containing bounds for contact thumbnail.
* @param aDescId Descriptor containing contact id.
TBool DrawContactThumbnail(
CWindowGc& aGc,
TRect aBoundingBox,
TPtrC aDescId) const;
* Draws the Action Menu.
* @param aGc Graphics context.
* @param aActionMenuArrowRect Rectangle where arrow is to be drawn.
void DrawArrowIcon( CWindowGc& aGc, TRect aActionMenuArrowRect ) const;
* Draws the Favourite Icon. Takes the name rect as a parameter. Name rect
* must be unmirrored, because the mirroring is done as the last thing
* before drawing.
* @param aGc Graphics context.
* @param aNameRectUnMirrored Name rect, where fav star is contained
* @param aEffectiveRect The whole listbox item rect. Used for mirroring.
void DrawFavouriteIcon(
CWindowGc& aGc,
TRect aNameRectUnMirrored,
TRect aEffectiveRect) const;
/** Font to be used showing contact name. Not owned. */
CFont* iContactNameFont;
/** Font to be used showing company name. Not owned. */
CFont* iCompanyNameFont;
/** Handle for loading and storing the thumbnails. Not owned.*/
CEasyDialingContactDataManager* iContactDataManager;
/** Action Menu LeftPointing Arrow for mirrored layout. Owned. */
CGulIcon* iArrowPointingRight;
/** Action Menu RightPointing Arrow. Owned. */
CGulIcon* iArrowPointingLeft;
/** Action icon color bitmap. Owned. */
CFbsBitmap* iColorBitmap;
/** Default image for contacts with no own thumbnail. Owned. */
CGulIcon* iDummyThumbnail;
/** Favourite icon. Owned. */
CGulIcon* iFavouriteIcon;
/** Pointer to listbox. Not owned. */
CEasyDialingListBox* iControl;