* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Controller for the PhoneUI View component
#include <apgcli.h>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <cntdef.h>
#include <cphcntspeeddialmonitor.h>
#include "mphoneviewcommandhandle.h"
#include "cphonerecoverysystem.h"
#include "mphonestatuspaneobserver.h"
#include "tphonecmdparamspeeddial.h"
#include "aknkeylock.h"
#include "tphonecmdparamtranseffect.h"
#include "mphoneviewblockingdialogobserver.h"
#include "mnumberentry.h"
#include "mphonesecuritymodechangeobserver.h"
#include "mphoneviewcontrollerobserver.h"
class CPhoneButtonsController;
class CLogsClient;
class CPhoneView;
class CPhoneDialerView;
class TPhoneViewId;
class TPhoneCommandParam;
class CEikButtonGroupContainer;
class CPhoneMenuController;
class CPhoneNoteController;
class CPhoneQueryController;
class CPhoneKeyCaptureController;
class CSpdiaControl;
class CEikStatusPane;
class CAknNavigationControlContainer;
class CPhoneBubbleWrapper;
class CCoeControl;
class CPhoneStatusPane;
class TPhoneNoteType;
class CPhoneNoteUtilities;
class CPhoneIncallIndicator;
class CPhoneTimer;
class CPhoneContactController;
class CPhoneCntSaveAddToName;
class CPhCntSingleItemFetch;
class CPhoneApplicationExit;
class CPhoneAudioController;
class CPhoneRingingTonePlayerAO;
class RAknUiServer;
class CPhoneSingleItemFetch;
class CPhoneDialerController;
class CAknIndicatorContainer;
class CPhCntRfsHandler;
class CPhoneToolbarController;
class CEikonEnv;
class CPhoneVmbxHandler;
class CAknAppUi;
class CDialer;
class MPhoneNumberEntryChangedHandler;
class MPhoneViewCustomization;
class CPhoneEasyDialingController;
class CPhoneDtmfDialerController;
class CAknIncallBubble;
class CPhoneViewController :
public CBase,
public MPhoneViewCommandHandle,
public MPhoneStatusPaneObserver,
public MPhoneViewBlockingDialogObserver,
public MNumberEntryObserver,
public MPhoneSecurityModeChangeObserver,
public MPhoneViewControllerObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
IMPORT_C static CPhoneViewController* NewL( TRect aRect );
* Destructor.
IMPORT_C virtual ~CPhoneViewController();
IMPORT_C CPhoneView* PhoneView();
* From MPhoneViewCommandHandle
IMPORT_C virtual void ExecuteCommandL(
TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId );
* From MPhoneViewCommandHandle
IMPORT_C virtual void ExecuteCommandL(
TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId,
TInt aCallId );
* From MPhoneViewCommandHandle
IMPORT_C virtual void ExecuteCommandL(
TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId,
TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* From MPhoneViewCommandHandle
IMPORT_C virtual void ExecuteCommandL(
TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId,
TInt aCallId,
TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* From MPhoneViewCommandHandle
IMPORT_C virtual void ExecuteCommandL(
TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId,
TInt aCallId,
TDesC& aMessage );
* From MPhoneViewCommandHandle
IMPORT_C virtual void ExecuteCommand(
TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId );
* From MPhoneViewCommandHandle
IMPORT_C virtual void ExecuteCommand(
TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId,
TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* From MPhoneViewCommandHandle
IMPORT_C virtual TPhoneViewResponseId HandleCommandL(
TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId );
* From MPhoneViewCommandHandle
IMPORT_C virtual TPhoneViewResponseId HandleCommandL(
TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId,
TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* From MPhoneViewCommandHandle
IMPORT_C virtual const TDesC& FetchContent();
* @see MPhoneStatusPaneObserver.
void HandleTitlePaneActiveL( TBool aActive = ETrue );
* Returns window group id of the phone application.
IMPORT_C TInt ApplicationWindowGroupId();
* Returns window group id of the Idle application.
IMPORT_C TInt IdleWindowGroupId();
* Returns window group id of the application that is currently
* in the foreground.
IMPORT_C TInt ForegroundApplicationWindowGroupId();
* Fetches foreground application's window group id.
IMPORT_C static TInt DoFetchForegroundApplicationWindowGroupIdL(
CEikonEnv& aEnv );
* Hides / makes visible Phone icon in fast swap menu.
* @since 2.8
* @param aHidden is application hidden or shown.
IMPORT_C void SetHiddenL( const TBool aHidden );
* Get the help context
* @return Saved help context
IMPORT_C const TDesC& HelpContext();
* From CCoeControl; notifier for resource changes
* @param aType : Type of resource change
IMPORT_C void HandleResourceChangeL( TInt aType );
* From CCoeControl; notifier for layout changes
* @param aRect : screen size
IMPORT_C void HandleLayoutChange( TRect aRect );
* Indicates that a blocking dialog is currently being displayed
* This is required by the AppUI to determine if
* the End key should be processed in HandleWsEventL()
IMPORT_C TBool BlockingDialogIsDisplayed() const;
* Indicates that a status panel is currently being displayed
* This is required by the AppUI
IMPORT_C TBool StatusPaneDisplayed();
* Set single item fetch content
void SetFetchContent( TDesC& aFetchContent );
* Sets single item fetch type
* @aType single item fetch type
void SetSingleItemFetchType( TInt aType );
* From MPhoneViewBlockingDialogObserver
* Sets the is blocking dialogs in screen.
* @param aBlockingDialog ETrue if blocking dialog is
* displayed.
IMPORT_C void SetBlockingDialogIsDisplayed( TBool aBlockingDialog );
* From base class MNumberEntryObserver
* Indication that numberentry state changed
void NumberEntryStateChanged( TBool aEntryHasText );
// From MPhoneSecurityModeChangeObserver
IMPORT_C void HandleSecurityModeChanged( TBool aIsEnabled );
* Sets incall small bubble´s visibility in special cases.
void AllowInCallBubbleInSpecialCases();
* Sets value for incall bubble visibility.
void SetIncallBubbleVisibility( TBool aIncallBubbleVisible );
private: // New functions
* Set security mode
* @param aMode ETrue if mode should be set enabled.
void SetSecurityMode( TBool aMode );
* read IdleApplicationUid from PubSub
TInt IdleAppUid();
* Indicates whether application needs to return to the
* background after being brought to the foreground using
* BringToForeground()
TBool GetNeedToReturnToForegroundAppAfterCall() const;
* Gets the blocking dialogs status
void GetBlockingDialogIsDisplayed( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Sets the required background status of the application
void SetNeedToReturnToForegroundAppAfterCall( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Sends application to background.
void SendToBackgroundL();
* Brings foreground given application.
* @param aCommandParam command parameter.
void BringAppToForeground( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Brings phone application to foreground.
* @param aCommandParam command parameter.
void BringPhoneAppToForeground( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Sets the top application
* @param aCommandParam command parameter
void SetTopApplicationL( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Gets the foreground application
* @param aCommandParam command parameter
void GetForegroundApplication( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Sets phone application windowgroup position.
void SetWindowGroupPosition();
* Activate other application.
* @param aCommandParam command parameter
void ActivateAppL( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Activate other application with specific view.
* @param aCommandParam command parameter
void ActivateAppViewL( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Activate other application with specific view and custom message.
* @param aCommandParam command parameter
void ActivateAppViewWithCustomMessageL(
TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Activate other application with specific view with conventional way
* @param aCommandParam command parameter
void ActivateAppViewConventionalL( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Launches multimedia sharing (live video sharing)
static void LaunchMultimediaSharingL();
* Launches application.
void LaunchApplicationL();
* Launches help application
* @param aHelpCommand help command string
void LaunchHelpApplicationL( const TDesC& aHelpCommand );
* Continues construction of contact manager.
static TInt DoConstructContactControllerL( TAny* aAny );
void SetCbaL( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
void ShowInfoNote( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Creates connection.
void CreateConnectionL();
* Activate another instance of the application
void ActivateAppInstanceL( TUid aUid );
* Set the global Avkon notifier disabler status
* @param aCommandParam a command parameter
void SetGlobalNotifiersDisabledL( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
/* Set the Eikon notifier disable status
* @param aCommandParam a command parameter
void SetEikonNotifiersDisabled( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Cancel all notification from screen.
void CancelAllNotications();
* Handles bubble updating
void HandleUpdateBubbleL(
TInt aCallId,
TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Remove Phone dialogs
void RemovePhoneDialogsL();
* Remove add to contact dialog.
void RemoveAddToContactDialog();
* Update menu and CBAs based on current audio path
* @param aCommandParam a command parameter
void UpdateAudioPathOptions( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Update menu and CBAs based on current audio availability
* @param aCommandParam a command parameter
void UpdateAudioAvailabilityOptions( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Soft Reject feature enable status
TBool SoftRejectIsEnabled() const;
* Set Speed Dial location
void SetSpeedDialLocation( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Get number from Speed Dial location
* @return EFalse if user cancel or failed.
TBool GetNumberFromSpeedDialLocationL(
TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Assign Speed Dial location
* @param aCommandParam a command parameter
* @return ETrue if speed dial location is assigned
TBool AssignSpeedDialLocation( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Assign Speed Dial location
* @param aLocation a speed dial location
* @return ETrue if speed dial location is assigned
TBool AssignSpeedDialLocationL( TInt aLocation );
* Opens Contact and adds address to contacts.
* @param aCommand a contact command
* @param aString a string to be added to contacts, if KNullDesC string
* will be added from the number entry.
void OpenAddToContactL( TInt aCommand,
const TDesC& aString = KNullDesC );
* Launches Restore Factory Settings
* @param aDeepRfs - ETrue if deep rfs, EFalse if normal
void LaunchRfsL( TBool aDeepRfs );
* Open the SMS or MMS message editor
void OpenMessageEditorL( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Open the soft reject message editor
void OpenSoftRejectMessageEditorL(TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* By default EPOC constructor is private.
void ConstructL( TRect aRect );
* C++ default constructor.
* Fetches phone number's type for aSpeedDialLocation located number.
* @param aSpeedDialLocation - speed dial location of number.
* @return Phone number's type.
TPhoneNumberType SpeedDialNumberTypeL( TInt aSpeedDialLocation );
* Convert number type from Speed Dial field info
* @param aFieldInfo - field info
* @return Phone number's type
TPhoneNumberType ConvertNumberTypeFromSpeedDialFieldInfo(
CPhCntSpeedDialMonitor::TSpdDialFieldInfo aFieldInfo );
* Open the Unified message editor and get
* number from number entry
void SendMessageL();
* Set security mode to view and statuspane
void SetStatusPaneVisible( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Reads information is security code query displayed on the screen.
* @return ETrue if is displayed, otherwise EFalse
TBool IsSecurityCodeQuery() const;
* Set update of FSW
void UpdateFSW();
* Creates Speed Dial Controller if it doesn't exist already.
void CreateSpeedDialControllerL();
* Checks replace option.
* @return ETrue if active and waiting calls are both video or voice
TBool IsReplaceAllowed();
* Open single item fecth dialod for Dialer.
void SingleItemFetchL();
* Get Soft Reject Window Group Id.
void GetSoftRejectWindowGroupId( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Switch flat status pane.
void SwitchLayoutToFlatStatusPaneL( TBool aSwitch );
* Swap empty indicator pane when secure state.
void SwapEmptyIndicatorPaneInSecureStateL ( const TBool aSwapEmpty );
* Handles transition effect.
void HandleTransitionEffect( TPhoneTransEffectType aType,
const TUid& aAppUidEffectParam = KUidPhoneApplication );
* Sets control to dialer.
void SetControltoDialerL();
* Sets control to call handling.
void SetControltoCallHandlingL();
* Sets control to dialer and makes control
* visible if needed.
void SetDialerControlAndVisibilityL();
* Sets pointer capture.
* This is needed when statuspane must be inactive.
void CapturePointerEvents( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Returns allow waiting call header value.
void AllowWaitingCallHeaderL( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Checks if given window group id still exists in
* window group list.
* @aAppWgID window group id to check
* @return TInt KErrNotFound if app not exists anymore in the list
* otherwise app index in the list.
TInt FindAppByWgIDL( TInt aAppWgID );
* Returns single item fetch type
* @return single item fetch type
TInt SingleItemFetchType() const;
* Checks if DTMF dialer mode is currently active
TBool IsDtmfDialerActive() const;
* Checks if custom dialer mode is currently active
TBool IsCustomDialerActive() const;
* Checks if the effect could and should be triggered.
TBool CanTransEffectBeUsed( TPhoneTransEffectType aType );
* Triggers application start effect for the application
* that is going to be lauched from dialer.
* @param aAppUid app that is launched
* EndTransEffect() must be called after app is launched.
void BeginTransEffectForAppStartFromDialerLC( const TUid& aAppUid );
* Complete transition effect.
void EndTransEffect();
* TCleanupOperation to call EndTransEffect, if leave occurs
* after BeginTransEffectForAppStartFromDialerLC.
static void EffectCleanup(TAny* aThis );
private: // Data
CPhoneView* iPhoneView;
CPhoneDialerView* iDialerView;
// iCba
CEikButtonGroupContainer* iCba;
CPhoneStatusPane* iStatusPane;
// For accessing bubble
CPhoneBubbleWrapper* iBubbleWrapper;
// Controls the touch buttons
CPhoneButtonsController* iButtonsController;
// Controls the touch buttons
CPhoneDialerController* iDialerController;
// Controls touch dialer in DTMF mode
CPhoneDtmfDialerController* iDtmfDialerController;
// Controls the toolbar
CPhoneToolbarController* iToolbarController;
// Handles easydialing commands. Owned.
CPhoneEasyDialingController* iEasyDialingController;
// For accessing incall indicator
CPhoneIncallIndicator* iIncallIndicator;
CPhoneMenuController* iMenuController;
CPhoneNoteController* iNoteController;
CPhoneQueryController* iQueryController;
CPhoneKeyCaptureController* iKeyCaptureController;
CPhoneApplicationExit* iApplicationExit;
CPhoneAudioController* iAudioController;
CPhoneRingingTonePlayerAO* iRingingTonePlayerAO;
// EikEnv for CPhoneKeyCaptureController, CPhoneNoteController,
// CPhoneMenuController and CPhoneQueryController
CEikonEnv& iEikEnv;
// Instance of keylock.
RAknKeyLock iKeyLock;
CPhoneContactController* iContactController;
// Window group of Idle application.
TInt iIdleWg;
// Boolean flag. ETrue if the application needs to return
// to the background
TBool iNeedToSendToBackground;
// Owned server session.
RApaLsSession iApaLsSession;
// Saved help context name retrieved indirectly from AppUI when
// the help application is launched
TPtrC iHelpCommand;
// Recovery id for contact manager construction.
TRecoveryId iContactControllerId;
// Boolean flag. ETrue if a blocking dialog is currently being
// displayed.
TBool iBlockingDialogIsDisplayed;
//Pointer to Akn UI server, not owned.
RAknUiServer* iAknUiServerClient;
//Uid of idle application
TInt iIdleUid;
// Voice mailbox handler
CPhoneVmbxHandler* iVmbxHandler;
// Reference to speed dialling monitor.
CPhCntSpeedDialMonitor* iSpeedDialController;
// Dialer - owned
CDialer* iDialer;
// Pointer to the CPhoneSingleItemFetch
CPhoneSingleItemFetch* iSingleItemFetch;
// Content of the SingleItemFetch
TBuf<KPhoneNumberEntryBufferSize> iFetchContent;
// Type of the SingleItemFetch
TInt iSingleItemFetchType;
// Pointer to CPhoneCntSaveAddToName.
CPhoneCntSaveAddToName* iContactSaveAddToName;
// Previous application Window group id.
TInt iPrevForegroundAppWg;
CAknAppUi* iAppui;
// Pointer to view customization.
MPhoneViewCustomization* iCustomization;
// Status if there is transition effect ongoing
TBool iEffectOngoing;
// Send back flag indicates send back need if it is
// EFalse phone was foregound and there is no need to send it
// background. Otherwise ETrue.
TBool iSendBack;
// Dialer status flag.
TBool iDialerActive;
CCoeControl* iPreviousIndicatorControl;
// Empty indicator pane - Owned.
CAknIndicatorContainer* iIndiContainer;
// Owned
CPhCntRfsHandler* iRfsHandler;
// Dialer send key flag.
TBool iDialerSendKeyActivation;
TInt iPrevious;
TBool iPriotityChanged;
* Internal flag to define if security mode is enabled.
TBool iSecurityMode;
// Boolean flag. ETrue if the application needs to return
// to the foreground after call ended
TBool iNeedToReturnToForegroundAppAfterCall;
CAknIncallBubble* iIncallBubble;