changeset 26 5b3385a43d68
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    MPX Command generating Command Handler
    15 *
    16 */
    24 #include <AknProgressDialog.h>
    25 #include <e32base.h>
    26 #include <mpxcommand.h>
    27 #include <mpxmessage.h>
    28 #include "glxmedialistcommandhandler.h"
    30 class MGlxMediaList;
    31 class MGlxMediaListProvider;
    32 class CAknAppUi;
    33 class CGlxImageViewerManager;
    35 /**
    36  * @class CGlxMpxCommandCommandHandler
    37  *  
    38  * Command handler that creates and issues an MPXCommand
    39  *
    40  * @ingroup glx_group_command_handlers
    41  *
    42  * @lib glxviewbase.lib
    43  */
    44 class CGlxMpxCommandCommandHandler : public CGlxMediaListCommandHandler,
    45         public MGlxMediaListObserver, public MProgressDialogCallback
    46 	{
    47 public:	
    48 	/**
    49 	 * Constructor
    50 	 * @param aMediaListProvider The owner of the media list to use
    51 	 */
    52 	IMPORT_C CGlxMpxCommandCommandHandler(MGlxMediaListProvider* aMediaListProvider, TBool aHasToolbarItem = EFalse );
    54 	/**
    55 	 * Destructor
    56 	 */
    57 	IMPORT_C virtual ~CGlxMpxCommandCommandHandler();
    59 protected: // API for deriving classes
    60     /**
    61      * Attempts to "exit" the command handler
    62      * (Exit means closing the progress note and allowing user to do something.)
    63      * The command handler will exit if 
    64      *  - progress is complete <b>and</b> deriving class returns ETrue from OkToExit
    65      *  - aErrorCode is not KErrNone
    66      *
    67      * Usually deriving classes never need to call this. This is called
    68      * automatically after receiving a collection message. Only call if the 
    69      * completion can happen (= the result of OkToExit() call changes) based 
    70      * on another event than collection message.
    71      *
    72      * @param aErrorCode Error code. Shows an error note if other than KErrNone
    73      */
    74     IMPORT_C void TryExitL(TInt aErrorCode);
    76     /**
    77      * See @ref CGlxCommandHandler::DoActivateL 
    78      * Default implementation does nothing
    79      */
    80     IMPORT_C virtual void DoActivateL( TInt aViewId );
    82     /**
    83 	* Called when the owning view is deactivated
    84 	*/
    85 	IMPORT_C virtual void Deactivate();
    87 	/**
    88 	 * Handles error
    89 	 * Default implementation shows an error note
    90 	 */
    91 	IMPORT_C virtual void HandleErrorL(TInt aErrorCode);
    93     /**
    94      * Creates a command object, and decides whether to consume the command.
    95      * @param aList Media list to which the command will be issued.
    96      * @param aConsume Set this to false, if the command
    97      *                 id should not be consumed. Default value is true.
    98      * @return command object If NULL returned, no MPX command will be issued,
    99      *                        but the command id may still be consumed, depending
   100      *                        on the value of aDoNotConsume
   101      *                        Caller gets ownership of the command object.
   102      */
   103 	virtual CMPXCommand* CreateCommandL(TInt aCommandId, MGlxMediaList& aList,
   104 	    TBool& aConsume) const = 0;
   106 	/**
   107 	 * Handles a message other than progress message.
   108 	 * Deriving classes can override this to receive and handle messages
   109 	 * from media list (i.e., from MPX server)
   110 	 * The default implementation does not do anything.
   111 	 * @return Error code. If other than KErrNone, the command handler
   112 	 *                     closes the progress note and shows an error note.
   113 	 */
   114 	IMPORT_C virtual TInt DoHandleMessageL(const CMPXMessage& aMessage,
   115 	    MGlxMediaList& aList);
   117 	/**
   118 	 * Called by HandleCommandCompleteL() to allow derived classes
   119 	 * to perform processing specific to individual command handlers.
   120 	 * The defalut implementation does not do anything.
   121 	 * 
   122 	 */
   123 	IMPORT_C virtual void DoHandleCommandCompleteL(TAny* aSessionId, 
   124             CMPXCommand* aCommandResult, TInt aError, MGlxMediaList* aList);
   126 	/**
   127 	 * Called by HandleCommandCompleteL() to allow derived classes
   128 	 * to perform processing specific to individual command handlers.
   129 	 * The defalut implementation does not do anything.
   130 	 * 
   131 	 */
   132 	IMPORT_C virtual void DoHandleItemAddedL(TInt aStartIndex, TInt aEndIndex, MGlxMediaList* aList);
   134     /**
   135      * Called to check if the deriving class is ready and progress note
   136      * can be closed. The deriving class may be expecting a message (etc) after
   137      * the last progress notification is received, and by overriding
   138      * this class, they can wait for that info.
   139      * Default implementation returns ETrue.
   140      * @return ETrue if command handler is ready exit 
   141      */	    
   142 	IMPORT_C virtual TBool OkToExit() const;
   144     /**
   145      * Creates and returns confirmation note text 
   146      * Deriving class can override this to get a confirmation note shown
   147      * before execution
   148      * @param aCommandId Id of the command that is about to be executed
   149      * @param aMultiSelection ETrue when more than one item is selected
   150      * @return New descriptor with confirmation note
   151      *         If single selection, the descriptor must contain %U, which 
   152      *         will be populated with the title of the selected/focused item
   153      *         If multiselection, the descriptor must contain %N, which 
   154      *         will be populated with the number of selected items
   155      *         Or return NULL, in which case no note will be shown and the command
   156      *         is simply executed.
   157      *         Caller gets ownership of the descriptor.
   158      *         Default implementation returns NULL.
   159      */
   160     IMPORT_C virtual HBufC* ConfirmationTextL(TInt aCommandId, TBool aMultiSelection) const;
   162     /**
   163      * Creates and returns progress note text 
   164      * Deriving class can override this to customise the progress note
   165      * @return New descriptor with progress text
   166      *         Or return NULL, in which case default progress text will be
   167      *         used 
   168      *         Default implementation returns default progress note
   169      *         Caller gets ownership of the descriptor.
   170      */
   171     IMPORT_C virtual HBufC* ProgressTextL(TInt aCommandId) const;
   173     /**
   174      * Creates and returns completion note text 
   175      * Deriving class can override this to show a completion note
   176      * @return New descriptor with completion text
   177      *         Or return NULL, in which case the note will not be shown
   178      *         Default implementation returns NULL
   179      *         Caller gets ownership of the descriptor.
   180      */
   181     IMPORT_C virtual HBufC* CompletionTextL() const;
   183 private:
   184     /** See @ref CGlxMediaListCommandHandler::DoExecuteL */
   185 	IMPORT_C virtual TBool DoExecuteL(TInt aCommandId, MGlxMediaList& aList);
   187 	/**
   188 	 * Launch a confirmation note (single or multiple depending on media list selection)
   189 	 * Declared as virtual to allow deriving class to show non-media list dependent
   190 	 * confirmation note, etc.
   191 	 * @return ETrue if the user confirms, EFalse if user cancels
   192 	 */	
   193 	IMPORT_C virtual TBool ConfirmationNoteL(TInt aCommandId, MGlxMediaList& aMediaList) const;
   195 	/**
   196 	 * Launch a confirmation note (single)
   197 	 * @return ETrue if the user confirms 
   198 	 */	
   199 	TBool ConfirmationNoteSingleL(TInt aCommandId, MGlxMediaList& aMediaList) const;
   201 	/**
   202 	 * Launch a confirmation note (multiple)
   203 	 * @return ETrue if the user confirms 
   204 	 */	
   205 	TBool ConfirmationNoteMultipleL(TInt aCommandId, MGlxMediaList& aMediaList) const;
   207 	/**
   208 	 * Launch a progress note
   209 	 */	
   210 	void ProgressNoteL(TInt aCommandId);
   212     /**
   213      * Update progress based on message
   214      * @param aMessage message with progress info 
   215      * @param aError extracts an error code from message and returns in this argument
   216      * @param ETrue if progress complete. EFalse if note
   217      */
   218     TBool UpdateProgressL(const CMPXMessage& aMessage, TInt& aError);
   220 	/**
   221 	 * Dismiss the active progress note
   222 	 */	
   223 	void DismissProgressNoteL();
   225     /**
   226      * Show a completion note
   227      */
   228     void CompletionNoteL() const;
   230     /**
   231      * Remove medialist observer
   232      */
   233     void RemoveMediaListObserver();
   235     /**
   236      * Creates the image viewer instance, if not created already.
   237      */    
   238     void CreateImageViewerInstanceL();
   240     /**
   241      * Deletes the image viewer instance, if created already.
   242      */    
   243     void DeleteImageViewerInstance();
   245 protected: // From MGlxMediaListObserver    
   246     /// See @ref MGlxMediaListObserver::HandleItemAddedL
   247     IMPORT_C void HandleItemAddedL(TInt aStartIndex, TInt aEndIndex, MGlxMediaList* aList);
   249     /// See @ref MGlxMediaListObserver::HandleMediaL
   250     IMPORT_C void HandleMediaL(TInt aListIndex, MGlxMediaList* aList);
   252     /// See @ref MGlxMediaListObserver::HandleItemRemovedL
   253     IMPORT_C void HandleItemRemovedL(TInt aStartIndex, TInt aEndIndex, MGlxMediaList* aList);
   255     /// See @ref MGlxMediaListObserver::HandleItemModifiedL
   256     IMPORT_C void HandleItemModifiedL(const RArray<TInt>& aItemIndexes, MGlxMediaList* aList);
   258     /// See @ref MGlxMediaListObserver::HandleAttributesAvailableL
   259     IMPORT_C void HandleAttributesAvailableL(TInt aItemIndex,     
   260         const RArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttributes, MGlxMediaList* aList);
   262     /// See @ref MGlxMediaListObserver::HandleFocusChangedL
   263     IMPORT_C void HandleFocusChangedL(NGlxListDefs::TFocusChangeType aType, TInt aNewIndex, TInt aOldIndex, MGlxMediaList* aList);
   265     /// See @ref MGlxMediaListObserver::HandleItemSelectedL
   266     IMPORT_C void HandleItemSelectedL(TInt aIndex, TBool aSelected, MGlxMediaList* aList);
   268     /// See @ref MGlxMediaListObserver::HandleMessageL
   269     IMPORT_C void HandleMessageL(const CMPXMessage& aMessage, MGlxMediaList* aList);
   271     /// See @ref MGlxMediaListObserver::HandleCommandCompleteL
   272     IMPORT_C void HandleCommandCompleteL(TAny* aSessionId, CMPXCommand* aCommandResult, TInt aError, MGlxMediaList* aList);
   274 public: // from MProgressDialogCallback
   275 	IMPORT_C void DialogDismissedL(TInt aButtonId);
   277 private:
   278     /// Progress dialog
   279 	CAknProgressDialog* iProgressDialog;
   281 	// Progress info for the progress dialog
   282 	CEikProgressInfo* iProgressInfo;
   284     // CEikProgressInfo does not store whether progress is complete, so store here
   285 	TBool iProgressComplete;
   287 	// Resource offset
   288 	mutable TInt iResourceOffset;
   290 	/// Whether the GIF animation is currently halted
   291 	TBool iAnimationStopped;
   293     /// The AppUI. Not owned
   294     CAknAppUi* iAppUi;
   296     // For image viewer, not own
   297     CGlxImageViewerManager* iImageViewerInstance;
   298 	};