changeset 26 5b3385a43d68
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    Texture Manager component
    15 *
    16 */
    24 #include <e32base.h>
    25 #include <gdi.h>
    26 #include <AknsConstants.h>
    27 #include <glxmediaid.h>
    28 #include "mglxskinchangeobserver.h"
    30 class TAknsItemID;
    31 class CAlfTexture;
    32 class TMPXAttribute;
    33 class CGlxDRMUtility;
    34 class CGlxMedia;
    35 class CAlfImageLoaderUtil;
    36 class CAlfTextureManager;
    37 class MGlxCache;
    38 class TGlxMedia;
    39 class CGlxResolutionUtility;
    40 class CGlxTextureManagerImpl;
    41 class MGlxTextureObserver;
    43 /**
    44  *  CGlxTextureManager
    45  *
    46  *  Texture Manager component. 
    47  *
    48  * @author David Holland
    49  *
    50  */
    51 NONSHARABLE_CLASS ( CGlxTextureManager ) : public CBase, 
    52                                            public MGlxSkinChangeObserver
    53     {
    54 public:
    55     /**
    56     * Two-phased constructor
    57     * @param aAlfTextureManager The Alf Texture Manager
    58     * @return Constructed object
    59     */
    60     IMPORT_C static CGlxTextureManager* NewL(
    61                                 CAlfTextureManager& aAlfTextureManager);
    64     /**
    65     * Destructor
    66     */      
    67     ~CGlxTextureManager();
    68     /**
    69     * Determins if the texture need updating
    70     * @param aMediaId The Id of the media item
    71     * @param aIdSpaceId The Id of the Id space in which the media Id is defined
    72     * @param aRequiredSize The preferred size of the texture
    73     * @return ETrue if the texture needs updating. EFalse if not.
    74     */
    75     IMPORT_C TBool TextureNeedsUpdating(TGlxMedia aMedia, TGlxIdSpaceId aIdSpaceId,
    76                                                 const TSize& aRequiredSize);
    78  /**
    79      * Requests the best match texture. If it already exists this method does nothing.
    80      * However if it doed not exist it will create it and replace the old texture
    81      * if necessary.
    82      * @param aSize The size of the requested texture
    83      * @param aMedia The TGlxMedia item
    84      * @param aIdSpaceId The Id of the Id space in which the media Id is defined
    85      * @param aObserver Observer for the texture.
    86      * @return Created texture, or NULL if the texture alreay exists
    87      */
    89     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& CreateNewTextureForMediaL(
    90             TSize aSize, 
    91             const TGlxMedia& aMedia, 
    92             const TGlxIdSpaceId& aIdSpaceId, 
    93             MGlxTextureObserver* aObserver );
    94     /**
    95     * Create a texture from an Avkon icon
    96     * @param aId The Id associated with the icon in the Skin
    97     * @param aBitmapId The Id associated with the bitmap in the Avkon icon bitmap file
    98     *  The bitmap Id is used if no icon is found for the skin Id
    99     * @param aRequestedSize requested size. If default used size is based on size of original graphic
   100     * @return Created texture
   101     */
   102     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& CreateAvkonIconTextureL(const TAknsItemID &aID, 
   103                                           TInt aBitmapId,
   104                                           TSize aRequestedSize = TSize(0,0));
   106     /**
   107     * Create a texture from an Avkon icon
   108     * @param aId The Id associated with the icon in the Skin
   109     * @param aBitmapId The Id associated with the bitmap in the Avkon icon bitmap file
   110     *  The bitmap Id is used if no icon is found for the skin Id
   111     * @param aDefaultColor colour use if skin clour not specified or not found
   112     * @param aSkinColorId Id of the skin colour table
   113     * @param aSkinColorIndex Index of the colour in the table
   114     * @param aRequestedSize requested size. If default used size is based on size of original graphic
   115     * @return Created texture
   116     */
   117     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& CreateColorAvkonIconTextureL(
   118                                                         const TAknsItemID& aID, 
   119                                                         TInt aBitmapId,
   120                                                         TRgb aDefaultColor,
   121                                                         const TAknsItemID& aSkinColorId = KAknsIIDNone,
   122                                                         TInt aSkinColorIndex = 0,
   123                                                         TSize aRequestedSize = TSize(0,0));
   126     /**
   127     * Create a texture from an Avkon icon
   128     * @param aId The Id associated with the icon in the Skin
   129     * @param aRequestedSize requested size. If default used size is based on size of original graphic
   130     * @return Created texture
   131     */
   132     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& CreateAvkonIconTextureL(const TAknsItemID &aID, 
   133                                           TSize aRequestedSize = TSize(0,0));
   135     /**
   136     * Create a texture from an icon within the application
   137     * @param aIconResourceId The Id associated with the icon .mif file
   138     * @param aFilename The full path name of the .mif file
   139     * @param aRequestedSize requested size. If default used size is based on size of original graphic
   140     * @return Created texture
   141     */
   142     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& CreateIconTextureL(TInt aIconResourceId, 
   143                                            TDesC& aFilename,
   144                                            TSize aRequestedSize = TSize(0,0));
   146     /**
   147     * Create a texture from an icon within the application, modifying the icon colour
   148     * @param aIconResourceId The Id associated with the icon .mif file
   149     * @param aFilename The full path name of the .mif file
   150     * @param aDefaultColor colour use if skin clour not specified or not found
   151     * @param aSkinColorId Id of the skin colour table
   152     * @param aSkinColorIndex Index of the colour in the table
   153     * @param aRequestedSize requested size. If default used size is based on size of original graphic
   154     * @return Created texture
   155     */
   156     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& CreateColorIconTextureL(
   157                                TInt aIconResourceId, 
   158                                TDesC& aFilename,
   159                                TRgb  aDefaultColor,
   160                                const TAknsItemID& aSkinColorId = KAknsIIDNone,
   161                                TInt aSkinColorIndex = 0,
   162                                TSize aRequestedSize = TSize(0,0));
   164     /**
   165     * Create a texture from a bitmap from the attribute of a media item
   166     * @param aMediaId The Id of the media item
   167     * @param aIdSpaceId The Id of the Id space in which the media Id is defined
   168     * @param aRequiredSize The preferred size of the texture
   169     * @param aObserver Observer for the texture.
   170     * @param aScaleGridTnm ETrue if the grid tnm to be scaled else EFalse by default.
   171     * @return Created texture
   172     */
   173     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& CreateThumbnailTextureL(
   174                 const TGlxMedia& aMedia, const TGlxIdSpaceId& aIdSpaceId,
   175                 const TSize& aRequiredSize, MGlxTextureObserver* aObserver, 
   176                 TBool aScaleGridTnm=EFalse);
   178     /**
   179     * Create a texture from a zoomed thumbnail attribute of a media item
   180     * @param aMedia The media item
   181     * @param aAttribute Which attribute
   182     * @param aIdSpaceId The Id of the Id space in which the media Id is defined
   183     * @param aObserver Observer for the texture.
   184     * @return Created texture
   185     */
   186     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& CreateZoomedTextureL(const TGlxMedia& aMedia,
   187                                             const TMPXAttribute& aAttribute,
   188                                             TGlxIdSpaceId aIdSpaceId, MGlxTextureObserver* aObserver);
   190     /**
   191     * Create a texture from a zoomed thumbnail for a given texture ID
   192     * @param aTextureId The texture id, for which the texture is removed.
   193     * @return Created texture
   194     */
   195     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture* CreateZoomedTextureL() ;
   197     /**
   198     * Create an animated texture from a GIF file
   199     * @param aFilename The filename of the GIF file
   200     * @param aSize The size of the GIF file
   201 	* @param aMedia The media item
   202 	* @param aIdSpaceId The Id of the Id space in which the media Id is defined
   203     * @return Created texture: ownership transfered
   204     */
   205     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& CreateAnimatedGifTextureL( const TDesC& aFilename, 
   206        const TSize& aSize, const TGlxMedia& aMedia, TGlxIdSpaceId aIdSpaceId );
   208     /**
   209      * Creates a flat color texture and returns the reference to it
   210      * Note that the texture ownership stays within texture manager 
   211      * @param aColour the color for the texture
   212      */
   213     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& CreateFlatColourTextureL( TRgb aColour );
   215     /**
   216     * Removes the texture if it was created by CreateThumbnailTextureL or
   217     * CreateZoomedTextureL
   218     * @param aTexture The texture to be removed
   219     */
   220     IMPORT_C void RemoveTexture(const CAlfTexture& aTexture);
   221     /**
   222      * Removes the texture if it was created by CreateThumbnailTextureL or
   223      * CreateZoomedTextureL
   224      * @param aTexture The texture to be removed
   225      */
   226     IMPORT_C void RemoveZoomList();
   228  /**
   229     * Removes the texture if it was created by CreateThumbnailTextureL or
   230     * CreateZoomedTextureL
   231     * @param aMediaId The MediaId to be removed
   232     * @param aAllTexture Flag to remove all textures
   233 	* Bug fix for PKAA-7NRBYZ - added bAllTexture param
   234     */
   235     IMPORT_C void RemoveTexture(const TGlxMediaId& aMediaId, TBool aAllTexture=EFalse);
   237     /**
   238        * Removes ALL Textures 
   239        */
   240     IMPORT_C void FlushTextures() ;
   242    /**
   243     * Animate the given media.
   244     * @param aMediaId The Id of the media to be animated
   245     * @param aState Animation state [ETrue to Start, EFalse to Stop]
   246     */
   247     IMPORT_C void AnimateMediaItem(const TGlxMediaId& aMediaId, TBool aState);
   249  	/**
   250     * Creates textures for the given GIF media
   251 	* @param aMedia The media item
   252 	* @param aIdSpaceId The Id of the Id space in which the media Id is defined
   253 	* @param aFrameNumber frame number of gif media
   254     * @param aBitmap Bitmap for the particular frame
   255 	* @return Created texture: ownership transfered
   256     */    
   257     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& CreateDRMAnimatedGifTextureL(const TGlxMedia& aMedia,
   258             TGlxIdSpaceId aIdSpaceId, TInt aFrameNumber, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, CFbsBitmap* aBitmapMask);
   260 public: // from MGlxSkinChangeObserver
   262     void HandleSkinChanged();    
   265 private:
   266        //implementation class
   267        CGlxTextureManagerImpl* iImpl;
   268     };
   272 #endif // C_GLXTEXTUREMANAGER_H