changeset 0 4e91876724a2
child 13 bcb43dc84c44
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/photosgallery/viewframework/views/zoomview/src/glxzoommathsengine.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:45:44 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:    Implementation of Zoom Maths engine
+#include "glxzoomeventhandler.h"
+#include "glxzoommathsengine.h"
+#include "glxzoomcontrol.h"
+// Includes for Logs
+#include <glxtracer.h>                      //  For Tracer
+#include <glxlog.h>                         //  For Log
+#define BORDER_HEIGHT (iBorderWidth.iHeight*(100-((newZoomRatio-iMinZoomRatio)*100/(iMaxZoomRatio-iMinZoomRatio))))/100
+#define BORDER_WIDTH (iBorderWidth.iWidth*(100-((newZoomRatio-iMinZoomRatio)*100/(iMaxZoomRatio-iMinZoomRatio))))/100
+const TInt KGlxLargeImageMaximumZoomRatio   =   100     ;
+const TInt KGlxSmallImageMaximumZoomRatio   =   150     ;
+const TInt KGlxMinPanFactor                 =   1       ; // The min multiple of pixles to pan 
+const TInt KGlxPanInertiaFactor             =   10      ; 
+const TInt KGlxPanFactorUpdateMultiple      =   5       ; // The number of pan operations after which panning speed is increased by an order of magnitude 
+const TInt KGlxMaxPanUpdateMultiple         =   6       ;
+const TInt KGlxOrigin                       =   0       ;
+const TInt KGlxMinRelativeZoomPercent       =   85       ;
+const TInt KGlxMaxRelativeZoomPercent       =   115      ;
+const TInt KGlxZoomPanInc                   =   10      ; // Min number of pixels panned in one keypress. This value is incremented exponentially by multiples of iPanFactor 
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+void TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::Initialize(TPoint& aCenter, 
+        TSize& aScreenSize, 
+        TSize& aImageSize,
+        TSize& aOriginalZoomedDimensions,
+        TUint8 aInitialZoomRatio)
+    {
+    TRACER("void TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::Initialize()");
+    iCenter             = aCenter;
+    iScreenSize         = aScreenSize;
+    // This will only be set at initialization/constructiron. Never afterwards.
+    // [TODO] Is there a way to make this constant.
+    iActualImageSize    = aImageSize;
+    iMinZoomRatio   = aInitialZoomRatio;
+    iZoomRatio          = aInitialZoomRatio;
+    iMaxZoomRatio = ((aInitialZoomRatio == KGlxLargeImageMaximumZoomRatio) ? 
+        KGlxSmallImageMaximumZoomRatio:KGlxLargeImageMaximumZoomRatio);
+    iPanFactor          = KGlxMinPanFactor;
+    iImageVirtualSize.iHeight   = aImageSize.iHeight * aInitialZoomRatio /100;
+    iImageVirtualSize.iWidth    = aImageSize.iWidth  * aInitialZoomRatio /100;
+    iCenter.iX = iImageVirtualSize.iWidth/2 ;
+    iCenter.iY = iImageVirtualSize.iHeight/2;
+    iBorderWidth.iWidth     = (iScreenSize.iWidth  - iImageVirtualSize.iWidth )/2  ; 
+    iBorderWidth.iHeight    = (iScreenSize.iHeight - iImageVirtualSize.iHeight)/2 ;
+    }
+TInt TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::NewCenterCoordinate(TInt aCenter, 
+                                TInt aOffset, 
+                                TUint16 aHalfScreenDimension, 
+                                TInt aMinimumCoordinate, 
+                                TInt aMaximumCoordinate, 
+                                TBool *aThresholdReached)
+    {
+    TRACER("TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::NewCenterCoordinate");
+    if(aOffset)
+        {
+        //Add the No:of Pixels that has to be panned,the No:of pixels added will be more
+        //if the pan key is held for long time,the PanFactor determines that
+        aCenter = aCenter + (aOffset*iPanFactor);
+        // For Checking the boundary condition
+        if( (aCenter - aHalfScreenDimension)  < aMinimumCoordinate )
+            {
+            //This shows the black background on boundaries of the image and reset to the start of the image
+            aCenter  = aHalfScreenDimension;
+            // Set the variable as true, if the there EXISTS a Variable at that address 
+            if (NULL != aThresholdReached)
+                {
+                *aThresholdReached = ETrue;
+                }
+            }
+        if(aCenter + aHalfScreenDimension > aMaximumCoordinate )
+            {
+            //This shows the black background on boundaries of the image and reset to the end of the image
+            aCenter  = aMaximumCoordinate - aHalfScreenDimension;
+            if (NULL != aThresholdReached)
+                {
+                *aThresholdReached = ETrue;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    return aCenter;
+    }
+void TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::Pan(TPoint aOffset, 
+        TPoint& aViewPortTopLeft, 
+        TGlxPanIncrementType aPanIncrement,
+        TBool * aThresholdReached)
+    {
+    TRACER("TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::Pan");
+    GLX_LOG_INFO2("Pan: Center before PAN= [%d,%d]   ", iCenter.iX, iCenter.iY  );
+    GLX_LOG_INFO2("Pan: Pan Offset = [%d,%d]   ", TInt(aOffset.iX), TInt(aOffset.iY));
+    TPoint panOffset = aOffset; 
+    TUint16 halfScreenWidth     = iScreenSize.iWidth>>1;
+    TUint16 halfScreenHeight    = iScreenSize.iHeight>>1;
+    // if we are dragging or something like that the caller might want a uniform increase in panning factor.
+    if (EGlxPanIncrementUniform == aPanIncrement)
+        {
+        iPanFactor = KGlxMinPanFactor ; 
+        }
+    else if ( EGlxPanIncrementInertic == aPanIncrement)
+        {
+        if (panOffset.iX > 0 )
+            {
+            panOffset.iX = panOffset.iX - KGlxPanInertiaFactor ;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            panOffset.iX = panOffset.iX + KGlxPanInertiaFactor ;
+            }
+        if (panOffset.iY > 0 )
+            {
+            panOffset.iY = panOffset.iY - KGlxPanInertiaFactor ;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            panOffset.iY = panOffset.iY + KGlxPanInertiaFactor ;
+            }
+        }
+    GLX_LOG_INFO1("Pan: Pan Factor = %d   ", iPanFactor  );
+    // dont pan on a dimension if image is smaller on that dimension than the screen. 
+    if (iImageVirtualSize.iWidth > iScreenSize.iWidth)
+        {
+        iCenter.iX = NewCenterCoordinate(   iCenter.iX, panOffset.iX, halfScreenWidth,KGlxOrigin, 
+                iImageVirtualSize.iWidth,   aThresholdReached)   ;
+        }
+    if (iImageVirtualSize.iHeight > iScreenSize.iHeight)
+        {
+        TBool thresholdReached = EFalse;
+        iCenter.iY = NewCenterCoordinate(   iCenter.iY, panOffset.iY, halfScreenHeight,KGlxOrigin, 
+                iImageVirtualSize.iHeight,  &thresholdReached)   ;
+        if (NULL != aThresholdReached)
+            {
+            *aThresholdReached = *aThresholdReached || thresholdReached ; // if we reach the threshold along either axis this means we have reached the threshold
+            }
+        }
+    aViewPortTopLeft.iX = iCenter.iX - halfScreenWidth;
+    aViewPortTopLeft.iY = iCenter.iY - halfScreenHeight;
+    iLastPanOffset = panOffset; 
+    GLX_LOG_INFO2("Pan: Center after PAN= [%d,%d]   ", 
+            TInt(iCenter.iX), TInt(iCenter.iY)  );
+    GLX_LOG_INFO2("Pan: aViewPortTopLeft after PAN= [%d,%d]   ", 
+            TInt(aViewPortTopLeft.iX), TInt(aViewPortTopLeft.iY)  );
+    }
+TInt TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::Zoom(TZoomMode aZoomMode,
+            TInt aExpectedZoomRatio,    // only for slider based zoom. = 0 for key based zoom
+            TPoint& aViewPortTopLeft, 
+            TSize& aViewPortDimension,
+            TBool* aThresholdReached,
+            TPoint* apZoomFocus, 
+            TInt aRelativeZoomFactor)
+    {
+    TRACER("TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::Zoom ");
+    //[TODO] Unlike the above method this method is a very very very very very small method. 
+    //[TODO] Consider making this larger. [:|]
+    TUint16 halfScreenWidth     = iScreenSize.iWidth>>1;
+    TUint16 halfScreenHeight    = iScreenSize.iHeight>>1;
+    TPoint  centerTranslationfactor(0,0);
+    //[TODO] try to make sure that this variable does not get used in calculations. it always should be the center and
+    //existing and new screen and virtual image dimensions should be calculated using this one.
+    TPoint viewPortTopLeft(TPoint(iCenter).iX - halfScreenWidth, 
+            TPoint(iCenter).iY - halfScreenHeight) ;
+    GLX_LOG_INFO2(" Zoom(): Center before Zoom= [%d,%d] ", iCenter.iX, iCenter.iY );
+    GLX_LOG_INFO2(" Zoom(): viewPortTopLeft  Before Zoom  = [%d,%d] ", TInt(viewPortTopLeft.iX),
+            TInt(viewPortTopLeft.iY)  );
+    TInt oldZoomRatio = iZoomRatio ;  
+    TInt newZoomRatio = NewZoomRatio(aExpectedZoomRatio, aRelativeZoomFactor, aZoomMode, aThresholdReached);
+    // we have an offcenter focus for our zoom in certain cases ( e.g pinch operation) or a double tap at an offcenter point. 
+    // In such a case the zoom happens around that point. So we need to translate (move) the 
+    // center in such a way that the relative position of the zoom facus does not change. 
+    // centerTranslationfactor is the vector representation of that amount. 
+    if (NULL != apZoomFocus)
+        {
+		// Offcenter Zooming will be enabled later on.
+        centerTranslationfactor.iX = (((apZoomFocus->iX - halfScreenWidth) * newZoomRatio)/oldZoomRatio) + (halfScreenWidth - apZoomFocus->iX);         
+        centerTranslationfactor.iY = (((apZoomFocus->iY - halfScreenHeight) * newZoomRatio)/oldZoomRatio) + (halfScreenHeight - apZoomFocus->iY);
+        }
+    GLX_LOG_INFO1(" Zoom: newZoomRatio = %d.   ", newZoomRatio );
+    TSize imageDimension = TSize(iActualImageSize);
+    imageDimension.iWidth =  (imageDimension.iWidth  * newZoomRatio)/100;
+    imageDimension.iHeight = (imageDimension.iHeight * newZoomRatio)/100;
+    // Is image size bigger than screen size AND image is panned to such an extent that 
+    // the an edge of the image comes within the screen rectange? If so go ahead,   
+    // for everything else there is mastercard. I mean the else condition below. 
+    // [TODO] The master card however needs more simplification. 
+    if(
+            ((iImageVirtualSize.iHeight > iScreenSize.iHeight) 
+                    && (iImageVirtualSize.iWidth > iScreenSize.iWidth)) 
+            &&  ((iCenter.iX != iImageVirtualSize.iWidth/2) 
+                    || (iCenter.iY != iImageVirtualSize.iHeight/2))
+            )
+        {
+        //Calculate the new Center posistion accordingly to the new zoom factor
+        // [TODO] Suggest the use of overloaded operators so that points can be operated upon by vectors. 
+        // specifically in this case to enable a point to be multiplied by a dimension resulting from the ratio of two dimension  
+        iCenter.iX = (iCenter.iX * imageDimension.iWidth )/iImageVirtualSize.iWidth  ;
+        iCenter.iY = (iCenter.iY * imageDimension.iHeight)/iImageVirtualSize.iHeight ;
+        //HEIGHT Calculation
+        // TODO: Hive center corrections into an different function.
+        // If the image might have become smaller than the screen DUE to or AFTER the above calculations
+        if((imageDimension.iHeight < iScreenSize.iHeight - BORDER_HEIGHT))
+            {
+            iCenter.iY=(imageDimension.iHeight/2);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            TInt weightedBorderHeight = (iBorderWidth.iHeight*(100-((newZoomRatio-iMinZoomRatio)*100/(iMaxZoomRatio-iMinZoomRatio))))/100 ;
+            // Is Center positioned such that the top end of the image is inside the 
+            // screen. 
+            if( iCenter.iY < (halfScreenHeight - weightedBorderHeight )) 
+                {
+                iCenter.iY = halfScreenHeight - weightedBorderHeight ;
+                }
+            // Is Center positioned such that the Bottom end of the image is inside the 
+            // screen. 
+            else if((iCenter.iY + (halfScreenHeight - weightedBorderHeight ))> imageDimension.iHeight)
+                {
+                // if so pan the image so that the edge of the image and screen coincide.
+                iCenter.iY = imageDimension.iHeight - (halfScreenHeight - weightedBorderHeight)  ;
+                }
+            }
+        //WIDTH Calculation
+        if((imageDimension.iWidth < iScreenSize.iWidth - BORDER_WIDTH))
+            {
+            iCenter.iX=(imageDimension.iWidth/2);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            TInt weightedBorderWidth = (iBorderWidth.iWidth*(100-((newZoomRatio-iMinZoomRatio)*100/(iMaxZoomRatio-iMinZoomRatio))))/100 ;
+            if( iCenter.iX < (halfScreenWidth - weightedBorderWidth )) 
+                {
+                iCenter.iX = (halfScreenWidth - weightedBorderWidth );
+                }
+            else if((iCenter.iX + (halfScreenWidth - weightedBorderWidth ))> imageDimension.iWidth)
+                {
+                iCenter.iX = imageDimension.iWidth - (halfScreenWidth - weightedBorderWidth ) ;
+                }
+            }
+        //Update the TopLeft corner and then re align to the center in the below code
+        viewPortTopLeft.iY = iCenter.iY - halfScreenHeight ;
+        viewPortTopLeft.iX = iCenter.iX - halfScreenWidth ;
+        iImageVirtualSize = imageDimension;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        //Conditions to Check.
+        //1.Image Height is Smaller than screen Size and Width is Bigger than  screen Size.
+        //2.Image Height is Bigger than screen Size and Width is Smaller than  screen Size.
+        //3.Both Image Height and Width is  Smaller than screen Size 
+        //4.Image Height is Bigger than screen Size and it is panned.
+        //4.Image Height is Bigger than screen Size and it is not panned at all.
+        //5.Image Width is Bigger than screen Size and it is panned.
+        //6.Image Width is Bigger than screen Size and it is not panned at all.
+        //7. First Time Zoom operation is performed.
+        if( (imageDimension.iHeight <= iScreenSize.iHeight) ||
+                ( (imageDimension.iHeight > iScreenSize.iHeight) && 
+                        (iCenter.iY == (iImageVirtualSize.iHeight/2)) ) ||
+                ( ((iCenter.iY + halfScreenHeight) > imageDimension.iHeight)&&
+                        ((iCenter.iY - halfScreenHeight) < KGlxOrigin) ))
+            {
+            //The Image is not panned along Y axis, so the center of the image is the center co-ordinate on this axis.
+            iCenter.iY=(imageDimension.iHeight/2);    
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            //The image is panned and shift the center posistion
+            //Calculate the new Center posistion accordingly to the new zoom factor
+            iCenter.iY = (iCenter.iY * imageDimension.iHeight)/iImageVirtualSize.iHeight;          
+            if( (iCenter.iY + halfScreenHeight) > imageDimension.iHeight)   
+                {
+                //Stick the Image to bottom side and then re-posistion the center 
+                iCenter.iY = imageDimension.iHeight - halfScreenHeight;
+                }
+            // New DIM is less than Old one. and all above conditions fail. 
+            // This means that new DIM is smaller than VP DIM. So keep center 'centered'.
+            // DIM = dimension
+            else if(iImageVirtualSize.iHeight >  imageDimension.iHeight)      
+                {
+                //This is executed in the Zoom Out Case,In ZoomIn Case the Image is widened.
+                iCenter.iY=(imageDimension.iHeight/2);
+                }
+            }
+        if((imageDimension.iWidth <= iScreenSize.iWidth) ||
+                ( (imageDimension.iWidth > iScreenSize.iWidth) && (iCenter.iX == 
+                (iImageVirtualSize.iWidth/2)) ) || ( (iCenter.iX + halfScreenWidth) > 
+                imageDimension.iWidth )&&((iCenter.iX - halfScreenWidth) < KGlxOrigin) )
+            {
+            //The Image is not panned along X axis, ,so the center of the image is the center co-ordinate.
+            iCenter.iX=(imageDimension.iWidth/2);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            //The image is panned and shift the center posistion
+            //Calculate the new Center posistion accordingly to the new zoom factor
+            iCenter.iX = (iCenter.iX * imageDimension.iWidth )/iImageVirtualSize.iWidth ;
+            if( (iCenter.iX + halfScreenWidth) > imageDimension.iWidth )
+                {
+                //Stick the Image to right side and then re-posistion the center 
+                iCenter.iX = imageDimension.iWidth - halfScreenWidth ;
+                }
+            else if(iImageVirtualSize.iWidth >imageDimension.iWidth )
+                {
+                //The Image is panned and while zooming out ,the center has to be possistioned to center of the screen.
+                iCenter.iX =(imageDimension.iWidth/2);
+                }
+            }
+        viewPortTopLeft.iX = iCenter.iX - halfScreenWidth;
+        viewPortTopLeft.iY = iCenter.iY - halfScreenHeight;
+        iImageVirtualSize = imageDimension;
+        }
+    // if centerTranslationfactor exists that means we have an off center zoom, then 
+    // pan that way to get the new center.
+    Pan(centerTranslationfactor, viewPortTopLeft, EGlxPanIncrementUniform) ;
+    aViewPortDimension  = imageDimension    ;
+    aViewPortTopLeft    = viewPortTopLeft   ;
+    GLX_LOG_INFO2("Zoom(): Center After Zoom = [%d,%d]   ", TInt(iCenter.iX), 
+            TInt(iCenter.iY)  );
+    GLX_LOG_INFO2("Zoom(): aViewPortDimension After Zoom  = [%d,%d]   ", 
+            TInt(aViewPortDimension.iWidth), TInt(aViewPortDimension.iHeight)  );
+    GLX_LOG_INFO2("Zoom(): viewPortTopLeft  After Zoom  = [%d,%d]   ", 
+            TInt(viewPortTopLeft.iX), TInt(viewPortTopLeft.iY)  );
+    return newZoomRatio;
+    }
+// UpdatePanFactor: Calculates the Pan Factor based on time the key was pressed
+void TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::UpdatePanFactor(TTime& aPanTime)
+    {
+    TRACER("void TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::UpdatePanFactor()");
+    iContinuousPanOperations++;
+    TInt  elapsedPanOperationSetCount = iContinuousPanOperations/KGlxPanFactorUpdateMultiple;
+    // Double the pan factor for every multiple of KGlxPanFactorUpdateMultiple that the key was pressed till
+    // we have crossed 'KGlxMaxTimeMultiple' orders of magnitude  
+    if (KGlxMaxPanUpdateMultiple > elapsedPanOperationSetCount )
+        {
+        iPanFactor = KGlxMinPanFactor << elapsedPanOperationSetCount ;
+        }
+    GLX_LOG_INFO1("iPanFactor %d", iPanFactor);
+    }
+// NewZoomRatio: Calculates the Zoom Ratio 
+TInt TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::NewZoomRatio( 
+        TInt aExpectedZoomRatio,
+        TInt aRelativeZoomFactor,
+        TZoomMode aZoomMode,
+        TBool *aThresholdReached)  
+    {
+    TRACER("TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::NewZoomRatio ");
+    GLX_LOG_INFO1("NewZoomRatio: Old Zoom Ratio = %d .   ",TInt(iZoomRatio)   );
+    GLX_LOG_INFO1("NewZoomRatio: Expected Zoom Ratio  = %d .   ",aExpectedZoomRatio    );
+    GLX_LOG_INFO1("NewZoomRatio: Relative Zoom Factor = %d .   ",aRelativeZoomFactor   );
+    // We ignore zoommode and aRelativeZoomFactor if we have a aExpectedZoomRatio.
+    // We ignore zoommode if we have a aRelativeZoomFactor.
+    if (aExpectedZoomRatio > 0)
+        {
+        iZoomRatio = aExpectedZoomRatio    ;
+        }
+    else if (aRelativeZoomFactor > 0)
+        {
+        //Pruning extreme values. Not allowing more than 15% change in zoom ratio.
+        TInt normalizedRelativeZoomFactor = aRelativeZoomFactor ;
+        if (normalizedRelativeZoomFactor < KGlxMinRelativeZoomPercent)
+            {
+            normalizedRelativeZoomFactor = KGlxMinRelativeZoomPercent;
+            }
+        else if (normalizedRelativeZoomFactor > KGlxMaxRelativeZoomPercent)
+            {
+            normalizedRelativeZoomFactor = KGlxMaxRelativeZoomPercent;
+            }
+        iZoomRatio =  (iZoomRatio * normalizedRelativeZoomFactor)/100 ;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        if(EZoomIn == aZoomMode)
+            {
+            iZoomRatio += KGlxZoomPanInc;
+            }
+        else  
+            {
+            iZoomRatio -= KGlxZoomPanInc;
+            }
+        }
+    // if iZoomRatio crosses max or minimum limits, then peg them to those limits. 
+    if (iZoomRatio >= iMaxZoomRatio) 
+        {
+        iZoomRatio = iMaxZoomRatio;
+        if (NULL != aThresholdReached)
+            {
+            GLX_LOG_INFO1("NewZoomRatio: Max Threshold Reached iMaxZoomRatio = %d .",iMaxZoomRatio);
+            *aThresholdReached = ETrue;
+            }
+        }
+    else if( iZoomRatio <= iMinZoomRatio )
+        {
+        iZoomRatio = iMinZoomRatio;
+        if (NULL != aThresholdReached)
+            {
+            GLX_LOG_INFO1("NewZoomRatio: Min Threshold Reached iInitialZoomRatio = %d .", iMinZoomRatio );
+            *aThresholdReached = ETrue;
+            }
+        }
+    GLX_LOG_INFO1("NewZoomRatio: New Zoom Ratio = %d.   ",TInt(iZoomRatio)   );
+    return iZoomRatio;
+    }
+// OrientationChanged:  
+void TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::OrientationChanged(const TRect& aNewScreenRect)
+    {
+    TRACER("void TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::OrientationChanged()");
+    iScreenSize.iWidth          = aNewScreenRect.Width();    
+    iScreenSize.iHeight         = aNewScreenRect.Height();    
+    }
+// ImageVirtualSize: retieves the virtual size of the image.    
+TSize TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::ImageVirtualSize()
+    {
+    TRACER("TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::ImageVirtualSize()");
+    return iImageVirtualSize;
+    }
+// ScreenSize: retrieves the screen size .    
+TSize TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::ScreenSize()
+    {
+    TRACER("TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::ScreenSize()");
+    return iScreenSize;
+    }
+// ImageVirtualSize: retrieves the screen size .    
+void TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::SetupPanOperation()
+    {
+    TRACER("TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::SetupPanOperation()");
+    iContinuousPanOperations = 0 ; 
+    }
+TPoint TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::LastPanOffset()
+    {
+    TRACER("TGlxZoomAndPanMathsEngine::LastPanOffset()");
+    return iLastPanOffset;
+    }