changeset 26 5b3385a43d68
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/photosgallery/viewframework/texturemanager/inc/glxtexturemanagerimpl.h	Wed Sep 01 12:33:26 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:    Texture Manager component
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <badesca.h>    // For CDesCArrayFlat
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+#include <AknsItemID.h>
+#include <alf/alftexture.h>
+#include <alf/alfbitmapprovider.h>
+#include <alf/alftimedvalue.h>
+#include <mpxattribute.h>
+#include <mglxresolutionchangeobserver.h>
+#include "glxbitmapdecoderwrapper.h"
+#include <glxmediaid.h>
+#include <glximageviewermanager.h>
+#include <imageconversion.h>
+#include <bitmaptransforms.h>
+#include <mglxcacheobserver.h>
+class CAlfTexture;
+class CGlxDRMUtility;
+class CGlxMedia;
+//class CAlfGifAnimationTexture;
+class CAlfImageLoaderUtil;
+class CAlfTextureManager;
+class MGlxCache;
+class TGlxMedia;
+class CGlxResolutionUtility;
+class MGlxTextureObserver;
+class CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper;
+class MGlxBitmapDecoderObserver;
+class CGlxThumbnailAttribute;
+const TInt KGlxMaxFrameCount = 25;
+ *  CGlxTextureManagerImpl
+ *
+ *  Implementation of Texture Manager component. 
+ *
+ * @author David Holland
+ * @internal reviewed 03/07/2007 by Dan Rhodes
+ *
+ */
+class CGlxTextureManagerImpl : public CBase, public MAlfBitmapProvider,
+                                         public MGlxResolutionChangeObserver,
+										 public MGlxBitmapDecoderObserver,
+										 public MGlxCacheObserver
+    {
+    /**
+    * Two-phased constructor
+    * @param aAlfTextureManager The Alf Texture Manager
+    * @return Constructed object
+    */
+    static CGlxTextureManagerImpl* NewL(
+                                CAlfTextureManager& aAlfTextureManager);
+    /**
+    * Two-phased constructor
+    * @param aAlfTextureManager The Alf Texture Manager
+    * @return Constructed object
+    */
+    static CGlxTextureManagerImpl* NewLC(
+                                CAlfTextureManager& aAlfTextureManager);
+    /**
+    * Destructor
+    */      
+    ~CGlxTextureManagerImpl();
+    /**
+     * Determins if the texture need updating
+     * @param aMediaId The Id of the media item
+     * @param aIdSpaceId The Id of the Id space in which the media Id is defined
+     * @param aRequiredSize The preferred size of the texture
+     * @return ETrue if the texture needs updating. EFalse if not.
+     */
+    TBool TextureNeedsUpdating(TGlxMedia aMedia, TGlxIdSpaceId aIdSpaceId,
+                                                const TSize& aRequiredSize);
+    /**
+    * Create a texture from an icon within the application
+    * @param aSkinID The skin Id associated with the icon 
+    * @param aIconResourceId The Id associated with the icon .mif file
+    * @param aFilename The full path name of the .mif file
+    * @param aSetColor ETrue if colour of icon is to be modified
+    * @param aDefaultColor colour use if skin clour not specified or not found
+    * @param aSkinColorId Id of the skin colour table
+    * @param aSkinColorIndex Index of the colour in the table
+    * @param aRequestedSize requested size. If default used size is based on size of original graphic
+    * @return Created texture
+    */
+    CAlfTexture& CreateIconTextureL(const TAknsItemID& aSkinID,
+                                    TInt aIconResourceId, 
+                                    const TDesC& aFilename,
+                                    TBool aSetColor,
+                                    TRgb aDefaultColor,
+                                    const TAknsItemID& aSkinColorId,
+                                    TInt aSkinColorIndex,
+                                    TSize aRequestedSize);
+    /**
+     * Requests the best match texture. If it already exists this method does nothing.
+     * However if it doed not exist it will create it and replace the old texture
+     * if necessary.
+     * @param aSize The size of the requested texture
+     * @param aMedia The TGlxMedia item
+     * @param aIdSpaceId The Id of the Id space in which the media Id is defined
+     * @param aObserver Observer for the texture.
+	 * @param aScaleGridTnm ETrue if the grid tnm to be scaled else EFalse.
+     * @return Created texture, or NULL if the texture alreay exists
+     */
+    CAlfTexture& CreateNewTextureForMediaL(TSize aSize, const TGlxMedia& aMedia,
+        const TGlxIdSpaceId& aIdSpaceId, MGlxTextureObserver* aObserver, TBool aScaleGridTnm );
+    /**
+    * Create a texture from a zoomed thumbnail attribute of a media item
+    * @param aMedia The media item
+    * @param aAttribute Which attribute
+    * @param aIdSpaceId The Id of the Id space in which the media Id is defined
+    * @param aObserver Observer for the texture.
+    * @return Created texture
+    */
+    CAlfTexture& CreateZoomedTextureL(const TGlxMedia& aMedia,
+                                            const TMPXAttribute& aAttribute,
+                                            TGlxIdSpaceId aIdSpaceId, MGlxTextureObserver* aObserver);
+    /**
+    * If we have a texture ID, we recreate the Zoomed texture based on that
+    * 
+    * @param aTextureID the texture ID to create the texture on. 
+    */
+    CAlfTexture* CreateZoomedTextureL( );
+    /**
+    * Create an animated texture from a GIF file
+    * @param aFilename The filename of the GIF file
+    * @param aSize The size of the GIF file
+	* @param aMedia The media item
+	* @param aIdSpaceId The Id of the Id space in which the media Id is defined	
+    * @return Created texture: ownership transfered
+    */
+    CAlfTexture& CreateAnimatedGifTextureL(const TDesC& aFilename, const TSize& aSize,
+                                           const TGlxMedia& aMedia, TGlxIdSpaceId aIdSpaceId);
+	/**
+    * Creates textures for the given GIF media
+	* @param aMedia The media item
+	* @param aIdSpaceId The Id of the Id space in which the media Id is defined
+	* @param aFrameNumber frame number of gif media
+    * @param aBitmap Bitmap for the particular frame
+	* @return Created texture: ownership transfered
+    */    
+    CAlfTexture& CreateDRMAnimatedGifTextureL(const TGlxMedia& aMedia,
+            TGlxIdSpaceId aIdSpaceId, TInt aFrameNumber, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, CFbsBitmap* aBitmapMask);
+    /**
+     * Removes the texture if it was created by CreateThumbnailTextureL or
+     * CreateZoomedTextureL
+     * @param aTexture The texture to be removed
+     */
+    void RemoveTexture( const CAlfTexture& aTexture );
+    /**
+     * Removes all Texteures 
+     * 
+     */
+    void FlushTextures() ;
+    /**
+     * Removes the texture if it was created by CreateThumbnailTextureL or
+     * CreateZoomedTextureL
+     * @param aTexture The texture to be removed
+     */
+    void RemoveZoomList();
+    /**
+     * Removes the texture if it was created by CreateThumbnailTextureL or
+     * CreateZoomedTextureL
+     * @param TGlxMediaId The iMediaId to be removed
+     * @param aAllTexture Flag to remove all textures
+	 * Bug fix for PKAA-7NRBYZ - added bAllTexture param.
+     */
+    void RemoveTexture( const TGlxMediaId& aMediaId, TBool aAllTexture);
+    /**
+     * Creates a flat color texture and returns the reference to it
+     */
+    CAlfTexture& CreateFlatColourTextureL( TRgb aColour );   
+   /**
+    * Animate the given media.
+    * @param aMediaId The Id of the media to be animated
+    * @param aState Animation state [ETrue to Start, EFalse to Stop]
+    */
+    void AnimateMediaItem(const TGlxMediaId& aMediaId, TBool aState);
+public:  // From MGlxCacheObserver
+    void HandleAttributesAvailableL(const TGlxIdSpaceId& aIdSpaceId, 
+                                    const TGlxMediaId& aMediaId, 
+                                    const RArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttributes, 
+                                    const CGlxMedia* aMedia);
+    void CleanupMedia(const TGlxMediaId& aMediaId);
+public: // from MAlfBitmapProvider
+    void ProvideBitmapL(TInt aId, 
+                        CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap, 
+                        CFbsBitmap*& aMaskBitmap);
+public: // From MGlxResolutionChangeObserver    
+    void HandleResolutionChangedL();
+    /**
+    * Updates the texture for every Icon in the IconList.
+    */
+    void UpdateTexture();
+public: // From MGlxTextureRotatorObserver    
+    void HandleBitmapDecodedL(TInt aThumbnailIndex,CFbsBitmap* aBitmap);
+    /**
+    * Constructor
+    * @param aAlfTextureManager The Alf Texture Manager
+    */
+    CGlxTextureManagerImpl(CAlfTextureManager& aAlfTextureManager);
+    /**
+    * Second-phase constuction
+    */
+    void ConstructL();
+    /**
+    * GetThumbnailAttributeAndIndexL
+    * @param aSize The size of the requested texture
+    * @param aMedia The TGlxMedia item.
+    * @param aThumbnailIndex on return will contain the Index of the thumbnail in the iThumbnailList
+    *        or KErrNotFound
+    * @param aThumbnailAttribute on return will contain the Thumbnail attribute (if found)
+    * @return ETrue if Thumbnail is available, EFalse if it needs to be created
+    */
+    TBool GetThumbnailAttributeAndIndexL( TSize aSize, const TGlxMedia& aMedia,
+        const TGlxIdSpaceId& aIdSpaceId, TInt& aThumbnailIndex,
+        TMPXAttribute& aThumbnailAttribute );
+    /**
+     * Create Image Viewer manager Instance
+     */
+    void CreateImageViewerInstanceL();
+    /**
+     * Delete Image Viewer manager Instance
+     */
+    void DeleteImageViewerInstance();
+    /**
+     * TGlxIcon
+     * Values associated with a bitmap/svg icon
+     */
+    class TGlxIcon 
+    {
+    public:
+        TInt           iTextureId;
+        CAlfTexture*   iTexture;
+        TAknsItemID    iAvkonSkinId;
+        TInt           iBitmapId;
+        TInt           iFilenameIndex;
+        TBool          iSetColor;    // indicates if color to be modified
+        TRgb           iDefaultColor;
+        TAknsItemID    iSkinColorId;
+        TInt           iSkinColorIndex;
+        TReal32        iHeightInPoss;
+        TReal32        iWidthInPoss;
+        /**
+         * Helper functor to be able to find texture from array
+         */
+        static TBool MatchTexture( 
+                const CAlfTexture* aTexture, 
+                const TGlxIcon& aRhs )
+        	{
+        	// return true if the address of the texture match
+        	return aTexture == aRhs.iTexture;
+        	}
+        };
+    /**
+     * TGlxThumbIcon
+     * Values associated with a thumbnail.
+     */
+    class TGlxThumbnailIcon 
+        {
+    public:
+        TInt              iTextureId;
+        CAlfTexture*      iTexture;
+        TMPXAttribute     iAttribId;
+        TSize             iRequiredSize;
+        TGlxMediaId       iMediaId;
+        TGlxIdSpaceId     iIdSpaceId;
+        MGlxTextureObserver* iObserver;
+        CFbsBitmap*         iBitmap;
+		TTime				iImageDate; 
+        /**
+         * Helper function to be able to find texture from array
+         */
+        static TBool MatchTexture( 
+            const CAlfTexture* aTexture, 
+            const TGlxThumbnailIcon& aThumbData )
+        	{
+        	// return true if the address of the texture match
+        	return aTexture == aThumbData.iTexture;
+        	}
+        /**
+         * Helper function to be able to find mediaid from array
+         */
+        static TBool MatchMediaId(const TGlxMediaId* aMediaId,
+                const TGlxThumbnailIcon& aThumbData)
+            {
+        	// return true if the Media Id match
+            return *aMediaId == aThumbData.iMediaId;
+            }
+         };
+    /**
+     * TGlxDRMGifThumbnailIcon
+     * Values associated with a DRM Gif thumbnail.
+     */
+    class TGlxDRMGifThumbnailIcon
+        {
+    public:
+        TInt iTextureId[KGlxMaxFrameCount];
+        CAlfTexture* iTexture[KGlxMaxFrameCount];
+        TMPXAttribute iAttribId;
+        TSize iRequiredSize;
+        TGlxMediaId iMediaId;
+        TGlxIdSpaceId iIdSpaceId;
+        MGlxTextureObserver* iObserver;
+        CFbsBitmap* iBitmap[KGlxMaxFrameCount];
+        CFbsBitmap* iBitmapMask[KGlxMaxFrameCount];
+        TTime iImageDate;
+        /**
+         * Helper function to be able to find texture from array
+         */
+        static TBool MatchTexture(const CAlfTexture* aTexture,
+                const TGlxDRMGifThumbnailIcon& aThumbData)
+            {
+            // return true if the address of the texture match
+            return aTexture == aThumbData.iTexture[0];
+            }
+        /**
+         * Helper function to be able to find mediaid from array
+         */
+        static TBool MatchMediaId(const TGlxMediaId* aMediaId,
+                const TGlxDRMGifThumbnailIcon& aThumbData)
+            {
+            // return true if the Media Id match
+            return *aMediaId == aThumbData.iMediaId;
+            }
+        };
+    /**
+    * Requests the best match texture. If it already exists this method does nothing.
+    * However if it doed not exist it will create it and replace the old texture
+    * if necessary.
+    * @param aSize The size of the requested texture
+    * @param aMedia The TGlxMedia item
+    * @param aIdSpaceId The Id of the Id space in which the media Id is defined
+    * @param aObserver Observer for the texture.
+    * @param aAttribute specifies the type of texture to create
+    * @param aThumbData the tumbnail data
+    * @param aScaleGridTnm ETrue if the grid tnm to be scaled else EFalse.	
+    * @return Created texture, or NULL if the texture alreay exists
+    */
+    CAlfTexture& CreateNewTextureL( TSize aSize, const TGlxMedia& aMedia,
+        const TGlxIdSpaceId& aIdSpaceId, MGlxTextureObserver* aObserver,
+        TMPXAttribute& aAttribute, TGlxThumbnailIcon& aThumbData,TBool aIsThumbnailTexture, TBool aScaleGridTnm);
+    /**
+     * TGlxProvideBitmapHolder
+     * Used to hold the bitmaps and their associated texture id between
+     * the call to create the alf texture and the callback to ProvideBitmap.
+     */
+    class TGlxProvideBitmapHolder
+        {
+    public:
+        TInt iTextureId;
+        CFbsBitmap* iBitmap;        // not owned
+        CFbsBitmap* iMaskBitmap;    // not owned
+        };
+    /**
+    * Select the most appropriate attribute to use to load bitmap
+    * @param aThumbnail contains the data concerning the texture
+    * @param aMedia the media 
+    * @return Index of selected attribute in list or KErrNotFound
+    */
+    TMPXAttribute SelectAttributeL(TSize& aThumbnail,
+                          const TGlxMedia& aMedia);
+    /**
+    * Duplicates a bitmap
+    * @param aOriginalBitmap original bitmap
+    * @return duplicate bitmap
+    */
+    CFbsBitmap* CreateDuplicateBitmapL( CFbsBitmap& aOriginalBitmap );
+    /**
+    * Increments the texture id and returns it
+    * @return next texture id
+    */
+    TInt NextTextureId();
+    /**
+    * Scales the grid Thumbnail bitmap to the fullscreen keeping the aspect 
+    * ratio.
+    * @param aSrcSize The size of the original image
+    * @param aDestSize The Fullscreen size
+    * @param aScaledBitmap Pointer to the scaled bitmap
+    * @param thumb thumbnail attributes.
+    */    
+    void ScaleGridTnmToFsL(TSize aSrcSize, TSize aDestSize, 
+            CFbsBitmap *aScaledBitmap, const CGlxThumbnailAttribute* thumb);
+    /**
+    * GetAnimatedGifThumbnailIndex
+    * @param aSize The size of the requested texture
+    * @param aMedia The TGlxMedia item.
+    * @param aIdSpaceId The Id of the Id space in which the media Id is defined	
+    * @param aThumbnailIndex on return will contain the Index of the thumbnail in the iAnimatedTnmList
+    *        or KErrNotFound
+    * @return ETrue if Thumbnail is available, EFalse if it needs to be created
+    */
+    TBool GetAnimatedGifThumbnailIndex( TSize aSize,
+            const TGlxMedia& aMedia, const TGlxIdSpaceId& aIdSpaceId,
+            TInt& aThumbnailIndex);
+     /**
+    * GetDRMAnimatedGifThumbnailIndex
+    * @param aMedia The TGlxMedia item.
+    * @param aIdSpaceId The Id of the Id space in which the media Id is defined	
+    * @param aThumbnailIndex on return will contain the Index of the thumbnail in the iAnimatedTnmList
+    *        or KErrNotFound
+    * @return ETrue if Thumbnail is available, EFalse if it needs to be created
+    */   
+    TBool GetDRMAnimatedGifThumbnailIndex(const TGlxMedia& aMedia, const TGlxIdSpaceId& aIdSpaceId,
+            TInt& aThumbnailIndex);
+    // Alf Texture manager (not owned) 
+    CAlfTextureManager& iAlfTextureManager;
+    // Next id to be allocated to icon textures provide within the application. 
+    TInt iNextTextureId;
+    // List containing data for icon textures provided within the application. 
+    RArray<TGlxIcon> iIconList;
+    // List containing data for textures generated from thumbnail bitmaps. 
+    RArray<TGlxThumbnailIcon> iThumbnailList;
+    // List containing data for textures generated from zoomed thumbnail. 
+    RArray<TGlxThumbnailIcon> iZoomedList;
+    // List containing data for textures generated from Animated thumbnail. 
+    RArray<TGlxThumbnailIcon> iAnimatedTnmList;
+    // List containing data for textures generated from DRM Gif Animated thumbnail. 
+    RArray<TGlxDRMGifThumbnailIcon> iDRMGifAnimatedTnmList;
+    // List of .mif filenames of files containing icons. 
+    CDesCArrayFlat* iMifFilenames;
+    // DRM utility class 
+    CGlxDRMUtility* iDrmUtility;
+    // MGlxCache instance 
+    MGlxCache* iCache;
+    // CGlxResolutionUtility instance 
+    CGlxResolutionUtility* iResUtil;
+	//The Bitmap Decoder Engine
+	CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper* iZoomDecoder; 
+    // Temporary storage class used between call to create a texture and the 
+    //callback from alf to ProvideBitmap 
+    TGlxProvideBitmapHolder iProvideBitmapHolder;
+    // For image viewer, not own
+    CGlxImageViewerManager* iImageViewerInstance;
+    };