--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/application/data/PodcastSettingsView.ra Thu Feb 25 14:29:19 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Sebastian Brannstrom, Lars Persson, EmbedDev AB
+ *
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * EmbedDev AB - initial contribution.
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *
+ */
+RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_podcast_settingsview_menubar
+ {
+ titles =
+ {
+ MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = r_podcast_settingsview_menu; txt = ""; }
+ };
+ }
+RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_podcast_settingsview_menu
+ {
+ items =
+ {
+ {
+ command = EPodcastHelp;
+ txt = STRING_r_view_help;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+RESOURCE AVKON_VIEW r_podcast_settingsview
+ menubar = r_podcast_settingsview_menubar;
+title = STRING_r_podcast_settings_title;
+items =
+ {
+ {
+ name = STRING_r_podcast_setting_showdir;
+ identifier = EPodcastSettingShowDir;
+ setting_page_resource = r_podcast_showdir_page;
+ },
+ {
+ identifier = EPodcastSettingAutoUpdate;
+ setting_page_resource = r_podcast_autoupdate_page_resource;
+ associated_resource = r_podcast_autoupdate_texts;
+ name = STRING_r_podcast_setting_autoupdate;
+ },
+ {
+ identifier = EPodcastSettingAutoDownload;
+ setting_page_resource = r_podcast_autodownload_page_resource;
+ associated_resource = r_on_off_texts;
+ name = STRING_r_podcast_setting_autodownload;
+ },
+ {
+ identifier = EPodcastSettingConnection;
+ setting_page_resource = r_podcast_connection_page_resource;
+ associated_resource = r_podcast_connection_texts;
+ name = STRING_r_podcast_setting_connection;
+ },
+ {
+ identifier = EPodcastSettingIAPList;
+ setting_page_resource = r_setting_iap_page_resource;
+ associated_resource = r_setting_iap_texts;
+ name = STRING_r_podcast_setting_iaplist;
+ }
+ };
+RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_podcast_showdir_page
+ label=STRING_r_podcast_setting_showdir;
+ type = EEikCtEdwin;
+ editor_resource_id = r_podcast_showdir;
+RESOURCE EDWIN r_podcast_showdir
+ lines = 3;
+ maxlength = 256;
+ default_input_mode = EAknEditorTextInputMode;
+RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_podcast_connection_page_resource
+ label= STRING_r_podcast_setting_connection;
+ type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
+ editor_resource_id = r_setting_connection_popup_list_entry;
+RESOURCE POPUP_SETTING_LIST r_setting_connection_popup_list_entry
+RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_podcast_connection_texts
+ setting_texts_resource = r_podcast_connection_closed;
+ popped_up_texts_resource = r_podcast_connection_opened;
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_podcast_connection_closed
+ items =
+ {
+ AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT{value=EConnectionDefault; text = STRING_r_podcast_setting_default;},
+ AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT{value=EConnectionAlwaysAsk; text = STRING_r_podcast_setting_alwaysask;},
+ AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT{value=EConnectionUseIap; text = STRING_r_podcast_setting_useiap;}
+ };
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_podcast_connection_opened
+ items =
+ {
+ LBUF { txt=STRING_r_podcast_setting_default; },
+ LBUF { txt=STRING_r_podcast_setting_alwaysask; },
+ LBUF { txt=STRING_r_podcast_setting_useiap; }
+ };
+RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_podcast_autodownload_page_resource
+ label= STRING_r_podcast_setting_autodownload;
+ type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
+ number= 0;
+ flags = 0;
+ setting_texts_resource = r_setting_on_off_closed;
+ popped_up_texts_resource = r_setting_on_off_opened;
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_setting_on_off_closed
+ items =
+ {
+ AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=1; text=STRING_r_on; },
+ AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=0; text=STRING_r_off; }
+ };
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_setting_on_off_opened
+ items =
+ {
+ LBUF { txt=STRING_r_on; },
+ LBUF { txt=STRING_r_off; }
+ };
+RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_podcast_autoupdate_page_resource
+ label= STRING_r_podcast_setting_autoupdate;
+ type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
+ editor_resource_id = r_setting_autoupdate_popup_list_entry;
+RESOURCE POPUP_SETTING_LIST r_setting_autoupdate_popup_list_entry
+RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_podcast_autoupdate_texts
+ flags = 0;
+ setting_texts_resource = r_podcast_autoupdate_closed;
+ popped_up_texts_resource = r_podcast_autoupdate_opened;
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_podcast_autoupdate_closed
+ items =
+ {
+ AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=0; text=STRING_podcast_autoupdate_option1; },
+ AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=60; text=STRING_podcast_autoupdate_option2; },
+ AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=360; text=STRING_podcast_autoupdate_option3; },
+ AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=720; text=STRING_podcast_autoupdate_option4; },
+ AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=1440; text=STRING_podcast_autoupdate_option5; }
+ };
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_podcast_autoupdate_opened
+ items =
+ {
+ LBUF { txt=STRING_podcast_autoupdate_option1; },
+ LBUF { txt=STRING_podcast_autoupdate_option2; },
+ LBUF { txt=STRING_podcast_autoupdate_option3; },
+ LBUF { txt=STRING_podcast_autoupdate_option4; },
+ LBUF { txt=STRING_podcast_autoupdate_option5; }
+ };
+RESOURCE FILESELECTIONDIALOG r_podcast_showdir_selector
+ title = STRING_r_view_export_feeds_title;
+ root_path = "";
+ filters =
+ {
+ {
+ filter_type = EFilenameFilter;
+ filter_style = EInclusiveFilter;
+ filter_data = { "*.*" };
+ }
+ };
+RESOURCE TBUF r_podcast_softkey_select { buf = STRING_r_view_export_feeds_softkey; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_settings_title { buf = STRING_r_podcast_settings_title; }
+RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_setting_iap_page_resource
+ label= STRING_r_podcast_setting_iaplist;
+ type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
+ editor_resource_id = r_setting_iap_popup_list_entry;
+RESOURCE POPUP_SETTING_LIST r_setting_iap_popup_list_entry
+ setting_texts_resource = r_setting_iap_closed;
+ popped_up_texts_resource = r_setting_iap_opened;
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_setting_iap_closed
+ items =
+ {
+ AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT{value=0; text = "";}
+ };
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_setting_iap_opened
+ items =
+ {
+ LBUF { txt=""; }
+ };