changeset 2 29cda98b007e
child 7 a7a43293ae56
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/application/src/PodcastSearchView.cpp	Thu Feb 25 14:29:19 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Sebastian Brannstrom, Lars Persson, EmbedDev AB
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* EmbedDev AB - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "PodcastSearchView.h"
+#include "PodcastAppUi.h"
+#include "FeedEngine.h"
+#include "ShowEngine.h"
+#include "SettingsEngine.h"
+#include "PodcastApp.h"
+#include "PodcastUtils.h"
+#include <caknfileselectiondialog.h> 
+#include <podcast.rsg>
+#include <podcast.mbg>
+#include <gulicon.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <e32const.h>
+#include <eikdialg.h>
+#include <aknquerydialog.h>
+#include <caknmemoryselectiondialog.h> 
+#include <caknfilenamepromptdialog.h> 
+#include <BAUTILS.H> 
+#include <pathinfo.h> 
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <akntoolbarextension.h>
+#include <akntitle.h>
+const TInt KMaxFeedNameLength = 100;
+const TInt KDefaultGran = 5;
+const TInt KNumberOfFilesMaxLength = 4;
+#define KMaxMessageLength 200
+#define KMaxTitleLength 100
+const TInt KMimeBufLength = 100;
+_LIT(KUnknownUpdateDateString, "?/?");
+_LIT(KSearchResultFormat, "%d\t%S\t%S");
+CPodcastSearchView* CPodcastSearchView::NewL(CPodcastModel& aPodcastModel)
+    {
+    CPodcastSearchView* self = CPodcastSearchView::NewLC(aPodcastModel);
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+CPodcastSearchView* CPodcastSearchView::NewLC(CPodcastModel& aPodcastModel)
+    {
+    CPodcastSearchView* self = new ( ELeave ) CPodcastSearchView(aPodcastModel);
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    return self;
+    }
+CPodcastSearchView::CPodcastSearchView(CPodcastModel& aPodcastModel):iPodcastModel(aPodcastModel)
+void CPodcastSearchView::ConstructL()
+	CPodcastListView::ConstructL();
+	iPodcastModel.FeedEngine().AddObserver(this);
+	CArrayPtr< CGulIcon >* icons = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat< CGulIcon >(1);
+	CleanupStack::PushL( icons );
+	// Load the bitmap for empty icon	
+	CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
+	CFbsBitmap* mask = NULL;//	
+	// Load the bitmap for feed icon	
+	// Load svg.-image and mask with a single call
+		AknIconUtils::CreateIconL(bitmap,
+		                          mask,
+		                          iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->Application()->BitmapStoreName(),
+		                          EMbmPodcastFeed,
+		                          EMbmPodcastFeed_mask);
+		/*
+	bitmap = iEikonEnv->CreateBitmapL( _L("*"),EMbmPodcastFeed_40x40);*/
+	CleanupStack::PushL( bitmap );		
+	// Load the mask for feed icon	
+	/*mask = iEikonEnv->CreateBitmapL( _L("*"),EMbmPodcastFeed_40x40m );	
+	*/
+	CleanupStack::PushL( mask );		
+	// Append the feed icon to icon array
+	icons->AppendL( CGulIcon::NewL( bitmap, mask ) );
+	CleanupStack::Pop(2); // bitmap, mask
+	iListContainer->Listbox()->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->SetIconArrayL( icons );
+	CleanupStack::Pop(icons); // icons
+	iListContainer->Listbox()->SetListBoxObserver(this);
+    {
+	iPodcastModel.FeedEngine().RemoveObserver(this);
+    if(iLongTapDetector)
+        delete iLongTapDetector, iLongTapDetector = NULL;
+    if(iStylusPopupMenu)
+        delete iStylusPopupMenu, iStylusPopupMenu = NULL;
+    }
+TUid CPodcastSearchView::Id() const
+	return KUidPodcastSearchViewID;
+void CPodcastSearchView::DoActivateL(const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
+	                                  TUid aCustomMessageId,
+	                                  const TDesC8& aCustomMessage)
+	UpdateToolbar();
+	 CAknTitlePane* titlePane = static_cast<CAknTitlePane*>
+		      ( StatusPane()->ControlL( TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle ) ) );
+	HBufC* title = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC(R_SEARCH_RESULTS);
+	titlePane->SetTextL( *title, ETrue );
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(title);
+	CPodcastListView::DoActivateL(aPrevViewId, aCustomMessageId, aCustomMessage);
+	iPreviousView = TVwsViewId(KUidPodcast, KUidPodcastFeedViewID);
+void CPodcastSearchView::DoDeactivate()
+	CPodcastListView::DoDeactivate();
+	CAknTitlePane* titlePane = static_cast<CAknTitlePane*>
+		     ( StatusPane()->ControlL( TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle ) ) );
+	titlePane->SetTextToDefaultL();
+void CPodcastSearchView::HandleListBoxEventL(CEikListBox* /* aListBox */, TListBoxEvent aEventType)
+	DP("CPodcastSearchView::HandleListBoxEventL BEGIN");
+	switch(aEventType)
+	{
+	case EEventEnterKeyPressed:
+	case EEventItemDoubleClicked:
+	case EEventItemActioned:
+		{
+		HandleCommandL(EPodcastAddSearchResult);
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	DP("CPodcastSearchView::HandleListBoxEventL END");
+void CPodcastSearchView::UpdateListboxItemsL()
+	{
+	DP("CPodcastSearchView::UpdateListboxItemsL BEGIN");
+	if(!iListContainer->IsVisible()) {
+		DP("CPodcastSearchView::UpdateListboxItemsL END (not visible)");
+		return;
+	}
+	const RFeedInfoArray* searchItems = NULL;
+	searchItems = &iPodcastModel.FeedEngine().GetSearchResults();
+	TInt len = searchItems->Count();
+	TListItemProperties itemProps;
+	iListContainer->Listbox()->Reset();
+	iListContainer->Listbox()->ItemDrawer()->ClearAllPropertiesL();
+	iItemIdArray.Reset();
+	iItemArray->Reset();
+	if (len > 0) 
+		{
+		for (int i=0;i<len;i++) 
+			{				
+			CFeedInfo *fi = (*searchItems)[i];
+			iItemIdArray.Append(fi->Uid());
+			TInt iconIndex = 0;
+			TBuf<512> descr;
+			descr.Copy(fi->Description().Left(512));
+			iListboxFormatbuffer.Format(KSearchResultFormat(), iconIndex, &fi->Title(), &descr);
+			iItemArray->AppendL(iListboxFormatbuffer);
+			iListContainer->Listbox()->ItemDrawer()->SetPropertiesL(i, itemProps);
+			}
+		} 
+	else 
+		{					
+		TBuf<KMaxFeedNameLength> itemName;
+		iEikonEnv->ReadResourceL(itemName, R_PODCAST_NO_SEARCH_RESULTS);
+		iItemArray->Reset();
+		iItemIdArray.Reset();
+		TListItemProperties itemProps;
+		itemProps.SetDimmed(ETrue);
+		itemProps.SetHiddenSelection(ETrue);								
+		iListContainer->Listbox()->ItemDrawer()->SetPropertiesL(0, itemProps);
+		}
+	iListContainer->Listbox()->HandleItemAdditionL();
+	DP("CPodcastSearchView::UpdateListboxItemsL END");
+	}
+ * Command handling function intended for overriding by sub classes. 
+ * Default implementation is empty.  
+ * @param aCommand ID of the command to respond to. 
+ */
+void CPodcastSearchView::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand)
+	{
+	//CloseToolbarExtension();
+	switch(aCommand)
+		{
+		case EPodcastAddSearchResult:
+			{
+			TInt index = iListContainer->Listbox()->CurrentItemIndex();
+			if(index < iItemArray->MdcaCount() && index >= 0)
+				{
+				CFeedInfo *newInfo = iPodcastModel.FeedEngine().GetSearchResults()[index];
+				// ask if user wants to add the feed
+				TBuf<KMaxMessageLength> templ;
+				TBuf<KMaxMessageLength> message;
+				iEikonEnv->ReadResourceL(templ, R_ADD_FEED_QUERY);
+				message.Format(templ, &newInfo->Title());
+				if(ShowQueryMessage(message)) {
+					TBool added = iPodcastModel.FeedEngine().AddFeedL(*newInfo);
+					if (added)
+						{					
+						// ask if user wants to update it now
+						TBuf<KMaxMessageLength> message;
+						iEikonEnv->ReadResourceL(message, R_ADD_FEED_SUCCESS);
+						if(ShowQueryMessage(message))
+							{
+							CFeedInfo *info = iPodcastModel.FeedEngine().GetFeedInfoByUid(newInfo->Uid());
+							iPodcastModel.ActiveShowList().Reset();
+							iPodcastModel.SetActiveFeedInfo(info);			
+							AppUi()->ActivateLocalViewL(KUidPodcastShowsViewID,  TUid::Uid(0), KNullDesC8());
+							iPodcastModel.FeedEngine().UpdateFeedL(info->Uid());
+							}
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						TBuf<KMaxMessageLength> message;
+						iEikonEnv->ReadResourceL(message, R_ADD_FEED_EXISTS);
+						ShowErrorMessage(message);
+						}		
+				}
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			CPodcastListView::HandleCommandL(aCommand);
+			break;
+		}
+		UpdateToolbar();
+	}
+void CPodcastSearchView::OpmlParsingComplete(TUint /*aNumFeedsImported*/)
+	{
+	DP("CPodcastSearchView::OpmlParsingComplete BEGIN");
+	UpdateListboxItemsL();
+	UpdateToolbar();
+	DP("CPodcastSearchView::OpmlParsingComplete END");
+	}
+void CPodcastSearchView::UpdateToolbar()
+	TBool disableAdd = iItemArray->MdcaCount() == 0 || iSearchRunning;
+	CAknToolbar* toolbar = Toolbar();
+	if (toolbar)
+		{
+		toolbar->SetItemDimmed(EPodcastAddSearchResult, disableAdd, ETrue );
+		toolbar->HideItem(EPodcastSearch, iSearchRunning, ETrue );
+		toolbar->HideItem(EPodcastCancelUpdateAllFeeds, !iSearchRunning, ETrue);
+		}