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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Declares CUPJobState class
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef CUPJOBSTATE_H
    20 #define CUPJOBSTATE_H
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    24 #include "upconsts.h"
    26 /*
    27 * @class 		TUPJobEndState
    28 * @description	This class contains the state variables related to the end / abort state
    29 *				of the job that is active at printer.
    30 */
    32 {
    33 	public:
    34 		inline TUPJobEndState(){Init();}
    36 		inline void Init()
    37 		{
    38 			iId.Set(KNullDesC8());
    39 			iJobName.Set(KNullDesC8());
    40 			iOriginator.Set(KNullDesC8());
    41 			iSheets = KErrNotFound;
    42 			iState = EStateUnknown;
    43 			iReason = ENoMessage;
    44 			iAbortState = EFalse;
    45 		}
    47 		TPtrC8 iId;
    48 		TPtrC8 iJobName;
    49 		TPtrC8 iOriginator;
    50 		TInt iSheets;
    51 		TUPnPState iState;
    52 		TInt iReason;
    53 		TBool iAbortState;
    54 };
    56 /*
    57 * @class 		CUPJobState
    58 * @description	This class collects and maintains the processing state of the job that is active at printer.
    59 */
    60 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CUPJobState) : public CBase
    61 {
    62 	public:
    64 		/*
    65 		* @function		NewL
    66 		* @description	A method to create a new object.
    67 		*/
    68 		static CUPJobState* NewL();
    70 		/*
    71 		* @function		NewLC
    72 		* @description	A method to create a new object.
    73 		*/
    74 		static CUPJobState* NewLC();
    76 		/*
    77 		* @function		~CUPJobState
    78 		* @description	Destructor 
    79 		*/
    80 		~CUPJobState();
    82 		/*
    83 		* @function		Init
    84 		* @description	Initializes private members 
    85 		*/
    86 		void Init();
    88 		/*
    89 		* @function		State
    90 		* @description	Returns the stored state of the job 
    91 		* @return		TUPnPState
    92 		*/
    93 		TUPnPState State();
    95 		/*
    96 		* @function		SetActiveId
    97 		* @description	Sets the id for the active job at UPnPProtocol 
    98 		* @return		TUPnPState
    99 		*/
   100 		void SetActiveId(const TDesC8& aId);
   102 		/*
   103 		* @function		ActiveId
   104 		* @description	Returns id of the job active at UPnPProtocol 
   105 		* @return		TUPnPState
   106 		*/
   107 		TPtrC8 ActiveId();
   109 		/*
   110 		* @function		SheetsCompleted
   111 		* @description	Returns the number of printed sheets of the job 
   112 		* @return		TInt
   113 		*/
   114 		TInt SheetsCompleted();
   116 		/*
   117 		* @function		Reason
   118 		* @description	Returns the reason code for the job state 
   119 		* @return		TInt
   120 		*/
   121 		TInt Reason();
   123 		/*
   124 		* @function		SetSheetsToPrint
   125 		* @description	Sets the number of the sheets about to print 
   126 		* @param		TInt
   127 		*/
   128 		void SetSheetsToPrint(TInt aSheets);
   130 		/*
   131 		* @function		SheetsToPrint
   132 		* @description	Returns the number of the sheets about to print 
   133 		* @return		TInt
   134 		*/
   135 		TInt SheetsToPrint();
   137 		/*
   138 		* @function		SetSheetsCompleted
   139 		* @description	Returns and updates the job state according to the printed sheets
   140 		* @param		TDesC8 Reference to the string value of printed sheets
   141 		*/
   142 		void SetSheetsCompleted(const TDesC8& aSheetsCompleted);
   144 		/*
   145 		* @function		Progress
   146 		* @description	Returns progress percentage of the job 
   147 		* @param		TInt Number of the sheets sent to printer
   148 		* @return		TInt
   149 		*/
   150 		TInt Progress(TInt aSheets);
   152 		/*
   153 		* @function		Progress
   154 		* @description	Returns progress percentage of the job 
   155 		* @return		TInt
   156 		*/
   157 		TInt Progress();
   159 		/*
   160 		* @function		UpdateJobState
   161 		* @description	Returns the state of the job after updated with given arguments 
   162 		* @param		TDesC8& Printer state
   163 		* @param		TDesC8& Reason for the printer state
   164 		* @param		TDesC8& List of job ids pending at the printer queue
   165 		* @param		TDesC8& Id of the currently handled job in printer
   166 		* @param		TDesC8& Number of the sheets completed at printer
   167 		* @return		TUPnPState
   168 		*/
   169 		TUPnPState UpdateJobState(const TDesC8& aPrinterState, const TDesC8& aReason, const TDesC8& aJobList, const TDesC8& aJobId, const TDesC8& aJobMediaSheetsCompleted);
   172 		/*
   173 		* @function		GetErrorValue
   174 		* @description	Maps the ImagePrint and device errors.
   175 		* @param		TDesC8 Reference to device returned error code
   176 		* @return		TInt Correspondent ImagePrint error code
   177 		*/
   178 		TInt GetErrorValue(const TDesC8& aError);
   180 		/*
   181 		* @function		PrinterStateUpdated
   182 		* @description	Returns the state of the job after printer state updated 
   183 		* @param		TDesC8& New printer state
   184 		* @return		TUPnPState
   185 		*/
   186 		TUPnPState PrinterStateUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent );
   188 		/*
   189 		* @function		PrinterStateReasonsUpdated
   190 		* @description	Returns the state of the job after printer state reason updated 
   191 		* @param		TDesC8& Reason for the printer state		
   192 		* @return		TUPnPState
   193 		*/
   194 		TUPnPState PrinterStateReasonsUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent );
   196 		/*
   197 		* @function		JobIdListUpdated
   198 		* @description	Returns the state of the job after job ID list updated 
   199 		* @param		TDesC8& List of job ids pending at the printer queue		
   200 		* @return		TUPnPState
   201 		*/
   202 		TUPnPState JobIdListUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent );
   204 		/*
   205 		* @function		JobEndStateUpdatedL
   206 		* @description	Returns the state of the job after job end state updated 
   207 		* @param		TDesC8& The end state of last printed job. Format: 
   208 		*						<id>,<name>,<originator>,<completed sheets>,<state>
   209 		* @return		TUPnPState
   210 		*/
   211 		TUPnPState JobEndStateUpdatedL( const TDesC8& aEvent );
   213 		/*
   214 		* @function		JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated
   215 		* @description	Returns the state of the job after media sheets completed list updated 
   216 		* @param		TDesC8& Number of the printed sheets
   217 		* @return		TUPnPState
   218 		*/
   219 		TUPnPState JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent );
   221 		/*
   222 		* @function		JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated
   223 		* @description	Returns the state of the job after media sheets completed list updated 
   224 		* @param		TDesC8& ID of the current job
   225 		* @param		TDesC8& Number of the printed sheets
   226 		* @return		TUPnPState
   227 		*/
   228 		TUPnPState JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated(const TDesC8& aId, const TDesC8& aEvent );
   230 		/*
   231 		* @function		JobAbortStateUpdatedL
   232 		* @description	Returns the state of the job after job abort state updated 
   233 		* @param		TDesC8& The abort state of last aborted job. Format: 
   234 		*						<id>,<name>,<originator>,<completed sheets>,aborted,<reason>
   235 		* @return		TUPnPState
   236 		*/
   237 		TUPnPState JobAbortStateUpdatedL( const TDesC8& aEvent );
   239 		/*
   240 		* @function		ContentCompleteListUpdated
   241 		* @description	Returns the state of the job after content completed list updated 
   242 		* @param		TDesC8& Number of the sheets completedly received in printer
   243 		* @return		TUPnPState
   244 		*/
   245 		TUPnPState ContentCompleteListUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent );
   248 	protected:
   250 		/*
   251 		* @function		ConstructL
   252 		* @description	Symbian second phase constructor 
   253 		*/
   254 		void ConstructL();
   256 		/*
   257 		* @function		State
   258 		* @description	updates job's state according to the given state.
   259 		* @param		TUPnPState State enumeration value
   260 		* @return		TUPnPState
   261 		*/
   262 		TUPnPState State(TUPnPState aState);
   264 		/*
   265 		* @function		SetState
   266 		* @description	Updates the stored state of the job 
   267 		* @param		TUPnPState state to update with
   268 		*/
   269 		void SetState(TUPnPState aState);
   271 		/*
   272 		* @function		SetJobList
   273 		* @description	Returns and updates the job state according to the list of the jobs pending in printer.
   274 		* @param		TDesC8 Reference to list of jobs
   275 		* @return		TUPnPState
   276 		*/
   277 		TUPnPState SetJobList(const TDesC8& aJobIdList);
   279 		/*
   280 		* @function		PendingJobId
   281 		* @description	Returns the position of active job in job list.
   282 		* @param		TDesC8 Reference to list of jobs
   283 		* @return		TInt
   284 		*/
   285 		TInt PendingJobId(const TDesC8& aJobIdList);
   287 		/*
   288 		* @function		SetId
   289 		* @description	Updates the printer returned job id if necessary.
   290 		* @param		TDesC8 Reference to printer returned id
   291 		*/
   292 		void SetId(const TDesC8& aId);
   294 		/*
   295 		* @function		InitErrorValues
   296 		* @description	Initializes the error values stored in map for device vs. ImagePrint errors 
   297 		*/
   298 		void InitErrorValues();
   300 		/*
   301 		* @function		SetReason
   302 		* @description	Sets the reason for job state.
   303 		* @param		TInt Error value for the reason
   304 		*/
   305 		void SetReason(TInt aReason);
   307 		/*
   308 		* @function		ParseState
   309 		* @description	Maps the states received from the device to state enumerations.
   310 		* @param		TDesC8 Reference to state string
   311 		* @return		TInt Corresponding state enumeration
   312 		*/
   313 		TUPnPState ParseState(const TDesC8& aState);
   315 		/*
   316 		* @function		ParseJobEndStateL
   317 		* @description	Separates the elements of the job end and abort state for handling and returns
   318 		*				KErrNotFound if the end state is not for the active job
   319 		* @param		TDesC8& The end or abort state of last printed job. Formats: 
   320 		*						<id>,<name>,<originator>,<completed sheets>,<state>
   321 		*						<id>,<name>,<originator>,<completed sheets>,abort,<reason>
   322 		* @return		TInt KErrNotFound if the end state is not for the active job
   323 		*/
   324 		TInt ParseJobEndStateL(const TDesC8& aJobEndState);
   326 	private:
   328 		/*
   329 		* @function		CUPJobState
   330 		* @description	Default constructor.
   331 		*/
   332 		CUPJobState();
   334 	private:
   335 		// @var iActiveId		Id of the active job interested
   336 		TBuf8<KMaxIdLength> iActiveId;
   338 		// @var iId				Id of the job
   339 		TBuf8<KMaxIdLength> iId;
   341 		// @var iSheetsCompleted Number of the completed sheets for the job
   342 		TInt iSheetsCompleted;
   344 		// @var iReason			Reason string of the state
   345 		TInt iReason;
   347 		// @var iState			Overall state of the job
   348 		TUPnPState iState;
   350 		// @var iErrorValues	Error values mapping array
   351 		RArray<TMapError> iErrorValues;
   353 		// @var iEndState		job end state info container
   354 		TUPJobEndState iEndState;
   356 		// @var iSheetsToPrint	Number of the pages to print
   357 		TInt iSheetsToPrint;
   359 };
   360 #endif // CUPJOBSTATE_H
   362 //  End of File