changeset 20 159fc2f68139
parent 17 26673e532f65
child 21 d59c248c9d36
--- a/ImagePrint/ImagePrintEngine/DeviceProtocols/dpof/src/cdpofprintingdevice.cpp	Tue May 25 12:42:41 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,969 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Contains the CDPOFPrintingDevice class definition.
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <barsc.h>
-#include <dpof.rsg>
-#include <bautils.h>
-#include "cdpofprintingdevice.h"
-#include "cconfirmationquery.h"
-#include "cprintercapabilities.h"
-#include "cprinterelement.h"
-#include "imgprintkonst.h"
-#include "tsetting.h"
-#include "rsutils.h"
-#include "printcapabilitycodes.h"
-#include "printmessagecodes.h"
-#include "imageprint.h"
-#include "clog.h"
-#include "cprintjob.h"
-	{
-	/// DPOF Version Major.
-	const TInt KDPOFVersionMajor = 0;
-	/// DPOF Version Minor.
-	const TInt KDPOFVersionMinor = 0;
-	/// DPOF Version Build.
-	const TInt KDPOFVersionBuild = 1;
-	_LIT( KResourceFileName, "imageprintdata\\protocols\\dpof.rsc" );
-	const TInt KMmcPrinterId = 1;
-	_LIT( KMmcPrinterName, "Memory Card" );
-	}
-MProtPrintingDevice* CDPOFPrintingDevice::NewL()
-	{
-	return new (ELeave) CDPOFPrintingDevice();
-	}
-CDPOFPrintingDevice::CDPOFPrintingDevice() : CActive( CActive::EPriorityStandard ),
-											iPrintError( KErrNone ),
-											iPrintErrorMsgCode( 0 )
-	{
-	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
-	}
-void CDPOFPrintingDevice::ConstructL(const TDesC& /*aDLLPath*/)
-	{
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::ConstructL begin");
-	iCancelledByUser = EFalse;
-	iPrintJob = new (ELeave) CPrintJob();
-	iMappingArray.AppendL(TMapping(1,EPrintCapabLayout1UpMedium));
-	iMappingArray.AppendL(TMapping(2,EPrintCapabLayout2Up));
-	iMappingArray.AppendL(TMapping(4,EPrintCapabLayout4Up));
-	iMappingArray.AppendL(TMapping(6,EPrintCapabLayout6Up));
-	iMappingArray.AppendL(TMapping(9,EPrintCapabLayout9Up));
-	iMappingArray.AppendL(TMapping(12,EPrintCapabLayout12Up));
-	iMappingArray.AppendL(TMapping(16,EPrintCapabLayout16Up));
-	RFs fs;
-	User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
-	CleanupClosePushL( fs );
-	// Loading nearest Loc File.
-	TFileName resourceFileName;
-	resourceFileName.Append( KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR );
-	resourceFileName.Append( KResourceFileName );
-	BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( fs, resourceFileName );
-	RResourceFile resourceFile;
-	resourceFile.OpenL( fs, resourceFileName );
-	CleanupClosePushL( resourceFile );
-	iCapabilities = LoadCapabilityL( resourceFile, DPOF_CAPABILITIES );
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // resourceFile, fs
-	iDPOF = CRsDpofEngine::NewL( *this );
-	SetMMCPrinterL();
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::ConstructL end");
-	}
-void CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetMMCPrinterL()
-	{
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetMMCPrinterL begin");
-    // New implementation
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetMMCPrinterL calling iDPOF->SetMMCPathL ...");
-	iDPOF->SetMMCPathL();
-	if( iDPOF->HasMmc() )
-		{
-		CPrinterElement* printElem = CPrinterElement::NewLC();
-		printElem->iPrinter.iDisplayName = KMmcPrinterName;
-		printElem->iPrinter.iPrinterID = KMmcPrinterId;
-		printElem->iPrinter.iProperties = TPrinter::SupportsPreview;
-		printElem->iPrinter.iProtocol = KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_DPOF;
-		printElem->iTransport = DPOFTrans;
-		printElem->iPrinterClass = EDefault;
-		printElem->iPrinterCapabilities = CPrinterCapabilities::NewL( iCapabilities, printElem->iPrinterClass );
-		User::LeaveIfError( iDeviceList.Append( printElem ) );
-		CleanupStack::Pop( printElem );
-		printElem = NULL;
-		}
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetMMCPrinterL end");
-	}
-	{
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::~CDPOFPrintingDevice begin");
-	Cancel();
-	delete iDPOF;
-	delete iCapabilities;
-	iDeviceList.ResetAndDestroy();
-	iDeviceList.Close();	
-	iMappingArray.Close();
-	delete iPrintJob;
-	iReadyRequests.Close();	
-	REComSession::DestroyedImplementation( iDtor_ID_Key );
-	if (iConfirmationQuery)
-	{
-		delete iConfirmationQuery;
-		iConfirmationQuery = NULL;
-	}
-	if (iPQ)
-	{
-		delete iPQ;
-		iPQ = NULL;
-	}
-	if (iQuestion)
-		{
-		delete iQuestion;
-		iQuestion = NULL;
-		}
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::~CDPOFPrintingDevice end");
-	}
-TVersion CDPOFPrintingDevice::Version()
-	{
-	return TVersion(KDPOFVersionMajor, KDPOFVersionMinor, KDPOFVersionBuild);
-	}
-TUint CDPOFPrintingDevice::SupportedProtocols()
-	{
-	return KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_DPOF;
-	}
-void CDPOFPrintingDevice::StartDiscoveryL(MProtDiscoveryObserver& aObserver, TUint aProtocol)
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::StartDiscoveryL aProtocol: %d", aProtocol);
-	iDiscoveryObserver = &aObserver;
-	Cancel();
-	if( aProtocol & KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_DPOF )
-		{
-		LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::StartDiscoveryL protocol match, starting discovery...");
-		iDPOF->StartDiscovery( iStatus );
-		if( !IsActive() ) SetActive();
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::StartDiscoveryL NO protocol match, ending discovery...");
-		AddReadyRequestAndSetActive( EDiscoveryDone );		
-		}	
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::StartDiscoveryL end");
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::RemoveCachedDeviceL( TInt aDeviceID )
-	{
-  	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::RemoveCachedDeviceL aDeviceID: %d", aDeviceID);
-  	CPrinterElement* targetPrinter = FindDeviceL( aDeviceID );
-  	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::RemoveCachedDeviceL targetPrinter address: %d", (TInt)targetPrinter);
-  	return ( targetPrinter ) ? KErrNone : KErrInvalidData;
-	}
-void CDPOFPrintingDevice::CancelDiscovery( TBool aDoCallBack )
-	{
-  	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::CancelDiscovery aDoCallBack: %d", aDoCallBack);
-	if( aDoCallBack )
-		{				
-		AddReadyRequestAndSetActive( ECancelDiscovery );
-		}
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::CancelDiscovery end");
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::CreatePrintJobL(TInt aDeviceID, RPointerArray<TDesC>& aImages, MProtPrintEventObserver& aObserver)
-	{
-  	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::CreatePrintJobL aDeviceID: %d", aDeviceID);
-  	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::CreatePrintJobL aImages.Count(): %d", aImages.Count());
-	iPrintEventObserver = &aObserver;
-	iPrintJob->iState = PJSNone;  // Reset value until Job is fully setup in case of a leave.
-	CPrinterElement *TargetPrinter = FindDeviceL( aDeviceID );
-	if( TargetPrinter == NULL )
-		{
-		LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::CreatePrintJobL no device found, returning error");
-		return KErrInvalidData;
-		}
-	iPrintJob->iTransport = DPOFTrans;
-	iPrintJob->iPrinterID = aDeviceID;
-	TInt NumImages = aImages.Count();
-	iPrintJob->iImages.ResetAndDestroy();
-	for (TInt i = 0 ; i < NumImages; i++)
-		{
-		HBufC* Image = aImages[i]->AllocLC();
-		User::LeaveIfError( iPrintJob->iImages.Append( Image ) );
-		CleanupStack::Pop(Image);
-		}
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::CreatePrintJobL image names copied");
-	// Now we can access the capabilities and fill in the printer settings.
-	RArray<TInt> CapabilityIDs;
-	CleanupClosePushL( CapabilityIDs );
-	GetDeviceCapabilityIDsL( aDeviceID, CapabilityIDs );
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::CreatePrintJobL capability ids count: %d", CapabilityIDs.Count());
-	iPrintJob->iSettings.Reset();
-	for (TInt i = 0; i < CapabilityIDs.Count(); i++)
-		{
-		TPrintCapability capability;
-		GetDeviceCapabilityL(aDeviceID, CapabilityIDs[i], capability);
-		TInt nCurrentValue;
-		TBool bHasValue = TargetPrinter->iPrinterCapabilities->GetCurrentValue(CapabilityIDs[i], nCurrentValue);
-		TSetting Setting;
-		Setting.iCapabilityID = capability.iCapabilityID;
-		if (bHasValue)
-			Setting.iValue = nCurrentValue;
-		else
-			Setting.iValue = capability.iDefaultValue;
-		User::LeaveIfError(iPrintJob->iSettings.Append(Setting));
-		}
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::CreatePrintJobL capabilities copied");
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // CapabilityIDs
-	iPrintJob->iState = PJSCreated;
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::CreatePrintJobL end");
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-void CDPOFPrintingDevice::SubmitPrintJobL()
-	{
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SubmitPrintJobL begin");
-    if( iDPOF->AutoPrintFileExists() ) 
-        {
-        ShowConfirmationQueryL(); 
-        }
-    else 
-    	{
-    	OverwriteExistingJobL ();    	
-    	}    
-		LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SubmitPrintJobL end");
-	    }
-void CDPOFPrintingDevice::ShowConfirmationQueryL() 
-    {
-    LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::ShowConfirmationQueryL begin");
-  	RFs fs;
-	User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
-	CleanupClosePushL( fs );
-	TFileName resourceFileName;
-	resourceFileName.Append ( KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR );
-	resourceFileName.Append ( KResourceFileName );
-	BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( fs, resourceFileName );
-	RResourceFile resFile;
-	resFile.OpenL( fs, resourceFileName );
-	CleanupClosePushL( resFile );
-	HBufC8 *resBuffer = resFile.AllocReadLC( R_QTN_PRINT_DPOF_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG );
-	TResourceReader reader;
-	reader.SetBuffer( resBuffer );
-	TPtrC ptrQuestion = reader.ReadTPtrC();
-	iQuestion = ptrQuestion.AllocL();
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // resBuffer, resFile, fs
-	iPQ = CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery::NewL();
-    iConfirmationQuery = CConfirmationQuery::NewL( *this );
-    iConfirmationQuery->StartWaitingAnswer( );        
-    iPQ->ShowConfirmationQueryL( iConfirmationQuery->iStatus, *iQuestion, R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_YES_NO );
-    LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::ShowConfirmationQueryL end");
-    }
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::CancelPrintJob()
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::CancelPrintJob begin with job state: %d", iPrintJob->iState);
-	TInt retVal(KErrNone);
-	if( iPrintJob->iState == PJSSubmitted )
-		{
-		LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::CancelPrintJob calling iDPOF->Stop()");
-		iDPOF->Stop();				
-		iPrintJob->iState = PJSCreated;
-		AddReadyRequestAndSetActive( EPrintJobDone );
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		retVal = KErrInvalidSequence;
-		}
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::CancelPrintJob end with code: %d", retVal);
-	return retVal;
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::ContinuePrintJobL()
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::ContinuePrintJobL returns with: %d", KErrNotSupported);
-	return KErrNotSupported;
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetNumPrintPages()
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetNumPrintPages begin with job state: %d", iPrintJob->iState);
-	if( iPrintJob->iState == PJSNone )
-		{
-		LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetNumPrintPages job state == PJSNone, ending with 0");
-		return 0;
-		}
-	TInt ImagesPerPage = 1;
-	TInt NumPrintPages;
-	TInt NumImages = iPrintJob->iImages.Count();
-	// Get Num images per page from the mapping table.
-	TSetting Setting;
-	FindSetting(EPrintCapabLayout, Setting);
-	for (TInt j = 0; j < iMappingArray.Count(); j++)
-		{
-		if (iMappingArray[j].iCode == Setting.iValue)
-			{
-			ImagesPerPage = iMappingArray[j].iImagesPerPage;
-			break;
-			}
-		}
-	if( ImagesPerPage == 0 ) // Stickers, Uses only one image, and populates a single page
-		NumPrintPages = 1;
-	else
-		NumPrintPages = (NumImages + ImagesPerPage - 1) / ImagesPerPage;
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetNumPrintPages returns: %d", NumPrintPages);
-	return NumPrintPages;
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetPrintJobStatus()
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetPrintJobStatus returns with: %d", KErrNotSupported);
-	return KErrNotSupported;
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetPrinterStatus(TInt /*aDeviceID*/)
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetPrinterStatus returns with: %d", KErrNotSupported);
-	return KErrNotSupported;
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityIDsL(TInt aDeviceID, RArray<TInt>& aCapabilityIDs)
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityIDsL begins with aDeviceID: %d", aDeviceID);
-	TInt err(KErrNone);
-	aCapabilityIDs.Reset();
-	CPrinterElement* TargetPrinter = FindDeviceL(aDeviceID);
-	if( TargetPrinter )
-		{
-		TargetPrinter->iPrinterCapabilities->GetIDs(aCapabilityIDs);
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		err = KErrInvalidData;
-		}
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityIDsL ends with err: %d", err);
-	return err;
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityL(TInt aDeviceID, TInt aCapabilityID, TPrintCapability& aCapability)
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityL begins with aDeviceID: %d", aDeviceID);
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityL begins with aCapabilityID: %d", aCapabilityID);
-	TInt err(KErrNone);
-	CPrinterElement* TargetPrinter = FindDeviceL(aDeviceID);
-	if( TargetPrinter )
-		{
-		TargetPrinter->iPrinterCapabilities->GetCapability(aCapabilityID, aCapability);
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		err = KErrInvalidData;
-		}
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityL ends with err: %d", err);
-	return err;
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetJobSetting(TInt aCapabilityID, TInt& aValue)
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetJobSetting begins with aCapabilityID: %d", aCapabilityID);
-	TInt err(KErrNone);
-	if( iPrintJob->iState == PJSNone )
-		{
-		err = KErrInvalidSequence;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		TSetting Setting;
-		if( FindSetting(aCapabilityID, Setting) )
-			{
-			aValue = Setting.iValue;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			err = KErrInvalidData;
-			}
-		}
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetJobSetting ends with err: %d", err);
-	return err;
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL(TInt aCapabilityID, TInt aValue, TInt& aAffectedCapability)
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL begins with aCapabilityID: %d", aCapabilityID);
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL begins with aValue: %d", aValue);
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL begins with aAffectedCapability: %d", aAffectedCapability);
-	if( iPrintJob->iState == PJSNone )
-		{
-		LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL job state == PJSNone");
-		LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL ends with: %d", KErrInvalidSequence);
-		return KErrInvalidSequence;
-		}
-	aAffectedCapability = 0;
-	TSetting Setting;
-	if( FindSetting(aCapabilityID, Setting) == EFalse )
-		{
-		LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL FindSetting == EFalse");
-		LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL ends with: %d", KErrInvalidData);
-		return KErrInvalidData;
-		}
-	// Get the Target printer and capability
-	TPrintCapability TargetCapability;
-	CPrinterElement* TargetPrinter = FindDeviceL( iPrintJob->iPrinterID );
-	if( TargetPrinter == NULL )
-		{
-		LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL TargetPrinter == NULL");
-		LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL ends with: %d", KErrInvalidData);
-		return KErrInvalidData;
-		}
-	TargetPrinter->iPrinterCapabilities->GetCapability(aCapabilityID, TargetCapability);
-	// Check Validity against the target capability ranges
-	if ((TargetCapability.iType == TPrintCapability::Int) ||
-		(TargetCapability.iType == TPrintCapability::Float))
-		{
-		if (((aValue < TargetCapability.iLow) && (TargetCapability.iLow != -1)) ||
-			((aValue > TargetCapability.iHigh) && (TargetCapability.iHigh != -1)))
-			{
-			LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL capability ranges error");
-			LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL ends with: %d", KErrInvalidData);
-			return KErrInvalidData;
-			}
-		}
-	else // enum
-		{
-		TBool Valid = EFalse;
-		for (TInt i = 0; i < TargetCapability.iEnumCount; i++)
-			{
-			if (aValue == TargetCapability.iEnumCodes[i])
-				{
-					Valid = ETrue;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		if (!Valid)
-			{
-			LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL !Valid");
-			LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL ends with: %d", KErrInvalidData);
-			return KErrInvalidData;
-			}
-		}
-	for (TInt i = 0; i < iPrintJob->iSettings.Count(); i++)
-		{
-		if (aCapabilityID == iPrintJob->iSettings[i].iCapabilityID)
-			{
-			iPrintJob->iSettings[i].iValue = aValue;
-			break;
-			}
-		}
-	aAffectedCapability = TargetPrinter->iPrinterCapabilities->SetCurrentValueL(aCapabilityID, aValue);
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL ends with aAffectedCapability: %d", aAffectedCapability);
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL ends with code: %d", KErrNone);
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetNumPreviewPages()
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetNumPreviewPages ends with: %d", 1);
-	return 1;
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::GetJobTemplateIconL( TInt /*aTemplateID*/, TInt& /*aFsBitmapHandle*/ )
-	{
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::CreatePreviewImage(TInt /*aPageNumber*/)
-	{
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-void CDPOFPrintingDevice::HandleDpofEngineEventL(const TInt aStatus, const TInt aRetCode)
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::HandleDpofEngineEventL begins with aStatus: %d", aStatus);
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::HandleDpofEngineEventL begins with aRetCode: %d", aRetCode);
-	iPrintError = aRetCode;
-	iPrintErrorMsgCode = 0;
-	if( (aRetCode != KErrNone) && !(aRetCode==KErrCancel && aStatus==EJobCancelled) )
-		{				
-		AddReadyRequestAndSetActive( EPrintError );
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		switch(aStatus)
-			{
-			case EDeleteDirectory:
-			case ECopyImageFiles:
-			case EDPOFGenerate:							
-				AddReadyRequestAndSetActive( EPrintJobProgress );
-				break;				
-			case EJobError:								
-				AddReadyRequestAndSetActive( EPrintError );
-				break;				
-			case EJobCompleted:
-			case EJobCancelled:								
-				AddReadyRequestAndSetActive( EPrintJobDone );
-				break;	
-			default:
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::HandleDpofEngineEventL end");
-	}
-void CDPOFPrintingDevice::DoCancel()
-	{
-	}
-void CDPOFPrintingDevice::RunL()
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::RunL begins with iStatus.Int: %d", iStatus.Int());
-	PrintSessionStatus PEStatus = (PrintSessionStatus)iStatus.Int();
-	switch ( PEStatus )
-		{
-		case KErrNone:
-			break;
-		case EPrinterDiscovered:
-			{
-			TPrinter foundPrinter;
-			foundPrinter.iDisplayName = KMmcPrinterName;
-			foundPrinter.iPrinterID = KMmcPrinterId;
-			foundPrinter.iProperties = TPrinter::SupportsPreview;
-			foundPrinter.iProtocol = KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_DPOF;
-			foundPrinter.iVendor = TPrinter::EVendorNone;
-			LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::RunL printer discovered, informing observer");
-			if( iDiscoveryObserver )
-				{
-				iDiscoveryObserver->FoundDeviceL( foundPrinter );
-				}
-			AddReadyRequestAndSetActive( EDiscoveryDone );			
-			break;
-			}
-		case EDiscoveryDone:
-			{
-			LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::RunL discovery done, informing observer");
-			if( iDiscoveryObserver )
-				{
-				iDiscoveryObserver->DiscoveryStatusL(EDiscoveryFinished, KErrNone, 0);
-				}
-			break;
-			}
-		case ECancelDiscovery:
-			{
-			LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::RunL discovery cancelled, informing observer");
-			if( iDiscoveryObserver )
-				{
-				iDiscoveryObserver->DiscoveryStatusL(EDiscoveryFinished, KErrCancel, 0);
-				}
-			break;
-			}
-		case EPrintError:
-			{
-			LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::RunL print error, informing observer");
-			LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::RunL print error iPrintError: %d", iPrintError);
-			LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::RunL print error iPrintErrorMsgCode: %d", iPrintErrorMsgCode);
-			if( iPrintEventObserver )
-				{
-				iPrintEventObserver->PrintJobErrorEvent( iPrintError, iPrintErrorMsgCode );
-				}
-			iPrintJob->iState = PJSCreated;
-			break;
-			}
-		case EPrintJobProgress:
-			{
-			LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::RunL job progress, informing observer");
-			if( iPrintEventObserver )
-				{
-				iPrintEventObserver->PrintJobProgressEvent(EActive, iDPOF->GetPrintPercentage(), ECopying);
-				}			
-			break;
-			}
-		case EPrintJobDone:
-			{
-			iPrintJob->iState = PJSCreated;  // go back to created so it can be re-submitted
-			if( iPrintEventObserver )
-				{
-				LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::RunL job done percentage: %d", iDPOF->GetPrintPercentage());
-				if (iDPOF->WasCancelled() )
-					{
-					LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::RunL job cancelled");
-					iPrintEventObserver->PrintJobProgressEvent(EDone, iDPOF->GetPrintPercentage(), ECancelling);
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::RunL job done");
-					iPrintEventObserver->PrintJobProgressEvent(EDone, 100, ENoMessage);
-					}
-				}
-			break;
-			}
-		default:
-			{
-			LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::RunL default, informing observer");
-			if( iPrintEventObserver )
-				{
-				iPrintEventObserver->PrintJobErrorEvent(KErrGeneral, 0);
-				}
-			iPrintJob->iState = PJSCreated;
-			break;
-			}
-		}
-	CheckReadyRequestAndSetActive();
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::RunL end");
-	}
-CCapabilityArray* CDPOFPrintingDevice::LoadCapabilityL(RResourceFile& aResFile, TInt aCapID)
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::LoadCapabilityL begins with capID: %d", aCapID);
-	HBufC8* res = aResFile.AllocReadLC(aCapID);
-	TResourceReader theReader;
-	theReader.SetBuffer( res );
-	CCapabilityArray *capabilities = CCapabilityArray::NewL( theReader );
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // res
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::LoadCapabilityL end");
-	return capabilities;
-	}
-CPrinterElement* CDPOFPrintingDevice::FindDeviceL(TInt aDeviceID)
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::FindDeviceL begins with aDeviceID: %d", aDeviceID);
-	// Add this here to fix problem
-	// if application is started without MMC and then user insert MMC in the phone ->cannot find MMC
-	if( iDeviceList.Count() == 0 )
-	    {
-	    SetMMCPrinterL();
-	    }
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < iDeviceList.Count(); i++ )
-		{
-		if(iDeviceList[i]->iPrinter.iPrinterID == aDeviceID )
-			{
-			LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::FindDeviceL device found");
-			return iDeviceList[i];
-			}
-		}
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::FindDeviceL device NOT found");
-	return NULL;
-	}
-TBool CDPOFPrintingDevice::FindSetting(TInt aCapabilityID, TSetting& aSetting)
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::FindSetting begins with aCapabilityID: %d", aCapabilityID);
-	for(TInt i = 0; i < iPrintJob->iSettings.Count(); i++)
-		{
-		if (aCapabilityID == iPrintJob->iSettings[i].iCapabilityID)
-			{
-			aSetting = iPrintJob->iSettings[i];
-			LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::FindSetting setting found");
-			return ETrue;
-			}
-		}
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::FindSetting setting NOT found");
-	return EFalse;
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddReadyRequestAndSetActive( TInt aRequest )
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddRequestAndSetActive aRequest: %d", aRequest);				
-	TInt err = iReadyRequests.Append( aRequest );
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddRequestAndSetActive err: %d", err);
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddRequestAndSetActive iReadyRequests.Count(): %d", iReadyRequests.Count());
-	if( !err )
-		{
-		TInt request = iReadyRequests[0];
-		LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddRequestAndSetActive request: %d", request);
-		iReadyRequests.Remove( 0 );
-		iStatus = KRequestPending;
-		TRequestStatus* TempTRS = &iStatus;
-		if( !IsActive() ) SetActive();
-		User::RequestComplete( TempTRS, request );
-		}				
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddRequestAndSetActive return: %d", err);
-	return err;
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::CheckReadyRequestAndSetActive()
-	{
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::CheckReadyRequestAndSetActive begin");
-	TInt count = iReadyRequests.Count();
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddRequestAndSetActive count: %d", count);
-	TInt err( KErrNotFound );
-	if( count )
-		{	
-		TInt request = iReadyRequests[0];
-		LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddRequestAndSetActive request: %d", request);
-		iReadyRequests.Remove( 0 );
-		iStatus = KRequestPending;
-		TRequestStatus* TempTRS = &iStatus;
-		if( !IsActive() ) SetActive();
-		User::RequestComplete( TempTRS, request );
-		err = KErrNone;
-		}			
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::CheckReadyRequestAndSetActive return: %d", err);
-	return err;
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddReadyRequestAndSetActive( TInt aRequest )
-	{
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddRequestAndSetActive aRequest: %d", aRequest);				
-	TInt err = iReadyRequests.Append( aRequest );
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddRequestAndSetActive err: %d", err);
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddRequestAndSetActive iReadyRequests.Count(): %d", iReadyRequests.Count());
-	if( !err )
-		{
-		LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddRequestAndSetActive IsActive(): %d", IsActive());
-		if( !IsActive() )
-			{
-			TInt request = iReadyRequests[0];
-			LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddRequestAndSetActive request: %d", request);
-			iReadyRequests.Remove( 0 );
-			iStatus = KRequestPending;
-			TRequestStatus* TempTRS = &iStatus;
-			SetActive();
-			User::RequestComplete( TempTRS, request );
-			}				
-		}				
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddRequestAndSetActive return: %d", err);
-	return err;
-	}
-TInt CDPOFPrintingDevice::CheckReadyRequestAndSetActive()
-	{
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::CheckReadyRequestAndSetActive begin");
-	TInt count = iReadyRequests.Count();
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddRequestAndSetActive count: %d", count);
-	TInt err( KErrNotFound );
-	if( count )
-		{
-		LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddRequestAndSetActive IsActive(): %d", IsActive());
-		if( !IsActive() )
-			{
-			TInt request = iReadyRequests[0];
-			LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::AddRequestAndSetActive request: %d", request);
-			iReadyRequests.Remove( 0 );
-			iStatus = KRequestPending;
-			TRequestStatus* TempTRS = &iStatus;
-			SetActive();
-			User::RequestComplete( TempTRS, request );
-			err = KErrNone;
-			}							
-		}			
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::CheckReadyRequestAndSetActive return: %d", err);
-	return err;
-	}	
-void CDPOFPrintingDevice::ConfirmationQueryCompleteL ( TInt aError )
-		{	
-			TBool answer = ( aError == EAknSoftkeyYes );	
-		    if( answer ) 
-		        {
-		        iCancelledByUser = EFalse;         // user want to write file
-		        OverwriteExistingJobL ();
-		        }
-		    else
-		        {
-		        iCancelledByUser = ETrue;
-		        }
-	    if( iDPOF->AutoPrintFileExists() ) 
-	        {
-	        if( iCancelledByUser ) 
-	            {
-	   	   	    iPrintEventObserver->PrintJobProgressEvent( EDone, 100, ECancellingNoMessage );
-	   	        LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SubmitPrintJobL end");
-	   	        return;
-	            }
-	        } 
-		}
-void CDPOFPrintingDevice::OverwriteExistingJobL ()
-	{
-	iPrintError = KErrNone;
-	iPrintErrorMsgCode = 0;
-	CRsDpofEngine::TRsDpofImageLayout layout;
-	iDPOF->SetImageFileNamesL(iPrintJob->iImages);
-	TSetting layoutSetting;
-	FindSetting(EPrintCapabLayout, layoutSetting);
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::OverwriteExistingJobL layoutSetting.iValue: %d", layoutSetting.iValue);
-	switch(layoutSetting.iValue)
-		{
-		case EPrintCapabLayout1UpSmall:
-			layout = CRsDpofEngine::EOnePerPageSmall;
-			break;
-		case EPrintCapabLayout1UpMedium:
-		case EPrintCapabLayout1UpLarge:
-			layout = CRsDpofEngine::EOnePerPageLarge;
-			break;
-		case EPrintCapabLayout2Up:
-			layout = CRsDpofEngine::ETwoPerPage;
-			break;
-		case EPrintCapabLayout4Up:
-			layout = CRsDpofEngine::EFourPerPage;
-			break;
-		case EPrintCapabLayout6Up:
-			layout = CRsDpofEngine::ESixPerPage;
-			break;
-		case EPrintCapabLayout9Up:
-			layout = CRsDpofEngine::ENinePerPage;
-			break;
-		case EPrintCapabLayout12Up:
-			layout = CRsDpofEngine::ETwelvePerPage;
-			break;
-		case EPrintCapabLayout16Up:
-			layout = CRsDpofEngine::ESixteenPerPage;
-			break;
-		default:
-			layout = CRsDpofEngine::EOnePerPageMedium;
-			break;
-		}
-	iDPOF->SetImageLayout(layout);
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::OverwriteExistingJobL 1 iStatus.Int(): %d", iStatus.Int());
-	TInt err = iDPOF->PrintL();
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::OverwriteExistingJobL iDPOF->PrintL() error: %d", err);
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::OverwriteExistingJobL 2 iStatus.Int(): %d", iStatus.Int());
-	if( err )
-		{
-		iPrintError = err;
-		iPrintErrorMsgCode = ENoMessage;				
-		AddReadyRequestAndSetActive( EPrintError );
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::OverwriteExistingJobL job submitted");
-		iPrintJob->iState = PJSSubmitted;
-		if(!IsActive()) SetActive();
-		}
-	}
-void CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetNumsOfCopiesL( const RArray<TInt>& aNumsOfCopies, TInt& aErr )
-	{
-	LOG("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetNumsOfCopiesL begin");
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetNumsOfCopiesL iPrintJob->iState: %d", iPrintJob->iState);
-	TInt err( KErrNone );
-	if( iPrintJob->iState != PJSCreated )
-		{
-		err = KErrInvalidSequence;
-		}
-	if( !err )
-		{
-		LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetNumsOfCopiesL iPrintJob->iImages.Count(): %d", iPrintJob->iImages.Count());
-		LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetNumsOfCopiesL aNumsOfCopies.Count(): %d", aNumsOfCopies.Count());	
-		if( iPrintJob->iImages.Count() != aNumsOfCopies.Count() )
-			{
-			err = KErrInvalidData;
-			}
-		}
-	if( !err )
-		{
-		TInt count = aNumsOfCopies.Count();
-		for( TInt i = 0; i < count && !err; i++ )
-			{
-			LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetNumsOfCopiesL i: %d", i);
-			LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetNumsOfCopiesL aNumsOfCopies[i]: %d", aNumsOfCopies[i]);
-			if( aNumsOfCopies[i] <= 0 )
-				{
-				err = KErrInvalidData;
-				}
-			}					
-		}
-	if( !err )
-		{
-		iDPOF->SetNumsOfCopiesL( aNumsOfCopies );
-		}	
-	aErr = err;
-	LOG1("CDPOFPrintingDevice::SetNumsOfCopiesL aErr: %d", aErr);
-	}
-//  End of File