changeset 20 159fc2f68139
parent 17 26673e532f65
child 21 d59c248c9d36
--- a/ImagePrint/ImagePrintEngine/DeviceProtocols/dpof/src/crsdpofengine.cpp	Tue May 25 12:42:41 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,759 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Contains the CRsDpofEngine & TRsPhoneImage class definitions and
-* 				 the MDpofEngineObserver interface definition.
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <s32file.h>
-#include <pathinfo.h>
-#include <sysutil.h>
-#include <driveinfo.h>
-#include "crsdpofengine.h"
-#include "rsutils.h"
-#include "imgprintkonst.h"
-#include "clog.h"
-#include "cfilemanager.h"
-	{
-	_LIT(KBackslash, "\\");
-	const TInt KCopyPercentage = 90;
-	const TInt KAutoPrintFileAddon=2048;
-	_LIT(KDpofAutoPrintFilename,	"\\MISC\\AUTPRINT.MRK");
-	_LIT(KDpofAutoPrintTempFolder,	"\\DPOF\\");
-	_LIT8(KDoubleQuote,				"\"");
-	_LIT8(KCrLf,					"\r\n");
-	_LIT8(KDpofHeader,				"[HDR]\r\nGEN REV = 01.10\r\nGEN CRT = \"ImagePrint\" -02.10\r\nGEN DTM = ");
-	_LIT8(KDpofJobAndPid,			"[JOB]\r\nPRT PID = ");
-	_LIT8(KDpofPrtTypSizeSmall,		"PRT TYP = SIZ -03\r\n");
-	_LIT8(KDpofPrtTypSizeMedium,	"PRT TYP = STD\r\n");
-	_LIT8(KDpofPrtTypSizeLarge,		"PRT TYP = SIZ -05\r\n");
-	_LIT8(KDpofPrtTypSize4x6,		"PRT TYP = STD\r\n");
-	_LIT8(KDpofPrtTypSize2pp,		"PRT TYP = MUL -02\r\n");
-	_LIT8(KDpofPrtTypSize4pp,		"PRT TYP = MUL -04\r\n");
-	_LIT8(KDpofPrtTypSize6pp,		"PRT TYP = MUL -06\r\n");
-	_LIT8(KDpofPrtTypSize9pp,		"PRT TYP = MUL -09\r\n");
-	_LIT8(KDpofPrtTypSize12pp,		"PRT TYP = MUL -12\r\n");
-	_LIT8(KDpofPrtTypSize16pp,		"PRT TYP = MUL -16\r\n");
-	_LIT8(KDpofPrtQtyAndImgFmt,		"PRT QTY = 001\r\nIMG FMT = EXIF2 -J\r\n");
-	_LIT8(KDpofImgSrc,				"IMG SRC = ");
-	_LIT8(KDateFormat,"%4d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d");
-	_LIT( KDotDot, ".." );
-	_LIT( KSlash, "/" );
-	const TInt KDpofDelay = 500000;	
-	}
-// Construction/Destruction
-CRsDpofEngine* CRsDpofEngine::NewL(MDpofEngineObserver& aObs)
-	{
-    CRsDpofEngine* self = new (ELeave) CRsDpofEngine(aObs);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-	self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-    return self;
-	}
-void CRsDpofEngine::ConstructL()
-	{	    
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::ConstructL begin");
-	User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
-	iFileManager = CFileManager::NewL( iFs );
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::ConstructL end");
-	}
-CRsDpofEngine::CRsDpofEngine(MDpofEngineObserver& aObs) : 
-											CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard),
-											iHasMmc(EFalse),
-											iImageLayout(0),
-											iObs(aObs),
-											iShouldCancel(EFalse)
-	{
-	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
-	}
-	{
-	Cancel();
-	if(iDpofPeriodic) iDpofPeriodic->Cancel();
-	delete iDpofPeriodic;	
-	delete iMmcDrive;
-	delete iAutoPrintFile;
-	delete iTempFolder;
-	iFileNames.ResetAndDestroy();
-	iFileNames.Close();
-	iPhoneImageArray.Close();
-	delete iFileManager;
-	iFs.Close();
-	iNumsOfCopies.Close();
-	}
-void CRsDpofEngine::SetMMCPathL()
-	{
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::SetMMCPathL begin");
-	TFileName fileInfo;	
-	TInt driveId;
-	TFileName path;
-	User::LeaveIfError( DriveInfo::GetDefaultDrive( DriveInfo::EDefaultRemovableMassStorage, driveId ) );
-	User::LeaveIfError( PathInfo::GetRootPath( path, driveId ) );
-	HBufC* mmcRoot = path.AllocLC();
-   	LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::SetMMCPathL mmcRoot: %S", mmcRoot);
-	iHasMmc = ( mmcRoot && mmcRoot->Length() && RsUtils::PathExists( *mmcRoot, iFs ) );
-	if( iHasMmc )
-		{
-		LOG("CRsDpofEngine::SetMMCPathL MMC found");		
-		iMmcDrive = mmcRoot->Left( 2 ).AllocL();
-		fileInfo.Copy( *iMmcDrive );
-		fileInfo.Append( KDpofAutoPrintFilename );				
-		iAutoPrintFile = fileInfo.AllocL();
-		fileInfo.Copy( *iMmcDrive );
-		fileInfo.Append( KDpofAutoPrintTempFolder );		
-		iTempFolder = fileInfo.AllocL();
-		}
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mmcRoot );	
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::SetMMCPathL end");
-	}
-TInt CRsDpofEngine::CleanupTempImages()
-	{
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::CleanupTempImages begin");
-	iStatus = KRequestPending;		
-	TInt retVal = iFileManager->RmDir( *iTempFolder, iStatus );
-	if( !retVal && !IsActive() ) SetActive();		
-	LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::CleanupTempImages reurn: %d", retVal);  
-	return retVal;	
-	}
-void CRsDpofEngine::SetImageFileNamesL(const RPointerArray<HBufC>& aImageList)
-	{
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::SetImageFileNamesL begin");
-	iFileNames.ResetAndDestroy();
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < aImageList.Count(); i++)
-		{
-		HBufC* fileName = aImageList[i]->AllocLC();
-		LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::SetImageFileNamesL file: %S", fileName); 
-		User::LeaveIfError( iFileNames.Append( fileName ) );
-		CleanupStack::Pop( fileName );
-		}		
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::SetImageFileNamesL end");
-	}
-void CRsDpofEngine::SetImageLayout(TRsDpofImageLayout aImageLayout)
-	{
-	iImageLayout = aImageLayout;
-	}
-TInt CRsDpofEngine::PrintL()
-	{
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::PrintL begin");
-	TInt retVal( KErrNone );
-	iPhoneImgsSize = 0;
-	iShouldCancel = EFalse;			
-	iPhoneImageArray.Reset();
-	// Check if there are phone memory images, and add up their total space
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::PrintL checking phone memory images...");		
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < iFileNames.Count() && !retVal; i++ )
-		{		
-		if( !RsUtils::FileOnDrive( (*iMmcDrive)[0], *(iFileNames[i]) ) )
-			{
-			LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::PrintL phone memory image: %S", iFileNames[i]);
-			TRsPhoneImage phoneImage;
-			phoneImage.iIndex = i;
-			phoneImage.iCopied = EFalse;
-			iPhoneImageArray.AppendL( phoneImage );				
-			retVal = RsUtils::CumulativeFileSize( *(iFileNames[i]), iFs, iPhoneImgsSize );
-			LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::PrintL error checking phone memory images: %d", retVal);									
-			}								
-		}
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::PrintL checking phone memory images end");
-	LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::PrintL checking phone memory images, size: %d", iPhoneImgsSize);
-	if( !retVal )
-		{
-		retVal = CleanupTempImages();
-		LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::PrintL error deleting temp folder: %d", retVal);
-		if( retVal == KErrNone )
-			{
-			iStep = EDeleteDirectory;
-			iObs.HandleDpofEngineEventL( EDeleteDirectory, retVal );	
-			}	
-		}
-	LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::PrintL return: %d", retVal);
-	return retVal;						
-	}
-TInt CRsDpofEngine::PrepareFilenamesL()
-	{
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::PrepareFilenamesL begin");
-	TInt retVal( KErrNone );
-	// Walk through the list of files
-	// - replacing long names with short names
-	// - "\" with "/"
-	// - MMC drive "e:" with ".."
-	LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::PrepareFilenamesL iFileNames->Count(): %d", iFileNames.Count());
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < iFileNames.Count(); i++ )
-		{
-		LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::PrepareFilenamesL original: %S", iFileNames[i]);
-		TFileName shortFilename;
-		retVal = iFs.GetShortName( *(iFileNames[i]), shortFilename );
-		if( retVal != KErrNone )
-			{
-			LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::PrepareFilenamesL 1 error getting short name: %d", retVal);
-			return retVal;	
-			}
-		TParse parse;
-		parse.Set( *(iFileNames[i]), NULL, NULL );	
-		parse.Set( parse.DriveAndPath(), NULL, NULL );
-		while( !parse.IsRoot() )
-			{
-			TBuf<16> shortDir;
-			retVal = iFs.GetShortName( parse.DriveAndPath(), shortDir );
-			if( retVal != KErrNone )
-				{
-				LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::PrepareFilenamesL 2 error getting short name: %d", retVal);
-				return retVal;	
-				}
-			shortFilename.Insert( 0, KSlash );
-			shortFilename.Insert( 0, shortDir );
-			parse.PopDir();
-			}
-		shortFilename.Insert( 0, KSlash );
-		shortFilename.Insert( 0, KDotDot );
-		delete iFileNames[i];
-		iFileNames[i] = NULL;
-		iFileNames[i] = shortFilename.AllocL();
-		LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::PrepareFilenamesL changed: %S", iFileNames[i]);	
-		}
-	LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::PrepareFilenamesL end with: %d", retVal);
-	return retVal;
-	}
-TInt CRsDpofEngine::WriteSpecificSizeFileL()
-	{
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::WriteSpecificSizeFile begin");
-	// Creates the autoprint file for a Specific Size image print
-	RFile autoPFile;
-	TBuf8<256> tempDes;
-	TTime currTime;
-	TDateTime currDT;
-	currTime.HomeTime();
-	currDT = currTime.DateTime();
-	// Open the autoprint file
-	TInt retVal = autoPFile.Replace( iFs, *iAutoPrintFile, EFileWrite );
-	if( retVal != KErrNone )
-		{
-		LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::WriteSpecificSizeFile error opening autoprint file: %d", retVal);
-		return retVal;	
-		}
-	CleanupClosePushL(autoPFile);	
-	RFileWriteStream writeStream(autoPFile);
-	CleanupClosePushL(writeStream);		
-	// Write the common header information
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::WriteSpecificSizeFile Write the common header information");
-	writeStream.WriteL(KDpofHeader);
-	tempDes.Format(KDateFormat, currDT.Year(), (currDT.Month()+1), (currDT.Day()+1), currDT.Hour(), currDT.Minute(), currDT.Second());
-	writeStream.WriteL(tempDes);
-	writeStream.WriteL(KCrLf);
-	// For each image in the array
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::WriteSpecificSizeFile For each image in the array");
-	LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::WriteSpecificSizeFile iFileNames->Count(): %d", iFileNames.Count());
-	TInt pid( 1 );
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < iFileNames.Count(); i++ )
-		{
-		LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::WriteSpecificSizeFile i: %d", i);
-		LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::WriteSpecificSizeFile iNumsOfCopies[i]: %d", iNumsOfCopies[i]);
-		for( TInt j = 0; j < iNumsOfCopies[i]; j++ )
-			{
-			pid += j;			
-			// write a job section, followed by the PID
-			LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::WriteSpecificSizeFile write a job section, followed by the PID: %d", pid);
-			writeStream.WriteL(KDpofJobAndPid);
-			tempDes.NumFixedWidth( pid, EDecimal, 3 );
-			writeStream.WriteL(tempDes);
-			writeStream.WriteL(KCrLf);
-			LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::WriteSpecificSizeFile iImageLayout: %d", iImageLayout);
-			switch( iImageLayout )
-				{
-				case EOnePerPageSmall:
-					writeStream.WriteL(KDpofPrtTypSizeSmall);
-					break;
-				case EOnePerPageMedium:
-					writeStream.WriteL(KDpofPrtTypSizeMedium);
-					break;
-				case EOnePerPageLarge:
-					writeStream.WriteL(KDpofPrtTypSizeLarge);
-					break;
-				case EOnePerPage4x6:
-					writeStream.WriteL(KDpofPrtTypSize4x6);
-					break;
-				default:
-					break;
-				}
-			LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::WriteSpecificSizeFile file: %S", iFileNames[i]);
-			writeStream.WriteL(KDpofPrtQtyAndImgFmt);
-			writeStream.WriteL(KDpofImgSrc);
-			writeStream.WriteL(KDoubleQuote);
-			tempDes.Copy(*(iFileNames[i]));
-			writeStream.WriteL(tempDes);
-			writeStream.WriteL(KDoubleQuote);
-			writeStream.WriteL(KCrLf);
-			}
-		}
-	writeStream.CommitL();	
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // writeStream, autoPFile
-	LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::WriteSpecificSizeFile end with: %d", retVal);
-	return retVal;
-	}
-TInt CRsDpofEngine::WriteMultipleFileL()
-	{
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::WriteMultipleFile begin");
-	// Creates the autoprint file for a Multiple image print
-	TInt retVal=KErrNone;
-	RFile autoPFile;
-	TBuf8<256> tempDes;
-	TTime currTime;
-	TDateTime currDT;
-	currTime.HomeTime();
-	currDT = currTime.DateTime();
-	// Open the autoprint file
-	retVal = autoPFile.Replace( iFs, *iAutoPrintFile, EFileWrite );
-	if( retVal != KErrNone )
-		{
-		LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::WriteMultipleFile error opening autoprint file: %d", retVal);
-		return retVal;	
-		}
-	CleanupClosePushL(autoPFile);	
-	RFileWriteStream writeStream(autoPFile);
-	CleanupClosePushL(writeStream);		
-	// Write the common header information
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::WriteMultipleFile Write the common header information");
-	writeStream.WriteL(KDpofHeader);
-	tempDes.Format(KDateFormat, currDT.Year(), (currDT.Month()+1), (currDT.Day()+1), currDT.Hour(), currDT.Minute(), currDT.Second());
-	writeStream.WriteL(tempDes);
-	writeStream.WriteL(KCrLf);
-	// Start the job section, followed by the PID
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::WriteMultipleFile Start the job section, followed by the PID");
-	writeStream.WriteL(KDpofJobAndPid);
-	tempDes.NumFixedWidth(1, EDecimal, 3);
-	writeStream.WriteL(tempDes);
-	writeStream.WriteL(KCrLf);
-	LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::WriteMultipleFile iImageLayout: %d", iImageLayout);
-	switch (iImageLayout)
-		{
-		case ETwoPerPage:
-			writeStream.WriteL(KDpofPrtTypSize2pp);
-			break;
-		case EFourPerPage:
-			writeStream.WriteL(KDpofPrtTypSize4pp);
-			break;
-		case ESixPerPage:
-			writeStream.WriteL(KDpofPrtTypSize6pp);
-			break;
-		case ENinePerPage:
-			writeStream.WriteL(KDpofPrtTypSize9pp);
-			break;
-		case ETwelvePerPage:
-			writeStream.WriteL(KDpofPrtTypSize12pp);
-			break;
-		case ESixteenPerPage:
-			writeStream.WriteL(KDpofPrtTypSize16pp);
-			break;
-		default:
-			break;
-		}
-	writeStream.WriteL(KDpofPrtQtyAndImgFmt);
-	// For each image in the array
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::WriteMultipleFile For each image in the array");
-	LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::WriteMultipleFile iFileNames->Count(): %d", iFileNames.Count());
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < iFileNames.Count(); i++)
-		{
-		LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::WriteMultipleFile i: %d", i);
-		LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::WriteMultipleFile iNumsOfCopies[i]: %d", iNumsOfCopies[i]);
-		for( TInt j = 0; j < iNumsOfCopies[i]; j++ )
-			{					
-			LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::WriteMultipleFile file: %S", iFileNames[i]);
-			// add it to the job section
-			writeStream.WriteL(KDpofImgSrc);
-			writeStream.WriteL(KDoubleQuote);
-			tempDes.Copy(*(iFileNames[i]));
-			writeStream.WriteL(tempDes);
-			writeStream.WriteL(KDoubleQuote);
-			writeStream.WriteL(KCrLf);
-			}
-		}
-	writeStream.CommitL();	
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // writeStream, autoPFile
-	LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::WriteMultipleFile end with: %d", retVal);
-	return retVal;
-	}
-void CRsDpofEngine::DoCancel()
-	{	
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::DoCancel begin");
-	iShouldCancel = ETrue;	
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::DoCancel end");
-	}
-void CRsDpofEngine::Stop()
-	{
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::Stop begin");
-	iShouldCancel = ETrue;
-	iFileManager->CancelCopy();	
-	iFileManager->CancelRmDir();
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::Stop end");
-	}	
-void CRsDpofEngine::RunL()
-	{
-	LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::RunL called with iStatus.Int(): %d", iStatus.Int());
-	TInt retVal( KErrNone );
-	if( iStatus.Int() != KErrNone )
-		{		
-		LOG("CRsDpofEngine::RunL there was an error, so cleanup");
-		iObs.HandleDpofEngineEventL(iStep, iStatus.Int());
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::RunL iStep: %d", iStep);
-		switch( iStep )
-			{
-			case ECopyImageFiles:
-				{
-				// change those filename array entries so that the filename is now correct
-				TParsePtrC parsePtr( *(iFileNames[iCurrentPhoneImage->iIndex]) );
-				iTempFile.Append( parsePtr.NameAndExt() );
-				delete iFileNames[iCurrentPhoneImage->iIndex];
-				iFileNames[iCurrentPhoneImage->iIndex] = NULL;
-				iFileNames[iCurrentPhoneImage->iIndex] = iTempFile.AllocL();
-				iCurrentPhoneImage->iCopied = ETrue;												
-				retVal = CopyPhoneImagesToMMC();
-				LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::RunL CopyPhoneImagesToMMC returned: %d", retVal);
-				if( retVal == KErrNone )
-					{
-					iObs.HandleDpofEngineEventL(iStep, retVal);
-					}
-				else if( retVal == KErrCancel )
-					{
-					CreateDpofFileL();						
-					}					
-				else
-					{
-					iObs.HandleDpofEngineEventL( iStep, retVal );	
-					}					
-				}
-				break;				
-			case EDeleteDirectory:
-				{
-				LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::RunL iPhoneImageArray.Count(): %d", iPhoneImageArray.Count());
-				if( iPhoneImageArray.Count() )
-					{
-					TUint32 size( 0 );
-					RsUtils::DriveFreeSpace( (*iMmcDrive)[0], iFs, size );
-					if( SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &iFs, iPhoneImgsSize ) )
-        				{
-        				LOG("CRsDpofEngine::PrintL below MMC critical level");
-						retVal = KErrTooBig;
-        				}
-        			else if( size < ( iPhoneImgsSize + KAutoPrintFileAddon ) )
-						{
-						LOG("CRsDpofEngine::PrintL NO room on MMC for phone memory images");
-						retVal = KErrTooBig;	
-						}														
-					else
-						{
-						LOG("CRsDpofEngine::PrintL enough room on MMC for phone memory images");
-						if( !RsUtils::PathExists( *iTempFolder, iFs ) )
-							{
-							retVal = iFs.MkDir( *iTempFolder );
-							LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::PrintL error making temp folder: %d", retVal);
-							if( !retVal )
-								{
-								retVal = CopyPhoneImagesToMMC();
-								LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::PrintL error copying phone memory images: %d", retVal);
-								}																																	
-							}																								
-						}
-					iObs.HandleDpofEngineEventL( ECopyImageFiles, retVal );																											
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					CreateDpofFileL();
-					iObs.HandleDpofEngineEventL( EDPOFGenerate, KErrNone );	
-					}																
-				}
-				break;							
-			default:
-				break;
-			}	
-		}
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::RunL end");
-	}
-TInt CRsDpofEngine::CopyPhoneImagesToMMC()
-	{	
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::CopyPhoneImagesToMMC begin");
-	TInt retVal = KErrCancel;
-	iStep = ECopyImageFiles;
-	if( iShouldCancel )
-		{
-		LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::CopyPhoneImagesToMMC iShouldCancel== ETrue, end with: %d", retVal);
-		return retVal;	
-		}
-	iCurrentPhoneImage = GetNextImageInfoForCopy();
-	if( iCurrentPhoneImage )
-		{
-		// copy phone mem images to MMC card temp dir
-		TTime theTime;
-		theTime.HomeTime();
-		iTempFile.Copy( *iTempFolder );
-		iTempFile.AppendNumUC( theTime.Int64(), EHex );													
-		iTempFile.Append( KBackslash );
-		retVal = iFs.MkDir( iTempFile );
-		LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::CopyPhoneImagesToMMC error making directory: %d", retVal);		
-		if( retVal == KErrNone )
-			{
-			retVal = iFileManager->Copy( *(iFileNames[iCurrentPhoneImage->iIndex]), iTempFile, iStatus );
-			LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::CopyPhoneImagesToMMC error copying: %d", retVal);
-			if( retVal == KErrNone )
-				{
-				iStatus = KRequestPending;
-				if( !IsActive() ) SetActive();
-				}										
-			}						
-		}
-	LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::CopyPhoneImagesToMMC end with: %d", retVal);
-	return retVal;
-	}
-TRsPhoneImage* CRsDpofEngine::GetNextImageInfoForCopy()
-	{		
-	TRsPhoneImage* phoneImage = NULL;	
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < iPhoneImageArray.Count() && !phoneImage; i++ )	
-		{
-		if( iPhoneImageArray[i].iCopied == EFalse )
-			{
-			phoneImage = &( iPhoneImageArray[i] );
-			}
-		}
-	return phoneImage;
-	}
-TInt CRsDpofEngine::GetPrintPercentage()
-	{
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::GetPrintPercentage begin");
-	// compute the percentage of the printing job has been completed
-	TInt copied( 0 );
-	TInt count = iPhoneImageArray.Count();	
-	// assumes that writing to autoprint file takes 10% of the work
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-		{
-		if( iPhoneImageArray[i].iCopied )
-			copied++;
-		}
-	TInt percentage = (copied == count) ? KCopyPercentage : ((copied*100)/count);
-	LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::GetPrintPercentage end with: %d", percentage);
-	return percentage;		
-	}
-void CRsDpofEngine::CreateDpofFileL()
-	{
-	if(iDpofPeriodic) iDpofPeriodic->Cancel();
-	delete iDpofPeriodic;
-	iDpofPeriodic = NULL;	
-	iDpofPeriodic = CPeriodic::NewL(CActive::EPriorityStandard);
-	iDpofPeriodic->Start(KDpofDelay,KDpofDelay,TCallBack(CreateDpofFileCbL,this));
-	}
-void CRsDpofEngine::StartDiscovery(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
-	{		
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::StartDiscovery begin");
-	aStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TRequestStatus *status = &aStatus;	
-	if( iHasMmc )
-		{
-		LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::StartDiscovery end with: %d", EPrinterDiscovered);
-		User::RequestComplete(status,EPrinterDiscovered);	
-		}		
-	else
-		{
-		LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::StartDiscovery end with: %d", EDiscoveryDone);
-		User::RequestComplete(status,EDiscoveryDone);	
-		}		
-	}
-TBool CRsDpofEngine::WasCancelled() const
-	{
-	return iShouldCancel;
-	}
-TBool CRsDpofEngine::AutoPrintFileExists()
-	{
-    return ( RsUtils::FileExists( *iAutoPrintFile, iFs ) );
-	}
-TInt CRsDpofEngine::CreateDpofFileCbL(TAny *aObj)	
-	{	
-	CRsDpofEngine* obj = static_cast<CRsDpofEngine*>(aObj);
-	if( obj->iDpofPeriodic ) obj->iDpofPeriodic->Cancel();		
-	obj->DoCreateDpofFileL();
-	return EFalse;
-	}
-void CRsDpofEngine::DoCreateDpofFileL()
-	{
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::DoCreateDpofFileL begin");	
-	TParsePtrC parse( *iAutoPrintFile );
-	// Delete existing autoprint file
-	if( RsUtils::FileExists( *iAutoPrintFile, iFs ) )
-		{
-		LOG("CRsDpofEngine::DoCreateDpofFileL deleting existing autoprint file...");
-		User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Delete( *iAutoPrintFile ) );	
-		}		
-	else
-		{
-		LOG("CRsDpofEngine::DoCreateDpofFileL making sure that the autoprint file folder exists...");
-		// Make sure that the autoprint file folder exists
-		if( !RsUtils::PathExists( parse.DriveAndPath(), iFs ) )
-			User::LeaveIfError( iFs.MkDir( parse.DriveAndPath() ) );					
-		}
-	// Ready the array of filenames for DPOF generation
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::DoCreateDpofFileL preparing file names...");
-	PrepareFilenamesL();
-	TInt retVal=KErrNone;
-	// Generate autoprint file
-	LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::DoCreateDpofFileL printing layout: %d", iImageLayout);
-	switch( iImageLayout )
-		{
-		case EOnePerPageSmall:
-		case EOnePerPageMedium:
-		case EOnePerPageLarge:
-		case EOnePerPage4x6:
-			retVal = WriteSpecificSizeFileL();
-			break;
-		case ETwoPerPage:
-		case EFourPerPage:
-		case ESixPerPage:
-		case ENinePerPage:
-		case ETwelvePerPage:
-		case ESixteenPerPage:
-			retVal = WriteMultipleFileL();
-			break;
-		default:
-			// Should never be here
-			User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
-			break;
-		}
-	LOG1("CRsDpofEngine::DoCreateDpofFileL end with: %d", retVal);
-	if (retVal == KErrNone)
-		{
-		iObs.HandleDpofEngineEventL(EJobCompleted, KErrNone);
-		}
-	else
-		{		
-		iObs.HandleDpofEngineEventL(EJobError, retVal);
-		}	
-	}
-TBool CRsDpofEngine::HasMmc() const
-	{
-	return iHasMmc;
-	}
-void CRsDpofEngine::SetNumsOfCopiesL( const RArray<TInt>& aNumsOfCopies )
-	{
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::SetNumsOfCopiesL begin");
-	iNumsOfCopies.Reset();
-	TInt count = aNumsOfCopies.Count();
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-		{
-		iNumsOfCopies.AppendL( aNumsOfCopies[i] );
-		}
-	LOG("CRsDpofEngine::SetNumsOfCopiesL end");	
-	}
-//  End of File