changeset 20 159fc2f68139
parent 17 26673e532f65
child 21 d59c248c9d36
--- a/ImagePrint/ImagePrintEngine/DeviceProtocols/upnpprotocolfw2/src/cprintercontrolpoint.cpp	Tue May 25 12:42:41 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,884 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Declares CPrinterControlPoint class
-#include <f32file.h>
-#include <in_sock.h>
-#include <upnpservice.h>
-#include <upnpdevice.h>
-#include <upnpaction.h>
-#include <upnphttpmessagefactory.h>
-#include "cuplogger.h"
-#include "cprintercontrolpoint.h"
-#include "mpcpobserver.h"
-#define KMaxCancelReqs 100
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::NewL
-// Two-phased constructor
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CPrinterControlPoint* CPrinterControlPoint::NewL(MPCPObserver& aPCPObserver)
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint] \tCPrinterControlPoint::NewL");
-	CPrinterControlPoint* self = new (ELeave) CPrinterControlPoint( aPCPObserver);
-	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-	self -> ConstructL( );
-	CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-	return self;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::CPrinterControlPoint
-// C++ default constructor
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CPrinterControlPoint::CPrinterControlPoint( MPCPObserver& aPCPObserver)
-	: CUpnpControlPoint(), iPCPObserver( aPCPObserver )
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::ConstructL
-// Two-phased constructor
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPrinterControlPoint::ConstructL()
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint] \tCPrinterControlPoint::ConstructL");
-	_LIT8( KPrinter, "Printer:1" );
-	// Base class ConstructL
-	CUpnpControlPoint::ConstructL( KPrinter());
-	// Share Xhtml folder (create if necessary)
-	RFs fsSession;
-	User::LeaveIfError( fsSession.Connect() );
-	CleanupClosePushL( fsSession );
-	TInt err = fsSession.MkDirAll( KUPnPXhtmlPath() );
-	if (err != KErrNone && err != KErrAlreadyExists)
-	{
-		User::Leave(err);
-	}
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&fsSession);
-	iJobStateEvents = NULL;
-	// Start printer search
-	TPtrC8 device_ptr;
-	device_ptr.Set( KPrinterDevice );
-	SearchL( device_ptr );
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::~CPrinterControlPoint
-// C++ default destructor
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CPrinterControlPoint::~CPrinterControlPoint()
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint] \tCPrinterControlPoint::~CPrinterControlPoint()");
-    iCancelledJobSIDs.Close();   
-    if(iJobStateEvents)
-	{
-		delete iJobStateEvents;
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::CreateJobL
-// Create printer job
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPrinterControlPoint::CreateJobL( CUpnpDevice* aPrinter, const TDesC8& aPrintFile,
-                                  const TDesC8& aUserName, const TDesC8& aCopies, const TDesC8& aSides,
-                                  const TDesC8& aNumberUp, const TDesC8& aOrientationRequest, const TDesC8& aMediaSize,
-                                  const TDesC8& aMediaType, const TDesC8& aPrintQuality, TBool aPrintBasic )
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint] \tCPrinterControlPoint::CreateJobL");
-	if(!aPrinter)
-	{
-		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
-	}
-	if(iJobStateEvents)
-	{
-		iJobStateEvents->InitL();
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		iJobStateEvents = CJobStateEvents::NewL();
-	}
-    // Set printer as authorized device
-   	//  - remove the previous printer address from allowed list
-  	//  - add the current printer address to allowed list
-	TBuf8<20> logStr;
-	CUpnpHttpMessage::AddrOutput(aPrinter->Address(), logStr);
-	LOG81("[CPrinterControlPoint::CreateJobL]/t Printer address: %S", &logStr);
-   	// Check services
-	TPrintService serviceType;
-	CUpnpService* service = GetServiceFromDevice( aPrinter, serviceType );
-	if (serviceType == EServiceNone)
-	{
-		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
-	}
-   	if (aPrintBasic)
-   	{
-   		// Force to use PrintBasic:1
-   		serviceType = EPrintBasic;
-   	}
-	// PrintBasic:1 or PrintEnhanced:1 supported
-	SubscribeL( service );
-	CUpnpAction* action;
-   	// Create action according to service type
-   	if (serviceType == EPrintEnhanced)
-   	{
-   		LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint] \t -PrintEnhanced:1 - CreateJobV2");
-    	action = service->CreateActionLC( KCreateJobV2 );
-   	}
-   	else // serviceType == EPrintBasic
-   	{ 
-   		LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint] \t -PrintBasic:1 - CreateJob");
-		  action = service->CreateActionLC( KCreateJob() );
-  	}
-	User::LeaveIfNull(action);
-	// Common arguments for both action types
-	User::LeaveIfError(action -> SetArgumentL( KJobName, aPrintFile ));
-	User::LeaveIfError(action -> SetArgumentL( KUserName,  aUserName));
-	User::LeaveIfError(action -> SetArgumentL( KDocFormat, KUPnPDocFormat() ));
-	User::LeaveIfError(action -> SetArgumentL( KCopies, aCopies ));
-	User::LeaveIfError(action -> SetArgumentL( KSides, aSides ));
-	User::LeaveIfError(action -> SetArgumentL( KNumberUp, aNumberUp ));
-	User::LeaveIfError(action -> SetArgumentL( KOrientationRequest, aOrientationRequest ));
-	User::LeaveIfError(action -> SetArgumentL( KSize, aMediaSize ));
-	User::LeaveIfError(action -> SetArgumentL( KType, aMediaType ));
-	User::LeaveIfError(action -> SetArgumentL( KQuality, aPrintQuality ));
-	if (serviceType == EPrintEnhanced)
-	{
-		// Fill in the rest arguments
-		User::LeaveIfError(action->SetArgumentL( KCriticalAttributes, KNullDesC8() ));
-	}
-	// Send action
-	SendL( action );
-	// return session id
-	TInt sessionId = action->SessionId();
-   	CleanupStack::Pop(); // action
-    return sessionId;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::PrintingFinishedL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPrinterControlPoint::PrintingFinishedL( CUpnpDevice* aPrinter )
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::PrintingFinishedL] \t");
-	// Check services
-	TPrintService serviceType;
-	CUpnpService* service = GetServiceFromDevice( aPrinter, serviceType );
-	if (serviceType == EServiceNone)
-	{
-		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
-	}
-	// Service is PrintBasic:1 or PrintEnhanced:1 - Unsubscribe
-	UnsubscribeL(service);
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::PrintingFinishedL] \t - unsubscribed... ...deleting event");
-	// init job state events
-	if ( iJobStateEvents )
-		{
-		iJobStateEvents->InitL();
-		}
-    // Remove last printer address from allowed list
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::PrintingFinishedL] \t - out");
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::CancelJobL
-// Cancel printer job
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPrinterControlPoint::CancelJobL( CUpnpDevice* aPrinter,
-    const TDesC8& aJobId )
-	LOG81("[CPrinterControlPoint] \tCPrinterControlPoint::CancelJobL %S", &aJobId);
-	// Check services
-	TPrintService serviceType;
-	CUpnpService* service = GetServiceFromDevice( aPrinter, serviceType );
-	if (serviceType == EServiceNone)
-	{
-		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
-	}
-	// Service is PrintBasic:1 or PrintEnhanced:1
-	DoCancelJobL(*service, aJobId);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::CancelJobL
-// Cancel printer job by session id
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPrinterControlPoint::CancelJobL( const TInt aSessionId )
-	LOG1("[CPrinterControlPoint::CancelJobL] \t by session id %d", aSessionId);
-	// Add id to cancelled jobs - nothing else to do at this point
-	// Actual cancelling is done when a message with this session id and job id is received from printer
-	iCancelledJobSIDs.AppendL(aSessionId);
-	// If number of pending cancel request exceeds KMaxCancelReqs delete the oldest request
-	if (iCancelledJobSIDs.Count() > KMaxCancelReqs)
-	{
-		iCancelledJobSIDs.Remove(0);
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::GetPrinterAttributesL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPrinterControlPoint::GetPrinterAttributesL( CUpnpDevice* aPrinter )
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::GetPrinterAttributesL]");
-	// Check services
-	TPrintService serviceType;
-	CUpnpService* service = GetServiceFromDevice( aPrinter, serviceType );
-	if (serviceType == EServiceNone)
-	{
-		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
-	}
-	if( serviceType == EPrintBasic )
-   	{
-		CUpnpAction* action = service -> CreateActionLC( KGetPrinterAttr );
-		User::LeaveIfNull(action);
-		SendL( action );
-		CleanupStack::Pop();	// action
-   	}
-	if( serviceType == EPrintEnhanced )
-   	{
-		CUpnpAction* action = service -> CreateActionLC( KGetPrinterAttrV2 );
-		User::LeaveIfNull(action);
-		SendL( action );
-		CleanupStack::Pop();	// action
-   	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::GetMarginsL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPrinterControlPoint::GetMarginsL( CUpnpDevice* aPrinter, const TDesC8& aMediaSize, const TDesC8& aMediaType )
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::GetMarginsL]");
-	// Check services
-	TPrintService serviceType;
-	CUpnpService* service = GetServiceFromDevice( aPrinter, serviceType );
-	if( serviceType == EPrintEnhanced )
-   	{
-		CUpnpAction* action = service -> CreateActionLC( KGetMargins );
-		User::LeaveIfNull(action);
-		User::LeaveIfError(action -> SetArgumentL( KSize, aMediaSize ));
-		User::LeaveIfError(action -> SetArgumentL( KType,  aMediaType));
-		SendL( action );
-		CleanupStack::Pop();	// action
-   	}
-   	else
-   	{
-		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
-   	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::GetMarginsL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPrinterControlPoint::GetMediaListL( CUpnpDevice* aPrinter, const TDesC8& aMediaSize, const TDesC8& aMediaType )
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::GetMediaListL]");
-	// Check services
-	TPrintService serviceType;
-	CUpnpService* service = GetServiceFromDevice( aPrinter, serviceType );
-	if( serviceType == EPrintEnhanced )
-   	{
-		CUpnpAction* action = service -> CreateActionLC( KGetMediaList );
-		User::LeaveIfNull(action);
-		User::LeaveIfError(action -> SetArgumentL( KSize, aMediaSize ));
-		User::LeaveIfError(action -> SetArgumentL( KType,  aMediaType));
-		SendL( action );
-		CleanupStack::Pop();	// action
-   	}
-   	else
-   	{
-		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
-   	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::GetJobAttributesL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPrinterControlPoint::GetJobAttributesL( CUpnpDevice* aPrinter,
-    const TDesC8& aJobId )
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::GetJobAttributesL]");
-	// Check services
-	TPrintService serviceType;
-	CUpnpService* service = GetServiceFromDevice( aPrinter, serviceType );
-	if (serviceType == EServiceNone)
-	{
-		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
-	}
-	CUpnpAction* action = service -> CreateActionLC( KGetJobAttr );
-	User::LeaveIfNull(action);
-	User::LeaveIfError(action -> SetArgumentL( KJobId, aJobId ));
-	SendL( action );
-	CleanupStack::Pop();	// action
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::StateUpdatedL
-// From ControlPoint
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPrinterControlPoint::StateUpdatedL( CUpnpService* aService )
-	// Seven evented state variables (see PrintEnhanced:1 and PrintBasic:1 specification for details):
-	// PrinterState, PrinterStateReasons, JobIdList, JobEndState,
-	// JobMediaSheetsConpleted, JobAbortState and ContentCompleteList
-	// JobEndState == JobId,JobName,JobOriginatingUser,
-	// JobMediaSheetsConpleted,job-completion-state
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::StateUpdatedL]");
-	User::LeaveIfNull(aService);
-	JobStateLog(aService);
-	CUpnpStateVariable* prntState = aService->StateVariable( KPrinterState() );
-	CUpnpStateVariable* prntStateReasons = aService->StateVariable( KPrinterStateReasons() );
-	CUpnpStateVariable* jobIdList = aService->StateVariable( KJobIdList() );
-	CUpnpStateVariable* jobEndState = aService->StateVariable( KJobEndState() );
-	CUpnpStateVariable* sheets = aService->StateVariable( KSheetsCompleted() );
-	// The next ones are supported only in PrintEnhanced:1
-	CUpnpStateVariable* jobAbortState = aService->StateVariable( KJobAbortState() );
-	CUpnpStateVariable* contentCompList = aService->StateVariable( KContentCompleteList() );
-	if ( iJobStateEvents )
-		{	
-	    if( prntState )
-			{
-				TPtrC8 ptr = RemoveTags( prntState->Value());
-		        if(iJobStateEvents->ChangedEventL(ptr, CJobStateEvents::EPrinterState))
-		        	iPCPObserver.PrinterStateUpdated( ptr );
-			}		    
-		    if ( prntStateReasons )
-			    {
-					TPtrC8 ptr = RemoveTags( prntStateReasons->Value());
-			        if(iJobStateEvents->ChangedEventL(ptr, CJobStateEvents::EPrinterStateReasons))
-			        	iPCPObserver.PrinterStateReasonsUpdated( ptr );
-			    }
-		    if ( jobIdList )
-			    {
-					TPtrC8 ptr = RemoveTags( jobIdList->Value());
-			        if(iJobStateEvents->ChangedEventL( ptr, CJobStateEvents::EJobIdList))
-			        	iPCPObserver.JobIdListUpdated( ptr );
-			    }
-		    if ( jobEndState )
-			    {
-					TPtrC8 ptr = RemoveTags( jobEndState->Value());
-			        if(iJobStateEvents->ChangedEventL( ptr, CJobStateEvents::EJobEndState))
-			        	iPCPObserver.JobEndStateUpdated( ptr );
-			    }
-		    if ( sheets )
-			    {
-					TPtrC8 ptr = RemoveTags( sheets->Value());
-			        if(iJobStateEvents->ChangedEventL(ptr, CJobStateEvents::EJobMediaSheetsCompleted))
-			        	iPCPObserver.JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated( ptr );
-			    }
-		    if ( jobAbortState )
-			    {
-					TPtrC8 ptr = RemoveTags( jobAbortState->Value());
-			        if(iJobStateEvents->ChangedEventL(ptr, CJobStateEvents::EContentCompleteList))
-			        	iPCPObserver.JobAbortStateUpdated( ptr );
-			    }
-		    if ( contentCompList )
-			    {
-					TPtrC8 ptr = RemoveTags( contentCompList->Value());
-			        if(iJobStateEvents->ChangedEventL( ptr, CJobStateEvents::EJobAbortState))
-			        	iPCPObserver.ContentCompleteListUpdated( ptr );
-			    }
-		}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::DeviceDiscoveredL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPrinterControlPoint::DeviceDiscoveredL( CUpnpDevice* aDevice)
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::DeviceDiscoveredL]");
-	iPCPObserver.DeviceDiscoveredL( aDevice );
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::DeviceDisappearedL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPrinterControlPoint::DeviceDisappearedL( CUpnpDevice* aDevice )
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::DeviceDisappearedL]");
-	iPCPObserver.DeviceDisappeared( aDevice );
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::ActionResponseReceivedL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPrinterControlPoint::ActionResponseReceivedL( CUpnpAction* aAction )
-	User::LeaveIfNull(aAction);
-	LOG8S("[CPrinterControlPoint::ActionResponseReceivedL]\t - action: ", aAction->Name());
-   	// First check out for pending cancel responses (ie. cancel requestes with session id)
-	TInt sessionId = aAction->SessionId();
-	TInt index = iCancelledJobSIDs.Find(sessionId);
-	if ( index >= 0 )
-	{
-		// Cancel requested for this session's job
-		const TDesC8& jobId = aAction->ArgumentValue( KJobId() );
-		if (jobId.Length() > 0)
-		{
-			LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::ActionResponseReceivedL] \t - Executing session id based canceling");
-			DoCancelJobL( aAction->Service(), jobId);
-			// Remove "queued" cancel job's session id from array
-			iCancelledJobSIDs.Remove(index);
-			// No need to handle create job responses for this job id since it was canceled
-			if(( aAction->Name().Compare( KCreateJob ) == 0 ) ||
-			  ( aAction->Name().Compare( KCreateURIJob ) == 0))
-			{
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	TInt err = KErrNone;
-	if( EHttp200Ok != aAction->Error() )
-	{
-		err = aAction->Error();
-	}
-	// Check CreateJobResponse
-	if( aAction->Name().Compare( KCreateJob ) == 0  || aAction->Name().Compare( KCreateJobV2 ) == 0 )
-    {
-		if( KErrNone == err )
-    	{
-			const TDesC8& jobName 		= aAction->ArgumentValue( KJobName() );
-			const TDesC8& dataSinkUrl 	= aAction->ArgumentValue( KDataSink() );
-			// Send XHTML-print data (print data) via HTTP POST
-			LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint] \t - Sending XHTML-print data via HTTP POST");
-		    TInetAddr addr;
-		    CUpnpHttpMessage::AddrInput(addr, DataSinkUrlAddress( dataSinkUrl ));
-	    	addr.SetPort( DataSinkUrlPort( dataSinkUrl ) );
-		    CUpnpHttpMessage* printDataMessage;
-				//CUpnpHttpMessage* printPictureMessage;
-	    	printDataMessage = RUpnpHttpMessageFactory::HttpPostL( addr, DataSinkUrlPath( dataSinkUrl ) );
-				//printPictureMessage = RUpnpHttpMessageFactory::HttpPostL( addr, DataSinkUrlPath( dataSinkUrl ) );
-			TFileName8 filePath;
-			filePath.Copy( KUPnPXhtmlPath() );
-			filePath.Append(jobName);
-			printDataMessage->SetOutFilenameL( filePath );
-		   	TRAP(err, SendL( printDataMessage ));
-    	}
-		iPCPObserver.CreateJobResponse( aAction, err );
-		LOG1("[CPrinterControlPoint] \t - HTTP POST returns: %d", err);
-	}
-	else if( aAction->Name().Compare( KCreateURIJob ) == 0 )
-	{
-		iPCPObserver.CreateJobResponse( aAction, err );
-	}
-	else if( aAction->Name().Compare( KCancelJob ) == 0 )
-	{
-		iPCPObserver.CancelJobResponse( aAction, err );
-   	}
-	else if( aAction->Name().Compare( KGetPrinterAttr ) == 0 )
-    {
-		iPCPObserver.GetPrinterAttributesResponse( aAction, err );
-   	}
-	else if( aAction->Name().Compare( KGetPrinterAttrV2 ) == 0 )
-    {
-		iPCPObserver.GetPrinterAttributesResponse( aAction, err );
-   	}
-	else if( aAction->Name().Compare( KGetJobAttr ) == 0 )
-    {
-		iPCPObserver.GetJobAttributesResponse( aAction, err );
-   	}
-	else if( aAction->Name().Compare( KGetMargins ) == 0 )
-    {
-		iPCPObserver.GetMarginsResponse( aAction, err );
-   	}
-	else if( aAction->Name().Compare( KGetMediaList ) == 0 )
-    {
-		iPCPObserver.GetMediaListResponse( aAction, err );
-   	}
-    else
-    {
-    	//to avoid lint error
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::HttpResponseReceivedL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPrinterControlPoint::HttpResponseReceivedL(
-    CUpnpHttpMessage* aMessage )
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::HttpResponseReceivedL] \t");
-	if(aMessage)
-    {
-		LOG1( "[CPrinterControlPoint] \t - HTTP Response: %d", aMessage->Error() );
-    }
-// private functions
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::GetServiceFromDevice
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CUpnpService* CPrinterControlPoint::GetServiceFromDevice( CUpnpDevice* aPrinter, TPrintService& aService  )
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::GetServiceFromDevice]");
-	CUpnpService* service = NULL;
-	aService = EServiceNone;
-	if(!aPrinter)
-	{
-		return service;
-	}
-	const RPointerArray<CUpnpDevice>& devices = DeviceList();
-	//Search of printer device
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < devices.Count(); i++ )
-    {
-		if( devices[i]->DeviceType().Compare( aPrinter->DeviceType() ) == 0 &&
-		    devices[i]->Uuid().Compare( aPrinter->Uuid() ) == 0 )
-	    {
-	    	// Printer found - search of services
-	    	RPointerArray<CUpnpService>& services = devices[i]->ServiceList();
-			for( TInt j = 0; j < services.Count(); j++ )
-	    	{
-				//PrintBasic:1
-				if( services[j]->ServiceType().Compare( KPrintBasic ) == 0 )
-		    	{
-					aService = EPrintBasic;
-					service = services[j];
-					continue; // Continue to search for PrintEnhanced:1
-		    	}
-				// PrintEnhanced:1
-				if( services[j]->ServiceType().Compare( KPrintEnhanced ) == 0 )
-		    	{
-					aService = EPrintEnhanced;
-					service = services[j];
-					break;
-		    	}
-			}
-			break;
-	    }
-    }
-	return service;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::DataSinkUrlAddress
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const TPtrC8 CPrinterControlPoint::DataSinkUrlAddress( const TDesC8& aDataSinkUrl )
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::DataSinkUrlAddress] \t");
-	if ( aDataSinkUrl.Length() > UpnpHTTP::KHTTPUrl().Length() )
-    {
-		TPtrC8 addrAndPath = aDataSinkUrl.Right(aDataSinkUrl.Length()-UpnpHTTP::KHTTPUrl().Length());
-		TInt index = addrAndPath.Find( KUPnPColon() );
-		if ( index == KErrNotFound )
-		{
-			index = addrAndPath.Find( KUPnPSlash() );
-		}
-		if ( index == KErrNotFound )
-	    {
-			return TPtrC8( KNullDesC8().Ptr(), 0);
-	    }
-		TPtrC8 addr = addrAndPath.Left( index );
-		return addr;
-   	}
-	return TPtrC8( KNullDesC8().Ptr(), 0);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::DataSinkUrlPath
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const TPtrC8 CPrinterControlPoint::DataSinkUrlPath( const TDesC8& aDataSinkUrl )
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::DataSinkUrlPath] \t");
-	if ( aDataSinkUrl.Length() > KHttpPrefix().Length() )
-    {
-		TPtrC8 addrAndPath = aDataSinkUrl.Right(aDataSinkUrl.Length()-KHttpPrefix().Length());
-        TPtrC8 addr;
-        // Find slash from URL and remove it, if it exists.
-		TInt index = addrAndPath.Find( KUPnPSlash() );
-        // If not found, assume that path is right as is
-		if ( index == KErrNotFound )
-        {
-            addr.Set( addrAndPath.Right( addrAndPath.Length() ) );
-        }
-        // Slash found, copy data after it
-        else
-        {
-            addr.Set( addrAndPath.Right( addrAndPath.Length() - index ) );
-        }
-		return addr;
-	    }
-	else
-    {
-		return TPtrC8( KNullDesC8().Ptr(), 0);
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::DataSinkUrlPort
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CPrinterControlPoint::DataSinkUrlPort( const TDesC8& aDataSinkUrl )
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::DataSinkUrlPort] \t");
-	if (aDataSinkUrl.Length() > KHttpPrefix().Length())
-    {
-		TPtrC8 addrAndPath = aDataSinkUrl.Right(aDataSinkUrl.Length()-KHttpPrefix().Length());
-		TInt separIndex = addrAndPath.Find( KUPnPColon );
-		if ( separIndex == KErrNotFound )
-        {
-			return KDefaultHttpPortNumber;
-        }
-		TInt slashIndex = addrAndPath.Find( KUPnPSlash() );
-		if ( slashIndex != -1 )
-		{
-			TPtrC8 port = addrAndPath.Mid( separIndex+1, slashIndex-separIndex );
-			TLex8 lex( port );
-			TInt prt;
-			lex.Val( prt );
-			return prt;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			TPtrC8 port = addrAndPath.Right( addrAndPath.Length()-separIndex-1 );
-			TLex8 lex( port );
-			TInt prt;
-			lex.Val( prt );
-			return prt;
-		}
-	}
-	return KDefaultHttpPortNumber;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPrinterControlPoint::DoCancelJobL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPrinterControlPoint::DoCancelJobL(CUpnpService& aService, const TDesC8& aJobId)
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::DoCancelJobL]");
-	CUpnpAction* action = aService.CreateActionLC( KCancelJob );
-	User::LeaveIfNull(action);
-	User::LeaveIfError(action->SetArgumentL( KJobId, aJobId ));
-	SendL( action );
-	CleanupStack::Pop(); // action
-// CPrinterControlPoint::RemoveTags
-TPtrC8 CPrinterControlPoint::RemoveTags( const TDesC8& aString)
-	LOG("[CPrinterControlPoint::RemoveTags]\t");
-	_LIT8(KUPnPStartTag, 	">");
-	_LIT8(KUPnPEndTag, 		"</");
-	_LIT8(KUPnPEmptyTag, 	"<*/>");
-	TPtrC8 midPtr;
-	midPtr.Set(aString);
-	// Return if no tags
-	TInt startPos = aString.Find(KUPnPStartTag());
-	if(KErrNotFound == startPos)
-	{
-		return midPtr;
-	}
-	// Return if empty
-	if(KErrNotFound < aString.Match(KUPnPEmptyTag()))
-	{
-		return TPtrC8( KNullDesC8().Ptr(), 0);
-	}
-	// Return the mid of tags
-	startPos += KUPnPStartTag().Length();
-	TInt endPos = aString.Find(KUPnPEndTag());
-	if(KErrNotFound == endPos)
-	{
-		return midPtr;
-	}
-	midPtr.Set(aString.Mid(startPos, endPos - startPos));
-	return midPtr;
-// CPrinterControlPoint::RemoveTags
-void CPrinterControlPoint::JobStateLog(CUpnpService* aService)
-	if(!aService)
-	{
-		return;
-	}
-	LOG81("CPrinterControlPoint::JobStateLog\t prntState\t\t : %S", &(aService->StateVariable( KPrinterState() )->Value()));
-	LOG81("CPrinterControlPoint::JobStateLog\t prntStateReasons: %S", &(aService->StateVariable( KPrinterStateReasons() )->Value()));
-	LOG81("CPrinterControlPoint::JobStateLog\t jobIdList\t\t : %S", &(aService->StateVariable( KJobIdList() )->Value()));
-	LOG81("CPrinterControlPoint::JobStateLog\t jobEndState\t : %S", &(aService->StateVariable( KJobEndState() )->Value()));
-	LOG81("CPrinterControlPoint::JobStateLog\t sheets\t\t\t : %S", &(aService->StateVariable( KSheetsCompleted() )->Value()));
-	LOG81("CPrinterControlPoint::JobStateLog\t jobAbortState\t : %S", &(aService->StateVariable( KJobAbortState() )->Value()));
-	LOG81("CPrinterControlPoint::JobStateLog\t contentCompList : %S", &(aService->StateVariable( KContentCompleteList() )->Value()));
-// End Of File