changeset 20 159fc2f68139
parent 17 26673e532f65
child 21 d59c248c9d36
--- a/ImagePrint/ImagePrintEngine/DeviceProtocols/upnpprotocolfw2/src/cupprintingjob.cpp	Tue May 25 12:42:41 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,709 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Declares CUPPrintingJob class
-#include <upnpdevice.h>
-#include <escapeutils.h> //utf8 conversions
-#include <upnpprotocolinfo.h>
-#include <upnpmediaserversettings.h>
-#include "cupprintingjob.h"
-#include "cupprinter.h"
-#include "cuplogger.h"
-#include "cupprintfactory.h"
-#include "printcapabilitycodes.h"
-#include "cupfilesharingactive.h"
-_LIT8(KResource, "res");
-_LIT(KMediaTypes, "image/jpeg:*,audio/mpeg:MP3,audio/mp4:AAC_ISO_320,video/mp4:AVC_MP4_BL_CIF15_AAC_520,application/vnd.pwg-xhtml-print+xml:*");
-// Public functions
-// CUPPrintingJob::NewL
-CUPPrintingJob* CUPPrintingJob::NewL(CUPPrinter* aPrinter, RArray<TFileName>& aImages, 
-									 CUPPrintFactory* aFileFactory, const TDesC8& aUserName)
-	CUPPrintingJob* self = new (ELeave) CUPPrintingJob(aFileFactory);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-	self->ConstructL(aPrinter, aImages, aUserName);
-	CleanupStack::Pop();	// self
-	return self;
-// CUPPrintingJob::~CUPPrintingJob
-	// Stop sharing
-	UnShareImages();
-  if(iFileSharing)
-  	delete iFileSharing;
-  if(iOrgMediaServerStatus != RUpnpMediaServerClient::EStartedOnline)
-  {
-  	iMediaServerClient.Stop();
-  	if(iOrgMediaServerStatus == RUpnpMediaServerClient::EStartedOffline)
-  	{
-  	  iMediaServerClient.StartOffline();
-  	}
-  }
-  iMediaServerClient.Close();
-	iImages.Close();
-	if(iJobState)
-		delete iJobState;
-// CUAPrintingJob::SetSessionId
-void CUPPrintingJob::SetSessionId(TInt aId)
-	iSessionId = aId;
-// CUAPrintingJob::SessionId
-TInt CUPPrintingJob::SessionId()
-	return iSessionId;
-// CUPPrintingJob::SetJobId
-void CUPPrintingJob::SetJobId(const TDesC8& aId)
-	iJobId.Copy(aId);
-	iJobState->SetActiveId(aId);
-	// SetActiveId initializes iJobState -> set sheets to print
-	iJobState->SetSheetsToPrint(Sheets());
-	LOG1("[CUPPrintingJob::SetJobId]\t Sheets(). %d", Sheets());
-// CUPPrintingJob::GetJobId
-void CUPPrintingJob::GetJobId(TDes8& aId)
-	aId.Copy(iJobId);
-// CUPPrintingJob::GetJobName
-void CUPPrintingJob::GetJobName(TDes8& aJobName)
-	// Return the name of first image
-	if (iImages.Count() > 0)
-	{
-		iImages[0].GetFilePath(aJobName);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		aJobName.Append(KNullDesC8());
-	}
-// CUPPrintingJob::ImageCount
-TInt CUPPrintingJob::ImageCount()
-	return iImages.Count();
-// CUPPrintingJob::Images
-void CUPPrintingJob::Images(RArray<CImageInfo>& aImages)
-	for (TInt i=0; i < iImages.Count(); i++)
-	{
-		aImages.Append(iImages[i]);
-	}
-// CUPPrintingJob::PrinterId
-TInt CUPPrintingJob::PrinterId()
-	return iPrinterId;
-// CUPPrintingJob::GetUserName
-void CUPPrintingJob::GetUserName(TPtrC8& aUserName)
-	aUserName.Set(iUserName);
-// CUPPrintingJob::ShareFileL
-void CUPPrintingJob::ShareFileL(CUpnpItem* aItemToShare) 
-	User::LeaveIfNull(aItemToShare);
-	LOG81("[CUPPrintingJob::ShareFileL]\t ShareFileL: %S", &(aItemToShare->RefId()));
-	TRAPD( err, iFileSharing->ShareItemL(*aItemToShare));
-	if (KErrAlreadyExists == err)
-	{
-		// Resolve http address of the already shared file
-		TLex8 tmp(aItemToShare->Id());
-		TInt tmpId;
-		tmp.Val(tmpId);
-		iFileSharing->GetSharedItemL(tmpId, *aItemToShare);
-	}
-	else if(err == KErrNotFound)
-	{
-		LOG("[CUPPrintingJob]\t - ShareItemL: file not found");
-		User::Leave(EPbFileNotFound);
-	}
-	else if(err != KErrNone)
-	{
-		LOG1("[CUPPrintingJob]\t - ShareItemL: %d", err);
-		User::Leave(err);
-	}
-// CUPPrintingJob::ShareImagesL
-void CUPPrintingJob::ShareImagesL()
-	LOG("[CUPPrintingJob]\t ShareImagesL");
-	TBuf8<1024> tmpUri;
-	for (TInt i=0; i<iImages.Count(); i++)
-	{
-		// Skip images with no file path (they are already shared by external repository)
-		TFileName8 name;
-		iImages[i].GetFilePath(name);
-		if (name.Length() < 1)
-		{
-			continue;
-		}
-		// Generate id
-		TInt itemId = KUPnPIdBase+i;	
-	  LOG("[CUPPrintingJob::ConstructL]\t File sharing opened");
-		CUpnpItem* upnpItem = UPnPItemLC(itemId, name, KImageType, KJpegMime);
-		ShareFileL(upnpItem);
-		// Get "res"-element value after filesharing.
-		RUPnPElementsArray tmpElementArray;
-		tmpElementArray = upnpItem->GetElements();
-		for(TInt j = 0; j<tmpElementArray.Count();j++)
-			if(tmpElementArray[j]->Name() == KResource)
-				tmpUri.Copy(tmpElementArray[j]->Value());
-		// Parse shared folder address in the "res"-element value.
-		TFileName8 itemAddress;		
-		TBuf8<1024> tmpPartOfUri;
-		tmpPartOfUri.Copy( tmpUri.Mid(28));
-		itemAddress.Copy(iMediaServerAddress);
-		itemAddress.Append(tmpPartOfUri); 
-		// Set http address and id to image information
-		iImages[i].SetUri(itemAddress, ETrue);
-		LOG82("[CPrintJob::ShareImagesL]\t iFilePath: \"%S\", iUri: \"%S\"", &name, &itemAddress);
-		TPtrC8 tmp = upnpItem->Id();
-		TLex8 lex( tmp );
-		TInt id;
-		lex.Val( id );
-		iImages[i].SetId(id);
-		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( upnpItem );
-	}
-// CUPPrintingJob::UnShareImages
-TInt CUPPrintingJob::UnShareImages()
-	LOG("[CUPPrintingJob]\t UnShareImages");
-	for (TInt i=0; i < iImages.Count(); i++)
-	{
-		UnShareFile(iImages[i].Id());
-	}
-	return KErrNone;
-// CUPPrintingJob::UnShareFile
-TInt CUPPrintingJob::UnShareFile(TInt aItemId)
-	LOG("[CUPPrintingJob::UnShareFile]");
-	if (aItemId < 0)
-	{
-		// Not shared because no item id is set
-		return KErrNone;
-	}
-	TBuf8<KMaxIdLength> itemIdStr;
-	itemIdStr.AppendNum(aItemId);
-	LOG1("[CUPPrintingJob::UnShareFile]\t Item id = %d", aItemId);
-	TRAPD(err, iFileSharing->UnshareItemL(aItemId));
-	LOG1("[CUPPrintingJob::UnShareFile]\t err = %d", err);
-	return err;
-// CUPPrintingJob::SetNumsOfCopies
-TInt CUPPrintingJob::SetNumsOfCopies( const RArray<TInt>& aNumsOfCopies)
-	TInt err = KErrNone;
-	for(TInt arrayIx = 0, imgIx = 0; arrayIx < aNumsOfCopies.Count(); ++arrayIx)
-	{
-		if(iImages[imgIx].Index() < aNumsOfCopies.Count())
-		{
-			TInt copies = aNumsOfCopies[iImages[imgIx].Index()];
-			if(0 < copies)
-				iImages[imgIx].SetCopies(copies);
-			++imgIx;
-		}
-		else
-			err = KErrCorrupt;
-	}
-	return err;
-// CUPPrintingJob::GetPrintFileL
-void CUPPrintingJob::GetPrintFileL(TDes8& aPrintFile)
-	TInt layout;
-	TInt paper;
-	TInt quality;
-	TBuf8<1024> tmpUri;
-	iPrintFactory->GetPrintSetting(EPrintCapabLayout, layout);
-	iPrintFactory->GetPrintSetting(EPrintCapabPaperSize, paper);
-	iPrintFactory->GetPrintSetting(EPrintCapabQuality, quality);
-	TFileName tmpFile;
-	tmpFile.Copy(aPrintFile);
-	iPrintFactory->CreateXhtmlFileL( iImages, layout, paper, quality, tmpFile, iSheets );
-	aPrintFile.Copy(tmpFile);
-// CUPPrintingJob::Sheets
-TInt CUPPrintingJob::Sheets()
-	if(0 == iSheets)
-	{
-		TInt layout;
-		TInt layoutNbr = 0;
-		TInt imageNbr = 0;
-		iPrintFactory->GetPrintSetting(EPrintCapabLayout, layout);
-		switch( layout )
-		{
-			case EPrintCapabLayout1Up:
-			case EPrintCapabLayout1UpBorderless:
-			case EPrintCapabLayout1UpBorder:
-				layoutNbr = 1;
-				break;
-			case EPrintCapabLayout2Up:
-				layoutNbr = 2;
-				break;
-			case EPrintCapabLayout4Up:
-				layoutNbr = 4;
-				break;
-			case EPrintCapabLayout6Up:
-				layoutNbr = 6;
-				break;
-			case EPrintCapabLayout9Up:
-				layoutNbr = 9;
-				break;
-			case EPrintCapabLayout12Up:
-				layoutNbr = 12;
-				break;
-			case EPrintCapabLayout16Up:
-				layoutNbr = 16;
-				break;
-			default:
-				break;
-		}
-		for (TInt i = 0; i<iImages.Count(); ++i)
-		{
-			imageNbr += iImages[i].Copies();
-		}
-		iSheets = imageNbr / layoutNbr;	
-		if(0 < imageNbr % layoutNbr)
-			++iSheets;
-	}
-	LOG1("[CUPPrintingJob::Sheets]\t iSheets = %d", iSheets);
-	return iSheets;
-// CUPPrintingJob::Progress
-TInt CUPPrintingJob::Progress()
-	return iJobState->Progress(Sheets());
-// Protected functions
-// CUPPrintingJob::ConstructL
-void CUPPrintingJob::ConstructL(CUPPrinter* aPrinter, RArray<TFileName>& aImages, const TDesC8& aUserName)
-	_LIT(KHttpPrefixLow16, "http://");
-	if (aImages.Count() < 1)
-	{
-		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
-	}
-	// Initialize iImages array
-	for (TInt i=0 ; i<aImages.Count(); i++)
-	{
-		// Skip empty strings
-		if (aImages[i].Length() < 1)
-		{
-			continue;
-		}
-		aImages[i].LowerCase();
-		CImageInfo *imageInfo = CImageInfo::NewLC();
-		imageInfo->SetId(KErrNotFound);
-		imageInfo->SetIndex(i);
-		imageInfo->SetCopies(1);	
-		if (aImages[i].Compare(KHttpPrefixLow16()) < 0 )
-		{
-			// Images with file path
-			imageInfo->SetFilePathL(aImages[i]);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// Images with HTTP address	
-			imageInfo->SetUriL(aImages[i]);
-		}
-		iImages.Append( *imageInfo );
-		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( imageInfo );
-	}	
-	// Set printer 
-	iPrinterId = aPrinter->Id();
-	iUserName.Set(aUserName);
-	iJobState = CUPJobState::NewL();
-	iSheets = 0;
-	iFileSharing = CUPFileSharingActive::NewL();
-  // Connect to the local media server and open file sharing session
-  LOG("[CUPPrintingJob::ConstructL]\t Media server connected");
-  User::LeaveIfError(iMediaServerClient.Connect());
-  // get original MS status and start MS if needed. 
-  // If MS is in wrong status(started offline mode) then stop MS and start it in online-mode.
-  iMediaServerClient.Status(iOrgMediaServerStatus);
-  if(iOrgMediaServerStatus != RUpnpMediaServerClient::EStartedOnline)
-  {
-  	if(iOrgMediaServerStatus == RUpnpMediaServerClient::EStartedOffline)
-  	{
-  	  iMediaServerClient.Stop();
-  	}
-  	CUpnpMediaServerSettings* settings = CUpnpMediaServerSettings::NewL();                        
-	TBuf8<1024> media;    
-	//// Supported Media                                             
-	media.Copy(KMediaTypes);
-	settings->SetL(UpnpMediaServerSettings::ESupportedMedia, media);
-	delete settings;
-  	LOG("[CUPPrintingJob::ConstructL]\t Media server start");
-    User::LeaveIfError(iMediaServerClient.Start());
-  }
-  // Get Media server ip address and port number.
-	TFileName8 tmpAddress;
-	TInetAddr timppi;
-	TInt err = iMediaServerClient.GetAddress(timppi);
-	TFileName addr16;
-	timppi.Output(addr16);
-	// Address
-	iMediaServerAddress.Copy( KHttpPrefix() );
-	iMediaServerAddress.Append(addr16);
-	// Port
-	iMediaServerAddress.Append( KUPnPColon() );
-	iMediaServerAddress.AppendNum(timppi.Port());
-// Private functions
-// CUPPrintingJob::CUPPrintingJob
-CUPPrintingJob::CUPPrintingJob(CUPPrintFactory* aFileFactory) : 
-// CUPPrintingJob::UPnPItem
-CUpnpItem* CUPPrintingJob::UPnPItemLC(TInt aItemId, const TDesC8& aFileName, const TDesC8& aObjectType, const TDesC8& aMimeType)
-	// Init upnp item
-	CUpnpItem* upnpItem = CUpnpItem::NewL();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(upnpItem);
-	upnpItem->SetRefIdL(aFileName);
-	TFileName8 tmpTitle;
-	TInt tmpLocate = aFileName.LocateReverse( TChar( '\\' ) );
-	tmpLocate++;
-	tmpTitle.Copy(aFileName.Mid(tmpLocate));
-	upnpItem->SetTitleL(tmpTitle);
-	upnpItem->SetObjectClassL(aObjectType);
-	TBuf8<KMaxIdLength> itemIdStr;
-	itemIdStr.AppendNum(aItemId);
-	upnpItem->SetIdL(itemIdStr);
-	upnpItem->SetRestricted(0);
-	_LIT8(KDefParentId, "0");
-	upnpItem->SetParentIdL(KDefParentId);
-	// Convert FileName to the unicode that MediaServer can handle it correct.
-	HBufC16* buf = EscapeUtils::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L(aFileName);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(buf);
-	CUpnpProtocolInfo* protocolInfo = CUpnpProtocolInfo::NewL();
-  CleanupStack::PushL(protocolInfo);
-  protocolInfo->SetFirstFieldL(_L8("http-get"));
-  protocolInfo->SetSecondFieldL(_L8("*"));
-  protocolInfo->SetThirdFieldL(aMimeType);
-  protocolInfo->SetFourthFieldL(_L8("*"));
-  upnpItem->AddResourceL(buf->Des(), protocolInfo->ProtocolInfoL());
-  CleanupStack::Pop(protocolInfo);
- 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);
-	return upnpItem;
-// CUPPrintingJob::UpdateJobState
-TUPnPState CUPPrintingJob::UpdateJobState(const TDesC8& aPrinterState, const TDesC8& aReason, const TDesC8& aJobList, const TDesC8& aJobId, const TDesC8& aJobMediaSheetsCompleted)
-//	LOG("[CUPPrintingJob::UpdateJobState]\t");
-	return iJobState->UpdateJobState(aPrinterState, aReason, aJobList, aJobId, aJobMediaSheetsCompleted);
-// CUPPrintingJob::JobStateReason
-TInt CUPPrintingJob::JobStateReason()
-	return iJobState->Reason();
-// CUPPrintingJob::JobState
-CUPJobState* CUPPrintingJob::JobState()
-	return iJobState;
-// CUPPrintingJob::PrinterStateUpdated
-TUPnPState CUPPrintingJob::PrinterStateUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent )
-	return iJobState->PrinterStateUpdated(aEvent);	
-// CUPPrintingJob::PrinterStateReasonsUpdated
-TUPnPState CUPPrintingJob::PrinterStateReasonsUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent )
-	return iJobState->PrinterStateReasonsUpdated(aEvent);	
-// CUPPrintingJob::JobIdListUpdated
-TUPnPState CUPPrintingJob::JobIdListUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent )
-	return iJobState->JobIdListUpdated(aEvent);	
-// CUPPrintingJob::JobEndStateUpdatedL
-TUPnPState CUPPrintingJob::JobEndStateUpdatedL( const TDesC8& aEvent )
-	return iJobState->JobEndStateUpdatedL(aEvent);	
-// CUPPrintingJob::JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated
-TUPnPState CUPPrintingJob::JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent )
-	return iJobState->JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated(aEvent);	
-// CUPPrintingJob::JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated
-TUPnPState CUPPrintingJob::JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated(const TDesC8& aId, const TDesC8& aEvent )
-	return iJobState->JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated(aId, aEvent);	
-// CUPPrintingJob::JobAbortStateUpdatedL
-TUPnPState CUPPrintingJob::JobAbortStateUpdatedL( const TDesC8& aEvent )
-	return iJobState->JobAbortStateUpdatedL(aEvent);	
-// CUPPrintingJob::ContentCompleteListUpdated
-TUPnPState CUPPrintingJob::ContentCompleteListUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent )
-	return iJobState->ContentCompleteListUpdated(aEvent);	
-//  End of File