* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Declares CUPJobState class
#include <e32base.h>
#include "upconsts.h"
* @class TUPJobEndState
* @description This class contains the state variables related to the end / abort state
* of the job that is active at printer.
inline TUPJobEndState(){Init();}
inline void Init()
iSheets = KErrNotFound;
iState = EStateUnknown;
iReason = ENoMessage;
iAbortState = EFalse;
TPtrC8 iId;
TPtrC8 iJobName;
TPtrC8 iOriginator;
TInt iSheets;
TUPnPState iState;
TInt iReason;
TBool iAbortState;
* @class CUPJobState
* @description This class collects and maintains the processing state of the job that is active at printer.
* @function NewL
* @description A method to create a new object.
static CUPJobState* NewL();
* @function NewLC
* @description A method to create a new object.
static CUPJobState* NewLC();
* @function ~CUPJobState
* @description Destructor
* @function Init
* @description Initializes private members
void Init();
* @function State
* @description Returns the stored state of the job
* @return TUPnPState
TUPnPState State();
* @function SetActiveId
* @description Sets the id for the active job at UPnPProtocol
* @return TUPnPState
void SetActiveId(const TDesC8& aId);
* @function ActiveId
* @description Returns id of the job active at UPnPProtocol
* @return TUPnPState
TPtrC8 ActiveId();
* @function SheetsCompleted
* @description Returns the number of printed sheets of the job
* @return TInt
TInt SheetsCompleted();
* @function Reason
* @description Returns the reason code for the job state
* @return TInt
TInt Reason();
* @function SetSheetsToPrint
* @description Sets the number of the sheets about to print
* @param TInt
void SetSheetsToPrint(TInt aSheets);
* @function SheetsToPrint
* @description Returns the number of the sheets about to print
* @return TInt
TInt SheetsToPrint();
* @function SetSheetsCompleted
* @description Returns and updates the job state according to the printed sheets
* @param TDesC8 Reference to the string value of printed sheets
void SetSheetsCompleted(const TDesC8& aSheetsCompleted);
* @function Progress
* @description Returns progress percentage of the job
* @param TInt Number of the sheets sent to printer
* @return TInt
TInt Progress(TInt aSheets);
* @function Progress
* @description Returns progress percentage of the job
* @return TInt
TInt Progress();
* @function UpdateJobState
* @description Returns the state of the job after updated with given arguments
* @param TDesC8& Printer state
* @param TDesC8& Reason for the printer state
* @param TDesC8& List of job ids pending at the printer queue
* @param TDesC8& Id of the currently handled job in printer
* @param TDesC8& Number of the sheets completed at printer
* @return TUPnPState
TUPnPState UpdateJobState(const TDesC8& aPrinterState, const TDesC8& aReason, const TDesC8& aJobList, const TDesC8& aJobId, const TDesC8& aJobMediaSheetsCompleted);
* @function GetErrorValue
* @description Maps the ImagePrint and device errors.
* @param TDesC8 Reference to device returned error code
* @return TInt Correspondent ImagePrint error code
TInt GetErrorValue(const TDesC8& aError);
* @function PrinterStateUpdated
* @description Returns the state of the job after printer state updated
* @param TDesC8& New printer state
* @return TUPnPState
TUPnPState PrinterStateUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent );
* @function PrinterStateReasonsUpdated
* @description Returns the state of the job after printer state reason updated
* @param TDesC8& Reason for the printer state
* @return TUPnPState
TUPnPState PrinterStateReasonsUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent );
* @function JobIdListUpdated
* @description Returns the state of the job after job ID list updated
* @param TDesC8& List of job ids pending at the printer queue
* @return TUPnPState
TUPnPState JobIdListUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent );
* @function JobEndStateUpdatedL
* @description Returns the state of the job after job end state updated
* @param TDesC8& The end state of last printed job. Format:
* <id>,<name>,<originator>,<completed sheets>,<state>
* @return TUPnPState
TUPnPState JobEndStateUpdatedL( const TDesC8& aEvent );
* @function JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated
* @description Returns the state of the job after media sheets completed list updated
* @param TDesC8& Number of the printed sheets
* @return TUPnPState
TUPnPState JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent );
* @function JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated
* @description Returns the state of the job after media sheets completed list updated
* @param TDesC8& ID of the current job
* @param TDesC8& Number of the printed sheets
* @return TUPnPState
TUPnPState JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated(const TDesC8& aId, const TDesC8& aEvent );
* @function JobAbortStateUpdatedL
* @description Returns the state of the job after job abort state updated
* @param TDesC8& The abort state of last aborted job. Format:
* <id>,<name>,<originator>,<completed sheets>,aborted,<reason>
* @return TUPnPState
TUPnPState JobAbortStateUpdatedL( const TDesC8& aEvent );
* @function ContentCompleteListUpdated
* @description Returns the state of the job after content completed list updated
* @param TDesC8& Number of the sheets completedly received in printer
* @return TUPnPState
TUPnPState ContentCompleteListUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent );
* @function ConstructL
* @description Symbian second phase constructor
void ConstructL();
* @function State
* @description updates job's state according to the given state.
* @param TUPnPState State enumeration value
* @return TUPnPState
TUPnPState State(TUPnPState aState);
* @function SetState
* @description Updates the stored state of the job
* @param TUPnPState state to update with
void SetState(TUPnPState aState);
* @function SetJobList
* @description Returns and updates the job state according to the list of the jobs pending in printer.
* @param TDesC8 Reference to list of jobs
* @return TUPnPState
TUPnPState SetJobList(const TDesC8& aJobIdList);
* @function PendingJobId
* @description Returns the position of active job in job list.
* @param TDesC8 Reference to list of jobs
* @return TInt
TInt PendingJobId(const TDesC8& aJobIdList);
* @function SetId
* @description Updates the printer returned job id if necessary.
* @param TDesC8 Reference to printer returned id
void SetId(const TDesC8& aId);
* @function InitErrorValues
* @description Initializes the error values stored in map for device vs. ImagePrint errors
void InitErrorValues();
* @function SetReason
* @description Sets the reason for job state.
* @param TInt Error value for the reason
void SetReason(TInt aReason);
* @function ParseState
* @description Maps the states received from the device to state enumerations.
* @param TDesC8 Reference to state string
* @return TInt Corresponding state enumeration
TUPnPState ParseState(const TDesC8& aState);
* @function ParseJobEndStateL
* @description Separates the elements of the job end and abort state for handling and returns
* KErrNotFound if the end state is not for the active job
* @param TDesC8& The end or abort state of last printed job. Formats:
* <id>,<name>,<originator>,<completed sheets>,<state>
* <id>,<name>,<originator>,<completed sheets>,abort,<reason>
* @return TInt KErrNotFound if the end state is not for the active job
TInt ParseJobEndStateL(const TDesC8& aJobEndState);
* @function CUPJobState
* @description Default constructor.
// @var iActiveId Id of the active job interested
TBuf8<KMaxIdLength> iActiveId;
// @var iId Id of the job
TBuf8<KMaxIdLength> iId;
// @var iSheetsCompleted Number of the completed sheets for the job
TInt iSheetsCompleted;
// @var iReason Reason string of the state
TInt iReason;
// @var iState Overall state of the job
TUPnPState iState;
// @var iErrorValues Error values mapping array
RArray<TMapError> iErrorValues;
// @var iEndState job end state info container
TUPJobEndState iEndState;
// @var iSheetsToPrint Number of the pages to print
TInt iSheetsToPrint;
// End of File