* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Declares CUPPrinter class
#include <upnpmediaserversettings.h>
#include "cupprinter.h"
#include "cuplogger.h"
#include "tprintcapability.h"
// Public functions
// CUPPrinter::~CUPPrinter
if ( iUId )
delete iUId;
if ( iDisplayName )
delete iDisplayName;
// CUPPrinter::NewL
CUPPrinter* CUPPrinter::NewL(CUpnpDevice& aDevice, TInt aId)
CUPPrinter* self = new (ELeave) CUPPrinter();
self->ConstructL(&aDevice, aId, aDevice.Uuid(), aDevice.DescriptionProperty(UpnpMediaServerSettings::KModelName()), TPrinter::EVendorNone);
CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
return self;
// CUPPrinter::NewL
CUPPrinter* CUPPrinter::NewL(const TInt aId, const TDesC8& aUId, const TDesC8& aDisplayName, const TInt aVendor)
CUPPrinter* self = new (ELeave) CUPPrinter();
self->ConstructL(NULL, aId, aUId, aDisplayName, aVendor);
CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
return self;
// CUPPrinter::Device
CUpnpDevice* CUPPrinter::Device()
return iDevice;
// CUPPrinter::SetCached
void CUPPrinter::SetCached(TBool aCached)
iCached = aCached;
// CUPPrinter::Cached
TBool CUPPrinter::Cached()
return iCached;
// CUPPrinter::Vendor
TPrinter::TPrinterVendor CUPPrinter::Vendor()
return iVendor;
// CUPPrinter::SetVendor
void CUPPrinter::SetVendor(const TDesC8& aManufacturer)
LOG("[CUPPrinter::SetVendor]\t Begin");
iVendor = TPrinter::EVendorNone;
// At the moment this functionality is not used, but no Vendor is set.
LOG("[CUPPrinter::SetVendor]\t End");
// CUPPrinter::ToTPrinter
TPrinter CUPPrinter::ToTPrinter()
TInt cached(0);
TPrinter printer;
printer.iPrinterID = iId;
printer.iVendor = Vendor();
// cast boolean value to integer
cached = Cached();
printer.iProperties = cached | TPrinter::SupportsPreview;
printer.iProtocol = KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_UPnP;
LOG1("[CUPPrinter::ToTPrinter]\t printer.iVendor = %d", printer.iVendor)
return printer;
// CUPPrinter::Id
TInt CUPPrinter::Id()
return iId;
// CUPPrinter::UId
TPtrC8 CUPPrinter::UId()
if ( iUId )
return TPtrC8( iUId->Des() );
return TPtrC8( KNullDesC8 );
// CUPPrinter::DisplayName
TPtrC8 CUPPrinter::DisplayName()
if ( iDisplayName )
return TPtrC8( iDisplayName->Des() );
return TPtrC8( KNullDesC8 );
// CUPPrinter::IsDisappeared
TBool CUPPrinter::IsDisappeared()
return iDisappeared;
// CUPPrinter::SetDisappeared
void CUPPrinter::SetDisappeared(TBool aDisappeared)
iDisappeared = aDisappeared;
if (iDisappeared)
iDevice = NULL;
// CUPPrinter::SetDevice
void CUPPrinter::SetDevice(CUpnpDevice* aDevice)
iDevice = aDevice;
if (!aDevice)
// Update display name
delete iDisplayName;
iDisplayName = NULL;
iDisplayName = aDevice->DescriptionProperty(UpnpMediaServerSettings::KModelName()).Alloc();
// Protected functions
// CUPPrinter::ConstructL(
void CUPPrinter::ConstructL(CUpnpDevice* aDevice, const TInt aId, const TDesC8& aUId, const TDesC8& aDisplayName, const TInt aVendor)
iId = aId;
iUId = aUId.AllocL();
iDisplayName = aDisplayName.AllocL();
iVendor = (TPrinter::TPrinterVendor)aVendor;
if (aDevice)
// Discovered device
iDevice = aDevice;
iDisappeared = EFalse;
// Cached device
iDisappeared = ETrue;
iCached = EFalse;
// Private functions
// CUPPrinter::CUPPrinter
// End of File