Merge in DirectPrint contribution from Kanrikogaku Kenkyusho, Ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2010 Kanrikogaku Kenkyusho, Ltd.
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Kanrikogaku Kenkyusho, Ltd. - Initial contribution
* Contributors:
* Description: Contains the CDirectPrintBody class definition.
// Protection against nested includes
// System includes
#include <e32base.h>
// User includes
#include "imageprint.h"
#include "directprintprotocolsloader.h"
#include "directprintscheduler.h"
#include "mprotprintingdevice.h"
// Forward declarations
class TDpMessage;
* This class is in charge of discoverying devices across the protocols available, of creating
* a print job in the right printer and right protocol, etc. It can be considered a controller.
* Implements the MProtPrintingDevice observers (MProtDiscoveryObserver, MProtPrintEventObserver) so it can act
* accordingly when the protocols report or need something.
class CDirectPrintBody : public CBase, public MProtDiscoveryObserver, public MProtPrintEventObserver, public MProtIdleObserver
* 2-phase constructor
* @return new object
static CDirectPrintBody* NewL();
* Destructor
* Start discovery for one or several protocols
* @param aObserver observer for notifications about discovery events
* @param aProtocols OR:ed protocol ids
* @return error code
TInt StartDiscovery(MPrinterDiscoveryObserver& aObserver, TUint aProtocols = 0);
* Cancel discovery
void CancelDiscovery();
* Creates print job
* @param aPrinterID printer id
* @param aImages array of image file names to be printed
* @param aObserver observer for notifications about print job events
* @return error code
TInt CreatePrintJobL(TInt aPrinterID, RPointerArray<TDesC>& aImages, MPrintEventObserver& aObserver);
* Start actual printing of previously created print job
void SubmitPrintJobL();
* Cancel print job
* @return error code
TInt CancelPrintJob();
* Continue print job
* @return error code
TInt ContinuePrintJobL();
* Print pages amount getter
* @return amount of print pages with current settings for current print job
TInt GetNumPrintPages();
* Job status getter
* @return job status code
TInt GetJobStatus();
* Printer status getter
* @param aPrinterID printer id
* @return printer status code
TInt GetPrinterStatus(TInt aPrinterID);
* Printer capability id getter
* @param aPrinterID printer id
* @param aCapabilityIDs place holder for capability ids supported by printer
* @return error code
TInt GetPrinterCapabilityIDsL(TInt aPrinterID, RArray<TInt>& aCapabilityIDs);
* Printer capability getter
* @param aPrinterID printer id
* @param aCapabilityID capability id
* @param aCapability place holder for capability
* @return error code
TInt GetPrinterCapabilityL(TInt aPrinterID, TInt aCapabilityID, TDirectPrintCapability& aCapability);
* Printer setting getter
* @param aCapabilityID capability id
* @param aValue place holder for capability value
* @return error code
TInt GetJobSetting(TInt aCapabilityID, TInt& aValue);
* Printer setting setter
* @param aCapabilityID capability id
* @param aValue capability value
* @param aAffectedCapability affected capability id
* @return error code
TInt SetJobSettingL(TInt aCapabilityID, TInt aValue, TInt& aAffectedCapability);
* Preview pages amount getter for current protocol
* @return preview pages amount
TInt GetNumPreviewPages();
* Template icon getter
* @param aTemplateID template id
* @param aFbsBitmapHandle place holder for template bitmap handle
* @return error code
TInt GetJobTemplateIconL(TInt aTemplateID, TInt& aFbsBitmapHandle);
*Creates a preview image
* @param aPageNumber Page number to create preview image of
* @return error code
TInt CreatePreviewImage(TInt aPageNumber);
* Remove cached printer
* @param aPrinterID printer id
* @return error code
TInt RemoveCachedPrinterL(TInt aPrinterID);
* Supported protocols getter
* @return OR:ed protocol ids
TUint SupportedProtocols();
* Register observer for idle events receiving
* @param aObserver observer
void RegisterIdleObserver(MIdleObserver* aObserver);
* Number of copies setter for current print job
* @param aNumsOfCopies number of copies array
* @param aErr place holder for error code
void SetNumsOfCopiesL(const RArray<TInt>& aNumsOfCopies, TInt& aErr);
* Handle session disconnection
* @param aIdleObserver idle observer object of that session
* @param aDiscoveryObserver discovery observer object of that session
* @param aEventObserver print job observer object of that session
void HandleSessionDisconnect( const MIdleObserver* aIdleObserver,
const MPrinterDiscoveryObserver* aDiscoveryObserver,
const MPrintEventObserver* aEventObserver );
* Number of protocols getter
* @return number of protocols
TInt ProtocolCount();
* Protocol name getter
* @param aMessage message completed upon event arrival
* @return error code
TInt GetProtocolNameL(TDpMessage& aMessage);
private: // from MProtDiscoveryObserver
void FoundDeviceL(TPrinter& aDeviceInfo);
void DiscoveryStatusL(TInt aStatus, TInt aErrorCode, TInt aErrorStringCode);
void RemoveDeviceL(TPrinter& aDeviceInfo);
private: // from MProtPrintEventObserver
void PrintJobProgressEvent(TInt aStatus, TInt aPercent, TInt aJobStateCode);
void PrintJobErrorEvent(TInt aErrorCode, TInt aErrorStringCode);
void PrinterStatusEvent(TInt aErrorCode, TInt aErrorStringCode);
void PreviewImageEvent(TInt aFsBitmapHandle);
void ShowMessageL(TInt aMsgLine1Code, TInt aMsgLine2Code);
TBool AskYesNoQuestionL(TInt aMsgLine1Code, TInt aMsgLine2Code);
const TDesC& AskForInputL(TInt aMsgLine1Code, TInt aMsgLine2Code);
private: // from MProtIdleObserver
void StatusEvent(const TEvent &aEvent, TInt aError, TInt aMsgCode);
void ConstructL();
TInt FindInternalDeviceReference(TInt aExternalDeviceID, TInt& aInternalDeviceID, MProtPrintingDevice*& aProtToUse);
TInt ValidateImagesL(const RPointerArray<HBufC>& aImageList, TInt &aInvalidCount);
CDirectPrintScheduler& ActiveScheduler() const;
void TryNextDiscovery();
static TInt TryNextDiscoveryL(TAny* aObj);
void DoTryNextDiscoveryL();
/// Class loader and manager.
CDirectPrintProtocolsLoader* iClassLoader;
/// Pointer to store the current protocol in use for discovery.
MProtPrintingDevice* iCurrentProtocol;
/// Pointer to store the current protocol in use for creating a print job.
MProtPrintingDevice* iCurrentPrintJobProtocol;
/// DirectPrint Observer.
MPrinterDiscoveryObserver* iPrinterDiscoveryObserver;
/// DirectPrint Observer.
MPrintEventObserver* iPrinterPrintEventObserver;
/// DirectPrint Idle Observer.
MIdleObserver* iPrinterIdleObserver;
/// Used to store the requested protocols.
TUint iProtocolsRequested;
/// Array of the image filenames to print.
RPointerArray<HBufC> iImageFileNames;
/// Enables async discovery
CIdle* iIdleDiscovery;
TBool iDiscoveryCancelled;
// End of File