author William Roberts <>
Wed, 28 Apr 2010 13:20:55 +0100
changeset 13 f693f7318d3e
parent 0 d11fb78c4374
permissions -rw-r--r--
Merge in DirectPrint contribution from Kanrikogaku Kenkyusho, Ltd.

* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  

#include "cimageprint.h"
#include "cidleguard.h"
#include "cdiscoveryguard.h"
#include "cjobguard.h"
#include "clog.h"

const static TInt KImagePrintVersionMajor = 0;
const static TInt KImagePrintVersionMinor = 0;
const static TInt KImagePrintVersionBuild = 231;

Public member functions

CImagePrint::CImagePrint ()

/// Destructor.
CImagePrint::~CImagePrint ()
	LOG("CImagePrint::~CImagePrint BEGIN");
	delete iDiscoveryGuard;				
	delete iIdleGuard;
	delete iJobGuard;
	CCoeEnv::Static()->RemoveForegroundObserver( *this );	
    LOG("CImagePrint::~CImagePrint END");

 * @brief Initialize the server.
void CImagePrint::ConnectL()
	if( iClient.Handle() == KNullHandle )
		User::LeaveIfError( iClient.ConnectL() );
		iIdleGuard = CIdleGuard::NewL( iClient );
		iDiscoveryGuard  = CDiscoveryGuard::NewL( iClient );
		iJobGuard = CJobGuard::NewL( iClient );
		User::LeaveIfError( iClient.ReserveEngine() );
		iClient.SetForeground( ETrue );	//For aiw cases
		CCoeEnv::Static()->AddForegroundObserverL( *this );

 * @brief Shutdown the server.
void CImagePrint::Close()

 * @brief Returns the current version of the Image Print Server
 * @return The current version of the Image Print Server
TVersion CImagePrint::Version()
	return TVersion(KImagePrintVersionMajor, KImagePrintVersionMinor, KImagePrintVersionBuild);  // Julian Day,  August 18.

 *	@brief Starts the discovery process.
 *  Starts printer discovery on specified printer plug-ins. This is an asynchronous call that will use the 
 *  supplied MPrinterDiscoveryObserver to signal the client when Printers are found and upon error or successful completion.
 *	@param aObserver The discovery observer.
 *	@param aProtocols Used to indicate what protocols to search for. 0 = all, 1 = BPP, 2 = BIP, 4 = OPP_Printer, 8 = DPOF, 16 = PB, 32 = OPP_PC
 *	@return Any standard Symbian error code. 
 *      @sa KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_BPP @sa KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_BIP @sa KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_OPP_Printer 
 *      @sa KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_DPOF @sa KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_PictBridge @sa KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_OPP_PC
TInt CImagePrint::StartDiscoveryL(MPrinterDiscoveryObserver& aObserver, TUint aProtocols)
	return iDiscoveryGuard->Guard( aObserver, aProtocols );	

 * Cancels printer discovery on all printer plug-ins. This is an asynchronous call 
 *   that will use the MPrinterDiscoveryObserver previously supplied by 
 *   CImagePrint::StartDiscoveryL to signal the client upon error or successful completion.
 * @brief Cancels the discovery process.
 * @return \c KErrNone if cancel was successfully submitted, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
TInt CImagePrint::CancelDiscovery()
	return iClient.CancelDiscovery();

 *	Creates a print job using the default settings and template. All job information beyond the images and Printer are set to the defaults of the printer. 
 *	If the Printer Discovery process is ongoing when \c CreatePrintJobL is received, Printer Discovery is terminated, without sending a notification event to the Client.
 *	@brief Creates a print job in the specified printer.
 *	@param[in] aPrinterID The exposed ID of the printer where the client wishes to create the print job.
 *	@param aImages Array containing the full names of the files to print.
 *	@param aObserver The print event observer.
 *	@return Any standard Symbian error code or KErrInvalidSequence / KErrInvalidData.
 *  @note Only one print job can be active at a time.  The Print Job must be created before any 
 *      print job related functions are called.  These functions include changing settings, preview, job submission, canceling, or getting status.
TInt CImagePrint::CreatePrintJobL(TInt aPrinterID, RPointerArray<TDesC>& aImages, MPrintEventObserver& aObserver)
	return iJobGuard->Guard(aPrinterID, aImages, aObserver);

 *	@brief Submits a print job already created.
 *	@return Any standard Symbian error code or KErrInvalidSequence / KErrInvalidData.
 *  @note The actual job execution is asynchronous so this function returns immediately. If successful, notification of job status and job completion is received by the client through the MPrintEventObserver.
TInt CImagePrint::SubmitPrintJobL()
	return iClient.SubmitPrintJob();	

 *	@brief Cancels the print job.
 *	@return Any standard Symbian error code or KErrInvalidSequence / KErrInvalidData.
 *  @note This is an asynchronous command.  MPrintEventObserver::PrintJobProgressEvent will be called with the status of TPrintJobProgressEventStatus::EDone when the cancellation is completed.
 *  @note The notification can potentially be received by the client before this command returns to the client.
TInt CImagePrint::CancelPrintJob()
	return iClient.CancelPrintJob();

 *	@brief Continues printing and / or submitting a print job. Implementation may vary from protocol to protocol.
 *	@return Any standard Symbian error code or KErrInvalidSequence / KErrInvalidData.
TInt CImagePrint::ContinuePrintJobL()
	return iClient.ContinuePrintJob();		

 *	@brief Gets the number of pages to be printed.
 *	@return Number of pages to print. 
TInt CImagePrint::GetNumPrintPages()
	return iClient.GetNumPrintPages();

 *	@brief Gets the status of the printing job created.
 *	@return Printing job status.
TInt CImagePrint::GetJobStatus()
	return iClient.GetJobStatus();

 *	@brief Gets the status of the printer.
 *	@param[in] aPrinterID The exposed ID of the printer the client wants to know about.
 *	@return Any standard Symbian error code or KErrInvalidSequence / KErrInvalidData.
TInt CImagePrint::GetPrinterStatus( TInt aPrinterID )
	return iClient.GetPrinterStatus( aPrinterID );

 *	@brief Gets the IDs of the capabilities supported by the printer specified.
 *	@param[in] aPrinterID The exposed ID of the printer the client wants to know about.
 *	@param[out] aCapabilityIDs Array containing the ID's of the capabilities of the specified printer.
 *	@return Any standard Symbian error code or KErrInvalidSequence / KErrInvalidData.
TInt CImagePrint::GetPrinterCapabilityIDsL(TInt aPrinterID, RArray<TInt>& aCapabilityIDs)
	return iClient.GetPrinterCapabilityIDs(aPrinterID, aCapabilityIDs);

 *	@brief Gets the detail of a certain capability of a certain printer.
 *	@param[in] aPrinterID The exposed ID of the printer the client wants to know about.
 *	@param[in] aCapabilityID ID of the capability of interest.
 *	@param[out] aCapability Capability information.
 *	@return Any standard Symbian error code or KErrInvalidSequence / KErrInvalidData.
TInt CImagePrint::GetPrinterCapabilityL(TInt aPrinterID, TInt aCapabilityID, TPrintCapability& aCapability)
	return iClient.GetPrinterCapability(aPrinterID, aCapabilityID, aCapability);

 *	@brief Gets a setting configured for the created print job.
 *	@param[in] aCapabilityID ID of the capability of interest.
 *	@param[out] aValue Capability value.
 *	@return Any standard Symbian error code or KErrInvalidSequence / KErrInvalidData.
TInt CImagePrint::GetJobSetting(TInt aCapabilityID, TInt& aValue)
	return iClient.GetJobSetting(aCapabilityID, aValue);

 *	@brief Sets a print job setting.
 *	@param[in] aCapabilityID ID of the capability of interest.
 *	@param[in] aValue New capability value.
 *	@param[out] aAffectedCapability ID of any affected capability.
 *	@return Any standard Symbian error code or KErrInvalidSequence / KErrInvalidData.
TInt CImagePrint::SetJobSettingL(TInt aCapabilityID, TInt aValue, TInt& aAffectedCapability)
	return iClient.SetJobSetting(aCapabilityID, aValue, aAffectedCapability);

 *	@brief Gets the number of pages in the preview.
 *	@return Number of pages in the preview. 
TInt CImagePrint::GetNumPreviewPages()
	return iClient.GetNumPreviewPages();	

 *	@brief Gets the icon representing a given layout or template.
 *	@param[in] aTemplateID ID of the template / layout of interest.
 *	@param[out] aFbsBitmapHandle Handle to the appropriate bitmap.
 *	@return Any standard Symbian error code or KErrInvalidSequence / KErrInvalidData.
TInt CImagePrint::GetJobTemplateIconL(TInt /*aTemplateID*/, TInt& /*aFbsBitmapHandle*/)
	return KErrNotSupported;	

 *	@brief Gets number of copies for each image.
 *	@param[out] aArray contains number of copies for each image.
 *	@return Any standard Symbian error code or KErrInvalidSequence / KErrInvalidData.
TInt CImagePrint::GetNumberOfCopies( RArray<TInt>& /*aArray*/ )
    return KErrNotSupported;

 *	@brief Sets number of copies for each image.
 *	@param[in] aArray contains number of copies for each image.
 *	@return Any standard Symbian error code or KErrInvalidSequence / KErrInvalidData.
TInt CImagePrint::SetNumberOfCopies( const RArray<TInt>& aArray )
    return iClient.SetNumberOfCopies( aArray );

 *	@brief Creates a preview image.
 *	@param[in] aPageNumber Page number to create preview image of.
 *	@return Any standard Symbian error code or KErrInvalidSequence / KErrInvalidData.
TInt CImagePrint::CreatePreviewImage(TInt /*aPageNumber*/)
	return KErrNotSupported;		

 *	@brief Removes a specified cached printer.
 *	@param[in] aPrinterID The exposed ID of the printer the client wants to remove.
 *	@return Any standard Symbian error code or KErrInvalidSequence / KErrInvalidData.k
TInt CImagePrint::RemoveCachedPrinterL(TInt aPrinterID)
	return iClient.RemoveCachedPrinter( aPrinterID );	

 *	@brief Returns the Protocols supported by the DLL. It can be any of the KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol* constants.
 *	@return An OR'ed value with the supported protocols information.
 *	@sa KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_BPP @sa KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_BIP @sa KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_OPP 
 *	@sa KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_DPOF @sa KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_PictBridge
TUint CImagePrint::SupportedProtocols()
	return iClient.SupportedProtocols();

 *  @brief Registers the IdleObserver to send idle event notifications
 *  @param A pointer to an object implementing MIdleObserver interface that will be notified of events
 *  @note In order to stop sending notifications, send NULL as the parameter.
void CImagePrint::RegisterIdleObserver(MIdleObserver *aObserver)
	iIdleGuard->Guard( aObserver );

void CImagePrint::HandleGainingForeground()
	iClient.SetForeground( ETrue );
void CImagePrint::HandleLosingForeground()
	iClient.SetForeground( EFalse );

//  End of File