changeset 20 93c594350b9a
parent 19 cce62ebc198e
--- a/radioapp/radiouiengine/src/radiouiengine.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:15:02 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,596 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-// System includes
-#include <QScopedPointer>
-#include <QProcess>
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <QDesktopServices>
-#include <QUrl>
-#ifdef BUILD_WIN32
-#   include <QSettings>
-#   include <XQSettingsManager>
-#endif // WIN32_BUILD
-// User includes
-#include "radiouiengine.h"
-#include "radiouiengine_p.h"
-#include "radioenginewrapper.h"
-#include "radiostationmodel.h"
-#include "radiohistorymodel.h"
-#include "radiohistoryitem.h"
-#include "radiosettings.h"
-#include "radioscannerengine.h"
-#include "radiogenrelocalizer.h"
-#include "radiologger.h"
-// Constants
-const uint RADIO_CENREP_UID = 0x2002FF52;
-const uint RADIO_CENREP_FREQUENCY_KEY = 0x207;
-const uint RADIO_CENREP_HEADSET_VOLUME = 0x200;
-const QLatin1String OVI_STORE_URL( "" );
-const QLatin1String OTHER_STORE_URL( "" );
-const QLatin1String OTHER_STORE_ARTIST_TAG( "#artist#" );
-const QLatin1String OTHER_STORE_TITLE_TAG( "#title#" );
-const char WHITESPACE = ' ';
-// Constants used when launching radio server
-const QLatin1String RADIO_SERVER_NAME( "radioserver.exe" );
-const QLatin1String RADIO_RANGE_USEURO( "useuro" );
-const QLatin1String RADIO_RANGE_JAPAN( "japan" );
-// ====== STATIC FUNCTIONS ========
- * Gets the last tuned frequency from central repository
- */
-uint RadioUiEngine::lastTunedFrequency( uint defaultFrequency )
-    uint frequency = defaultFrequency;
-#ifdef BUILD_WIN32
-    QScopedPointer<QSettings> settings( new QSettings( "Nokia", "QtFmRadio" ) );
-    frequency = settings->value( "CurrentFreq", DEFAULT_MIN_FREQUENCY ).toUInt();
-    if ( frequency == 0 ) {
-        frequency = defaultFrequency;
-    }
-    QScopedPointer<XQSettingsManager> settings( new XQSettingsManager() );
-    XQSettingsKey key( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, RADIO_CENREP_UID, RADIO_CENREP_FREQUENCY_KEY );
-    frequency = settings->readItemValue( key, XQSettingsManager::TypeInt ).toUInt();
-    if ( frequency == 0 ) {
-        frequency = defaultFrequency;
-    }
-    return frequency;
- * Gets the last used volume level
- */
-int RadioUiEngine::lastVolume()
-    int volume = DEFAULT_VOLUME_LEVEL;
-#ifndef BUILD_WIN32
-    QScopedPointer<XQSettingsManager> settings( new XQSettingsManager() );
-    XQSettingsKey key( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, RADIO_CENREP_UID, RADIO_CENREP_HEADSET_VOLUME );
-    volume = settings->readItemValue( key, XQSettingsManager::TypeInt ).toInt();
-    if ( volume == 0 ) {
-        volume = DEFAULT_VOLUME_LEVEL;
-    }
-    return volume;
- * Launches the radio server process
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::launchRadioServer()
-    QStringList args;
-    args << RADIO_RANGE_USEURO; //TODO: Determine current region
-    args << QString::number( lastTunedFrequency( 0 ) );
-    args << QString::number( lastVolume() );
-    QProcess serverProcess;
-    bool success = serverProcess.startDetached( RADIO_SERVER_NAME, args );
-    LOG_ASSERT( success, LOG( "Failed to start radio server!" ) );
-// ====== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
- *
- */
-RadioUiEngine::RadioUiEngine( QObject* parent ) :
-    QObject( parent ),
-    d_ptr( new RadioUiEnginePrivate( this ) )
- *
- */
- *
- */
-bool RadioUiEngine::isInitialized() const
-    Q_D( const RadioUiEngine );
-    return !d->mEngineWrapper.isNull();
- *
- */
-bool RadioUiEngine::init()
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->init();
- *
- */
-bool RadioUiEngine::isFirstTimeStart()
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->mEngineWrapper->settings().isFirstTimeStart();
- *
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::setFirstTimeStartPerformed( bool firstTimeStartPerformed )
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    d->mEngineWrapper->settings().setFirstTimeStartPerformed( firstTimeStartPerformed );
- *
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::setPowerOn()
-    setMute( false );
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    if ( d->mPowerOffTimer ) {
-        d->mPowerOffTimer->stop();
-        d->mPowerOffTimer->deleteLater();
-        d->mPowerOffTimer = NULL;
-    }
- *
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::setPowerOff( int delay )
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    d->mEngineWrapper->setMute( true, false );
-    if ( delay > 0 ) {
-        if ( !d->mPowerOffTimer ) {
-            d->mPowerOffTimer = new QTimer( this );
-            Radio::connect( d->mPowerOffTimer,  SIGNAL(timeout()),
-                            this,               SIGNAL(powerOffRequested()) );
-        }
-        d->mPowerOffTimer->start( delay );
-    } else {
-        emit powerOffRequested();
-    }
- *
- */
-bool RadioUiEngine::isPoweringOff() const
-    Q_D( const RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->mPowerOffTimer && d->mPowerOffTimer->isActive();
- * Returns the settings handler owned by the engine
- */
-RadioSettingsIf& RadioUiEngine::settings()
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->mEngineWrapper->settings();
- * Returns the station model
- */
-RadioStationModel& RadioUiEngine::stationModel()
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    return *d->mStationModel;
- * Returns the history model
- */
-RadioHistoryModel& RadioUiEngine::historyModel()
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    return *d->mHistoryModel;
- * Creates a scanner engine and returns a pointer to it
- * The returned pointer is wrapped inside a QScopedPointer to ensure this won't
- * leak memory. The returned engine will be deleted even if the caller ignored
- * the return value.
- */
-RadioScannerEnginePtr RadioUiEngine::createScannerEngine()
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-#if defined BUILD_WIN32 || defined __WINS__
-    Q_ASSERT_X( !d->mScannerEngine, "RadioUiEngine::createScannerEngine", "Previous scanner instance not freed" );
-    RadioScannerEnginePtr enginePtr( new RadioScannerEngine( *d ) );
-    d->mScannerEngine = enginePtr;
-    return enginePtr;
- *
- */
-RadioScannerEngine* RadioUiEngine::scannerEngine()
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->;
- *
- */
-bool RadioUiEngine::isRadioOn() const
-    Q_D( const RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->mEngineWrapper->isRadioOn();
- *
- */
-bool RadioUiEngine::isScanning() const
-    Q_D( const RadioUiEngine );
-    if ( d->mScannerEngine ) {
-        return d->>isScanning();
-    }
-    return false;
- *
- */
-bool RadioUiEngine::isMuted() const
-    Q_D( const RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->mEngineWrapper->isMuted();
- *
- */
-bool RadioUiEngine::isAntennaAttached() const
-    Q_D( const RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->mEngineWrapper->isAntennaAttached();
- *
- */
-bool RadioUiEngine::isUsingLoudspeaker() const
-    Q_D( const RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->mEngineWrapper->isUsingLoudspeaker();
- * Returns the selected radio region
- */
-RadioRegion::Region RadioUiEngine::region() const
-    Q_D( const RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->mEngineWrapper->region();
- * Returns the currently tuned frequency
- */
-uint RadioUiEngine::currentFrequency() const
-    Q_D( const RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->mEngineWrapper->currentFrequency();
- * Returns the minimum frequency
- */
-uint RadioUiEngine::minFrequency() const
-    Q_D( const RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->mEngineWrapper->minFrequency();
- * Returns the maximum frequency
- */
-uint RadioUiEngine::maxFrequency() const
-    Q_D( const RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->mEngineWrapper->maxFrequency();
- * Returns the frequency step size from the selected region
- */
-uint RadioUiEngine::frequencyStepSize() const
-    Q_D( const RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->mEngineWrapper->frequencyStepSize();
- * Sets the mute status
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::setMute( bool muted )
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    d->mEngineWrapper->setMute( muted );
- *
- */
-QList<RadioStation> RadioUiEngine::stationsInRange( uint minFrequency, uint maxFrequency )
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->mStationModel->stationsInRange( minFrequency, maxFrequency );
- *
- */
-QString RadioUiEngine::genreToString( int genre, GenreTarget::Target target )
-    return RadioGenreLocalizer::genreToString( region(), genre, target );
- *
- */
-bool RadioUiEngine::isSongRecognitionAppAvailable()
-    //TODO: Implement Shazam support
-    return false;
- *
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::addRecognizedSong( const QString& artist, const QString& title, const RadioStation& station )
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    d->mHistoryModel->addItem( artist, title, station );
- *
- */
-uint RadioUiEngine::skipStation( StationSkip::Mode mode, uint startFrequency, const int reason )
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->skip( mode, startFrequency, reason );
- *
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::openMusicStore( const RadioHistoryItem& item, MusicStore store )
-    QString artist = item.artist();
-    QString title = item.title();
-    QString url = store == OviStore ? OVI_STORE_URL : OTHER_STORE_URL;
-    url.replace( OTHER_STORE_ARTIST_TAG, artist );
-    url.replace( OTHER_STORE_TITLE_TAG, title );
-    launchBrowser( url );
- *
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::launchBrowser( const QString& url )
-    QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl( url ) );
- * Sets or unsets the engine to manual seek mode
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::setManualSeekMode( bool manualSeek )
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    d->mEngineWrapper->setManualSeekMode( manualSeek );
- * Checks if the engine is in manual seek mode
- */
-bool RadioUiEngine::isInManualSeekMode() const
-    Q_D( const RadioUiEngine );
-    return d->mEngineWrapper->isInManualSeekMode();
- * Tunes the radio engine to given frequency
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::setFrequency( uint frequency, const int reason )
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    if ( frequency != d->mStationModel->currentStation().frequency() && d->mEngineWrapper->isFrequencyValid( frequency ) ) {
-        LOG_FORMAT( "RadioUiEngine::tuneFrequency, frequency: %d", frequency );
-        d->cancelSeeking();
-        d->mEngineWrapper->setFrequency( frequency, reason );
-    }
- * Public slot
- * volume update command slot for the engine
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::setVolume( int volume )
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    d->mEngineWrapper->setVolume( volume );
- * Public slot
- *
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::toggleMute()
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    if ( !isScanning() ) {
-        d->mEngineWrapper->setMute( !d->mEngineWrapper->isMuted() );
-    }
- * Public slot
- *
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::toggleAudioRoute()
-    Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-    d->mEngineWrapper->toggleAudioRoute();
- * Public slot
- *
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::seekStation( int seekDirection )
-    if ( isAntennaAttached() ) {
-        Q_D( RadioUiEngine );
-        Seek::Direction direction = static_cast<Seek::Direction>( seekDirection );
-        emitSeekingStarted( direction );
-        d->mEngineWrapper->startSeeking( direction, TuneReason::Seek );
-    }
- * Public slot
- *
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::launchSongRecognition()
-    //TODO: Implement Shazam support
- * Function used by the private implementation to emit a tunedToFrequency signal
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::emitTunedToFrequency( uint frequency, int commandSender )
-    emit tunedToFrequency( frequency, commandSender );
- * Function used by the private implementation to emit a seekingStarted signal
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::emitSeekingStarted( Seek::Direction direction )
-    emit seekingStarted( direction );
- * Function used by the private implementation to emit a radioStatusChanged signal
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::emitRadioStatusChanged( bool radioIsOn )
-    emit radioStatusChanged( radioIsOn );
- * Function used by the private implementation to emit a rdsAvailabilityChanged signal
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::emitRdsAvailabilityChanged( bool available )
-    emit rdsAvailabilityChanged( available );
- * Function used by the private implementation to emit a volumeChanged signal
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::emitVolumeChanged( int volume )
-    emit volumeChanged( volume );
- * Function used by the private implementation to emit a muteChanged signal
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::emitMuteChanged( bool muted )
-    emit muteChanged( muted );
- * Function used by the private implementation to emit a audioRouteChanged signal
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::emitAudioRouteChanged( bool loudspeaker )
-    emit audioRouteChanged( loudspeaker );
- * Function used by the private implementation to emit a antennaStatusChanged signal
- */
-void RadioUiEngine::emitAntennaStatusChanged( bool connected )
-    emit antennaStatusChanged( connected );