changeset 20 93c594350b9a
parent 19 cce62ebc198e
--- a/radioapp/radiowidgets/src/radiofrequencystripbase.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:15:02 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,836 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-// System includes
-#include <HbDocumentLoader>
-#include <HbEffect>
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QStringListModel>
-#include <QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent>
-#include <QPen>
-#include <HbPushButton>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <HbColorScheme>
-#include <HbEvent>
-#include <HbSwipeGesture>
-#include <HbDeviceProfile>
-#include <QDebug>
-// User includes
-#include "radiofrequencystripbase.h"
-#include "radiofrequencystripdef.h"
-#include "radiofrequencyitem.h"
- * Convenience function to check signal-slot connections
- */
-static bool connectAndCheck( const QObject* sender, const char* signal,
-                             const QObject* receiver, const char* member,
-                             Qt::ConnectionType type = Qt::AutoConnection )
-    bool connected = QObject::connect( sender, signal, receiver, member, type );
-    if ( !connected ) {
-        qDebug() << "Failed to make a signal-slot connection!";
-        qDebug() << "sender: " << sender->metaObject()->className();
-        qDebug() << "signal: " << signal;
-        qDebug() << "receiver: " << receiver->metaObject()->className();
-        qDebug() << "slot/signal: " << signal;
-        Q_ASSERT( false );
-        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
-        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    }
-    return connected;
- *
- */
-RadioFrequencyStripBase::RadioFrequencyStripBase( QGraphicsItem* parent ) :
-    RadioStripBase( parent ),
-    mItemHeight( 8 ),
-    mMinFrequency( 87500000 ),
-    mMaxFrequency( 108000000 ),
-    mFrequencyStepSize( 100000 ),
-    mFrequency( 87500000 ),
-    mSelectorImage( new QGraphicsPixmapItem( this ) ),
-    mSeparatorPos( 0.0 ),
-    mMaxWidth( 0 ),
-    mSelectorPos( 0.0 ),
-    mLeftButton( 0 ),
-    mRightButton( 0 ),
-    mManualSeekTimer( NULL ),
-    mManualSeekMode( false ),
-    mLastReportedFrequency( 0 ),
-    mManualSeekTimerId( 0 ),
-    mForegroundColor( Qt::white )//HbColorScheme::color( FrequencyStrip::TEXT_COLOR_ATTRIBUTE ) )
-    setScrollingStyle( HbScrollArea::PanWithFollowOn );
-    setItemSize( QSizeF( FrequencyStrip::ITEM_WIDTH + FrequencyStrip::PIXMAP_OVERLAP / 2, mItemHeight ) );
-    setOverlap( FrequencyStrip::PIXMAP_OVERLAP / 2 );
- * Property
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::setItemHeight( int itemHeight )
-    mItemHeight = itemHeight;
- * Property
- */
-int RadioFrequencyStripBase::itemHeight() const
-    return mItemHeight;
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::initbase( uint minFrequency, uint maxFrequency, uint stepSize, uint frequency )
-    mMinFrequency       = minFrequency;
-    mMaxFrequency       = maxFrequency;
-    mFrequencyStepSize  = stepSize;
-    mFrequency          = frequency;
-    initModel();
-    initEmptyItems();
-    initPositions();
-    HbDeviceProfile deviceProfile;
-    mItemHeight = static_cast<int>( mItemHeight * deviceProfile.unitValue() );
-    mManualSeekTimer = new QTimer( this );
-    mManualSeekTimer->setInterval( FrequencyStrip::MANUALSEEK_START_TIMEOUT );
-    mManualSeekTimer->setSingleShot( true );
-    connectAndCheck( mManualSeekTimer,   SIGNAL(timeout()),
-                     this,               SLOT(toggleManualSeek()) );
-    connectAndCheck( this,           SIGNAL(scrollingEnded()),
-                     this,           SLOT(handleScrollingEnd()) );
-    grabGesture( Qt::SwipeGesture );
-    //TODO: Remove. Stepsize temporarily hardcoded to 100 Khz in europe region
-    if ( mFrequencyStepSize < FrequencyStrip::ONE_HUNDRED_KHZ ) {
-        mFrequencyStepSize = FrequencyStrip::ONE_HUNDRED_KHZ;
-    }
-    updateAllItems();
-    showButtons();
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::createButtonsFromDocml( HbDocumentLoader& uiLoader, const QString& leftButtonName, const QString& rightButtonName )
-    Q_ASSERT( !mLeftButton && !mRightButton );
-    mLeftButton = qobject_cast<HbPushButton*>( uiLoader.findWidget( leftButtonName ) );
-    mRightButton = qobject_cast<HbPushButton*>( uiLoader.findWidget( rightButtonName ) );
-    initButtons();
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::createButtons()
-    Q_ASSERT( !mLeftButton && !mRightButton );
-    mLeftButton = new HbPushButton( this );
-    mRightButton = new HbPushButton( this );
-    mLeftButton->setIcon( HbIcon( "qtg_mono_previous" ) );
-    mRightButton->setIcon( HbIcon( "qtg_mono_next" ) );
-    initButtons();
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::setFrequency( const uint frequency, int reason, Scroll::Direction direction )
-    if ( mFrequencies.contains( frequency ) ) {
-        scrollToFrequency( frequency, direction, mAutoScrollTime );
-    }
- *
- */
-uint RadioFrequencyStripBase::frequency() const
-    return mFrequency;
- *
- */
-bool RadioFrequencyStripBase::isInManualSeekMode() const
-    return mManualSeekMode;
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::cancelManualSeek()
-    mManualSeekTimer->stop();
-    if ( mManualSeekMode ) {
-        toggleManualSeek();
-    }
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::addScannedStation( uint frequency )
-    FrequencyPos pos = mFrequencies.value( frequency );
-    updateItem( pos.mItem, frequency );
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::updateFavorite( uint frequency )
-    FrequencyPos pos = mFrequencies.value( frequency );
-    updateItem( pos.mItem );
- * Public slot
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::setScanningMode( bool isScanning )
-    mManualSeekTimer->stop();
-    if ( isScanning ) {
-        initEmptyItems();
-        hideButtons();
-        scrollToFrequency( mMinFrequency, Scroll::Shortest, mAutoScrollTime );
-    } else {
-        showButtons();
-    }
-    setEnabled( !isScanning );
- * Private slot
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::initEmptyItems()
-    //TODO: Remove the weird hack of checking the sender
-    if ( !sender() || !isScanning() ) {
-        QList<FrequencyStrip::StationMarker> emptyList;
-        foreach ( RadioFrequencyItem* item, mFrequencyItems ) {
-            QPixmap pixmap = drawPixmap( item->frequency(), emptyList, item );
-            item->setPixmap( pixmap );
-        }
-    }
- * Private slot
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::removeStation( const QModelIndex& parent, int first, int last )
-    Q_UNUSED( parent );
-    updateStationsInRange( first, last, true );
- * Private slot
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::updateStation( const QModelIndex& parent, int first, int last )
-    Q_UNUSED( parent );
-    updateStationsInRange( first, last );
- * Private slot
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::handleLeftButton()
-    skipToPrevious();
- * Private slot
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::handleRightButton()
-    skipToNext();
- * Private slot
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::handleLongLeftButton()
-    seekDown();
- * Private slot
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::handleLongRightButton()
-    seekUp();
- * Private slot
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::toggleManualSeek()
-    mManualSeekMode = !mManualSeekMode;
-    emit manualSeekChanged( mManualSeekMode );
-    if ( mManualSeekMode ) {
-        grabMouse();
-        hideButtons();
-        mManualSeekTimerId = startTimer( FrequencyStrip::MANUALSEEK_SIGNAL_DELAY );
-    } else {
-        ungrabMouse();
-        showButtons();
-        killTimer( mManualSeekTimerId );
-        mManualSeekTimerId = 0;
-    }
- * Private slot
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::handleScrollingEnd()
-    // Check if the selector is in the invalid area where the strip loops around
-    const int selectorPosition = selectorPos();
-    if ( mManualSeekMode ) {
-        if ( !mPositions.contains( selectorPosition ) ) {
-            if ( selectorPosition < mMaxWidth - FrequencyStrip::ITEM_WIDTH + mSeparatorPos ) {
-                scrollToFrequency( mMaxFrequency, Scroll::Shortest, 500 );
-                emitFrequencyChanged( mMaxFrequency, FrequencyStrip::ManualSeekUpdate, Scroll::Shortest );
-            } else {
-                scrollToFrequency( mMinFrequency, Scroll::Shortest, 500 );
-                emitFrequencyChanged( mMinFrequency, FrequencyStrip::ManualSeekUpdate, Scroll::Shortest );
-            }
-        }
-        mManualSeekTimer->start( FrequencyStrip::MANUALSEEK_END_TIMEOUT );
-    }
- * \reimp
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::updateItemPrimitive( QGraphicsItem* itemToUpdate, int itemIndex )
-    QGraphicsPixmapItem* item = static_cast<QGraphicsPixmapItem*>( itemToUpdate );
-    if ( itemIndex < mFrequencyItems.count() ) {
-        item->setPixmap( itemIndex )->updatePrimitive( item ) );
-    }
- * \reimp
- */
-QGraphicsItem* RadioFrequencyStripBase::createItemPrimitive( QGraphicsItem* parent )
-    return new QGraphicsPixmapItem( parent );
- * \reimp
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::scrollPosChanged()
-    if ( mManualSeekMode ) {
-        const int pos = selectorPos();
-        const uint frequency = mPositions.value( pos );
-        if ( frequency > 0 ) {
-            mFrequency = mPositions.value( pos );
-            emitFrequencyChanged( mFrequency, FrequencyStrip::ManualSeekUpdate, Scroll::Shortest );
-        }
-    }
- * \reimp
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::resizeEvent ( QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent* event )
-    RadioStripBase::resizeEvent( event );
-    initSelector();
-    const qreal height = event->newSize().height();
-    const qreal width = event->newSize().width();
-    mSelectorPos = width / 2;
-    mSelectorImage->setOffset( mSelectorPos - ( FrequencyStrip::INDICATOR_WIDTH / 2 ), 0.0 );
-    if ( mLeftButton && mRightButton ) {
-        mLeftButton->resize( height, height );
-        mRightButton->resize( height, height );
-        mRightButton->setPos( QPointF( width - height, 0 ) );
-    }
-    scrollToFrequency( mFrequency );
- * \reimp
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::changeEvent( QEvent* event )
-    if ( event->type() == HbEvent::ThemeChanged ) {
-        // Update the foreground color and redraw each item
-        mForegroundColor = Qt::white;// HbColorScheme::color( FrequencyStrip::TEXT_COLOR_ATTRIBUTE );
-        updateAllItems();
-    }
-    return RadioStripBase::changeEvent(event);
- * \reimp
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::mousePressEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event )
-    RadioStripBase::mousePressEvent( event );
-    mManualSeekTimer->stop();
-    if ( mManualSeekMode ) {
-        const bool insideStrip = rect().contains( event->pos() );
-        if ( !insideStrip ) {
-            toggleManualSeek();
-        }
-    } else {
-        mManualSeekTimer->start( FrequencyStrip::MANUALSEEK_START_TIMEOUT );
-    }
- * \reimp
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::mouseReleaseEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event )
-    RadioStripBase::mouseReleaseEvent( event );
-    mManualSeekTimer->stop();
-    if ( mManualSeekMode ) {
-        mManualSeekTimer->start( FrequencyStrip::MANUALSEEK_END_TIMEOUT );
-    }
- * \reimp
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::gestureEvent( QGestureEvent* event )
-    HbSwipeGesture* swipeGesture = static_cast<HbSwipeGesture*>( event->gesture( Qt::SwipeGesture ) );
-    if ( swipeGesture && !mManualSeekMode ) {
-        if ( swipeGesture->state() == Qt::GestureFinished ) {
-            if ( swipeGesture->horizontalDirection() == QSwipeGesture::Left ) {
-                skipToNext();
-            } else if ( swipeGesture->horizontalDirection() == QSwipeGesture::Right ) {
-                skipToPrevious();
-            }
-        }
-    } else if ( mManualSeekMode ) {
-        RadioStripBase::gestureEvent( event );
-    }
- * \reimp
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::timerEvent( QTimerEvent* event )
-    Q_UNUSED( event );
-    if ( mLastReportedFrequency != mFrequency ) {
-        mLastReportedFrequency = mFrequency;
-        emitFrequencyChanged( mFrequency, FrequencyStrip::ManualSeekTune, Scroll::Shortest );
-    }
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::initModel()
-    const uint minFreq = uint( qreal(mMinFrequency) / FrequencyStrip::ONE_HERTZ + FrequencyStrip::ROUNDER );
-    const uint maxFreq = uint( qreal(mMaxFrequency) / FrequencyStrip::ONE_HERTZ + 0.9 ); // always round up
-    QStringList list;
-    QString freqText;
-    for ( uint i = minFreq; i <= maxFreq; ++i ) {
-        freqText = QString::number( i );
-        list.append( freqText );
-        mFrequencyItems.append( new RadioFrequencyItem( freqText ) );
-    }
-    mFrequencyItems.append( new RadioFrequencyItem( "" ) );
-    list.append( "" );
-    mMaxWidth = list.count() * FrequencyStrip::ITEM_WIDTH;
-    mSeparatorPos = qreal(FrequencyStrip::ITEM_WIDTH) / 2;
-    const uint minDrawableFreq = minFreq * FrequencyStrip::ONE_HERTZ - FrequencyStrip::HALF_HERTZ;;
-    const uint maxDrawableFreq = maxFreq * FrequencyStrip::ONE_HERTZ + FrequencyStrip::HALF_HERTZ;
-    mSeparatorPos += qreal( ( mMinFrequency  - minDrawableFreq ) / 2 ) / FrequencyStrip::PIXEL_IN_HZ;
-    mSeparatorPos -= qreal( ( maxDrawableFreq - mMaxFrequency ) / 2 ) / FrequencyStrip::PIXEL_IN_HZ;
-    setModel( new QStringListModel( list, this ) );
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::initSelector()
-    QPixmap selectorPixmap = QPixmap( QSize( FrequencyStrip::SELECTOR_WIDTH, (int)size().height() ) );
-    selectorPixmap.fill( Qt::red );
-    mSelectorImage->setPixmap( selectorPixmap );
-    mSelectorImage->setZValue( FrequencyStrip::SELECTOR_Z_POS );
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::initPositions()
-    int prevPos = 0;
-    int nextPos = 0;
-    const int lastPos = mFrequencies.value( mMaxFrequency ).mPosition;
-    for ( int i = mFrequencies.value( mMinFrequency ).mPosition; i < lastPos; ++i ) {
-        if ( mPositions.contains( i ) ) {
-            prevPos = i;
-            const uint freq = mPositions.value( prevPos ) + mFrequencyStepSize;
-            if ( mFrequencies.contains( freq ) ) {
-                nextPos = mFrequencies.value( freq ).mPosition;
-            } else {
-                nextPos = prevPos;
-            }
-        } else {
-            const int nearestHit = ( i - prevPos ) < ( nextPos - i ) ? prevPos : nextPos;
-            mPositions.insert( i, mPositions.value( nearestHit ) );
-        }
-    }
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::initButtons()
-    Q_ASSERT( mLeftButton && mRightButton );
-    connectAndCheck( mLeftButton,    SIGNAL(clicked()),
-                     this,           SLOT(handleLeftButton()) );
-    connectAndCheck( mRightButton,   SIGNAL(clicked()),
-                     this,           SLOT(handleRightButton()) );
-    connectAndCheck( mLeftButton,    SIGNAL(longPress(QPointF)),
-                     this,           SLOT(handleLongLeftButton()) );
-    connectAndCheck( mRightButton,   SIGNAL(longPress(QPointF)),
-                     this,           SLOT(handleLongRightButton()) );
-    mLeftButton->setZValue( FrequencyStrip::SELECTOR_Z_POS );
-    mLeftButton->setObjectName( FrequencyStrip::LEFT_BUTTON );
-    mRightButton->setZValue( FrequencyStrip::SELECTOR_Z_POS );
-    mRightButton->setObjectName( FrequencyStrip::RIGHT_BUTTON );
-    const qreal height = size().height();
-    const qreal width = size().width();
-    mLeftButton->resize( height, height );
-    mRightButton->resize( height, height );
-    mRightButton->setPos( QPointF( width - height, 0 ) );
-    // Add left button effects
-    QStringList pathList;
-    pathList << ":/effects/slide_to_left.fxml" << ":/effects/slide_from_left.fxml";
-    QStringList eventList;
-    eventList << FrequencyStrip::SLIDE_TO_LEFT << FrequencyStrip::SLIDE_FROM_LEFT;
-    HbEffect::add( mLeftButton, pathList, eventList );
-    // Add right button effects
-    pathList.clear();
-    pathList << ":/effects/slide_to_right.fxml" << ":/effects/slide_from_right.fxml";
-    eventList.clear();
-    eventList << FrequencyStrip::SLIDE_TO_RIGHT << FrequencyStrip::SLIDE_FROM_RIGHT;
-    HbEffect::add( mRightButton, pathList, eventList );
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::addFrequencyPos( int pos, uint frequency, RadioFrequencyItem* item )
-    mFrequencies.insert( frequency, FrequencyPos( pos, item ) );
-    mPositions.insert( pos, frequency );
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::updateStationsInRange( int first, int last, bool stationRemoved )
-    if ( !isScanning() ) {
-        uint frequency = 0;
-        for ( int i = first; i <= last; ++i ) {
-            frequency = frequencyAtIndex( i );
-            if ( mFrequencies.contains( frequency ) ) {
-                FrequencyPos pos = mFrequencies.value( frequency );
-                updateItem( pos.mItem, 0, stationRemoved ? frequency : 0 );
-            }
-        }
-    }
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::updateItem( RadioFrequencyItem* item, uint upperRange, uint ignoredFrequency )
-    if ( item ) {
-        uint frequency = item->frequency();
-        QList<FrequencyStrip::StationMarker> markers;
-        if ( upperRange == 0 ) {
-            upperRange = frequency + FrequencyStrip::HALF_HERTZ;
-        }
-        if ( isInitialized() ) {
-            markers = stationsInRange( frequency - FrequencyStrip::HALF_HERTZ, upperRange );
-            for ( int i = markers.count() - 1; ignoredFrequency > 0 && i >= 0; --i ) {
-                if ( markers[i].mFrequency == ignoredFrequency ) {
-                    markers.removeAt( i );
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        QPixmap pixmap = drawPixmap( frequency, markers, item );
-        item->setPixmap( pixmap );
-        foreach ( const FrequencyStrip::StationMarker& marker, markers ) {
-            FrequencyPos pos = mFrequencies.value( marker.mFrequency );
-            mFrequencies.insert( marker.mFrequency, pos );
-        }
-    }
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::updateAllItems()
-    foreach ( RadioFrequencyItem* item, mFrequencyItems ) {
-        updateItem( item );
-    }
- *
- */
-QPixmap RadioFrequencyStripBase::drawPixmap( uint frequency, QList<FrequencyStrip::StationMarker> stations, RadioFrequencyItem* item )
-    QPixmap pixmap( FrequencyStrip::PIXMAP_WIDTH, mItemHeight );
-    pixmap.fill( Qt::transparent );
-    QPainter painter( &pixmap );
-    QPen normalPen = painter.pen();
-    QPen favoritePen = normalPen;
-    normalPen.setColor( mForegroundColor );
-    painter.setPen( normalPen );
-    if ( frequency == 0 ) {
-        painter.drawLine( makeTab( mSeparatorPos - 1 + FrequencyStrip::ROUNDER, mItemHeight ) );
-        painter.drawLine( makeTab( mSeparatorPos + FrequencyStrip::ROUNDER, mItemHeight ) );
-        return pixmap;
-    }
-    const QString itemText = QString::number( frequency / FrequencyStrip::ONE_HERTZ );
-    const uint startFrequency = frequency - FrequencyStrip::HALF_HERTZ;
-    const uint endFrequency = startFrequency + FrequencyStrip::ONE_HERTZ;
-    const uint  roundedMin = int( qreal(mMinFrequency) / FrequencyStrip::ONE_HERTZ + FrequencyStrip::ROUNDER );
-    const uint freq = frequency / FrequencyStrip::ONE_HERTZ;
-    const int diff = freq - roundedMin;
-    const qreal startPixel = diff * FrequencyStrip::ITEM_WIDTH;
-    qreal pixels = 0.0;
-    const qreal leftOverlap = FrequencyStrip::PIXMAP_OVERLAP / 2;
-    for ( uint frequency = startFrequency; frequency <= endFrequency; frequency += mFrequencyStepSize ) {
-        if ( frequency < mMinFrequency || frequency > mMaxFrequency ) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        pixels = qreal( frequency - startFrequency ) / FrequencyStrip::PIXEL_IN_HZ;
-        if ( frequency % FrequencyStrip::ONE_HERTZ == 0 ) {
-            // Draw the high frequency tab and the frequency text for the even number
-            normalPen.setWidth( 3 );
-            painter.setPen( normalPen );
-            painter.drawLine( makeTab( pixels + leftOverlap - 1, FrequencyStrip::TAB_HEIGHT_BIG ) );
-            normalPen.setWidth( 1 );
-            painter.setPen( normalPen );
-            // Draw the frequency text and its 00 decimals
-            painter.setFont( FrequencyStrip::DECIMAL_FONT );
-            const int decimalWidth = painter.fontMetrics().width( FrequencyStrip::DECIMAL_TEXT );
-            const int decimalSpace = painter.fontMetrics().leftBearing( '.' );
-            painter.setFont( FrequencyStrip::FREQUENCY_FONT );
-            const int frequencyWidth = painter.fontMetrics().width( itemText );
-            const int textPosX = int( pixels + leftOverlap - ( frequencyWidth + decimalSpace + decimalWidth ) / 2 );
-            painter.drawText( QPoint( textPosX, FrequencyStrip::FREQUENCY_TEXT_Y_POS ), itemText );
-            painter.setFont( FrequencyStrip::DECIMAL_FONT );
-            painter.drawText( QPoint( textPosX + frequencyWidth + decimalSpace, FrequencyStrip::FREQUENCY_TEXT_Y_POS ), FrequencyStrip::DECIMAL_TEXT );
-        } else if ( frequency % FrequencyStrip::ONE_TAB_IN_HZ == 0 ) {
-            // Draw the low frequency tab for the uneven number
-            painter.drawLine( makeTab( pixels + leftOverlap, FrequencyStrip::TAB_HEIGHT_SMALL ) );
-        }
-        addFrequencyPos( int( startPixel + pixels + FrequencyStrip::ROUNDER ), frequency, item );
-    }
-    // Draw favorites and local stations
-    favoritePen.setColor( Qt::yellow );
-    foreach ( const FrequencyStrip::StationMarker& station, stations ) {
-        const uint frequency = station.mFrequency;
-        pixels = qreal( frequency - startFrequency ) / FrequencyStrip::PIXEL_IN_HZ;
-        if ( station.mIsFavorite ) {
-            favoritePen.setWidth( FrequencyStrip::PEN_WIDTH_FAVORITE );
-            painter.setPen( favoritePen );
-            painter.drawEllipse( int( pixels + leftOverlap - 3 ), FrequencyStrip::STATION_MARKER_Y_POS - 3, 6, 6 );
-        } else {
-            favoritePen.setWidth( 1 );
-            painter.setPen( favoritePen );
-            painter.drawEllipse( int( pixels + leftOverlap - 4 ), FrequencyStrip::STATION_MARKER_Y_POS - 4, 8, 8 );
-        }
-    }
-    return pixmap;
- *
- */
-QLineF RadioFrequencyStripBase::makeTab( qreal pos, int height )
-    return QLineF( pos, mItemHeight - height, pos, mItemHeight );
- *
- */
-int RadioFrequencyStripBase::selectorPos() const
-    const int pos = int( -contentWidget()->x() + mSelectorPos + FrequencyStrip::ROUNDER );
-    return pos % mMaxWidth;
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::scrollToFrequency( uint frequency, Scroll::Direction direction, int time )
-    int targetFreqPos = mFrequencies.value( frequency ).mPosition;
-    const int currentFreqPos = mFrequencies.value( mFrequency ).mPosition;
-    const int currentPos = int( -contentWidget()->x() + mSelectorPos + FrequencyStrip::ROUNDER );
-    const bool isInSecondHalf = currentPos >= mMaxWidth - FrequencyStrip::ITEM_WIDTH + mSeparatorPos;
-    // Special case: When there is only one favorite and the user presses skip
-    // the strip must scroll around to the same frequency.
-    if ( mFrequency == frequency && direction != Scroll::Shortest ) {
-        if ( direction == Scroll::Left ) {
-            targetFreqPos += mMaxWidth;
-        } else {
-            targetFreqPos -= mMaxWidth;
-        }
-    }
-    mFrequency = frequency;
-    qreal newPos = targetFreqPos;
-    if ( direction == Scroll::Left ) {
-        if ( currentFreqPos > targetFreqPos ) {
-            newPos += mMaxWidth;
-        }
-    } else if ( direction == Scroll::Right ) {
-        if ( currentFreqPos < targetFreqPos ) {
-            newPos -= mMaxWidth;
-        }
-    }
-    if ( isInSecondHalf ) {
-        newPos += mMaxWidth;
-    }
-    newPos -= mSelectorPos - FrequencyStrip::ROUNDER;
-//    scrollContentsTo( QPointF( newPos, 0 ), time );
-// TODO: Remove this and uncomment the above line. This is a temporary workaround to get the strip to move
-    scrollContentsTo( QPointF( newPos, 0 ), 0 );
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::hideButtons()
-    HbEffect::start( mLeftButton, FrequencyStrip::SLIDE_TO_LEFT );
-    HbEffect::start( mRightButton, FrequencyStrip::SLIDE_TO_RIGHT );
- *
- */
-void RadioFrequencyStripBase::showButtons()
-    HbEffect::start( mLeftButton, FrequencyStrip::SLIDE_FROM_LEFT );
-    HbEffect::start( mRightButton, FrequencyStrip::SLIDE_FROM_RIGHT );