--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/htiui/HtiServicePlugins/HtiPIMServicePlugin/src/PIMHandler.cpp Tue Feb 02 00:17:27 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1038 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Functional implementation of PIM service (for vCalendar, vCard)
+#include "HtiPIMServicePlugin.h"
+#include "PIMHandler.h"
+#include <HtiDispatcherInterface.h>
+#include <HTILogging.h>
+#include <utf.h>
+#include <calcommon.h>
+#include <calsession.h>
+#include <calenimporter.h>
+#include <calentryview.h>
+#include <CVPbkContactLinkArray.h>
+#include <CVPbkContactManager.h>
+#include <CVPbkContactViewDefinition.h>
+#include <CVPbkContactStoreUriArray.h>
+#include <CVPbkSortOrder.h>
+#include <CVPbkVCardEng.h>
+#include <MVPbkContactLinkArray.h>
+#include <MVPbkContactOperationBase.h>
+#include <MVPbkContactStore.h>
+#include <MVPbkContactStoreList.h>
+#include <MVPbkContactStoreObserver.h>
+#include <MVPbkContactStoreProperties.h>
+#include <MVPbkContactView.h>
+#include <MVPbkContactViewBase.h>
+#include <MVPbkViewContact.h>
+#include <TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr.h>
+#include <VPbkContactStoreUris.h>
+_LIT8( KErrorUnrecognizedCommand, "Unrecognized command" );
+_LIT8( KErrorVCardImportFailed, "vCard import failed" );
+_LIT8( KErrorVCalendarImportFailed, "vCalendar import failed" );
+_LIT8( KErrorMissingVCalendar, "Missing vCalendar object" );
+_LIT8( KErrorMissingVCard, "Missing vCard object" );
+_LIT8( KErrorInvalidId, "Invalid ID parameter" );
+_LIT8( KErrorItemNotFound, "Item not found" );
+_LIT8( KErrorFailedDelete, "Failed to delete item" );
+_LIT8( KErrorFailedDeleteAll, "Failed to delete all items" );
+_LIT8( KErrorIdDeleteNotSupported, "Deleting with ID not supported anymore" );
+_LIT8( KErrorMissingText, "Text parameter missing" );
+_LIT8( KErrorMissingFilepath, "Filepath parameter missing" );
+_LIT8( KErrorNotepadAddMemoFailed, "Notepad add memo failed" );
+_LIT8( KErrorNotepadAddMemoFromFileFailed, "Notepad add memo from file failed" );
+_LIT8( KErrorNotepadDeleteAllFailed, "Notepad delete all failed" );
+_LIT( KHtiNpdHlpExe, "HtiNpdHlp.exe" );
+_LIT( KCmdAddMemo, "AddMemo" );
+_LIT( KCmdAddMemoFromFile, "AddMemoFromFile" );
+_LIT( KCmdDeleteAll, "DeleteAll" );
+_LIT( KCmdDelim, " " );
+_LIT( KDefaultAgendaFile, "" ); // A default file is opened if fileName is KNullDesC
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPIMHandler* CPIMHandler::NewL()
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::NewL" );
+ CPIMHandler* self = new (ELeave) CPIMHandler();
+ CleanupStack::PushL ( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::Done" );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPIMHandler::CPIMHandler():iIsBusy( EFalse ), iEntryViewErr( KErrNone )
+ {
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CPIMHandler destroy" );
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Deleting iEntryView" );
+ delete iEntryView;
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Deleting iCalSession" );
+ delete iCalSession;
+ if ( iContactView )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Deleting iContactView" );
+ iContactView->RemoveObserver( *this );
+ delete iContactView;
+ }
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Deleting iVCardEngine" );
+ delete iVCardEngine;
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Deleting iContactManager" );
+ delete iContactManager;
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Deleting iBuffer" );
+ delete iBuffer;
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Deleting iWaiter" );
+ delete iWaiter;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::ConstructL()
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CPIMHandler::ConstructL" );
+ iWaiter = new ( ELeave ) CActiveSchedulerWait;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::SetDispatcher( MHtiDispatcher* aDispatcher )
+ {
+ iDispatcher = aDispatcher;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::ProcessMessageL( const TDesC8& aMessage,
+ THtiMessagePriority /*aPriority*/ )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::ProcessMessageL" );
+ iIsBusy = ETrue;
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ // Zero legth of aMessage tested already in CHtiPIMServicePlugin.
+ // Other sanity checks must be done here.
+ iCommand = aMessage.Ptr()[0];
+ switch ( iCommand )
+ {
+ case CHtiPIMServicePlugin::EImportVCard:
+ {
+ TRAP( err, HandleVCardImportFuncL(
+ aMessage.Right( aMessage.Length() - 1 ) ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ case CHtiPIMServicePlugin::EImportVCalendar:
+ {
+ TRAP( err, HandleVCalendarImportFuncL(
+ aMessage.Right( aMessage.Length() - 1 ) ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ case CHtiPIMServicePlugin::EDeleteContact:
+ {
+ TRAP( err, HandleContactDeleteFuncL(
+ aMessage.Right( aMessage.Length() - 1 ) ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ case CHtiPIMServicePlugin::EDeleteCalendar:
+ {
+ TRAP( err, HandleCalendarDeleteFuncL(
+ aMessage.Right( aMessage.Length() - 1 ) ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ case CHtiPIMServicePlugin::ENotepadAddMemo:
+ {
+ TRAP( err, HandleNotepadAddMemoFuncL( aMessage.Mid( 1 ) ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ case CHtiPIMServicePlugin::ENotepadAddMemoFromFile:
+ {
+ TRAP( err, HandleNotepadAddMemoFromFileFuncL( aMessage.Mid( 1 ) ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ case CHtiPIMServicePlugin::ENotepadDeleteAll:
+ {
+ TRAP( err, HandleNotepadDeleteAllFuncL() );
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ TRAP( err, SendErrorMessageL(
+ KErrArgument, KErrorUnrecognizedCommand ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ iIsBusy = EFalse;
+ User::Leave( err );
+ }
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::ProcessMessageL: Done" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CPIMHandler::IsBusy()
+ {
+ return iIsBusy;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::HandleVCardImportFuncL( const TDesC8& aData )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::HandleVCardImportFuncL" );
+ if ( aData.Length() == 0 )
+ {
+ SendErrorMessageL( KErrArgument, KErrorMissingVCard );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( iBuffer ) // delete if exists (just to be sure)
+ {
+ delete iBuffer;
+ iBuffer = NULL;
+ }
+ iBuffer = CBufFlat::NewL( aData.Length() );
+ iBuffer->ExpandL( 0, aData.Length() );
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Data length = %d", aData.Length() );
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Buffer length = %d", iBuffer->Ptr( 0 ).MaxLength() );
+ iBuffer->Ptr( 0 ).Copy( aData );
+ if ( iContactManager == NULL )
+ {
+ CVPbkContactStoreUriArray* uriArray = CVPbkContactStoreUriArray::NewLC();
+ uriArray->AppendL( TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr(
+ VPbkContactStoreUris::DefaultCntDbUri() ) );
+ iContactManager = CVPbkContactManager::NewL( *uriArray );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( uriArray );
+ }
+ if ( iVCardEngine == NULL )
+ {
+ iVCardEngine = CVPbkVCardEng::NewL( *iContactManager );
+ }
+ MVPbkContactStoreList& stores = iContactManager->ContactStoresL();
+ iContactStore = &stores.At( 0 );
+ iContactStore->OpenL( *this );
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::HandleVCardImportFuncL: Done" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::HandleVCalendarImportFuncL( const TDesC8& aData )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::HandleVCalendarImportFuncL" );
+ if ( aData.Length() == 0 )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CPIMHandler::HandleVCalendarImportFuncL: Error: length of data is zero" )
+ SendErrorMessageL( KErrArgument, KErrorMissingVCalendar );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( iBuffer ) // delete if exists (just to be sure)
+ {
+ delete iBuffer;
+ iBuffer = NULL;
+ }
+ iBuffer = CBufFlat::NewL( aData.Length() );
+ iBuffer->ExpandL( 0, aData.Length() );
+ iBuffer->Ptr( 0 ).Copy( aData );
+ RBufReadStream readStream;
+ readStream.Open( *iBuffer, 0 );
+ CleanupClosePushL( readStream );
+ if ( iCalSession == NULL )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CPIMHandler: Creating Calendar session" );
+ iCalSession = CCalSession::NewL();
+ iCalSession->OpenL( KDefaultAgendaFile );
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CPIMHandler: Calendar session open" );
+ }
+ CCalenImporter* importer = CCalenImporter::NewL( *iCalSession );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( importer );
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CPIMHandler: Calendar importer created" );
+ RPointerArray<CCalEntry> entryArray;
+ CleanupClosePushL( entryArray );
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ TInt size = 0;
+ importer->SetImportMode( ECalenImportModeExtended );
+ // First try to import as iCalendar
+ TRAP( err, importer->ImportICalendarL( readStream, entryArray ) );
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "ImportICalendarL return value %d", err );
+ size = entryArray.Count();
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Import ICalendarL imported %d entries", size );
+ // If import didn't succeed, try as vCalendar
+ if ( err != KErrNone || size == 0 )
+ {
+ readStream.Close();
+ readStream.Open( *iBuffer, 0 ); // reset read stream
+ entryArray.ResetAndDestroy(); // avoid double imports
+ TRAP( err, importer->ImportVCalendarL( readStream, entryArray ) );
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "ImportVCalendarL return value %d", err );
+ size = entryArray.Count();
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Import VCalendarL imported %d entries", size );
+ }
+ TCalLocalUid uniqueId = 0;
+ TInt success = 0;
+ if ( size > 0 )
+ {
+ iEntryView = CCalEntryView::NewL( *iCalSession, *this );
+ iWaiter->Start();
+ if ( iEntryViewErr == KErrNone )
+ {
+ TRAP( err, iEntryView->StoreL( entryArray, success ) );
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "StoreL return value %d", err );
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Successfully stored %d entries", success );
+ uniqueId = entryArray[0]->LocalUidL();
+ }
+ delete iEntryView;
+ iEntryView = NULL;
+ }
+ entryArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // entryArray
+ if ( err == KErrNone && success > 0 )
+ {
+ TBuf8<8> uniqueIdStr;
+ uniqueIdStr.Copy( ( TUint8* ) ( &uniqueId ), sizeof( uniqueId ) );
+ SendOkMsgL( uniqueIdStr );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( err == KErrNone ) err = KErrGeneral;
+ SendErrorMessageL( err, KErrorVCalendarImportFailed );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // readStream, importer
+ delete iCalSession;
+ iCalSession = NULL;
+ delete iBuffer;
+ iBuffer = NULL;
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::HandleVCalendarImportFuncL: Done" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::HandleContactDeleteFuncL( const TDesC8& aData )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::HandleContactDeleteFuncL" );
+ TInt dataLength = aData.Length();
+ if ( dataLength != 0 && dataLength != 4 )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CPIMHandler: Error: wrong length of data" )
+ SendErrorMessageL( KErrArgument, KErrorInvalidId );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( dataLength == 4 )
+ {
+ SendErrorMessageL( KErrNotSupported, KErrorIdDeleteNotSupported );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( iContactManager == NULL )
+ {
+ CVPbkContactStoreUriArray* uriArray = CVPbkContactStoreUriArray::NewLC();
+ uriArray->AppendL( TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr(
+ VPbkContactStoreUris::DefaultCntDbUri() ) );
+ iContactManager = CVPbkContactManager::NewL( *uriArray );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( uriArray );
+ }
+ if ( iContactStore == NULL )
+ {
+ MVPbkContactStoreList& stores = iContactManager->ContactStoresL();
+ iContactStore = &stores.At( 0 );
+ }
+ iContactStore->OpenL( *this );
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::HandleContactDeleteFuncL" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::HandleCalendarDeleteFuncL( const TDesC8& aData )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::HandleVCalendarDeleteFuncL" );
+ TInt dataLength = aData.Length();
+ if ( dataLength != 0 && dataLength != 4 )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CPIMHandler: Error: wrong length of data" )
+ SendErrorMessageL( KErrArgument, KErrorInvalidId );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( iBuffer ) // delete if exists (just to be sure)
+ {
+ delete iBuffer;
+ iBuffer = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( aData.Length() > 0 )
+ {
+ iBuffer = CBufFlat::NewL( aData.Length() );
+ iBuffer->ExpandL( 0, aData.Length() );
+ iBuffer->Ptr( 0 ).Copy( aData );
+ }
+ if ( iCalSession == NULL )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CPIMHandler: Creating Calendar session" );
+ iCalSession = CCalSession::NewL();
+ iCalSession->OpenL( KDefaultAgendaFile );
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CPIMHandler: Calendar session open" );
+ }
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CPIMHandler: Creating entry view" );
+ iEntryView = CCalEntryView::NewL( *iCalSession, *this );
+ iWaiter->Start();
+ if ( iEntryViewErr != KErrNone )
+ {
+ delete iEntryView;
+ iEntryView = NULL;
+ delete iCalSession;
+ iCalSession = NULL;
+ delete iBuffer;
+ iBuffer = NULL;
+ User::Leave( iEntryViewErr );
+ }
+ // If iBuffer is NULL, no ID given, delete all calendar entries
+ if ( iBuffer == NULL )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CPIMHandler: Deleting all calendar entries" );
+ TCalTime minTime;
+ TCalTime maxTime;
+ minTime.SetTimeUtcL( TCalTime::MinTime() );
+ maxTime.SetTimeUtcL( TCalTime::MaxTime() );
+ CalCommon::TCalTimeRange timeRange( minTime, maxTime );
+ TRAPD( err, iEntryView->DeleteL( timeRange,
+ CalCommon::EIncludeAll, *this ) );
+ iWaiter->Start();
+ if ( err == KErrNone && iEntryViewErr == KErrNone )
+ {
+ SendOkMsgL( KNullDesC8 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SendErrorMessageL( KErrGeneral, KErrorFailedDeleteAll );
+ }
+ }
+ // If id given, delete only calendar entry having that id
+ else
+ {
+ TPtr8 data = iBuffer->Ptr( 0 );
+ TCalLocalUid id = data[0] + ( data[1] << 8 )
+ + ( data[2] << 16 )
+ + ( data[3] << 24 );
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "CPIMHandler: Deleting one calendar entry %d", id );
+ CCalEntry* entryToDelete = NULL;
+ TRAPD( err, entryToDelete = iEntryView->FetchL( id ) );
+ if ( err || entryToDelete == NULL )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CPIMHandler: Calendar entry not found" );
+ SendErrorMessageL( KErrNotFound, KErrorItemNotFound );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL( entryToDelete );
+ TRAP( err, iEntryView->DeleteL( *entryToDelete ) );
+ if ( err == KErrNone )
+ {
+ SendOkMsgL( KNullDesC8 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CPIMHandler: Error deleting calendar entry" )
+ SendErrorMessageL( KErrGeneral, KErrorFailedDelete );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entryToDelete );
+ }
+ }
+ delete iEntryView;
+ iEntryView = NULL;
+ delete iCalSession;
+ iCalSession = NULL;
+ delete iBuffer;
+ iBuffer = NULL;
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::HandleVCalendarDeleteFuncL" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::SendOkMsgL( const TDesC8& aData )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::SendOkMsgL: Starting" );
+ User::LeaveIfNull( iDispatcher );
+ HBufC8* temp = HBufC8::NewL( aData.Length() + 1 );
+ TPtr8 response = temp->Des();
+ response.Append( ( TChar ) CHtiPIMServicePlugin::EResultOk );
+ response.Append( aData );
+ User::LeaveIfError( iDispatcher->DispatchOutgoingMessage(
+ temp, KPIMServiceUid ) );
+ iIsBusy = EFalse;
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::SendOkMsgL: Done" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::SendErrorMessageL( TInt aError, const TDesC8& aDescription )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::SendErrorMessageL: Starting" );
+ User::LeaveIfNull( iDispatcher );
+ User::LeaveIfError( iDispatcher->DispatchOutgoingErrorMessage(
+ aError, aDescription, KPIMServiceUid ) );
+ iIsBusy = EFalse;
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::SendErrorMessageL: Done" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CallNpdHlp( const TDesC& aCmd )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CallNpdHlp" );
+ RProcess HtiNpdHlp;
+ TInt err = HtiNpdHlp.Create( KHtiNpdHlpExe, aCmd );
+ if ( err )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Could not create HtiNpdHlp.Exe process %d", err );
+ return err;
+ }
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ HtiNpdHlp.Logon( status );
+ HtiNpdHlp.Resume();
+ User::WaitForRequest( status );
+ if ( status.Int() != KErrNone )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "status %d", status.Int() );
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "ExitReason %d", HtiNpdHlp.ExitReason() );
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "ExitType %d", HtiNpdHlp.ExitType() );
+ HtiNpdHlp.Close();
+ return status.Int();
+ }
+ HtiNpdHlp.Close();
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CallNpdHlp" );
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::SendNotepadOkMsgL( CHtiPIMServicePlugin::TCommand aCommand )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::SendNotepadOkMsgL" );
+ TBuf8<1> msg;
+ msg.Append( aCommand );
+ User::LeaveIfError( iDispatcher->DispatchOutgoingMessage(
+ msg.AllocL(), KPIMServiceUid ) );
+ iIsBusy = EFalse;
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::SendNotepadOkMsgL" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::HandleNotepadAddMemoFuncL( const TDesC8& aData )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::HandleNotepadAddMemoFuncL" );
+ if ( aData.Length() < 1 )
+ {
+ SendErrorMessageL( KErrArgument, KErrorMissingText );
+ return;
+ }
+ // convert text from TDesC8 -> TDesC
+ // expecting the input TDesC8 contains UTF-8 data
+ HBufC* text = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( aData );
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CPIMHandler: Conversion to Unicode done" );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( text );
+ HBufC* cmd = HBufC::NewLC( KCmdAddMemo().Length() + 1 + ( *text ).Length() );
+ cmd->Des().Copy( KCmdAddMemo );
+ cmd->Des().Append( KCmdDelim );
+ cmd->Des().Append( *text );
+ TInt err = CallNpdHlp( *cmd );
+ if ( err )
+ {
+ SendErrorMessageL( err, KErrorNotepadAddMemoFailed );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SendNotepadOkMsgL( CHtiPIMServicePlugin::ENotepadAddMemo );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // text, cmd
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::HandleNotepadAddMemoFuncL" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::HandleNotepadAddMemoFromFileFuncL( const TDesC8& aData )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::HandleNotepadAddMemoFromFileFuncL" );
+ if ( aData.Length() < 1 )
+ {
+ SendErrorMessageL( KErrArgument, KErrorMissingFilepath );
+ return;
+ }
+ // convert filename from TDesC8 -> TDesC
+ // expecting the input TDesC8 contains UTF-8 data
+ HBufC* filename = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( aData );
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CPIMHandler: Conversion to Unicode done" );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( filename );
+ HBufC* cmd = HBufC::NewLC( KCmdAddMemoFromFile().Length() + 1 + ( *filename ).Length() );
+ cmd->Des().Copy( KCmdAddMemoFromFile );
+ cmd->Des().Append( KCmdDelim );
+ cmd->Des().Append( *filename );
+ TInt err = CallNpdHlp( *cmd );
+ if ( err )
+ {
+ SendErrorMessageL( err, KErrorNotepadAddMemoFromFileFailed );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SendNotepadOkMsgL( CHtiPIMServicePlugin::ENotepadAddMemoFromFile );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // filename, cmd
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::HandleNotepadAddMemoFromFileFuncL" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::HandleNotepadDeleteAllFuncL()
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::HandleNotepadDeleteAllFuncL" );
+ TInt err = CallNpdHlp( KCmdDeleteAll() );
+ if ( err )
+ {
+ SendErrorMessageL( err, KErrorNotepadDeleteAllFailed );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SendNotepadOkMsgL( CHtiPIMServicePlugin::ENotepadDeleteAll );
+ }
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::HandleNotepadDeleteAllFuncL" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::CreateContactDeleteViewL
+// Creates a contact view containing the contacts to be deleted.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::CreateContactDeleteViewL()
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::CreateContactDeleteViewL" );
+ if ( iContactView )
+ {
+ iContactView->RemoveObserver( *this );
+ delete iContactView;
+ iContactView = NULL;
+ }
+ CVPbkContactViewDefinition* viewDef = CVPbkContactViewDefinition::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( viewDef );
+ viewDef->SetType( EVPbkContactsView );
+ viewDef->SetSharing( EVPbkLocalView );
+ viewDef->SetSortPolicy( EVPbkSortedContactView );
+ CVPbkSortOrder* sortOrder = CVPbkSortOrder::NewL(
+ iContactStore->StoreProperties().SupportedFields() );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( sortOrder );
+ iContactView = iContactStore->CreateViewLC( *viewDef, *this, *sortOrder );
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // view;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // sortOrder, viewDef
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::CreateContactDeleteViewL" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::DeleteContactsInViewL
+// Deletes the contacts that are currently in iContactView.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::DeleteContactsInViewL()
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::DeleteContactsInViewL" );
+ TInt cntCount( iContactView->ContactCountL() );
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Contact count in view = %d", cntCount );
+ if ( cntCount > 0 )
+ {
+ CVPbkContactLinkArray* contactLinks = CVPbkContactLinkArray::NewLC();
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < cntCount; ++i )
+ {
+ MVPbkContactLink* link =
+ iContactView->ContactAtL( i ).CreateLinkLC();
+ contactLinks->AppendL( link );
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // link
+ }
+ // Following DeleteContactsL will result in calls to StepComplete
+ // and finally OperationComplete (StepFailed if error occurs)
+ iOp = iContactManager->DeleteContactsL( *contactLinks, *this );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // contactLinks
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Nothing to delete
+ iContactStore->Close( *this );
+ SendOkMsgL( KNullDesC8 );
+ }
+ // We don't need the view anymore
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Deleting the contact view" );
+ iContactView->RemoveObserver( *this );
+ delete iContactView;
+ iContactView = NULL;
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::DeleteContactsInViewL" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::StoreReady
+// Called when a contact store is ready to use.
+// From MVPbkContactStoreObserver
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::StoreReady( MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::StoreReady" );
+ if ( iIsBusy && iContactStore == &aContactStore )
+ {
+ if ( iCommand == CHtiPIMServicePlugin::EImportVCard )
+ {
+ iReadStream.Open( *iBuffer, 0 );
+ HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Starting vCard import" );
+ TRAPD( err, iOp = iVCardEngine->ImportVCardL(
+ *iContactStore, iReadStream, *this ) );
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "ImpoortVCardL returned %d", err );
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ delete iOp;
+ iOp = NULL;
+ iReadStream.Close();
+ delete iBuffer;
+ iBuffer = NULL;
+ iContactStore->Close( *this );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( SendErrorMessageL( err, KErrorVCardImportFailed ) );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( iCommand == CHtiPIMServicePlugin::EDeleteContact )
+ {
+ TRAPD( err, CreateContactDeleteViewL() );
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ iContactStore->Close( *this );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( SendErrorMessageL( err, KErrorFailedDelete ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::StoreReady" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::StoreUnavailable
+// Called when a contact store becomes unavailable.
+// From MVPbkContactStoreObserver
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::StoreUnavailable( MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore,
+ TInt aReason )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::StoreUnavailable" );
+ if ( iIsBusy && iContactStore == &aContactStore )
+ {
+ delete iBuffer;
+ iBuffer = NULL;
+ TRAP_IGNORE( SendErrorMessageL( aReason, KErrorVCardImportFailed ) );
+ }
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::StoreUnavailable" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::HandleStoreEventL
+// Called when changes occur in the contact store.
+// From MVPbkContactStoreObserver
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::HandleStoreEventL( MVPbkContactStore& /*aContactStore*/,
+ TVPbkContactStoreEvent /*aStoreEvent*/ )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::HandleStoreEventL" );
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::HandleStoreEventL" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::ContactsSaved
+// Called when the contact has been successfully commited or copied.
+// From MVPbkContactCopyObserver
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::ContactsSaved( MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation,
+ MVPbkContactLinkArray* aResults )
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::ContactsSaved" );
+ if ( iIsBusy && iOp == &aOperation )
+ {
+ TInt count = aResults->Count();
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "%d contact(s) added", count );
+ delete aResults;
+ delete iOp;
+ iOp = NULL;
+ iReadStream.Close();
+ delete iBuffer;
+ iBuffer = NULL;
+ iContactStore->Close( *this );
+ TInt entryId = 0; // We can't get the ID, just send zero
+ TBuf8<4> idBuf;
+ idBuf.Append( ( TUint8* ) &entryId, 4 );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( SendOkMsgL( idBuf ) );
+ }
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::ContactsSaved" );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::ContactsSavingFailed
+// Called when there was en error while saving contact(s).
+// From MVPbkContactCopyObserver
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::ContactsSavingFailed(
+ MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation, TInt aError )
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::ContactsSavingFailed" );
+ if ( iIsBusy && iOp == &aOperation )
+ {
+ delete iOp;
+ iOp = NULL;
+ iReadStream.Close();
+ delete iBuffer;
+ iBuffer = NULL;
+ iContactStore->Close( *this );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( SendErrorMessageL( aError, KErrorVCardImportFailed ) );
+ }
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::ContactsSavingFailed" );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::ContactViewReady
+// Called when a view is ready for use.
+// From MVPbkContactViewObserver
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::ContactViewReady( MVPbkContactViewBase& aView )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::ContactViewReady" );
+ if ( iContactView == &aView && iIsBusy &&
+ iCommand == CHtiPIMServicePlugin::EDeleteContact )
+ {
+ TRAPD( err, DeleteContactsInViewL() );
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( SendErrorMessageL( err, KErrorFailedDelete ) );
+ }
+ }
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::ContactViewReady" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHtiSimDirHandlerVPbk::ContactViewUnavailable
+// Called when a view is unavailable for a while.
+// From MVPbkContactViewObserver
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::ContactViewUnavailable( MVPbkContactViewBase& /*aView*/ )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::ContactViewUnavailable" );
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::ContactViewUnavailable" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::ContactAddedToView
+// Called when a contact has been added to the view.
+// From MVPbkContactViewObserver
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::ContactAddedToView( MVPbkContactViewBase& /*aView*/,
+ TInt /*aIndex*/, const MVPbkContactLink& /*aContactLink*/ )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::ContactAddedToView" );
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::ContactAddedToView" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::ContactRemovedFromView
+// Called when a contact has been removed from a view.
+// From MVPbkContactViewObserver
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::ContactRemovedFromView( MVPbkContactViewBase& /*aView*/,
+ TInt /*aIndex*/, const MVPbkContactLink& /*aContactLink*/ )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::ContactRemovedFromView" );
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::ContactRemovedFromView" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::ContactViewError
+// Called when an error occurs in the view.
+// From MVPbkContactViewObserver
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::ContactViewError( MVPbkContactViewBase& aView,
+ TInt aError, TBool aErrorNotified )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::ContactViewError" );
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "CPIMHandler::ContactViewError: %d", aError );
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "ErrorNotified = %d", aErrorNotified );
+ if ( iContactView == &aView )
+ {
+ iContactView->RemoveObserver( *this );
+ delete iContactView;
+ iContactView = NULL;
+ if ( iIsBusy && iCommand == CHtiPIMServicePlugin::EDeleteContact )
+ {
+ SendErrorMessageL( aError, KErrorFailedDelete );
+ }
+ iContactStore->Close( *this );
+ }
+ aErrorNotified = aErrorNotified; // avoid compiler warning
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::ContactViewError" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::StepComplete
+// Called when one step of the batch operation is complete.
+// From MVPbkBatchOperationObserver
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::StepComplete( MVPbkContactOperationBase& /*aOperation*/,
+ TInt /*aStepSize*/ )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::StepComplete" );
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::StepComplete" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::StepFailed
+// Called when one step of the batch operation fails.
+// From MVPbkBatchOperationObserver
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CPIMHandler::StepFailed( MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation,
+ TInt /*aStepSize*/, TInt aError )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::StepFailed" );
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Error %d", aError );
+ if ( iOp == &aOperation )
+ {
+ // We are returning EFalse (= do not continue) we can delete
+ // the operation. OperationComplete() won't be called.
+ delete iOp;
+ iOp = NULL;
+ iContactStore->Close( *this );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( SendErrorMessageL( aError, KErrorFailedDelete ) );
+ }
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::StepFailed" );
+ return EFalse; // do not continue
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::OperationComplete
+// Called when operation is completed.
+// From MVPbkBatchOperationObserver
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::OperationComplete(
+ MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::OperationComplete" );
+ // Operation is complete -> delete it
+ if ( iOp == &aOperation )
+ {
+ delete iOp;
+ iOp = NULL;
+ iContactStore->Close( *this );
+ if ( iIsBusy && iCommand == CHtiPIMServicePlugin::EDeleteContact )
+ {
+ // Delete operation has completed
+ TRAP_IGNORE( SendOkMsgL( KNullDesC8 ) );
+ }
+ }
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::OperationComplete" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::Progress
+// Called during calendar entry view creation and operations.
+// Called only if NotifyProgress returns ETrue.
+// From MCalProgressCallBack
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::Progress( TInt /*aProgress*/ )
+ {
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::Completed
+// Called on completion of calendar entry view creation and operations
+// From MCalProgressCallBack
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMHandler::Completed( TInt aError )
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::Completed" );
+ HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Completed with error code %d", aError );
+ iEntryViewErr = aError;
+ iWaiter->AsyncStop();
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::Completed" );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMHandler::NotifyProgress
+// Returns whether or not progress notification is required
+// From MCalProgressCallBack
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CPIMHandler::NotifyProgress()
+ {
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CPIMHandler::NotifyProgress" );
+ HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CPIMHandler::NotifyProgress" );
+ return EFalse; // Don't notify about progress
+ }