--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/screengrabber/inc/SGModel.h Tue Feb 02 00:17:27 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <CAknMemorySelectionSettingPage.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <mdaaudiotoneplayer.h>
+#include <bamdesca.h>
+#include "SGStd.h"
+// setting keys (do not change uids of existing keys to maintain compatibility to older versions!)
+const TUid KSGSettingCaptureMode = { 0x00 };
+const TUid KSGSettingSingleCaptureHotkey = { 0x01 };
+const TUid KSGSettingSingleCaptureImageFormat = { 0x02 };
+const TUid KSGSettingSingleCaptureMemoryInUse = { 0x03 };
+const TUid KSGSettingSingleCaptureMemoryInUseMultiDrive = { 0x04 };
+const TUid KSGSettingSingleCaptureFileName = { 0x05 };
+const TUid KSGSettingSequantialCaptureHotkey = { 0x06 };
+const TUid KSGSettingSequantialCaptureImageFormat = { 0x07 };
+const TUid KSGSettingSequantialCaptureDelay = { 0x08 };
+const TUid KSGSettingSequantialCaptureMemoryInUse = { 0x09 };
+const TUid KSGSettingSequantialCaptureMemoryInUseMultiDrive = { 0x0A };
+const TUid KSGSettingSequantialCaptureFileName = { 0x0B };
+const TUid KSGSettingVideoCaptureHotkey = { 0x0C };
+const TUid KSGSettingVideoCaptureVideoFormat = { 0x0D };
+const TUid KSGSettingVideoCaptureMemoryInUse = { 0x0E };
+const TUid KSGSettingVideoCaptureMemoryInUseMultiDrive = { 0x0F };
+const TUid KSGSettingVideoCaptureFileName = { 0x10 };
+class CImageEncoder;
+class CFbsBitmap;
+class CFrameImageData;
+class CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery;
+class CSavedQuery;
+class CDictionaryFileStore;
+class CMGXFileManager;
+class CMGXFileNotificationHandler;
+class TGrabSettings
+ {
+ TInt iCaptureMode;
+ TInt iSingleCaptureHotkey;
+ TInt iSingleCaptureImageFormat;
+ CAknMemorySelectionSettingPage::TMemory iSingleCaptureMemoryInUse;
+ TDriveNumber iSingleCaptureMemoryInUseMultiDrive;
+ TFileName iSingleCaptureFileName;
+ TInt iSequantialCaptureHotkey;
+ TInt iSequantialCaptureImageFormat;
+ TInt iSequantialCaptureDelay;
+ CAknMemorySelectionSettingPage::TMemory iSequantialCaptureMemoryInUse;
+ TDriveNumber iSequantialCaptureMemoryInUseMultiDrive;
+ TFileName iSequantialCaptureFileName;
+ TInt iVideoCaptureHotkey;
+ TInt iVideoCaptureVideoFormat;
+ CAknMemorySelectionSettingPage::TMemory iVideoCaptureMemoryInUse;
+ TDriveNumber iVideoCaptureMemoryInUseMultiDrive;
+ TFileName iVideoCaptureFileName;
+ };
+class TVideoFrame
+ {
+ TUint iWidth;
+ TUint iHeight;
+ TUint iXPos;
+ TUint iYPos;
+ TUint iDelay; // 100 = 1 sec
+ TBool iEnableTransparency;
+ TBool iFillsWholeScreen;
+ TFileName iFileStorePath;
+ };
+typedef CArrayFixSeg<TVideoFrame> CVideoFrameArray;
+class CScreenGrabberModel : public CActive, public MMdaAudioToneObserver
+ {
+ // active object states
+ enum TState
+ {
+ EIdle = 0, // do nothing
+ EEncodingImage, // ICL encoding of an image
+ ESequenceDelay, // waiting till next capture
+ ECancelCapturing, // asking to cancel capturing
+ ENextVideoFrame, // get next frame for video
+ ECancelVideoCapturing, // asking to cancel video capturing
+ EQueryDelay // waiting till to remove query
+ };
+ static CScreenGrabberModel* NewL();
+ ~CScreenGrabberModel();
+ void ActivateModelL();
+ void DeActivateModelL();
+ CScreenGrabberModel();
+ void ConstructL();
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ void LoadSettingsL();
+ void TakeScreenShotAndSaveL();
+ void CaptureFrameForVideoL();
+ void SaveVideoL(TInt aErr);
+ void CapturingFinishedL(TInt aErr);
+ void CleanTemporaryFilesL();
+ TBool MemoryCardOK();
+ TBool DriveOK(TDriveNumber aNumber);
+ void PlayBeepSound();
+ void LoadDFSValueL(CDictionaryFileStore* aDicFS, const TUid& aUid, TInt& aValue);
+ void LoadDFSValueL(CDictionaryFileStore* aDicFS, const TUid& aUid, TDes& aValue);
+ void SaveDFSValueL(CDictionaryFileStore* aDicFS, const TUid& aUid, const TInt& aValue);
+ void SaveDFSValueL(CDictionaryFileStore* aDicFS, const TUid& aUid, const TDes& aValue);
+ TInt UpdateFileToGallery(const TDesC& aFullPath);
+ inline TGrabSettings GrabSettings() { return iGrabSettings; }
+ void SaveSettingsL(TGrabSettings aGrabSettings);
+ void ActivateCaptureKeysL(TBool aChangeKey=EFalse);
+ void CancelCapturing();
+ TBool HandleCaptureCommandsL(const TWsEvent& aEvent);
+ void MatoPrepareComplete(TInt aError);
+ void MatoPlayComplete(TInt aError);
+ CMdaAudioToneUtility* iMdaAudioToneUtility; // a tone player
+ TGrabSettings iGrabSettings; // a simple class to store the settings used in the screen capture
+ CEikonEnv* iEnv; // pointer to our eikon environment
+ RWindowGroup iRootWin; // application's window group
+ TInt iCapturedKey; // a handle to the key which is captured
+ TInt iCapturedKeyUnD; // a handle to the key which is captured, up and down
+ TInt iCapturedKeyHash; // a handle to the hash key which is captured
+ TInt iCapturedKeyHashUnD; // a handle to the hash key which is captured, up and down
+ CImageEncoder* iImageEncoder; // engine from ICL to do the image conversion
+ CFbsBitmap* iPreviouslyCapturedBitmap; // a previously captured bitmap
+ TState iState; // state of this active object
+ TFileName iSaveFileName; // target filename of the taken screen shot
+ CFrameImageData* iFrameImageData; // frame and image block data needed by ICL
+ CSavedQuery* iSavedQuery; // a class to display global queries
+ RTimer iTimer; // a timer for async delays
+ TBool iCapturingInProgress; // boolean to check if capturing is in progress
+ TBool iStopCapturing; // boolean to specify if to ask capturing
+ TUint iNumberOfTakenShots; // a number of the taken screen shots in the sequantial mode
+ TUint iCurrentFrameNumber; // a number of taken frames in video mode
+ TTime iPreviousFrameTaken; // time when the last frame was taken
+ TSize iVideoDimensions; // dimension of the video
+ TSize iPreviousFrameScreenDimension; // dimension of the screen in previous frame
+ CVideoFrameArray* iVideoFrameArray; // the frames of the video
+ TBool iHashKeyCapturingActivated; // captures hash key is activated
+ TBool iHashKeyDown; // stores state if hash key is currently down
+ TBool iGalleryUpdaterSupported; // specifies if it is possible to update the file to gallery
+ TBool iGalleryUpdaterInitialized; // specifies if gallery updater has been initialized or not
+ RLibrary iGalleryUpdaterDLL; // specifies pointer to Media Gallery File API DLL
+ CMGXFileManager* iMGXFileManager; // Media Gallery FileManager instance
+ };
+class CSavedQuery : public CActive
+ {
+ static CSavedQuery* NewL();
+ ~CSavedQuery();
+ void DisplayL(const TDesC &aText, TBool aDisplayErrorNote=EFalse);
+ void DoCancel();
+ void RunL();
+ CSavedQuery();
+ void ConstructL();
+ void DisplayWithGraphicsL(const TDesC &aText, TBool aDisplayErrorNote);
+ void DisplayWithoutGraphicsL(const TDesC &aText);
+ CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery* iGlobalConfirmationQuery;
+ TBool iVisible;
+ };
+// these classes have been copied Media Gallery File API
+class MGXFileManagerFactory
+ {
+ public:
+ static CMGXFileManager* NewFileManagerL( RFs& aFs );
+ static
+ CMGXFileNotificationHandler* NewFileNotificationHandlerL();
+ };
+class CMGXFileManager : public CBase
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual TBool SuccessFileNameL( const TDesC& aFileName,
+ TDriveNumber aDrive ) = 0;
+ virtual void UpdateL() = 0;
+ virtual void UpdateL( const TDesC& aFullPath ) = 0;
+ virtual void UpdateL( const TDesC& aOldName,
+ const TDesC& aNewName ) = 0;
+ virtual void UpdateL( const MDesCArray& aFileNameArray ) = 0;
+ };
\ No newline at end of file