author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Mon, 15 Mar 2010 12:40:36 +0200
changeset 6 69ec17276f52
parent 0 d6fe6244b863
child 12 aefcba28a3e0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201009 Kit: 201010

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  

#include "FBFileOps.h"
#include "FBFileUtils.h"
#include "FBModel.h"
#include "FBTraces.h"

  #include "FBFileOpClient.h"

#include <f32file.h>
#include <bautils.h>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <babackup.h>

const TInt KSecureBackupStartDelay = 750000;
const TInt KSecureBackupLoopDelay = 100000;
const TInt KSecureBackupEndDelay = 200000;
const TInt KMaxFileLockAttempts = 3;

// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================

CFileBrowserFileOps* CFileBrowserFileOps::NewL(CFileBrowserModel* aModel)
	CFileBrowserFileOps* self = new(ELeave) CFileBrowserFileOps(aModel);
	return self;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CFileBrowserFileOps::CFileBrowserFileOps(CFileBrowserModel* aModel) : iModel(aModel)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CFileBrowserFileOps::ConstructL()
	iRecursiveState = EFileOpInvalid;
	iSecureBackUpActive = EFalse;
	iFileCommandActivatedSecureBackup = EFalse;
    iFileMan = CFileMan::NewL( iFs, this );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	if (iSBEClient)
	    delete iSBEClient;
        if (iFileOpClient)
            delete iFileOpClient;

    delete iFileMan;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::ActivateSecureBackUpViaFileOp()
    iFileManObserverResult = MFileManObserver::EContinue;
    // if already activate by a file command, return ok
    if (iFileCommandActivatedSecureBackup)
        return KErrNone;
        // if secure backup is already active, disable it first, because it may in wrong state
        if (iSecureBackUpActive)
    // try to activate full secure backup
    TInt err = ActivateSecureBackUp(conn::EBURBackupFull, conn::EBackupBase);
    if (err == KErrNone)
        iFileCommandActivatedSecureBackup = ETrue;
    return err;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::DeActivateSecureBackUpViaFileOp()
    TInt err(KErrGeneral);
    iFileManObserverResult = MFileManObserver::EContinue;
    // if activate by a file command, try to reactivate it
    if (iFileCommandActivatedSecureBackup)
        err = DeActivateSecureBackUp();
        // even if it fails, forget the state
        iFileCommandActivatedSecureBackup = EFalse;

    return err;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::ActivateSecureBackUp(conn::TBURPartType aPartType, conn::TBackupIncType aBackupIncType)
    iFileManObserverResult = MFileManObserver::EContinue;
    // check for invalid parameters
    if (aPartType == conn::EBURNormal || aBackupIncType == conn::ENoBackup)
        User::Panic(_L("Inv.Usage.SE"), 532);
    TInt err(KErrNone);
    if (!iSBEClient)
        TRAP(err, iSBEClient = conn::CSBEClient::NewL());
        if (err != KErrNone)
            return err;
    TDriveList driveList;
    err = iFs.DriveList(driveList);
    if (err == KErrNone)
        // make sure that the application has a system status to prevent getting shut down events
        // activating secure back up removes locks from files which respect this fuctionality                
        TRAP(err, iSBEClient->SetBURModeL(driveList, aPartType, aBackupIncType));
        if (err == KErrNone)
            iSecureBackUpActive = ETrue;
            User::After(KSecureBackupStartDelay); // a short delay to wait to activate

    return err;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::DeActivateSecureBackUp()
    TInt err(KErrNone);
    if (!iSBEClient)
        TRAP(err, iSBEClient = conn::CSBEClient::NewL());
        if (err != KErrNone)
            return err;
        // make sure that the application has a system status
    TDriveList driveList;
    err = iFs.DriveList(driveList);
    if (err == KErrNone)
        // deactivate secure backup
        TRAP(err, iSBEClient->SetBURModeL(driveList, conn::EBURNormal, conn::ENoBackup));
        User::After(KSecureBackupEndDelay); // a short delay to wait to deactivate

        // system status not needed anymore
    iSecureBackUpActive = EFalse;

    return err;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::DoFindEntries(const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aPath)
    TFindFile fileFinder(iFs);
    CDir* dir;
    TInt err = fileFinder.FindWildByPath(aFileName, &aPath, dir);

    while (err == KErrNone && iFileManObserverResult != MFileManObserver::ECancel)
        for (TInt i=0; i<dir->Count(); i++)
            TEntry entry = (*dir)[i];

            if (entry.iName.Length() && aPath.Length())
                // parse the entry
                TParse parsedName;
                parsedName.Set(entry.iName, &fileFinder.File(), NULL);
                if (parsedName.Drive().Length() && aPath.Length() && parsedName.Drive()[0] == aPath[0])
                    // get full source path
                    TFileName fullSourcePath = parsedName.FullName();
                    if (entry.IsDir())
                    // call the file operation command
                        case EFileOpAttribs:
                            // the same attribs command can be given for both directories and files
                            FileOpAttribs(fullSourcePath, iUint1, iUint2, iTime1, iUint3);

                        case EFileOpCopy:
                            // calculate length of new entries added to the original source path
                            TUint newEntriesLength = fullSourcePath.Length() - iBuf1.Length();
                            // get pointer description to the rightmost data
                            TPtr16 newEntriesPtr = fullSourcePath.RightTPtr(newEntriesLength);
                            // generate target path
                            TFileName fullTargetPath = iBuf2;
                            if (entry.IsDir())
                                // if it is a directory entry, just create it based on the entry's attributes
                                FileOpMkDirAll(fullTargetPath, entry.iAtt);
                                // otherwise copy the file
                                FileOpCopy(fullSourcePath, fullTargetPath, iUint1);

                        case EFileOpDelete:
                            if (entry.IsDir())
                                // for directories call rmdir    
                                FileOpRmDir(fullSourcePath, iUint1);
                                // for files call the normal file deletion operation    
                                FileOpDeleteFile(fullSourcePath, iUint1);
                            User::Panic (_L("FileOpRecurs"), 775);
                if ( iFileManObserverResult == MFileManObserver::ECancel ) break;

        delete dir;
        dir = NULL;
        if ( iFileManObserverResult != MFileManObserver::ECancel )
            err = fileFinder.FindWild(dir);

    return err;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::DoFindEntriesRecursiveL(const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aPath)
    TInt err(KErrNone);

    // it is logical to scan upwards when deleting and changing attributes
    CDirScan::TScanDirection scanDirection = CDirScan::EScanUpTree;
    // when copying files, it is more logical to move downwards
    if (iRecursiveState == EFileOpCopy)
        scanDirection = CDirScan::EScanDownTree;
    CDirScan* scan = CDirScan::NewLC(iFs);
    scan->SetScanDataL(aPath, KEntryAttDir|KEntryAttMatchMask, ESortByName | EAscending | EDirsFirst, scanDirection);
    CDir* dir = NULL;

        TRAP(err, scan->NextL(dir));
        if (!dir  || (err != KErrNone))

        for (TInt i=0; i<dir->Count(); i++)
            TEntry entry = (*dir)[i];
            if (entry.IsDir())
                TFileName path(scan->FullPath());
                if (path.Length())
                    DoFindEntries(aFileName, path);
            if ( iFileManObserverResult == MFileManObserver::ECancel )
        if ( iFileManObserverResult == MFileManObserver::ECancel )

    return err;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::Copy(const TFileEntry& aSourceEntry, const TDesC& aTargetFullName, TUint aSwitch, TBool aDeleteSource) 
    iOperationError = KErrNone;
    iFileManObserverResult = MFileManObserver::EContinue;
    TFileName sourcePath = aSourceEntry.iPath;
    TInt err(KErrNone);

    if (aSourceEntry.iEntry.IsDir() && (aSwitch & CFileMan::ERecurse))
        // find all files recursively and run the operation for them
        iRecursiveState = EFileOpCopy;
        TFileName targetPath = aTargetFullName;
        // remove the recursion flag because we will implement our own recursion
        TUint newSwitch(aSwitch);
        newSwitch &= ~CFileMan::ERecurse;
        iUint1 = newSwitch;
        // create initial directory - if it does not succeed, do not even try to continue
        err = FileOpMkDirAll(targetPath, aSourceEntry.iEntry.iAtt);
        if (iOperationError == KErrNone)
            TRAP(err, DoFindEntries(_L("*"), sourcePath));              // entries under current directory entry
            if ( iFileManObserverResult != MFileManObserver::ECancel )
                TRAP(err, DoFindEntriesRecursiveL(_L("*"), sourcePath));    // recursively under directories of current directory entry

    else if (aSourceEntry.iEntry.IsDir())
        TFileName targetPath = aTargetFullName;
        // just create a directory based on the file attributes of the source directory
        err = FileOpMkDirAll(targetPath, aSourceEntry.iEntry.iAtt);
        // remove a recursion flag if present (this should never happen, but some extra error checking)
        if (aSwitch & CFileMan::ERecurse)
            aSwitch &= ~CFileMan::ERecurse;    
        // do the operation for a file entry
        err = FileOpCopy(sourcePath, aTargetFullName, aSwitch);
    // delete source if needed and copy succeeded without any errors (== move operation)
    if ( aDeleteSource && iOperationError == KErrNone &&
         iFileManObserverResult != MFileManObserver::ECancel )
        err = Delete(aSourceEntry, aSwitch);    
    if ( !iOperationError && iFileManObserverResult == MFileManObserver::ECancel )
        iOperationError = KErrCancel;
    return iOperationError; 

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::FileOpCopy(const TDesC& aSourceFullName, const TDesC& aTargetFullName, TUint aSwitch) 
    TInt err = DoFileOpCopy(aSourceFullName, aTargetFullName, aSwitch);

    // if locked, unlock the file and retry
    if (iModel->Settings().iRemoveFileLocks && err == KErrInUse)
        // try to remove the file lock by activating secure backup mode
        if (ActivateSecureBackUpViaFileOp() == KErrNone)
            // try the operation several times
            for (TInt i=0; i<KMaxFileLockAttempts; i++)
                err = DoFileOpCopy(aSourceFullName, aTargetFullName, aSwitch);
                if (err != KErrInUse)

    // if access denied, then try to remove the target path and try again
    if (iModel->Settings().iIgnoreProtectionsAtts && err == KErrAccessDenied && BaflUtils::FileExists(iFs, aTargetFullName))
        if (FileOpDeleteFile(aTargetFullName, 0) == KErrNone)
            err = DoFileOpCopy(aSourceFullName, aTargetFullName, aSwitch);

    // if the file already exists, it is not an error    
    if (err == KErrAlreadyExists)
        err = KErrNone;
    // if copying from a ROM drive, remove the writing protection flag
    if (iModel->Settings().iRemoveROMWriteProrection && err == KErrNone && aSourceFullName.Length() > 3 && (aSourceFullName[0]=='z' || aSourceFullName[0]=='Z'))
        FileOpAttribs(aTargetFullName, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0, 0);
    // remember the "lowest" error
    if (err < iOperationError)
        iOperationError = err;

    LOGSTRING4("FileBrowser: FileOpCopy %S -> %S, err=%d", &aSourceFullName, &aTargetFullName, err);
    return err; 
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::DoFileOpCopy(const TDesC& aSourceFullName, const TDesC& aTargetFullName, TUint aSwitch) 
    if (iModel->Settings().iBypassPlatformSecurity)
        if (!iFileOpClient)
            iFileOpClient = CFBFileOpClient::NewL();   
        return iFileOpClient->Copy(aSourceFullName, aTargetFullName, aSwitch);
        CAsyncWaiter* waiter = CAsyncWaiter::NewLC();
        TInt result = iFileMan->Copy( aSourceFullName, aTargetFullName, aSwitch, waiter->iStatus );
        if ( !result ) result = waiter->Result();
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( waiter );
        return result;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::Rename(const TFileEntry& aSourceEntry, const TDesC& aNew, TUint aSwitch)
    iOperationError = KErrNone;
    iFileManObserverResult = MFileManObserver::EContinue;
    TFileName sourcePath = aSourceEntry.iPath;
    if (aSourceEntry.iEntry.IsDir())
        // do the operation for a directory entry
        FileOpRename(sourcePath, aNew, aSwitch);
        // do the operation for a file
        FileOpRename(sourcePath, aNew, aSwitch);

    return iOperationError; 

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::FileOpRename(const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aNew, TUint aSwitch)
    TBool setBackROFlag(EFalse);

    TInt err = DoFileOpRename(aName, aNew, aSwitch);

    // if locked, unlock the file and retry
    if (iModel->Settings().iRemoveFileLocks && err == KErrInUse)
        // try to remove the file lock by activating secure backup mode
        if (ActivateSecureBackUpViaFileOp() == KErrNone)
            // try the operation several times
            for (TInt i=0; i<KMaxFileLockAttempts; i++)
                err = DoFileOpRename(aName, aNew, aSwitch);
                if (err != KErrInUse)

    // if write protected, remove protection and retry
    else if (iModel->Settings().iIgnoreProtectionsAtts && err == KErrAccessDenied)
        // remove write protection and try again
        if (FileOpAttribs(aName, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0, 0) == KErrNone)
            err = DoFileOpRename(aName, aNew, aSwitch);
            setBackROFlag = ETrue;

    // if still access denied, then try to remove the target path and try again
    if (iModel->Settings().iIgnoreProtectionsAtts && err == KErrAccessDenied && BaflUtils::FileExists(iFs, aNew))
        if (FileOpDeleteFile(aNew, 0) == KErrNone)
            err = DoFileOpRename(aName, aNew, aSwitch);

    // set back the read only flag
    if (setBackROFlag)
        FileOpAttribs(aName, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0, 0, 0);

    // remember the "lowest" error
    if (err < iOperationError)
        iOperationError = err;

    LOGSTRING3("FileBrowser: FileOpRename %S, err=%d", &aName, err);
    return err; 
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::DoFileOpRename(const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aNew, TUint aSwitch)
    if (iModel->Settings().iBypassPlatformSecurity)
        if (!iFileOpClient)
            iFileOpClient = CFBFileOpClient::NewL();   

        return iFileOpClient->Rename(aName, aNew, aSwitch);
        return iFileMan->Rename(aName, aNew, aSwitch);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::Attribs(const TFileEntry& aSourceEntry, TUint aSetMask, TUint aClearMask, const TTime& aTime, TUint aSwitch) 
    iOperationError = KErrNone;
    iFileManObserverResult = MFileManObserver::EContinue;
    TFileName sourcePath = aSourceEntry.iPath;
    TInt err(KErrNone);

    if (aSourceEntry.iEntry.IsDir() && (aSwitch & CFileMan::ERecurse))
        // do the operation for a current directory entry
        err = FileOpAttribs(sourcePath, aSetMask, aClearMask, aTime, 0);

        // find all files recursively and run the operation for them
        iRecursiveState = EFileOpAttribs;
        iUint1 = aSetMask;
        iUint2 = aClearMask;
        iTime1 = aTime;
        iUint3 = 0;
        TRAP(err, DoFindEntriesRecursiveL(_L("*"), sourcePath));    // recursively under directories of current directory entry
        TRAP(err, DoFindEntries(_L("*"), sourcePath));              // entries under current directory entry

    else if (aSourceEntry.iEntry.IsDir())
        //sourcePath.Append(_L("\\"));   // <-- do not apply!
        // do the operation for a directory entry
        err = FileOpAttribs(sourcePath, aSetMask, aClearMask, aTime, 0);
        // do the operation for a file entry
        err = FileOpAttribs(sourcePath, aSetMask, aClearMask, aTime, 0);

    return iOperationError;     

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::FileOpAttribs(const TDesC& aName, TUint aSetMask, TUint aClearMask, const TTime& aTime, TUint aSwitch) 
    TInt err = DoFileOpAttribs(aName, aSetMask, aClearMask, aTime, aSwitch);

    // if locked, unlock the file and retry
    if (iModel->Settings().iRemoveFileLocks && err == KErrInUse)
        // try to remove the file lock by activating secure backup mode
        if (ActivateSecureBackUpViaFileOp() == KErrNone)
            // try the operation several times
            for (TInt i=0; i<KMaxFileLockAttempts; i++)
                err = DoFileOpAttribs(aName, aSetMask, aClearMask, aTime, aSwitch);
                if (err != KErrInUse)

    // remember the "lowest" error
    if (err < iOperationError)
        iOperationError = err;

    LOGSTRING3("FileBrowser: FileOpAttribs %S, err=%d", &aName, err);
    return err;    
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::DoFileOpAttribs(const TDesC& aName, TUint aSetMask, TUint aClearMask, const TTime& aTime, TUint aSwitch) 
    if (iModel->Settings().iBypassPlatformSecurity)
        if (!iFileOpClient)
            iFileOpClient = CFBFileOpClient::NewL();   

        return iFileOpClient->Attribs(aName, aSetMask, aClearMask, aTime, aSwitch);
        return iFileMan->Attribs(aName, aSetMask, aClearMask, aTime, aSwitch);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::Delete(const TFileEntry& aSourceEntry, TUint aSwitch) 
    iOperationError = KErrNone;
    iFileManObserverResult = MFileManObserver::EContinue;
    TFileName sourcePath = aSourceEntry.iPath;
    TInt err(KErrNone);

    if (aSourceEntry.iEntry.IsDir() && (aSwitch & CFileMan::ERecurse))
        // find all files recursively and run the operation for them
        iRecursiveState = EFileOpDelete;
        iUint1 = 0;
        TRAP(err, DoFindEntriesRecursiveL(_L("*"), sourcePath));    // recursively under directories of current directory entry
        if ( iFileManObserverResult != MFileManObserver::ECancel )
            TRAP(err, DoFindEntries(_L("*"), sourcePath));              // entries under current directory entry
        if ( iFileManObserverResult != MFileManObserver::ECancel )
            // do the operation for a current directory entry as well
            err = FileOpRmDir(sourcePath, 0);

    else if (aSourceEntry.iEntry.IsDir())
        // do the operation for a directory entry
        err = FileOpRmDir(sourcePath, 0);

        // do the operation for a file entry
        err = FileOpDeleteFile(sourcePath, 0);
    if ( !iOperationError && iFileManObserverResult == MFileManObserver::ECancel )
        iOperationError = KErrCancel;
    return iOperationError; 

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::FileOpDeleteFile(const TDesC& aName, TUint aSwitch) 
    TInt err = DoFileOpDeleteFile(aName, aSwitch);

    // if locked, unlock the file and retry
    if (iModel->Settings().iRemoveFileLocks && err == KErrInUse)
        // try to remove the file lock by activating secure backup mode
        if (ActivateSecureBackUpViaFileOp() == KErrNone)
            // try the operation several times
            for (TInt i=0; i<KMaxFileLockAttempts; i++)
                err = DoFileOpDeleteFile(aName, aSwitch);
                if (err != KErrInUse)

    // if write protected or system file, remove protections and retry
    else if (iModel->Settings().iIgnoreProtectionsAtts && (err == KErrAccessDenied || err == KErrNotFound))
        // remove protections  and try again
        if (FileOpAttribs(aName, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly|KEntryAttSystem|KEntryAttHidden, 0, 0) == KErrNone)
            err = DoFileOpDeleteFile(aName, aSwitch);

    // remember the "lowest" error
    if (err < iOperationError)
        iOperationError = err;

    LOGSTRING3("FileBrowser: FileOpDeleteFile %S, err=%d", &aName, err);
    return err; 
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::DoFileOpDeleteFile(const TDesC& aName, TUint aSwitch) 
    if (iModel->Settings().iBypassPlatformSecurity)
        if (!iFileOpClient)
            iFileOpClient = CFBFileOpClient::NewL();   

        return iFileOpClient->Delete(aName, aSwitch);
        CAsyncWaiter* waiter = CAsyncWaiter::NewLC();
        TInt result = iFileMan->Delete( aName, aSwitch, waiter->iStatus );
        if ( iFileManObserverResult == MFileManObserver::ECancel ) result = KErrCancel;
        if ( !result ) result = waiter->Result();
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( waiter );
        return result;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::FileOpRmDir(const TDesC& aName, TUint aSwitch) 
    TInt err = DoFileOpRmDir(aName, aSwitch);

    // if write protected or system directory, remove protections and retry
    if (iModel->Settings().iIgnoreProtectionsAtts && (err == KErrAccessDenied || err == KErrInUse))
        // remove protections and try again
        if (FileOpAttribs(aName.Left(aName.Length()-1), 0, KEntryAttReadOnly|KEntryAttSystem|KEntryAttHidden, 0, 0) == KErrNone)
            err = DoFileOpRmDir(aName, aSwitch);

    // remember the "lowest" error
    if (err < iOperationError)
        iOperationError = err;

    LOGSTRING3("FileBrowser: FileOpRmDir %S, err=%d", &aName, err);
    return err; 
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::DoFileOpRmDir(const TDesC& aDirName, TUint aSwitch)
    if (iModel->Settings().iBypassPlatformSecurity)
        if (!iFileOpClient)
            iFileOpClient = CFBFileOpClient::NewL();   

        return iFileOpClient->RmDir(aDirName, aSwitch);
        if ( aSwitch & CFileMan::ERecurse )
            CAsyncWaiter* waiter = CAsyncWaiter::NewLC();
            TInt result = iFileMan->RmDir( aDirName, waiter->iStatus );
            if ( iFileManObserverResult == MFileManObserver::ECancel ) result = KErrCancel;
            if ( !result ) result = waiter->Result();
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( waiter);
            return result;
            return iFs.RmDir(aDirName);    

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::MkDirAll(const TDesC& aPath, TInt aSetAtts, TBool aQuickOperation) 
    iFileManObserverResult = MFileManObserver::EContinue;
    if (aQuickOperation)
        return DoFileOpMkDirAll(aPath);
        return FileOpMkDirAll(aPath, aSetAtts);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::FileOpMkDirAll(const TDesC& aPath, TInt aSetAtts) 
    TInt err = DoFileOpMkDirAll(aPath);

    // if the directory already exists, it is not an error    
    if (err == KErrAlreadyExists)
        err = KErrNone;
    // set attributes for directory just created
    if (aSetAtts > 0 && err == KErrNone && aPath.Length() > 3)
        // a path has a trailing backslash so it needs to be removed before the call
        err = FileOpAttribs(aPath.Left(aPath.Length()-1), aSetAtts, 0, 0, 0);

    // remember the "lowest" error
    if (err < iOperationError)
        iOperationError = err;
    LOGSTRING3("FileBrowser: FileOpMkDirAll %S, err=%d", &aPath, err);
    return err;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::DoFileOpMkDirAll(const TDesC& aPath) 
    if (iModel->Settings().iBypassPlatformSecurity)
        if (!iFileOpClient)
            iFileOpClient = CFBFileOpClient::NewL();   

        return iFileOpClient->MkDirAll(aPath);
        return iFs.MkDirAll(aPath);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::CreateEmptyFile(const TDesC& aName) 
    return DoFileOpCreateEmptyFile(aName);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::FileOpCreateEmptyFile(const TDesC& aName) 
    TInt err = DoFileOpCreateEmptyFile(aName);

    // remember the "lowest" error
    if (err < iOperationError)
        iOperationError = err;
    LOGSTRING3("FileBrowser: FileOpCreateEmptyFile %S, err=%d", &aName, err);
    return err;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::DoFileOpCreateEmptyFile(const TDesC& aName) 
    if (iModel->Settings().iBypassPlatformSecurity)
        if (!iFileOpClient)
            iFileOpClient = CFBFileOpClient::NewL();   

        return iFileOpClient->CreateEmptyFile(aName);
        TInt err(KErrNone);
        RFile newFile;
        err = newFile.Create(iFs, aName, EFileShareExclusive);
        if (err == KErrNone)
            err = newFile.Flush(); 
        return err; 

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::DriveSnapShot(TChar aSourceDriveLetter, TChar aTargetDriveLetter)
    TInt err(KErrNone);
    iFileManObserverResult = MFileManObserver::EContinue;
    // remember old settings and force them to be true for this operation
    TBool currentRemoveFileLocksValue = iModel->Settings().iRemoveFileLocks;
    TBool currentIgnoreProtectionAttsValue = iModel->Settings().iIgnoreProtectionsAtts;
    TBool currentRemoveROMWriteProrection = iModel->Settings().iRemoveROMWriteProrection;
    iModel->Settings().iRemoveFileLocks = ETrue;
    iModel->Settings().iIgnoreProtectionsAtts = ETrue;
    iModel->Settings().iRemoveROMWriteProrection = ETrue;

    TFileName sourceDir;

    _LIT(KTargetDir, "%c:\\SnapShot_%c_drive");
    TFileName targetDir;
    targetDir.Format(KTargetDir, TUint(aTargetDriveLetter), TUint(aSourceDriveLetter));            

    // remove any existing content, first get TEntry
    TEntry entry;
    err = iFs.Entry(targetDir, entry);

    // entry directory exists, delete it
    if (err == KErrNone && entry.IsDir())
        TFileName targetRoot;

        TFileEntry targetEntry;
        targetEntry.iPath = targetRoot;
        targetEntry.iEntry = entry;

        err = Delete(targetEntry, CFileMan::ERecurse);                
    // do not care if removing succeeded or not, just continue with copying    
    TEntry fakeEntry;
    fakeEntry.iAtt |= KEntryAttDir;

    TFileEntry sourceEntry;
    sourceEntry.iPath = sourceDir;
    sourceEntry.iEntry = fakeEntry;

    err = Copy(sourceEntry, targetDir, CFileMan::ERecurse|CFileMan::EOverWrite);                

    // restore back settings
    iModel->Settings().iRemoveFileLocks = currentRemoveFileLocksValue;
    iModel->Settings().iIgnoreProtectionsAtts = currentIgnoreProtectionAttsValue;    
    iModel->Settings().iRemoveROMWriteProrection = currentRemoveROMWriteProrection;    

    return iOperationError;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::EraseMBR(TUint aDriveNumber) 

        if (!iFileOpClient)
            iFileOpClient = CFBFileOpClient::NewL();
        return iFileOpClient->EraseMBR(aDriveNumber);

        return KErrNotSupported;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TInt CFileBrowserFileOps::PartitionDrive(TUint aDriveNumber, TUint aNumberOfPartitions) 

        if (!iFileOpClient)
            iFileOpClient = CFBFileOpClient::NewL();
        return iFileOpClient->PartitionDrive(aDriveNumber, aNumberOfPartitions);

        return KErrNotSupported

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MFileManObserver::TControl CFileBrowserFileOps::NotifyFileManStarted()
    return iFileManObserverResult;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MFileManObserver::TControl CFileBrowserFileOps::NotifyFileManOperation()
    return iFileManObserverResult;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MFileManObserver::TControl CFileBrowserFileOps::NotifyFileManEnded()
    return iFileManObserverResult;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CFileBrowserFileOps::CancelOp()

    if ( iModel->Settings().iBypassPlatformSecurity )
        if ( !iFileOpClient )
            iFileOpClient = CFBFileOpClient::NewL();

    // we need this information even when using iFileOpClient
    // to be able to not execute aggregate operations 
    iFileManObserverResult = MFileManObserver::ECancel;
    iFileManObserverResult = MFileManObserver::ECancel;

// End of File