changeset 0 254040eb3b7d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/defaultapplicationsettings/server/data/defaultappserver.rss	Thu Dec 17 08:46:07 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Resource definitions for project DefaultApp Server
+#include <avkon.rh>
+#include <avkon.rsg>
+#include <avkon.hrh>
+#include <avkon.loc>
+#include <avkon.mbg>
+#include <eikon.rh>
+#include <eikon.rsg>
+#include <uikon.rh>
+#include <bldvariant.hrh>
+#include <appinfo.rh>//localisable app info
+#include <data_caging_paths_strings.hrh>
+#include <services_db.rh>
+#include "das_gsentries.rh"
+#include "das.hrh"
+#include <defaultappserver.loc>
+#include <services_db.loc>
+RESOURCE TBUF { buf=""; }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------   
+// Define default menu and CBA key.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    menubar=r_das_menubar;
+    cba = r_das_softkeys_options_back__change;//R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_BACK;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// r_das_menubar
+// Menubar for Default App Server
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_das_menubar
+    {
+    titles=
+        {
+        MENU_TITLE 
+            { 
+            menu_pane = r_das_menu;
+            }
+        };
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_das_menu
+// Menu for Options
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    items=
+        {
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            { 
+            flags = EEikMenuItemAction;
+            command = EAknCmdOpen;
+            txt = qtn_options_change; 
+            },
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            { 
+            command = EAknCmdFindPopupActivated; 
+            txt = qtn_options_find; 
+            },
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            { 
+            command = EDasCmdAdvanced; 
+            txt = qtn_options_advanced;
+            },
+        MENU_ITEM
+            {
+            cascade = r_das_menu_original_settings;
+            txt = qtn_da_options_reset;
+            },
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            { 
+            command = EAknCmdHelp;
+            txt = qtn_options_help; 
+            },
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            { 
+            command = EAknCmdExit; 
+            txt = qtn_options_exit; 
+            }
+        };
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_das_menu_factory_settings
+// Sub-menu for Factory settings
+// This contains one item, but additional items will be added to it
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_das_menu_original_settings
+    {
+    items =
+        {
+        MENU_ITEM
+            {
+            command = EDasCmdResetSelected;
+            txt = qtn_da_options_reset_selected;
+            flags = EEikMenuItemSpecific;
+            },
+        MENU_ITEM
+            {
+            command = EDasCmdResetAll;
+            txt = qtn_da_options_reset_all;
+            }
+        };
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_das_servicesmimes_listbox
+// Listbox for the Services & MIMEs
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE LISTBOX r_das_servicesmimes_listbox
+    {
+    flags = EAknListBoxSelectionList;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_da_title_app
+// Application title
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE TBUF r_da_title_app 
+    {
+    buf = qtn_da_title_app;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_da_title_main
+// Main view title
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE TBUF r_da_title_main 
+    {
+    buf = qtn_da_title_main;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_da_title_popup_adv
+// Advanced settings
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE TBUF r_da_title_advanced
+    {
+    buf = qtn_da_title_advanced;
+    }
+// resources for the simplified view
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_da_tasks
+// This is the list of tasks. For each task, there are 3 items:
+//  -the task name (this will be shown in the list)
+//  -the MIME label (the selected default application for the task will be set as default for Open and this MIME)
+//  -a list of Services & MIMEs that belong to the task: all applications that can handle at least one Service & MIME
+//   from the list, may become defaults for the task (however, only for the Services & MIMEs the application supports).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    tasks=
+        {
+            {
+            task_name = qtn_da_main_browse;
+            //USE_TASK_TITLE
+            task_title = qtn_da_title_popup_browse;
+            mime_label = "application/x-web-browse";
+            service_mimes =
+                {
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "text/html"; }
+                };
+            }, //browse web task
+            {
+            task_name = qtn_da_main_play_music;
+            //
+            task_title = qtn_da_title_popup_music;
+            mime_label = "application/x-audio-play";
+            service_mimes =
+                {
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/mp3"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/mpeg"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/x-mp3"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/mpegurl"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/x-mpegurl"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/3gpp"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/3gpp2"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/mp4"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/aac"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/basic"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/amr"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/amr-wb"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/awb"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/x-amr"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/x-epoc-wve"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/x-sibo-wve"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/wav"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/x-wav"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/x-au"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/au"; },
+                // SERIES 60 MIDI
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/x-midi"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/midi"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/sp-midi"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/x-beatnik-rmf"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/x-rmf"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/rmf"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/mobile-xmf"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/"; },
+                //qcelp
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/qcelp"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/vnd.qcelp"; },
+                //wma
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/x-ms-wma"; }
+                //real audio (probably with system priority in the system)
+                /* 
+                 * Real Audio is commented out because leaving it here would be confusing for users:
+                 * If Real Audio is uncommented below, both Music Player and RealPlayer will be listed 
+                 * as handling music. However, the Music Player can not handle the Real Audio MIMEs
+                 * (it can handle most of the MIMEs above this comment). The RealPlayer can only handle 
+                 * the RealAudio MIMEs (commented here). So there is no overlapping between the 2 players.
+                 * This would mean that whatever the client choses as the default player between these 2,
+                 * they will still continue to play media as before. E.g. all mp3s, WMAs, AACs will be
+                 * played with the MediaPlayer even if RealPlayer is chosed as default audio player.
+                 *
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/vnd.rn-realaudio"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "audio/x-pn-realaudio"; }
+                 */
+                };
+            }, //play music task
+            {
+            task_name = qtn_da_main_play_videos;
+            //USE_TASK_TITLE
+            task_title = qtn_da_title_popup_video;
+            mime_label = "application/x-video-play";
+            service_mimes =
+                {
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "video/3gpp"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "video/3gpp2"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "video/mpeg4"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "video/mp4"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "application/sdp"; },
+                //following MIMEs are probably system priority in the platform player
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "video/vnd.rn-realvideo"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "application/vnd.rn-realmedia"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "application/x-pn-realmedia"; }
+                };
+            }, //play videos task
+            {
+            task_name = qtn_da_main_view_images;
+            //USE_TASK_TITLE
+            task_title = qtn_da_title_popup_image;
+            mime_label = "application/x-image-view";
+            service_mimes =
+                {
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/jpeg"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/jpg"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/jp2"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/tiff"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/x-wmf"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/ico"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/gif"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/bmp"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/x-bmp"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/x-bitmap"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/x-xbitmap"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/x-win-bitmap"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/x-windows-bmp"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/ms-bmp"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/x-ms-bmp"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/vnd.wap.wbmp"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/png"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/x-epoc-mbm"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/"; },
+                DAS_SERVICE_MIME
+                    { service_uid = 0x10208DCA; mime = "image/x-ota-bitmap"; }
+                };
+            } //view images task
+        }; //tasks
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_defaultappserver_localisable_app_info
+// Localisable app info
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE LOCALISABLE_APP_INFO r_defaultappserver_localisable_app_info
+    {
+    short_caption = qtn_da_title_app;    
+    caption_and_icon =
+        {
+        caption = qtn_da_title_app;
+        };
+    }
+RESOURCE CBA r_das_softkeys_options_back__change
+    {
+    buttons =
+        {
+        CBA_BUTTON {id=EAknSoftkeyOptions; txt=text_softkey_option;},
+        CBA_BUTTON {id=EAknSoftkeyBack; txt=text_softkey_back;},
+        CBA_BUTTON {id=EAknCmdOpen; txt=qtn_msk_change;}
+        };
+    }
+    {
+    flags = EAknDialogSelectionList | EEikDialogFlagNotifyEsc;
+    buttons = r_das_softkeys_options_back__change;
+    items = 
+        {
+        DLG_LINE
+            {
+            type = EAknCtDoubleListBox;
+            id = ESelectionListControl;
+            control = LISTBOX
+                {
+                flags = EAknListBoxSelectionList;
+                };
+            },
+        DLG_LINE
+            {
+            itemflags = EEikDlgItemNonFocusing;
+            id = EFindControl;
+            type = EAknCtSelectionListPopupFind;
+            }
+        };
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_da_services_mime
+// This resource stores localized strings for the supported services, identified
+// by their Uid and generic name.
+// This resource is defined in the services_db.rh file
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE DAS_SERVICES r_da_service_mime
+    {
+    services = 
+        {
+            {
+            service_uid = 0x10208DCA; //KOpenServiceUid
+            service_name = "Open";
+            service_localized_name = qtn_da_service_open;
+            }         
+        };
+    }    