changeset 0 bf1d17376201
child 11 6347473a7bb2
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:bf1d17376201
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  This class handles the storage and access of speaker independent
    15 *               grammars.  It is also responsible for allocating memory when
    16 *               loading grammars into the recognizer.
    17 *
    18 */
    22 #include "sigrammardb.h"
    23 #include "rubydebug.h"
    25 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    27 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    28 // CSIGrammarDB::CSIGrammarDB
    29 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    30 // might leave.
    31 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    32 //
    33 CSIGrammarDB::CSIGrammarDB( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase, 
    34                             RDbs& aDbSession,
    35                             TInt aDrive )
    36 : CSICommonDB(aDatabase, aDbSession, aDrive )
    37     {
    38     // Nothing
    39     }
    41 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    42 // CSIGrammarDB::ConstructL
    43 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    44 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    45 //
    46 void CSIGrammarDB::ConstructL()
    47     {
    48     // Nothing
    49     }
    51 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 // CSIGrammarDB::NewL
    53 // Two-phased constructor.
    54 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 //
    56 CSIGrammarDB* CSIGrammarDB::NewL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase, 
    57                                   RDbs& aDbSession,
    58                                   TInt aDrive )
    59     {
    60     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CSIGrammarDB::NewL" );
    62     CSIGrammarDB* self 
    63         = new( ELeave ) CSIGrammarDB( aDatabase, aDbSession, aDrive );
    64     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    65     self->ConstructL();
    66     CleanupStack::Pop( self );	
    67     return self;
    68     }
    70 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    71 // CSIGrammarDB::~CSIGrammarDB
    72 // Destructor
    73 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 //
    75 CSIGrammarDB::~CSIGrammarDB()
    76     {
    77     RUBY_DEBUG0( "CSIGrammarDB::~CSIGrammarDB" );
    78 	// Delete all elements of the array before deleting the array
    79 	iGrammarArray.ResetAndDestroy();
    80 	iGrammarArray.Close();	
    81     }
    83 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 // CSIGrammarDB::CreateGrammarL
    85 // Creates a new grammar  in the database.
    86 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 //
    88 TSIGrammarID CSIGrammarDB::CreateGrammarL( TUid aClientUid )
    89     {
    90     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CSIGrammarDB::CreateGrammarL" );
    92     User::LeaveIfError( iDbSession.ReserveDriveSpace( iDrive, sizeof( CSIGrammar ) ) );
    94 	TSIGrammarID grammarID = STATIC_CAST(TSIGrammarID,CreateNewIDL(KGrammarIdTable, KGrammarIdColumn, aClientUid));
    95 	// Construct the table name using the new grammar ID
    96 	TBuf<40> KGrammarName( KSIGrammarTable );
    97     KGrammarName.AppendNumUC( grammarID );
    98     RUBY_DEBUG1( "CSIGrammarDB::CreateGrammarL grammar ID: %i", grammarID );
   100 	// Create a table definition
   101 	CDbColSet* columns = CDbColSet::NewLC();
   103 	// add the columns  
   104 	// 1) Binary data, 2) binary data size
   105 	columns->AddL( TDbCol( KBinaryGrammarColumn, EDbColLongBinary ) );
   106 	columns->AddL( TDbCol( KBinaryGrammarColumnSize, EDbColUint32 ) );
   108 	// Create a table
   109 	TInt err =iDb.CreateTable( KGrammarName, *columns );
   111 	if ( err != KErrNone )
   112 	    {
   113 		// Failed to create the table.
   114 		// Need to release the new grammar ID and leave.
   115 		ReleaseIdL( KGrammarIdTable, KGrammarIdColumn, grammarID );
   116 		User::Leave( err );
   117 	    }
   119 	// Cleanup the column set
   120 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( columns );
   122 	// Construct the table name using the provided grammar ID
   123 	// Declare a literal string to hold the SQL statement
   124 	// SELECT KBinaryGrammarColumn , KBinaryGrammarColumn FROM  KGrammarName
   125  	_LIT(KSQLSelect1,"select  ");	
   126 	_LIT(KSQLSelect2," from  ");		
   127 	TBuf<120> KSQLStatement;		
   128 	KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLSelect1  );	
   129 	KSQLStatement.Append(KBinaryGrammarColumn );
   130 	KSQLStatement.Append(KNext);
   131 	KSQLStatement.Append(KBinaryGrammarColumnSize );	
   132 	KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLSelect2  );
   133 	KSQLStatement.Append(KGrammarName); 
   135 	// Create a view on the database
   136 	RDbView view;
   137 	User::LeaveIfError(view.Prepare(iDb,TDbQuery(KSQLStatement,EDbCompareNormal)));
   138 	User::LeaveIfError(view.EvaluateAll());
   140 	// Get the structure of rowset
   141 	CDbColSet* colSet = view.ColSetL(); 
   142  	// Insert a row
   143 	view.InsertL();
   144 	view.PutL();
   145  	// Close the view
   146 	view.Close();
   147 	delete colSet; 
   149 	// Put a empty grammar into the database
   150 	CSICompiledGrammar *aSICompiledGrammar=CSICompiledGrammar::NewL(grammarID);
   151  	CleanupStack::PushL(aSICompiledGrammar);
   152 	UpdateGrammarL(aClientUid,aSICompiledGrammar);
   153 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(aSICompiledGrammar);
   155     iDbSession.FreeReservedSpace( iDrive );
   157  	return grammarID;
   158     } 
   160 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   161 // CSIGrammarDB::UpdateGrammarL
   162 // Inserts the externalized SI compiled grammar  into the specified grammar table.
   163 // Save the grammar into the database
   164 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   165 //
   166 void CSIGrammarDB::UpdateGrammarL( TUid aClientUid, 
   167                                    CSICompiledGrammar *aSICompiledGrammar )
   168     {
   169 	RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CSIGrammarDB::UpdateGrammarL" );
   171 	// verify ownership 
   172 	TSIGrammarID aGrammarID=aSICompiledGrammar->GrammarID();
   173 	VerifyOwnershipL(aClientUid, KGrammarIdTable, KGrammarIndex, aGrammarID);
   175 	// Construct the table name using the provided grammar ID
   176 	// Declare a literal string to hold the SQL statement
   177 	// SELECT KBinaryGrammarColumn , KBinaryGrammarColumn FROM  KGrammarName
   178 	TBuf<40> KGrammarName(KSIGrammarTable);
   179     KGrammarName.AppendNumUC(aGrammarID);	
   180 	_LIT(KSQLSelect1,"select  ");	
   181 	_LIT(KSQLSelect2," from  ");		
   182 	TBuf<120> KSQLStatement;		
   183 	KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLSelect1  );	
   184 	KSQLStatement.Append(KBinaryGrammarColumn );
   185 	KSQLStatement.Append(KNext);
   186 	KSQLStatement.Append(KBinaryGrammarColumnSize );	
   187 	KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLSelect2  );
   188 	KSQLStatement.Append(KGrammarName); 
   190 	// Create a view on the database
   191 	RDbView view;
   192 	User::LeaveIfError( view.Prepare( iDb, TDbQuery( KSQLStatement,EDbCompareNormal ) ) );
   193 	User::LeaveIfError( view.EvaluateAll() );
   194 	CleanupClosePushL( view );
   196 	// Get the structure of rowset
   197 	CDbColSet* colSet = view.ColSetL();
   198 	CleanupStack::PushL( colSet );
   199 	view.FirstL(); 
   200 	view.UpdateL();
   202 	// Externalize a compiled grammar
   203 	CBufFlat* dataCopyBuffer = CBufFlat::NewL( 100 ); // 100 = expand 100 bytes
   204     CleanupStack::PushL( dataCopyBuffer );              // when the buffer is full
   205  	RBufWriteStream stream;
   206 	stream.Open( *dataCopyBuffer );
   207     CleanupClosePushL( stream );
   208 	aSICompiledGrammar->ExternalizeL( stream );
   209 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream );
   211 	TPtr8 aWriteBuf( dataCopyBuffer->Ptr( 0 ) );
   212 	TInt BufSize = aWriteBuf.Size();
   214 	// add binary buffer by Using the stream  
   215 	RDbColWriteStream out;
   216 	TDbColNo col = colSet->ColNo( KBinaryGrammarColumn ); // Ordinal position of long column	
   217 	out.OpenLC( view, col );
   218 	out.WriteL( aWriteBuf );	
   219 	out.Close();	
   220 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // out
   222 	// add  size of the buffer
   223 	col = colSet->ColNo( KBinaryGrammarColumnSize ); // Ordinal position of  size	
   224 	view.SetColL( col, BufSize ); 	
   225 	view.PutL();
   227 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dataCopyBuffer );
   228 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( colSet );
   230 	// close the view
   231 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &view ); // Close view
   232     }
   235 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   236 // CSIGrammarDB::FindGrammarL
   237 // Find a grammar from loaded grammar array
   238 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   239 CSICompiledGrammar*  CSIGrammarDB::FindGrammarL(TSIGrammarID aGrammarID) 
   240     {
   241     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CSIGrammarDB::FindGrammarL" );
   243     TInt i(0);
   244     CSICompiledGrammar* aGrammar=NULL;
   246     // Check if grammar already loaded
   247     for ( i = 0; i < iGrammarArray.Count(); i++ )
   248         {
   249         if ( iGrammarArray[i]->GrammarID()==aGrammarID  )
   250             { 
   251             aGrammar=iGrammarArray[i];
   252             break;
   253             }		
   254         }
   255     // Can not found in the loaded grammar array
   256     if(i==iGrammarArray.Count())
   257         User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   259     return aGrammar;
   260     }
   262 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   263 // CSIGrammarDB::GetNewID
   264 // Get a new uniq ID 
   265 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   266 TInt CSIGrammarDB::GetNewID( RArray<TSIRuleID>& aMyIds )
   267     {
   268     RArray<TSIRuleID> myIDs = aMyIds;
   269     TInt Count = myIDs.Count();
   270     TInt id = 0;
   271     if ( Count == 0 )
   272         {
   273         id = 1; // empty ,first id will be 1
   274         }
   275     else
   276         { 
   277         // Find a unique  ID
   278         myIDs.SortUnsigned();
   279         id = myIDs[myIDs.Count() - 1] + 1; //by default , the last one 
   280         for ( TInt i = 0; i < myIDs.Count(); i++ )
   281             {
   282             TInt index = i + 1; 
   283             TInt s = myIDs[i];
   284             if ( s > index )
   285                 {
   286                 id = index;
   287                 break;
   288                 }
   289             }
   290         }
   291     return id;
   292     }
   294 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   295 // CSIGrammarDB::CreateRuleL
   296 // Creates a new empty rule.
   297 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   298 void CSIGrammarDB::CreateRuleL( TUid aClientUid, TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, 
   299                                 TSIRuleID& aRuleID )
   300     {
   301     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CSIGrammarDB::CreateRuleL" );
   303     //__UHEAP_MARK;
   304     VerifyOwnershipL( aClientUid, KGrammarIdTable, KGrammarIndex, aGrammarID );
   305     // find the grammar from the database 
   306     CSICompiledGrammar* aGrammar = (CSICompiledGrammar*) GrammarL( aGrammarID );
   307     CleanupStack::PushL( aGrammar );
   309     TInt aID = 0;
   310     TInt Count=aGrammar->Count();
   312     // existing myRuleVariantID
   313     RArray<TSIRuleID> myIDs;
   314     myIDs.Reset();
   315     for(TInt i = 0; i < Count; i++ )
   316         {
   317         CSIRule* aRule = &( aGrammar->AtL( i ) );
   318         myIDs.Append( aRule->RuleID() );
   319         } 
   321     // Find a uniq new id 
   322     aID=GetNewID( myIDs );
   323     myIDs.Close();
   324     aRuleID=aID;
   326     // add the rule to the grammar	
   327     CSIRule* rule = CSIRule::NewL( aRuleID );
   328     CleanupStack::PushL( rule );	
   329     aGrammar->AddL( rule );
   330     CleanupStack::Pop( rule );
   332     UpdateGrammarL( aClientUid, aGrammar );
   333     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( aGrammar );
   334     //__UHEAP_MARKEND;
   335     } 
   337 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   338 // CSIGrammarDB::AddRuleVariantL
   339 // Add Rule Variant to the array that hold the grammar array
   340 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   341 void CSIGrammarDB::AddRuleVariantL(TUid aClientUid,
   342 								   TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, 								 
   343 								   TSILexiconID aLexiconID,
   344 								   const RArray<TSIPronunciationID>& aPronunciationIDs, 								     
   345 								   TSIRuleID aRuleID,
   346 								   TSIRuleVariantID& aRuleVariantID) 
   347     {
   348     VerifyOwnershipL(aClientUid, KGrammarIdTable, KGrammarIndex, aGrammarID);
   350     CSICompiledGrammar* aGrammar=(CSICompiledGrammar*)GrammarL(aGrammarID);
   351     CleanupStack::PushL(aGrammar);
   353     CSIRule* aRule=&(aGrammar->RuleL(aRuleID));
   354     // existing myRuleVariantID
   355     RArray<TSIRuleID> myID;
   356     myID.Reset();
   357     for( TInt i = 0; i < aRule->Count(); i++ )
   358         {
   359         CSIRuleVariant* aRuleVariant=&(aRule->AtL(i));
   360         myID.Append(aRuleVariant->RuleVariantID());
   361         }
   363     // Find a uniq new id 
   364     aRuleVariantID=STATIC_CAST(TSIRuleVariantID,GetNewID(myID));
   365     myID.Close();	
   367     // add the rule variant to the rule
   368     CSIRuleVariant* ruleVariant = CSIRuleVariant::NewL( aRuleVariantID, aLexiconID );
   369     CleanupStack::PushL( ruleVariant );	
   370     ruleVariant->SetPronunciationIDsL(aPronunciationIDs);
   371     aRule->AddL( ruleVariant );
   372     CleanupStack::Pop( ruleVariant );
   373     UpdateGrammarL( aClientUid, aGrammar );
   374     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( aGrammar );	  
   375     }
   377 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   378 // CSIGrammarDB::LoadGrammarL
   379 // Loads all rules within the specified grammar into a grammar object, which
   380 // is loaded into recognizer during recognition session.
   381 // Note : Will leave if already loaded
   382 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   383 //
   384 const CSICompiledGrammar* CSIGrammarDB::LoadGrammarL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID )
   385     {
   386     // Construct the table name using the provided grammar ID
   387     // Construct the table name using the provided grammar ID
   388     // Declare a literal string to hold the SQL statement
   389     // SELECT KBinaryGrammarColumn , KBinaryGrammarColumn FROM  KGrammarName
   390     TBuf<40> KGrammarName(KSIGrammarTable);
   391     KGrammarName.AppendNumUC(aGrammarID);
   393     // Create newGrammar object	
   394     CSICompiledGrammar* grammar = CSICompiledGrammar::NewLC( aGrammarID );	
   395     _LIT(KSQLSelect1,"select  ");	
   396     _LIT(KSQLSelect2," from  ");
   397     TBuf<120> KSQLStatement;		
   398     KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLSelect1  );		
   399     KSQLStatement.Append(KBinaryGrammarColumn );
   400     KSQLStatement.Append(KNext);
   401     KSQLStatement.Append(KBinaryGrammarColumnSize );
   402     KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLSelect2  );
   403     KSQLStatement.Append(KGrammarName); 
   405     // create a view on the database
   406     RDbView view;
   407     CleanupClosePushL( view );
   409     User::LeaveIfError(view.Prepare(iDb,TDbQuery(KSQLStatement,EDbCompareNormal)));
   410     User::LeaveIfError(view.EvaluateAll());
   412     // Get the structure of the rowset 
   413     CDbColSet* colSet = view.ColSetL();
   414     CleanupStack::PushL( colSet );
   416     // iterate across the row set, one row only
   417     for (view.FirstL();view.AtRow();view.NextL())
   418         {
   420         // retrieve the row
   421         view.GetL();		
   423         // first retrieve the size of binary package 
   424         TDbColNo col = colSet->ColNo(KBinaryGrammarColumnSize); // Ordinal position of long column 
   425         TInt32 size = view.ColUint32( col);
   427         TUint8* buf = new (ELeave) TUint8[size];		
   428         CleanupStack::PushL( buf);			
   429         TPtr8 readBuf( buf, size, size);
   430         CBufFlat* dataCopyBuffer = CBufFlat::NewL( 100 ); // 100 = expand 100 bytes
   431         CleanupStack::PushL(dataCopyBuffer);              // when the buffer is full
   433         RBufReadStream stream;
   434         CleanupClosePushL( stream );
   435         stream.Open(*dataCopyBuffer);
   437         // and a stream for long columns
   438         RDbColReadStream in;
   439         CleanupClosePushL( in );
   440         col = colSet->ColNo(KBinaryGrammarColumn); // Ordinal position of long column 
   443         in.OpenLC(view, col);
   444         in.ReadL( readBuf, view.ColLength(col));
   445         dataCopyBuffer->InsertL(0,readBuf);
   446         grammar->InternalizeL( stream );
   448         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( col );
   449         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &in );
   450         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream ); 
   451         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dataCopyBuffer );
   452         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
   453         } 
   455     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( colSet );
   456     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &view );
   458     // Keep the reference of the grammar object
   459     User::LeaveIfError(iGrammarArray.Append(grammar));
   460     // Cleanup grammar
   461     CleanupStack::Pop(grammar );
   462     return grammar;
   463     }
   465 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   466 // CSIGrammarDB::GrammarL
   467 // Loads all rules within the specified grammar into a grammar object, which
   468 // is loaded into recognizer during recognition session.
   469 // Note : Will leave if already loaded
   470 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   471 //
   472 const CSICompiledGrammar* CSIGrammarDB::GrammarL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID )
   473     {
   475     // Construct the table name using the provided grammar ID
   476     // Construct the table name using the provided grammar ID
   477     // Declare a literal string to hold the SQL statement
   478     // SELECT KBinaryGrammarColumn , KBinaryGrammarColumn FROM  KGrammarName
   479     TBuf<40> KGrammarName(KSIGrammarTable);
   480     KGrammarName.AppendNumUC(aGrammarID);
   481     // Create newGrammar object	 
   482     CSICompiledGrammar* aGrammar = CSICompiledGrammar::NewLC( aGrammarID );
   483     _LIT(KSQLSelect1,"select  ");
   484     _LIT(KSQLSelect2," from  ");
   486     TBuf<120> KSQLStatement;		
   487     KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLSelect1  );		
   488     KSQLStatement.Append(KBinaryGrammarColumn );
   489     KSQLStatement.Append(KNext);
   490     KSQLStatement.Append(KBinaryGrammarColumnSize );
   491     KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLSelect2  );
   492     KSQLStatement.Append(KGrammarName); 
   494     // create a view on the database
   495     RDbView view;
   496     User::LeaveIfError(view.Prepare(iDb,TDbQuery(KSQLStatement,EDbCompareNormal)));
   498     User::LeaveIfError(view.EvaluateAll());
   500     // Get the structure of the rowset 
   501     CDbColSet* colSet = view.ColSetL();
   503     // iterate across the row set, one row only
   504     for (view.FirstL();view.AtRow();view.NextL())
   505         {
   507         // retrieve the row
   508         view.GetL();
   510         // first retrieve the size of binary package 
   511         TDbColNo col = colSet->ColNo(KBinaryGrammarColumnSize); // Ordinal position of long column 
   512         TInt32 Size = view.ColUint32( col);
   514         TUint8* aBuf = new (ELeave) TUint8[Size];		
   515         CleanupStack::PushL(aBuf);			
   516         TPtr8 aReadBuf(aBuf, Size, Size);
   517         CBufFlat* dataCopyBuffer = CBufFlat::NewL( 100 ); // 100 = expand 100 bytes
   518         CleanupStack::PushL(dataCopyBuffer);              // when the buffer is full
   520         RBufReadStream stream;
   521         stream.Open(*dataCopyBuffer);
   523         // and a stream for long columns
   524         RDbColReadStream in;
   525         col = colSet->ColNo(KBinaryGrammarColumn); // Ordinal position of long column 
   528         in.OpenLC(view, col);
   529         in.ReadL(aReadBuf, view.ColLength(col));
   530         dataCopyBuffer->InsertL(0,aReadBuf);
   531         aGrammar->InternalizeL( stream );
   533         in.Close(); 		
   534         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // in dataCopyBuffer aBuf
   535         }
   536     //! clean the memory
   537     delete colSet;
   538     view.Close();  
   540     // Keep the reference of the grammar object
   541     // Cleanup grammar
   542     CleanupStack::Pop( aGrammar );
   544     return aGrammar;
   545     }
   547 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   548 // CSIGrammarDB::CreateIDTableL
   549 // Creates a new grammar ID table in the database.
   550 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   551 //
   552 void CSIGrammarDB::CreateIDTableL()
   553     {
   554     // Invoke function in the base class CSICommonDB.
   555     CSICommonDB::CreateIDTableL(KGrammarIdTable, KGrammarIdColumn, KGrammarIndex);
   556     }
   558 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   559 // CSIGrammarDB::GetAllClientGrammarIDsL
   560 // This function returns all grammar IDs owned by the specified client.
   561 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   562 //
   563 void CSIGrammarDB::GetAllClientGrammarIDsL( TUid aClientUid,
   564                                             RArray<TSIGrammarID>& aGrammarIDs )
   565     {
   566     RArray<TUint32> ix; 
   567     ix.Reset();	
   568     GetAllClientIDsL(KGrammarIdTable, KGrammarIdColumn, aClientUid, ix);
   569     for(TInt i=0;i<ix.Count();i++) {
   570         aGrammarIDs.Append(STATIC_CAST(TSIGrammarID,ix[i]));
   571         }
   572     ix.Close();
   573     }
   575 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   576 // CSIGrammarDB::GetAllGrammarIDsL
   577 // This function returns all grammar IDs in the database.
   578 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   579 //
   580 void CSIGrammarDB::GetAllGrammarIDsL( RArray<TSIGrammarID>& aGrammarIDs )
   581     {
   582     // This is a hack to get the id aligned to 4-byte boundary,
   583     // for some reason this does not happen in winscw build if 
   584     // TSIGrammarID is taken from stack.
   585     TSIGrammarID* id = new (ELeave) TSIGrammarID;
   587     CleanupStack::PushL( id );
   589     RArray<TUint32> ix;
   590     //! Reset
   591     ix.Reset(); 
   592     GetAllIDsL(KGrammarIdTable, KGrammarIdColumn,  ix);
   593     for(TInt i=0;i<ix.Count();i++) 
   594         {
   595         *id = STATIC_CAST( TSIGrammarID, ix[i] );
   596         aGrammarIDs.Append( *id );
   597         }
   598     ix.Close();
   599     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( id );
   600     }
   602 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   603 // CSIGrammarDB::GetAllRuleIDsL
   604 // This function returns all rule IDs within the specified grammar.
   605 // grammar have to be loaded 
   606 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   607 //
   608 void CSIGrammarDB::GetAllRuleIDsL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID,
   609                                    RArray<TSIRuleID>& aRuleIDs )
   610     {
   611     // Construct the table name using the provided grammar ID
   612     TBuf<40> KGrammarName(KSIGrammarTable);
   613     KGrammarName.AppendNumUC(aGrammarID);
   615     CSICompiledGrammar* newgrammar =( CSICompiledGrammar* )GrammarL( aGrammarID) ;// Load the grammar from database	
   616     CleanupStack::PushL(newgrammar);
   617     TSIRuleID	RuleId;
   619     for (TInt  i=0;i<newgrammar->Count();i++) {
   620         CSIRule* aRule=&(newgrammar->AtL(i));
   621         RuleId=aRule->RuleID();		
   622         User::LeaveIfError(aRuleIDs.Append(RuleId));
   623         } 
   624     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(newgrammar);
   625     }
   627 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   628 // CSIGrammarDB::RemoveGrammarL
   629 // Deletes a grammar table from the database.
   630 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   631 //
   632 void CSIGrammarDB::RemoveGrammarL( TUid aClientUid,
   633                                    TSIGrammarID aGrammarID )
   634     {
   635     VerifyOwnershipL(aClientUid, KGrammarIdTable, KGrammarIndex, aGrammarID);
   637     TInt diskSpace = ( RuleCountL(aGrammarID) * sizeof( CSIRule) ) 
   638         + sizeof( CSIGrammar );
   639     User::LeaveIfError( iDbSession.ReserveDriveSpace( iDrive, diskSpace ) );
   641     // Construct the table name using the provided grammar ID
   642     TBuf<40> KGrammarName(KSIGrammarTable);
   643     KGrammarName.AppendNumUC(aGrammarID);
   645     TBuf<50> KSQLStatement;
   646     // Declare a literal string to hold the SQL statement
   647     // DROP TABLE KGrammarName
   648     _LIT(KSQLDelete1, "DROP TABLE ");
   650     KSQLStatement = KSQLDelete1;
   651     KSQLStatement.Append(KGrammarName);
   653     User::LeaveIfError(iDb.Execute(KSQLStatement));
   655     // Release the grammar ID
   656     ReleaseIdL(KGrammarIdTable, KGrammarIdColumn, aGrammarID);
   658     // Cancel free disk space request
   659     iDbSession.FreeReservedSpace( iDrive );
   660     }
   662 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   663 // CSIGrammarDB::RuleCountL
   664 // Returns the number of rules in the specified grammar.
   665 // Grammar have to be loaded
   666 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   667 //
   668 TInt CSIGrammarDB::RuleCountL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID )
   669     {
   670     // Load a grammar
   671     CSICompiledGrammar* aGrammar=(CSICompiledGrammar*)GrammarL(aGrammarID);
   672     CleanupStack::PushL(aGrammar);  
   673     // Count the number of the rules inside the grammar
   674     TInt RuleCount=aGrammar->Count();	 
   675     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(aGrammar);
   676     return RuleCount;
   677     }
   679 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   680 // CSIGrammarDB::RemoveRuleL
   681 // Deletes Rule from the database.
   682 // Grammar have to be loaded
   683 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   684 //  
   685 void CSIGrammarDB::RemoveRuleL( TUid aClientUid, 
   686                                 TSIGrammarID aGrammarID,
   687                                 TSIRuleID aRuleID )
   688     {
   689     VerifyOwnershipL(aClientUid, KGrammarIdTable, KGrammarIndex, aGrammarID);
   690     CSICompiledGrammar* aGrammar=(CSICompiledGrammar*)GrammarL(aGrammarID);	 
   692     CleanupStack::PushL(aGrammar);  
   693     if (aGrammar->Find(aRuleID)==KErrNotFound)
   694         {
   695         User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   696         }
   697     else
   698         {
   699         aGrammar->DeleteL(aRuleID);
   700         }
   701     UpdateGrammarL(aClientUid,aGrammar);
   702     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(aGrammar);
   703     }
   705 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   706 // CSIGrammarDB::IsGrammarLoaded
   707 // Checks to see if a valid grammar is loaded into the recognizer.  This is
   708 // useful to check if any rules are still loaded after performing UnloadRule().
   709 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   710 //
   711 TBool CSIGrammarDB::IsGrammarLoaded()
   712     {
   713     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iGrammarArray.Count(); i++ )
   714         {
   715         if ( iGrammarArray[i]->Count() > 0 )
   716             {
   717             // As long as there is still a rule.
   718             return ETrue;
   719             }
   720         }
   721     return EFalse;
   722     }
   724 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   725 // CSIGrammarDB::IsRuleValidL
   726 // Checks if the rule is valid or not.
   727 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   728 //
   729 TBool CSIGrammarDB::IsRuleValidL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, TSIRuleID aRuleID )
   730     {
   731     CSICompiledGrammar* aGrammar=(CSICompiledGrammar*)GrammarL(aGrammarID);
   732     CleanupStack::PushL(aGrammar);  
   733     if (aGrammar->Find(aRuleID)==KErrNotFound)
   734         {
   735         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(aGrammar);
   736         return EFalse; 
   737         }
   738     else {
   739         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(aGrammar);
   740         return ETrue;	
   741         }
   742     }
   744 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   745 // CSIGrammarDB::ResetAndDestroy
   746 // Deallocates the temporary memory containing the grammar object created with
   747 // AllRulesL.
   748 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   749 //
   750 void CSIGrammarDB::ResetAndDestroy()
   751     {
   752     iGrammarArray.ResetAndDestroy();
   753     }
   755 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   756 // CSIGrammarDB::UnloadRule
   757 // Unloads the specified rule from the specified grammar in temporary memory,
   758 // previously loaded with AllRulesL.  The rule in the database remains intact.
   759 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   760 //
   761 void CSIGrammarDB::UnloadRuleL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID,
   762                                 TSIRuleID aRuleID )
   763     {
   764     CSIGrammar* grammar;
   766     for( TInt i = 0; i < iGrammarArray.Count(); i++ )
   767         {
   768         grammar = iGrammarArray[i];
   769         if ( grammar->GrammarID() == aGrammarID )
   770             {
   771             grammar->DeleteL(aRuleID);
   772             return;
   773             }
   774         }
   775     User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   776     }
   778 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   779 // CSIGrammarDB::UnloadGrammar
   780 // Unloads  the specified grammar in temporary memory,
   781 // previously loaded with AllRulesL.  The grammar in the database remains intact.
   782 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   783 //
   784 void CSIGrammarDB::UnloadGrammarL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID)
   785     {
   786     CSIGrammar* grammar;
   788     for( TInt i = 0; i < iGrammarArray.Count(); i++ )
   789         {
   790         grammar = iGrammarArray[i];
   791         if ( grammar->GrammarID() == aGrammarID )
   792             {
   793             //! delete the object 
   794             delete iGrammarArray[i];
   795             // remove the pointer
   796             iGrammarArray.Remove(i);
   797             return;
   798             }
   799         }
   800     User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   801     }
   803 //  End of File