changeset 18 cad71a31b7fc
parent 17 8ce15fced3a6
child 19 e36f3802f733
--- a/srsf/sisrscontrollerplugin/src/sicommondb.cpp	Thu Aug 19 09:56:14 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,604 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  This class is the baseclass for all SI Controller Plugin DB
-*               classes. It implements the common database functionalities.
-#include "sicommondb.h"
-#include "rubydebug.h"
-// Name of the DB lock mutex
-_LIT( KLockMutex, "SIGRAMMAR" );
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSICommonDB::CSICommonDB
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CSICommonDB::CSICommonDB( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase, 
-                          RDbs& aDbSession, TInt aDrive )
-: iDb( aDatabase ),
-  iDbSession( aDbSession ),
-  iDrive( aDrive )
-    {
-    TInt err = iMutex.OpenGlobal( KLockMutex );
-    if ( err != KErrNone )
-        {
-        RUBY_DEBUG0( "CSICommonDB::CSICommonDB Creating new global mutex" );
-        iMutex.CreateGlobal( KLockMutex );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        RUBY_DEBUG0( "CSICommonDB::CSICommonDB Using existing global mutex" );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSICommonDB::CSICommonDB
-// Destructor 
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    if ( iMutex.IsHeld() )
-        {
-        iMutex.Signal();
-        }
-    iMutex.Close();    
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSICommonDB::CheckIDTableL
-// Each of controller's database files has an ID table.  If the database has no
-// table, this is the first time the database is open, so the ID table is created.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSICommonDB::CreateIDTableL( const TDesC& aIdTable,
-                                  const TDesC& aIdColumn,
-                                  const TDesC& aIndex )
-    {
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CSICommonDB::CheckIDTableL - create ID table" );
-    TBuf<150> KSQLStatement;
-    // Declare a literal string to hold the SQL statement
-    // CREATE TABLE aIdTable (aIdColumn COUNTER, KClientUidColumn INTEGER NOT NULL,
-    // KCounterColumn INTEGER NOT NULL, KUsedColumn BIT NOT NULL)
-    _LIT(KSQLCreate1, "CREATE TABLE ");
-    _LIT(KSQLCreate2, " COUNTER, ");
-    _LIT(KSQLCreate3, " INTEGER NOT NULL, ");
-    _LIT(KSQLCreate4, " BIT NOT NULL)");
-    KSQLStatement = KSQLCreate1;
-    KSQLStatement.Append(aIdTable);
-    KSQLStatement.Append(KOpenParen);
-    KSQLStatement.Append(aIdColumn);
-    KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLCreate2);
-    KSQLStatement.Append(KClientUidColumn);
-    KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLCreate3);
-    KSQLStatement.Append(KCounterColumn);
-    KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLCreate3);
-    KSQLStatement.Append(KUsedColumn);
-    KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLCreate4);
-    User::LeaveIfError(iDb.Execute(KSQLStatement));
-    // Create an index on the 'Id' column to ensure 'Id' values are unique
-    // CREATE UNIQUE INDEX aIndex ON aIdTable (aIdColumn)
-    _LIT(KSQLIndex2, " ON ");
-    KSQLStatement = KSQLIndex1;
-    KSQLStatement.Append(aIndex);
-    KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLIndex2);
-    KSQLStatement.Append(aIdTable);
-    KSQLStatement.Append(KOpenParen);
-    KSQLStatement.Append(aIdColumn);
-    KSQLStatement.Append(KCloseParen);
-    User::LeaveIfError(iDb.Execute(KSQLStatement));
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSICommonDB::CreateNewIDL
-// This function first checks to see if there is an "unused" ID.  If one is not
-// found, it creates a new row in the table for a new ID.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint32 CSICommonDB::CreateNewIDL(
-	const TDesC& aTableName,
-	const TDesC& aIdColumn,
-	TUid aClientUid )
-    {
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCKL( "CSICommonDB::CreateNewIDL" );
-	TUint32 newID( 0 );
-	iMutex.Wait();
-	TRAPD( error, newID = DoCreateNewIDL( aTableName, aIdColumn, aClientUid ) );
-	iMutex.Signal();
-    User::LeaveIfError( error );
-	return newID;
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSICommonDB::CountL
-// This function first searches the row with aKey and returns the counter value
-// given that the row is set as "used".
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CSICommonDB::CountL( const TDesC& aTableName, const TDesC& aIndex,
-                          TUint aKey )
-	{
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CSICommonDB::CountL" );
-	RDbTable dbTable;		// Provides access to table data as a rowset
-	TInt count = 0;
-	// Open model table
-	User::LeaveIfError(dbTable.Open(iDb, aTableName, RDbTable::EReadOnly));
-	CleanupClosePushL(dbTable);
-	User::LeaveIfError(dbTable.SetIndex(aIndex));
-	TDbSeekKey key(aKey);
-	// Return true, if a matching row found
-	if ( dbTable.SeekL(key) )
-		{
-		dbTable.GetL();
-		// Get column set for column ordinals
-		CDbColSet* columns = dbTable.ColSetL();
-		TDbColNo counter_col = columns->ColNo(KCounterColumn);
-		TDbColNo used_col = columns->ColNo(KUsedColumn);
-		delete columns;
-		// Check if this row is currently in use
-		TBool used = dbTable.ColInt(used_col);
-		if ( used )
-			{
-			count = dbTable.ColInt(counter_col);
-			}
-		else
-			{
-            RUBY_DEBUG1( "CSICommonDB::CountL - key=%d is unused", aKey );
-			User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-        RUBY_DEBUG1( "CSICommonDB::CountL - can't find key=%d", aKey );
-		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
-		}
-    // Cleanup dbTable
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
-	return count;
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSICommonDB::CreateDatabaseL
-// Creates a database file if one does not exist yet.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CSICommonDB::FindUnusedIDL(
-	RDbTable& aDbTable )
-	{
-	TBuf<30> KSQLQuery;
-	// Declare a literal string to hold the SQL search-condition for 'unused' row
-	// KUsedColumn = KNotUsed
-	KSQLQuery = KUsedColumn;
-	KSQLQuery.Append(KEqual);
-	KSQLQuery.AppendNum(KNotUsed);
-	// Return true, if the table is not empty and a matching row found
-	return (aDbTable.FirstL()  &&  aDbTable.FindL(RDbTable::EForwards, TDbQuery(KSQLQuery)) != KErrNotFound);
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSICommonDB::GetAllClientIDsL
-// This function returns all Ids in the specified table that belong to the specified client.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSICommonDB::GetAllClientIDsL(
-	const TDesC& aIdTable,
-	const TDesC& aIdColumn,
-	TUid aClientUid,
-	RArray<TUint32>& aIDs )
-	{
-	CleanupClosePushL( aIDs ); 
-	TBuf<100> KSQLStatement;
-	// Declare a literal string to hold the SQL statement
-	// SELECT aIdColumn, KUsedColumn FROM aIdTable WHERE KClientUidColumn = uid
-	// ORDER BY aIdColumn
-	_LIT(KSQLSelect1, "SELECT ");
-	_LIT(KSQLSelect2, " FROM ");
-	_LIT(KSQLSelect3, " WHERE ");
-	_LIT(KSQLSelect4, " ORDER BY ");
-	KSQLStatement = KSQLSelect1;
-	KSQLStatement.Append(aIdColumn);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KNext);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KUsedColumn);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLSelect2);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(aIdTable);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLSelect3);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KClientUidColumn);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KEqual);
-	KSQLStatement.AppendNum((TInt) aClientUid.iUid);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLSelect4);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(aIdColumn);
-	RDbView view;
-	CleanupClosePushL(view);
-	User::LeaveIfError(view.Prepare(iDb, TDbQuery(KSQLStatement, EDbCompareNormal)));
-	User::LeaveIfError(view.EvaluateAll());
-	// Get column set for column ordinals
-    CDbColSet* columns = view.ColSetL();
-    TDbColNo id_col = columns->ColNo(aIdColumn);
-	TDbColNo used_col = columns->ColNo(KUsedColumn);
-	delete columns;
-	TUint32 id;
-	TBool used;
-	// After evaluation, the first call to NextL() is equivalent to FirstL()
-	while ( view.NextL() )
-		{
-		// Retrieve the current row
-		view.GetL();
-		// Check if this row is currently in use
-		used = view.ColInt(used_col);
-		if ( used )
-			{
-			id = view.ColUint32(id_col);
-			User::LeaveIfError(aIDs.Append(id));
-			}
-		}
-	// Cleanup view
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
-    CleanupStack::Pop();
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSICommonDB::GetAllIDsL
-// This function returns all Ids in the specified table.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSICommonDB::GetAllIDsL(
-	const TDesC& aIdTable,
-	const TDesC& aIdColumn,
-	RArray<TUint32>& aIDs )
-	{
-	CleanupClosePushL( aIDs ); 
-	TBuf<100> KSQLStatement;
-	// Declare a literal string to hold the SQL statement
-	// SELECT aIdColumn FROM aIdTable WHERE KUsedColumn = KUsed
-	// ORDER BY aIdColumn
-	_LIT(KSQLSelect1, "SELECT ");
-	_LIT(KSQLSelect2, " FROM ");
-	_LIT(KSQLSelect3, " WHERE ");
-	_LIT(KSQLSelect4, " ORDER BY ");
-	KSQLStatement = KSQLSelect1;
-	KSQLStatement.Append(aIdColumn);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLSelect2);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(aIdTable);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLSelect3);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KUsedColumn);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KEqual);
-	KSQLStatement.AppendNum(KUsed);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLSelect4);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(aIdColumn);
-	RDbView view;
-	CleanupClosePushL(view);
-	User::LeaveIfError(view.Prepare(iDb, TDbQuery(KSQLStatement, EDbCompareNormal)));
-	User::LeaveIfError(view.EvaluateAll());
-	// Get column set for column ordinals
-    CDbColSet* columns = view.ColSetL();
-    TDbColNo id_col = columns->ColNo(aIdColumn);
-	delete columns;
-	TUint32 id;
-	// After evaluation, the first call to NextL() is equivalent to FirstL()
-	while ( view.NextL() )
-		{
-		// Retrieve the current row
-		view.GetL();
-		id = view.ColUint32(id_col);
-		User::LeaveIfError(aIDs.Append(id));
-		}
-	// Cleanup view
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
-    CleanupStack::Pop(); 
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSICommonDB::IsValidL
-// Checks to see if aKey exists in the table and that it's set to "used".
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CSICommonDB::IsValidL( const TDesC& aTableName, const TDesC& aIndex,
-                             TUint aKey )
-	{
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CSICommonDB::IsValidL" );
-	RDbTable dbTable;		// Provides access to table data as a rowset
-	TBool valid = EFalse;
-	// Open table
-	User::LeaveIfError(dbTable.Open(iDb, aTableName, RDbTable::EReadOnly));
-	CleanupClosePushL(dbTable);
-	User::LeaveIfError(dbTable.SetIndex(aIndex));
-	TDbSeekKey key(aKey);
-	// Return true, if a matching row found
-	if ( dbTable.SeekL(key) )
-		{
-        RUBY_DEBUG1( "CSICommonDB::IsValidL - %d is found", aKey );
-		dbTable.GetL();
-		// Get column set for column ordinals
-		CDbColSet* columns = dbTable.ColSetL();
-		TDbColNo used_col = columns->ColNo(KUsedColumn);
-		delete columns;
-		// Check if this row is currently in use
-		valid = dbTable.ColInt(used_col);
-		}
-    // Cleanup dbTable
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
-	return valid;
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSICommonDB::ReleaseIdL
-// Releases the ID by marking it as "unused".
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSICommonDB::ReleaseIdL(
-	const TDesC& aTableName,
-	const TDesC& aIdColumn,
-	TUint32 aId )
-	{
-	RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCKL( "CSICommonDB::ReleaseIdL" );
-	iMutex.Wait();
-	TRAPD( error, DoReleaseIdL( aTableName, aIdColumn, aId ) );
-	iMutex.Signal();
-    User::LeaveIfError( error );
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSICommonDB::UpdateCounterL
-// Updates the counter value of the specified row.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSICommonDB::UpdateCounterL( const TDesC& aTableName, const TDesC& aIndex,
-                                  TUint aKey, TBool aIncrement )
-	{
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CSICommonDB::UpdateCounterL" );
-	RDbTable dbTable;		// Provides access to table data as a rowset
-	// Open table
-	User::LeaveIfError(dbTable.Open(iDb, aTableName, RDbTable::EUpdatable));
-	CleanupClosePushL(dbTable);
-	User::LeaveIfError(dbTable.SetIndex(aIndex));
-	TDbSeekKey key(aKey);
-	// Return true, if a matching row found
-	if ( dbTable.SeekL(key) )
-		{
-		dbTable.GetL();
-		// Get column set for column ordinals
-		CDbColSet* columns = dbTable.ColSetL();
-		TDbColNo counter_col = columns->ColNo(KCounterColumn);
-		delete columns;
-		TInt counter = dbTable.ColInt(counter_col);
-		if ( aIncrement )
-			{
-			counter++;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			counter--;
-			}
-		// Update found row
-		dbTable.UpdateL();
-		dbTable.SetColL(counter_col, counter);
-		// Write the updated row
-		TRAPD(err, dbTable.PutL());
-		if( err != KErrNone )
-			{
-			// Error: cancel update
-			dbTable.Cancel();
-			dbTable.Reset();
-			User::Leave(err);
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-        RUBY_DEBUG1( "CSICommonDB::UpdateCounterL - can't find key=%d", aKey );
-		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
-		}
-    // Cleanup dbTable
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSICommonDB::VerifyOwnershipL
-// Checks for data ownership.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSICommonDB::VerifyOwnershipL( TUid aClientUid, const TDesC& aTableName,
-                                    const TDesC& aIndex, TUint aKey )
-	{
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CSICommonDB::VerifyOwnershipL" );
-	RDbTable dbTable;		// Provides access to table data as a rowset
-	// Open table
-	User::LeaveIfError(dbTable.Open(iDb, aTableName, RDbTable::EReadOnly));
-	CleanupClosePushL(dbTable);
-	User::LeaveIfError(dbTable.SetIndex(aIndex));
-	TDbSeekKey key(aKey);
-	// Return true, if a matching row found
-	if ( dbTable.SeekL(key) )
-		{
-        RUBY_DEBUG1( "CSICommonDB::VerifyOwnershipL - %d is found", aKey );
-		dbTable.GetL();
-		// Get column set for column ordinals
-		CDbColSet* columns = dbTable.ColSetL();
-		TDbColNo client_uid_col = columns->ColNo(KClientUidColumn);
-		TDbColNo used_col = columns->ColNo(KUsedColumn);
-		delete columns;
-		// Check if this row is currently in use
-		TBool used = dbTable.ColInt(used_col);
-		if ( used )
-			{
-			if ( dbTable.ColInt(client_uid_col) != aClientUid.iUid )
-				{
-				User::Leave(KErrAsrDataRightViolation);
-				}
-			}
-		else
-			{
-            RUBY_DEBUG1( "CSICommonDB::VerifyOwnershipL - key=%d is unused", aKey );
-			User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-        RUBY_DEBUG1( "CSICommonDB::VerifyOwnershipL - can't find key=%d", aKey );
-		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
-		}
-    // Cleanup dbTable
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSICommonDB::DoReleaseIdL
-// Releases the ID by marking it as "unused".
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSICommonDB::DoReleaseIdL(
-	const TDesC& aTableName,
-	const TDesC& aIdColumn,
-	TUint32 aId )
-	{
-	TBuf<100> KSQLStatement;
-	// Declare a literal string to hold the SQL statement
-	// UPDATE aTableName SET KUsedColumn = KNotUsed WHERE aIdColumn = aId
-	_LIT(KSQLUpdate1, "UPDATE ");
-	_LIT(KSQLUpdate2, " SET ");
-	_LIT(KSQLUpdate3, " WHERE ");
-	KSQLStatement = KSQLUpdate1;
-	KSQLStatement.Append(aTableName);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLUpdate2);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KUsedColumn);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KEqual);
-	KSQLStatement.AppendNum(KNotUsed);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KSQLUpdate3);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(aIdColumn);
-	KSQLStatement.Append(KEqual);
-	KSQLStatement.AppendNumUC(aId);
-	User::LeaveIfError(iDb.Execute(KSQLStatement));
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSICommonDB::DoCreateNewIDL
-// This function first checks to see if there is an "unused" ID.  If one is not
-// found, it creates a new row in the table for a new ID.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint32 CSICommonDB::DoCreateNewIDL(
-	const TDesC& aTableName,
-	const TDesC& aIdColumn,
-	TUid aClientUid )
-	{
-	RDbTable dbTable;		// Provides access to table data as a rowset
-	// Open table
-	User::LeaveIfError(dbTable.Open(iDb, aTableName, RDbTable::EUpdatable));
-	CleanupClosePushL(dbTable);
-    // Get column set for column ordinals
-    CDbColSet* columns = dbTable.ColSetL();
-    TDbColNo id_col = columns->ColNo(aIdColumn);
-	TDbColNo uid_col = columns->ColNo(KClientUidColumn);
-    TDbColNo counter_col = columns->ColNo(KCounterColumn);
-    TDbColNo used_col = columns->ColNo(KUsedColumn);
-    delete columns;
-    // Is there an unused ID?
-    if( FindUnusedIDL(dbTable) )
-    	{
-		// Yes, update found row
-		dbTable.UpdateL();
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		// No, insert new row
-		dbTable.InsertL();
-		}
-	dbTable.SetColL(uid_col, aClientUid.iUid);
-	dbTable.SetColL(counter_col, 0);
-	dbTable.SetColL(used_col, KUsed);
-	// Write the updated row
-	TRAPD(err, dbTable.PutL());
-	if( err != KErrNone )
-		{
-		// Error: cancel update
-		dbTable.Cancel();
-		dbTable.Reset();
-		User::Leave(err);
-		}
-	TUint32 newID = dbTable.ColUint32(id_col);
-    // Cleanup dbTable
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
-	return newID;
-	}
-//  End of File