* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This class implements the recognition algorithm manager.
#include <nsssispeechrecognitiondatadevasr.h>
#include <asrsrecognitionhwdevice.h>
#include <nssdevasrcommon.h>
#include <nssdevasr.h>
#include <asrsadaptationhwdevice.h>
* Interface class to be implemented by observer of the recognition algorithm manager.
* @since 2.0
class MRecAlgMgrObserver
* Invoked by the adaptation hw device when model adaptation has
* finished its processing.
* @since 2.8
* @param "TInt aResultCode" Error code of operation.
virtual void AdaptComplete( TInt aResultCode ) = 0;
* Feature vector received event from the front-end algorithm.
* @since 2.0
* @param "TDesC8& aFV" Buffer containing a feature vector.
* @param "TInt32 aSNR" Signal-to-noise ratio.
* @param "TInt32 aPosition" Indicates whether this is the first,
* subsequent or last feature vector.
virtual void FeatureVectorDataRcvd( const TDesC8& aFV,
TInt32 aSNR,
TInt32 aPosition ) = 0;
* Invoked by the front-end when EOU has been detected
* @since 2.8
* @param "TInt aResultCode" Result of front-end processing.
virtual void EouDetected( TInt aResultCode ) = 0;
* Invoked by the front-end when initialization has completed.
* @since 2.0
* @param "TInt aResultCode" Result of front-end initialization.
virtual void InitFEComplete( TInt aResultCode ) = 0;
* Invoked by the recognizer back-end when initialization has completed.
* @since 2.0
* @param "TInt aResultCode" Result of recognizer back-end initialization.
virtual void InitRecognizerBEComplete( TInt aResultCode ) = 0;
* Invoked by the recognizer back-end when grammar loading has completed.
* @since 2.0
* @param "TInt aResultCode" Result of grammar loading
virtual void LoadGrammarComplete( TInt aResultCode ) = 0;
* Invoked when grammar has been unloaded.
* @since 2.8
* @param "TInt aResultCode" Result of grammar loading
virtual void UnloadGrammarComplete( TInt aResultCode ) = 0;
* Invoked when grammar has been activated.
* @since 2.0
* @param "TInt aResultCode" Result of grammar activation
virtual void ActivateGrammarComplete( TInt aResultCode ) = 0;
* Invoked when grammar has been deactivated.
* @since 2.0
* @param "TInt aResultCode" Result of grammar deactivation
virtual void DeActivateGrammarComplete( TInt aResultCode ) = 0;
* Invoked by the recognizer back-end when lexicon loading has completed.
* @since 2.0
* @param "TInt aResultCode" Result of lexicon loading.
virtual void LoadLexiconComplete( TInt aResultCode ) = 0;
* Invoked by the recognizer back-end when model loading has completed.
* @since 2.0
* @param "TInt aResultCode" Result of model loading.
virtual void LoadModelsComplete( TInt aResultCode ) = 0;
* Invoked by the recognizer when recognition process has completed.
* @since 2.0
* @param "TInt aResultCode" Result of the recognition process.
virtual void RecognitionComplete( TInt aResultCode ) = 0;
* Invoked by the training module when the training process has completed.
* @since 2.0
* @param "TInt aResultCode" Result of training process.
virtual void TrainComplete( TInt aResultCode ) = 0;
* Invoked when rule unloading has been done.
* @since 2.8
* @param "TInt aResultCode" Result of training process.
virtual void UnloadRuleComplete( TInt aResultCode ) = 0;
* Invoked when speech data is needed.
* @since 2.8
virtual void RequestSpeechData() = 0;
* Invoked when result resolving is needed.
* @since 2.8
* @param "RArray<TUint>& aNBestIDs"
* @param "CSIResultSet& aSIResultSet"
* @param "RPointerArray<CSICompiledGrammar>& aSICompiledGrammar"
* @param "TDesC8& aCombinedData"
virtual void ResolveResult( const RArray<TUint>& aNBestIDs,
CSIResultSet& aSIResultSet,
const RPointerArray<CSICompiledGrammar>& aSICompiledGrammar,
const TDesC8& aCombinedData/*,
CSIModelBank& iSIModelBank*/ ) = 0;
* Invoked when grammar combining is needed
* @since 2.8
* @param "RPointerArray<CSICompiledGrammar>& aCompiledGrammars"
* Array of previously compiled grammar
* @param "const RPointerArray<TSIRuleVariantInfo>& aExcludedRules"
* Rules to be blacklisted.
virtual void CombineGrammarL( const RPointerArray<CSICompiledGrammar>& aCompiledGrammars,
const RPointerArray<TSIRuleVariantInfo>& aExcludedRules ) = 0;
* This class is an aggregation of all related algorithms. It manages the algorithms
* and coordinate transfer of data.
* @lib NssDevASR.lib
* @since 2.0
class CRecognitionAlgMgr : public CActive,
public MASRSRecognitionHwDeviceObserver,
public MASRAdaptationHwDeviceObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CRecognitionAlgMgr* NewL( MRecAlgMgrObserver& aObserver );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CRecognitionAlgMgr();
public: // New functions
* Adapts models
* @sinxe 2.8
* @param "CSIResultSet& aResultSet" Result set reference.
* @param "TInt aResultIndex" Index of correct result.
* @param "TLanguage aLanguage" Language of correct result.
void AdaptModelsL( const CSIResultSet& aResultSet, TInt aResultIndex,
TLanguage aLanguage );
* Cancels the current or started tasks.
* @since 2.0
void Cancel();
* This method is used to indicate the end of a recognition session.
* The EndRecSession() method should be used to end the session.
* @since 2.0
void EndRecSession();
* Grammar combination has been completed.
void CombineComplete( HBufC8* aResult, TInt aError );
* Retreive the properties of the underlying speech recognition engine.
* @since 2.0
* @param "RArray<TInt>& aPropertyId" An array of identifiers being querried.
* @param "RArray<TInt>& aPropertyValue" An array of values corresponding
* to the querried identifiers.
void GetEnginePropertiesL( const RArray<TInt>& aPropertyId,
RArray<TInt>& aPropertyValue );
* Load the specified parameter(s) to the engines.
* @param "RArray<TInt>& aParameterId" An array of parameter identifiers.
* @param "RArray<TInt>& aParameterValue" An array of parameter values.
void LoadEnginePropertiesL( const RArray<TInt>& aParameterId,
const RArray<TInt>& aParameterValue );
* Retreive the duration of the utterance detected by the algorithm.
* @since 2.0
* @param "TUint32& aStartFrame" Indicates the start frame of feature vector.
* @param "TUint32& aEndFrame" Indicates the end frame of the feature vector.
* @param "TReal& aFrameLength" The length of each frame
* @return ETrue if successful
TBool GetUtteranceDuration( TUint32& aStartFrame, TUint32& aEndFrame,
TReal& aFrameLength );
* Initializes the front-end module in the speech recognition engine.
* The frontend module used during training/recognition functions is started
* as a result. This method is intended to be used in conjunction with InitTrainBE().
* @since 2.0
* @param "TRecognizerMode aFeMode" Mode of the recognizer.
void InitFrontEnd( TRecognizerMode aFeMode );
* Initialize the recognition engine back-end. The module responsible for recognition
* function is started as a result. This method must be used before any recognition
* operations and intended to be used in conjunction with InitFrontEnd().
* @since 2.0
* @param "aResult" A reference to an object where the recognition
* result will be written.
void InitRecognizerBE( CSIResultSet& aResult );
* Load the specified grammar into the recognizer.
* @since 2.8
* @param "aGrammar" A reference to a grammar in an internal format.
void LoadGrammarL( const CSIGrammar& aGrammar );
void LoadGrammarL( const CSICompiledGrammar& aGrammar );
* Unloads the specified grammar from the recognizer.
* @since 2.8
* @param "aGrammar" A reference to a grammar.
void UnloadGrammarL( const CSIGrammar& aGrammar );
void UnloadGrammarL( const CSICompiledGrammar& aGrammar );
* Get the specified grammar.
* @since 2.8
* @param "TSIGrammarID aGrammarID" Identifier of grammar to be found.
* @param "CSDGrammar** aSDGrammar" Pointer to found SD grammar,
* NULL if not found.
* @param "CSICompiledGrammar** aSIActiveGrammar" Pointer to found SI
* active grammar, NULL if not found.
* @param "CSICompiledGrammar** aSIDeActivatedGrammar" Pointer to found SI
* non-active grammar, NULL if not found
void GetGrammarL( const TSIGrammarID aGrammarID,
CSICompiledGrammar** aSIActiveGrammar,
CSICompiledGrammar** aSIDeActivatedGrammar );
* Activates a grammar.
* @since 2.8
* @param "TSIGrammarID aGrammarID" A grammar identifier.
void ActivateGrammarL( const TSIGrammarID aGrammarID );
* Deactivates a grammar
* @since 2.8
* @param "TSIGrammarID aGrammarID" A grammar identifier
void DeactivateGrammarL( const TSIGrammarID aGrammarID );
* Load the specified lexicon into the recognizer.
* @since 2.0
* @param "aLexicon" A reference to a lexicon in an internal format.
void LoadLexiconL( const CSILexicon& aLexicon );
* Load the specified model bank into the recognizer.
* @since 2.0
* @param "aModels" A reference to a model bank.
void LoadModelsL( const CSDModelBank& aModels );
void LoadModelsL( const CSIModelBank& aModels );
* Use to send the utterance data as a response to the RequestSpeechData().
* @since 2.8
* @param "TDesC8& aBuffer" Buffer containing utterance data.
* @param "TBool aEnd" Flag to tell if given buffer is the last one.
void SendSpeechData( TPtrC8& aBuffer, TBool aEnd );
* Request to start a recognition session.
* @since 2.0
* @param "TRecognizerMode aMode" Mode of recognizer.
* @return result code of request.
TInt StartRecSession( TRecognizerMode aMode );
* Starts recognition.
void StartRecognitionL();
* Request to unload the specified rule in the grammar from recognizer.
* @param "TSIGrammarID aGrammarID" Identifer of the grammar to operate on.
* @param "TSIRuleID aRuleID" Identifier of the rule to remove.
void UnloadRule( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, TSIRuleID aRuleID );
* Used during unit testing to print the state of the algorithm
void AlgorithmState();
* Sets rejection value
* @param "TUint32 aRejection" Rejection threshold value.
void SetRejection( TUint32 aRejection );
public: // MASRAdaptationHwDeviceObserver
* Called when adaptation has been done
void MaahdAdaptationComplete( TInt aError );
public: // From MASRSRecognitionHwDeviceObserver
* Called by the hardware device when the InitializeL() method has completed.
* @since Series60 2.8
* @param aError Initialization result code.
* KErrNone if successful otherwise a system-wide error code.
* @return none
void MarhdoInitializationComplete( TInt aError );
* Called by the hardware device when the InitializeL() method has completed.
* @since Series60 2.8
* @param aError Initialization result code.
* KErrNone if successful otherwise a system-wide error code.
* @return none
void MarhdoInitRecognizerFEComplete( TInt aError );
* Called by the hardware device when backend initialization is completed.
* @since Series60 2.8
* @param aError Initialization result code.
* KErrNone if successful otherwise a system-wide error code.
* @return none
void MarhdoInitRecognizerBEComplete( TInt aError );
* Called by the hardware device when recognition result is available.
* @since Series60 2.8
* @param aError Recognition result code. KErrNone if successful.
* KErrRejected if the recognition result is rejected,
* otherwise a system-wide error code
* @return none
void MarhdoRecognitionComplete( TInt aError );
* Called by the hardware device when end-of-utterance is detected by the
* acoustic frontend. This method must be called before MarhdoRecognitionComplete().
* @since Series60 2.8
* @param aError Recognition result code. KErrNone if successful, otherwise KErrTooLong,
* KErrTooShort, KErrAsrSpeechTooEarly, KErrNoSpeech
* @return none
void MarhdoEouDetected( TInt aError );
* Called by the hardware device when a feature vector is extracted by acoustic frontend.
* @since Series60 2.8
* @param aFV A buffer containing a feature vector.
* @param aSNR Signal-to-noise ratio.
* @param aPosition Indicates whether this is the first, subsequent or last feature vector in a series.
* @return none
void MarhdoFeatureVector( const TDesC8& aFV, TInt32 aSNR, TInt32 aPosition );
* Called by the hardware device to request for utterance data.
* The response to the request is sent in SendSpeechData().
* @since Series60 2.8
* @param none
* @return none
void MarhdoRequestSpeechData();
* C++ default constructor.
CRecognitionAlgMgr(MRecAlgMgrObserver& aObserver);
* Symbian 2nd phase constructor
void ConstructL();
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
* The following methods are asynchronous handlers for the corresponding
* synchronous calls.
void HandleInitFrontEnd();
void HandleInitTrainBE();
void HandleInitRecognizerBE();
void HandleLoadGrammar();
void HandleLoadLexicon();
void HandleLoadModels();
void HandleUtteranceDataRcvd();
void HandleActivateGrammar();
void HandleDeActivateGrammar();
void HandleUnloadRule();
void HandleUnloadGrammar();
* Used to complete a request
void Ready(const TInt aStatus);
private: // Data
* Current working state of the recognizer
enum TAlgState
// Pointer to Algorithm Manager Observer
MRecAlgMgrObserver* iRecAlgMgrObserver;
// Grammar handling
RPointerArray<CSICompiledGrammar> iSIActiveGrammars;
RPointerArray<CSICompiledGrammar> iSIDeActivatedGrammars;
// Blacklisted rules
RPointerArray<TSIRuleVariantInfo> iBlackList;
// Result IDs
RArray<TUint> iNBestList;
// Result scores
RArray<TInt> iScores;
//CSICompiledGrammar* iCombinedGrammar;
HBufC8* iCombinedGrammar;
// Flag to tell if combining is needed for active grammars.
TBool iCombineNeeded;
// Flag to inform if recognition hw device has been successfully
// initialized.
TBool iInitialized;
// Pointer to Algorithms
CASRSRecognitionHwDevice* iRecoHw;
CASRSAdaptHwDevice* iAdaptHw;
// Begin: data used in async handling of requests
TRecognizerMode iMode;
void* iModel;
CSDModelBank* iSDModelBank;
CSIModelBank* iSIModelBank;
void* iSDResult;
CSIResultSet* iSIResult;
const void* iSDGrammar;
const CSIGrammar* iSIGrammar;
const CSICompiledGrammar* iSICompGrammar;
const void* iSDCompGrammar;
const void* iSDLexicon;
const CSILexicon* iSILexicon;
TSIGrammarID iGrammarID;
TSIRuleID iRuleID;
TUint32 iStartFrame;
TUint32 iEndFrame;
TReal iFrameLength;
TPtrC8 iBuffer;
TBool iEnd;
TInt iRequestFunction;
// End: data used in async handling of requests
// Algorithm states for front-end, back-end, and train back-end.
TAlgState iFEState;
TAlgState iBEState;
// Should we send feature vectors to upper layers or not
TBool iFeatures;
// Should we include adaptation data to result set or not
TBool iAdaptation;
// Adaptation data
HBufC8* iAdaptationData;
// End of File